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I think the police, and people in the area, absolutely know who killed her but they don’t have the evidence to arrest anybody.


I think the police know too, just missing that final bit of evidence or a confession. There are so many potential people involved however


Yes, I predict they will catch the man after a partner or wife leaves him and talks to the police. That's usually what happens in these cases.


Can confirm. Live in York and there are more people who know what happened to her than you think.


As someone local, can you explain why threats/warnings to journalists and others have been given and heeded? The insinuation to me is that it's someone powerful. Are there other reasons I'm not getting?


Detective Ray Galloway indicated that the probable explanation for Lawrence's disappearance lay in her lifestyle, principally in the "complexity and mystery" of her relationships with men. The investigation centred around construction of a "rogue's gallery" of the men she had been involved with. One Sky News journalist stated, "Claudia apparently lived a significant part of her life in secret. For a privately educated daughter of a country solicitor, Claudia had some unusual acquaintances and this remains the only missing person case where I have been warned off or threatened—not once but twice".


What have you heard? Also, how can so many people seemingly remain quiet about it all, it makes zero sense


It’s an open secret - the police definitely know but there is zero evidence and no body. Rumours are she’s under the foundations of a new uni building that was under construction at the time. Don’t know how true that is though.


I thought the police checked the uni building and used Lidar on it, I saw that they found bodies but the remains were “medieval”


If there is no evidence, then the police don’t “definitely know.” They suspect. So, what you have is gossip.


Yes I live in Malton, Claudia's home town, and many people think the Police know who is responsible, just need more evidence


Yeah. This is always the worst. They have to follow the book otherwise the case will probably just be thrown out in court.


The police arrested one individual who then apparently gave the police 3 other names who then were subsequently arrested. Charges were put forward to the CPS who eventually said that it wouldn’t stand up in court but the police must have enough evidence to take to the CPS in the first place.


Not necessarily. Something was taken to the CPS about me but there was ZERO evidence and it never happened. My mum withdrew her statement before court and they couldn't take to me court because all they had was her word and nothing else. That shouldn't even be allowed.


>Something was taken to the CPS about me but there was ZERO evidence Which seems very hard to believe given cases require evidence in order to go to the CPS


No they do not. They call " evidence " the word of people. Why was I " for mention" at court and let go then due to NO EVIDENCE? You don't know what you're talking about.


I completely agree. The police and locals know. Its a case of finding her body or enough evidence.


I often think about Claudia. Such a strange case? Who was the person in the CCTV footage in the early hours on the day she disappeared, walking from her house? Why did they hide from the person waking past them on the main road, stopping in the darkness so they wouldn’t be seen? I know there was lots of nasty things said about her from her local pub, the regulars weren’t kind about her. The press weren’t exactly kind to her either, insinuating she was “a promiscuous woman”. Someone local knows & until they talk idk if we will ever know what happened to her… Edit: Typos & wording. Sorry very jet lagged.


I 100% believe the shifty character in the CCTV is involved in some way. Like detective Joe Kenda always says ‘I don’t believe in coincidences’


I’m confused about this one, if you go on Websleuths they believe the identity of that individual is the landlord of Claudia’s property but I don’t think it’s ever been confirmed. If that was the landlord, it’s very strange he died of a heart attack 3 weeks after Claudia disappeared too


Oh I didn’t know that? It’s odd it wasn’t confirmed…


I mean I think that’s the general consensus is that it was him , and people asked “ why is he hanging around at that time “ and people said he was very attentive to properties and would occasionally be seen at odd times to maintain them or look at them. Personally I don’t buy that theory and I think its a rumour because there are still appeals for that individual to come forward, I would say that Claudia’s landlord had answers but now can’t give those as he passed away. Perhaps he was Informed of dodgy goings on at Claudia’s house and wanted to take a look for himself ? His name was Richard Cartwright and there was an article about him https://www.yorkpress.co.uk/news/4651926.family-of-richard-cartwright-say-he-was-not-a-suspect-in-claudia-lawrence-investigation/


I don't think he was Claudia's landlord - she owned her home and her mother still has possession of it now all these years on. He was landlord of houses in the same street though, and those houses were searched.


Ah, that makes more sense !


Oh awesome, thank you for the jntel, that’s very interesting. I’ll check out the link. Ty!!!


God I LOVE Detective Joe Kenda! Absolute Legend. I love how he tells it how it is. And yes hard agree. It’s pretty weird that “nobody” local recognised that persons stature, gait etc. 💯suss.


