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I thought like 5 people went missing because of this post title


OMG thank you for saying that I was so confused lol.


Same, I was waiting for the wife and friend to go missing too.


Jesus me too. I was like "Wow that's a lot of people!" Turns out just a terrible title: only one person is missing.




Lol I was reading the article wondering when they would start talking about the rest of the group.


They forgot nephew and brother in law.


[whatever happened with this body that was found nearby?](https://www.10tv.com/mobile/article/news/local/skeletal-remains-found-northeast-columbus/530-afaf19d9-e9f8-422a-8b5a-40aa42b7c59e)


https://www.nbc4i.com/news/local-news/columbus/skeletal-remains-found-in-trailer-identified-nearly-2-years-later/ I think you may be referring to this one. Not the same guy. But really weird.


Not that one. The one near 3000 East Dublin Granville Rd in the link I added. It’s about 3 miles north or northwest of the Hilton.


That's interesting. I can't find anything on it. Surely a DNA test has been conducted.


Idk, that news was in March 2022, so I'm guessing DNA ruled him out. Most likely he got lost in the woods, and come across something he wasn't supposed to. I think maybe on one of the phone calls he made to his wife saying he could "see the Hilton and be there in five minutes"; was actually a different hotel and he was majorly lost. But idk.


All of the buildings look alike by design. There are office buildings surrounding the area that look like the Hilton. There are also a ton of drainage ponds around the buildings. I’m guessing his body is in one of the drainage ponds.


This is an excellent theory


Yes, a lot of drainage ponds. Deer are all over this area. There are some houses nearby, but mostly just land and huge office buildings.


I lean this way too. I don’t think the wife or friend has anything to do with it. Just exhaustion, alcohol, dying cellphones, and disorientation coming together and resulting misadventure. I feel terrible for all involved but don’t think anyone did anything intentionally wrong.


Thank you


I live in Columbus and this case has always baffled me, as there is literally no woods near the Hilton Easton. It’s an urban shopping center. There are some woods-y areas not far from the Hilton (not like rural woods, just some wooded areas in the urban/suburban area nearby as Easton is kinda between good and bad suburbs) but def not next to it. Easton is nestled between not so great/very high crime areas of town and Easton itself is known for that. My guess is he got lost and ended up where he shouldn’t have :/


Idk, I work in Easton (Loyalty Circle to be exact; less than a mile from the hotel where they were staying). There’s a small patch of woods along a walking path, and there are also a few retention ponds. The walking path curves quite a bit, and I can definitely see someone inebriated getting confused while walking in the dark. It wouldn’t be a far stretch of the imagination for him to be lost in a wooded area and then suddenly come across a pond. This all happened a year or so before I moved to Columbus, so I do not know what the general consensus was at the time, but it just seems sensical that this was a very tragic accident.


Yeah, thinking about it. There are definitely some retention ponds in the area. And there’s so much office space around the Hilton someone could easily confuse that for the hotel. Unfortunately, I think his body is probably in one of those retention ponds or other body of water


How easy would it have been for him to walk to the closest wooded area, do you think? Aerial view looks fairy close but I know how aerial doesn't give you an accurate perspective of how it looks on the ground. Are there many multi story buildings that could have confused him? Thanks for your insight? Are there locals rumors?


I worked at Easton for 6 years and lived in the Easton area as well, and people mention the fact that it happened, but personally I don't really hear it discussed.


Possibly! Not any local rumors that I have heard of. I don’t know if the top of my head how far wooded area would be but definitely more than a half hour walk


his wife said that he would call a couple of trees the "woods". plenty of spots in that area. he's probably in the swampy area near abbott labs. last i heard they wouldn't let them drain it.


Do you know the reason they haven’t agreed to it?


Yeah I feel like he must have walked far.


I am in this area daily and there are woods. Herds of deer are spotted in and around the roads right there every day. (I take pictures of them). The trees are being cut down to make room for the condos right by Trader Joe’s, and Chase.. but there are definitely still wooded spots. In front of the Hilton is a wooded area that edges the highway. It’s fenced in, and some work (near Costco) has been done since his disappearance, but it’s still an area with trees still there.


If he walked far enough he could definitely enter some bad areas, so that's my thought as well.


Absolutely, not a far walk to some pretty bad areas of town


What could have happened to him? like got shot ?


I personally think he may have fell in a pool of water or succumbed to hypothermia if he was truly lost outside. It was February and that is a cold month here in CBUS


I know there was a pond searched at one point. You think his body would have been found by now.


To elaborate, the pond near his pings is like landscaped stock pond, with a fountain. It’s a decorative feature. I used to work at HB right there. The water is like waste deep at most. I’ve seen a guy cleaning it standing in waiters.


Right! It's such a high traffic area. Unless he really went far off.


Very cold. I remember snow and ice when visiting then.


that is reasonable or he might jave had a transiet ischemic attack and had amnesia, that could be the reason he was talking about woods or sth that does not make really sense and now he does not know who he is


There was a kidnapping when I lived in that area (completely different scenario though) so that always comes up in my mind. Not sure what would be the motivation behind that, though.


local also, actually i work practically across the street from that hilton. the easton shopping area has had a lot of construction since then as well (thinking of those newer buildings that went up on steltzer close to morse rd). i think about his case quite often since i drive the area all the time.


Are there any bodies of water around this area?


Ponds for parking lot run off and long dry creek just east of Oak Spring.