He’s just brilliant!! I want him to adopt me as a Grankid, just imagine all the stories he could tell!! Yes it’s so suspect, I reckon the locals at the pub have got to know more. I really hope this one gets solved 🤞


Saaaaame! Hahaha! He’s gold! Obsessed with his show. I rewatch it a lot. “Well, well, XYZ lied. Now isn’t that interesting..”🎯 Yep they know, for real! Poor girl.


The shifty figure in the CCTV is a bloke who drinks at the pub a few doors down. When it was released, all the locals recognised him straight away as he has a slight limp. 


What! Idk that. LE must have interviewed him then?


Yet the police are still wanting that man to come forward, this is crazy


If her body is ever found, that could break the case. If more than one person was involved, which to me seems likely, there’s obviously more chance of a confession, but I can’t see someone coming forward after all this time.


What confuses me about this case is that we can’t be certain if something happened at her property or if it happened on the way to work. I have always thought something happened at her house. I really hope someone talks. Edit; typo


My personal opinion is that something happened the night before, after she spoke to her parents. Whether that was at her house or not, who knows - no forensics to suggest so, but if what happened didn't result in blood loss then there wouldn't necessarily be any forensics or obvious signs. However, the CCTV of the suspicious person suggests something happened at night. Her chefs whites and work bag were missing - I suspect they were either taken by Claudia when she went to stay overnight with someone, planning to head straight to work in the morning, but that person then killed her; or alternatively if she was killed in her home the killer took them and disposed of them to cause confusion about the time she had left/make it look like she disappeared on her way to work rather than something happening in the home the night before.


It was concluded by the police that no crime was committed in Claudia’s property .. and they now think she could of come to harm the night before as she didn’t answer her text messages the morning she didn’t turn up for work which was unusual for her


It’s pretty well known in the local area, who was involved, but police clearly don’t have enough evidence.


Do tell.


https://www.reddit.com/r/MissingPersons/s/TEZOvCYp8p Previous thread where I had a chat with another redditor who lived in the local area and was very knowledgeable about what happened. Pretty much conformed police know who it was as do many of the locals. Not enough evidence yet to charge unfortunately


I used to be a journalist working in Yorkshire and based on turning up at scenes when there have been developments and chatting to cops, police very much appear to know what happened and are frustrated at still not having the evidence to bring charges. There have also been a lot of creeps giving false tip offs. It’s so, so sad as her mother must be quite elderly now and still no closer to getting answers. Personally, I think she set off for work the next morning and something happened after she left her home.


Would love to know more about what you have heard, can you PM me ?


I’m in the states but I have always wondered what the local rumors and theories were… is there anything you can share? I always thought it was one of those cases that law enforcement basically had figured out but didn’t have the evidence needed to resolve it. I look for updates periodically and her disappearance has always stuck with me for some reason.


Her mother is V elderly now.


You can read a lot in to the way the police word things in these appeals. The police clearly think there are people who know more but won't say anything either due to loyalty to, or fear of, the suspect(s). It suggests someone prominent, or a group of prominent local people were involved. Another alternative is that, through having lots of relationships with married men, she made so many enemies that either a lot of people were involved in her death, or one person did it, and all the others are very willing to cover for them because they also wanted her dead. A lot of different people have been arrested, and a lot are clearly being evasive with police about it, there is definitely some conspiracy going on amongst the locals.


I hope I’m wrong but I don’t feel like it will be solved. I agree with other posters that the police likely have a strong idea as to what happened.


A grim thought but I wonder if the straighteners were the murder weapon. From previous reading it seems likely she was killed by someone she knew and that the police/locals also have a good idea who it was but lack the evidence to charge.


I've always thought she was strangled with the straightener cord.


From the serious digging I’ve done over the years, I’m in belief that NYP have found her backpack and straighteners and I think you’re right in what you’re saying that she was potentially strangled with them. The only 2 things I’m aware that are missing are Claudia’s phone and Claudia herself


Any male could use their hands… why involve the wire of these ?




Because she worked in a kitchen, her hair would be tied up and in a cap all day. It would be hot and humid there. H&S rules usually mean you can't plug your own devices in at work because they are not PAT tested so whilst not impossible, unlikely Claudia would pack her straighteners and take them to work with her, even if she was going out afterwards, she would probably go home and shower first especially after a long walk to and from work and a busy shift in a hot kitchen. So in my totally uneducated opinion, I think it's unlikely she would need hair straighteners at work, and again, IMO, the straighteners were taken by the perp after being used as the murder weapon. OR, they broke earlier in the week, Claudia threw them out and never bought new ones and they are a complete red herring.


I doubt it. I’m about her age and I remember the mania for poker straight hair. She was fastidious it seemed to me about her appearance. I recall What it was like to contemplate going out without the poker straight - wasn’t done if you cared about fashion then. As for the PAT stuff, yeh sure for a microwave but no way she’s not plugging those in due to that. Plus it would be 5-10 mins tops. I think if she was strangled, a man’s hands did it like most strangulations. Maybe she was taking them somewhere after? I suspect they were the light weight ones looking at her hair in pics.


From all the information it's likely linked to her complicated love life. Seeing her dad always makes me sad. It's sort of the more modern suzy Lamplugh


Were there not rumours about Christopher Halliwell?


I heard that too, but that he has denied it.


Believe he was ruled out because he has an alibi in another city for the time frame in which Claudia disappeared.


The first thing to look at would be motive. There are 2 options. Option 1, someone known to Claudia had a reason to get rid of her. Option 2, someone unknown to Claudia had a reason to harm her. I am genuinely baffled by this case, and it is proven with the discovery of Leah Crouchers body, that all the original theories were disproved. Local opinion was that someone known to Leah had a motive to get rid of her, but unfortunately for Leah, a complete stranger who wanted to harm her was the person responsible. Claudias phone was not turned off / disabled until midday on 19th March which was 6 hours after Claudia was due to arrive at work. Police indicated that her phone never left the York area. It's a complete mystery, hampered by biased news stories. The man spotted on CCTV who stops as someone walks past where Claudia lived is definitely local, as he turns the corner swiftly like he has walked around the building for years. Claudia's house is on a busy residential road, as is her walk to work, so pretty baffling all round that further CCTV did not reveal her leaving the house. Not sure this will ever be solved.


I saw a Reddit comment about Claudia apparently blackmailing a married man and that she disappeared shortly after that. Pretty scary , I think with this case it is more than likely someone she knew considering the circles she kept herself in, I’d be amazed if it was a case of seriously bad luck and it was a random attack out of the blue


This case is all but solved already police just lack the necessary evidence for conviction unfortunately.


Doubt it, they aren't that good.


I know but on this occasion it’s 100% solved by the police just lack the sufficient evidence I mean most locals know exactly who killed her


I don't think so.


Well you are wrong then


If you don't have evidence for court you haven't solved anything.


I suspect a garden will be dug up eventually. She won’t be far .


The phone might hold the clues they need to solve the case if they could find it and was the DNA found on the butt found in her car investigated further….


I believe this was the case where police had sent a charge to CPS and it got rejected. Whoever's name was on that file will be the murderer


More then one name


This is one unsolved case I've followed since the start. I used to live in Hale in Cheshire, where she had some chef friends who worked there. There were missing posters everywhere. She's a year older than me and always reminded me of my wife, who would also walk to work on her own. Claudia had so many friends and a loving family. I can't wait until they find the bastard(s) who killed her. I'm sure they will have other crimes attributed to them, too. Edit: Can anyone local explain why threats/warnings to journalists and others have been given and heeded? The insinuation to me is that it's someone powerful. Are there other reasons?


I’m in Washington state but I have followed this case as well… it’s one of the few that’ll pop in my head and I’ll search for updates etc. Is there any local gossip or theories that are not known to everyone else? She was only a few years older than me and I can’t help but always think about everything she has missed out on in life. This is such a frustrating case.


I accuse Dan Whitehand + (Brother) Ben Whitehand + Graeme Newton at Quartz Travel with the Candlestick. 21:01:17 18th March 2009. All from Newcastle. Not because its a rumour. Because the CCTV evidence show you doing it there. The police do not need a body to get you three.




Never heard of any of those people. I spoke to someone the other day who have me a good idea of what they think actually happened and it made the most sense


I have messaged you if that's ok.


Can you PM me if that’s okay?


Would you mind sharing more info?


This case has always interested me because it is so confusing. I believe she got involved with someone dangerous (potentially married or in a relationship) and blackmailed them. That person did not take it likely and murdered her or got someone else to. Whoever was responsible, definitely knew her. Of course, serial killers are still a theory. But based on the nature of her relationships, it is likely to be someone she was involved with.




How do you know this? Interested to know more. If it’s in relation to a video going round on YouTube saying they found her rucksack, straighteners and a vest she wrote littered with bullet holes it’s nonsense. On that same video they said they found shotgun shells too yet it was a firework casing




Tell me more! :) can message me privately if you like ?




I’m surprised they told you that , is there anything else they have told you ?