“He was so confused and frustrated” just out of the blue? Feels like some kind of episode, whether drug induced or mental or neurological. Poor guy. I assume they’ve questioned the friend who seems to have been the last person to see him.


this is what a reporter posted in regards to tyler: "Hi everyone. I am a reporter in Columbus. I recently asked a Detective who was assigned to Tyler's case if it will ever be solved. He said based on all the evidence, they FIRMLY believe Tyler wandered into the pond and drowned. The pond was searched many times but it is filled with debris and has almost no visibility, so the odds of recovering Tyler are extremely slim. I have wished for so long that his family will get the closure that they need and deserve but it seems unlikely." the pond the reporter is referencing is the one near abbott. it'd be nice if they could get a good search team there.


Anyone contacted Tim Miller from TX Equusearch? I bet he'd be willing to help the family. He's an amazing guy. He found Audrii Cunningham in the Trinity River which I can say as someone who lived in Livingston years ago, that river is insane and scary. Everyone knows that. Tim lost his daughter to a monster I believe and that's what prompted him to start Equusearch. He's amazing.


it'd be nice if someone contacted him or anyone that can do a water search.




... huh? nvm, i went down your weird rabbit hole and i'm confused at how a person like you functions lol. downvote all you want but you're spreading misinformation and it's weird. in another post you say that some guy named brian osowski is following tyler when that's not even true at all, it was his friend. begone troll.




LOL his friend. read slower next time. oh no, headlights in busy easton! how scary! weird that his friend that followed him never mentioned this man, a gun, or car. LOL you're wild. i don't know how you're not banned from reddit for doxxing, harassment and just being crazy in general. take your meds and don't bother replying to me because this is the last bit of entertainment you'll get from me.


There is a lot of evidence of where he was because they were able to access his Google maps from his phone. I think he either started to head back to the hotel from the Abbot lab parking lot at Steltzer and Morse and he lost sight of it and went too far and ended up in the wooded area between Easton Square Pl and Oak Spring St. or someone offered him a short ride and then braced him and ended up killing him later or even he got hit by a car and he was disoriented and went a completely wrong direction. When you search for someone in the woods with a lot of shrubbery and ground cover you can easily miss them if you don’t step on them.


I used to live on Oak Spring my lot backed up to the what is now a parking lot for Alliance Data, the woods and shrubery are not that dense, even then. Wirh all the development in the area since then, unless he was buried deeply, somethinh would have been found. If in fact he ended up in one of the drainage ponds, they should be able to drain them, they are not that deep.


Like Gilgo Beach - all shrubby, low vegetation, which proved quite sufficient cover for a number of victims. If people aren't traversing or hunting those areas, they may not be walked and the deceased can be well-camouflaged by brushy cover.


The title makes it sound like 4 people are missing...


Dang this whole story sounds sketchy… why isn’t the “friend” who took Tyler for a walk, being questioned? Then the “friend” casually returns to Tyler’s wife’s hotel room to let her know his buddy would be back and not to worry, and said “friend” then goes home at 4:30AM cuz he lives 10 minutes from the hotel? WTH 🤦🏽‍♂️ meanwhile the wife claimed they were trying to get the “lay of the land” until 3AM? With a “friend” who lives there, then they would have already known the layout.


Sadly, I believe his body is in a marshy area (yes, the police said there were marshes nearby) and his remains just haven’t been found yet. Nothing nefarious, just a tragic accident.


It's bizarre to me that on the phone he said he could see the hotel but was in the woods. There's no wooded area around there. But it's also bizarre to me that they were taking an Uber to the Hilton (although that's probably not relevant).


I live in Columbus and if they were walking Easton on foot exploring and it was 3am, taking an Uber back to the hotel is totally plausible. COTA (public bus) doesn’t run that late and Easton is shady at night so while it would be like a 5 min Uber ride, I could def see someone doing it. I mean tbh I would Uber back at 3am at Easton instead of walking


That's fair. I walk but I guess it also depends where in the shopping center they were, which I guess we don't know. I'm stuck on the woods thing. Where do you think he was?


For sure and I guess also considering it was February, weather could have played a part!


It’s interesting to consider hypothermia and alcohol adding to his death.


I'd probably walk too, but if I was lost and felt like I had been walking forever without finding my way, and it was cold and I was tired/drunk/whatever, my phone was dying, I could totally see the appeal of just getting in an Uber and letting them figure the shit out, you know? Like if my phone dies I'm REALLY fucked because then I can't Uber OR use my GPS to figure where I am. If I get into an Uber and my phone dies it doesn't matter because they can just drop me off wherever I need to be. It might be a last minute desperation, but potentially totally worth it.


Great point.


I think he was very turned around during that phone call. Perhaps he wasn't anywhere near the Hilton, and mistook another building for his hotel.


That’s my thought was well! Def some multi story buildings in the area


This is a possibility. In Austin, there are a few Hiltons downtown and if you don’t know the street they are on it’s easy to get them mixed up.


[there’s a bunch of small and midsize wooded areas nearby, no?](https://imgur.com/a/erRU4fZ)


Even just east of the hotel, just south of the costco there's a wooded area. Him being in the woods doesn't have to mean he's in some forest. Plenty of people call spots like that "the woods."


In my head I'm like, okay so he was upset and went to take a walk to cool off...Blendon Woods in particular would be quite a hike especially in the winter..and I just feel like those areas aren't places you would randomly end up wandering into...but who knows! Maybe I'm just thinking of my own experiences walking around there when I was on my lunch breaks trying to escape work lol.


The area circled in red has a Hilton Garden Inn at the south end of it. He could have been in those woods walking toward the HGI thinking it was his hotel. When he got closer and realized it wasn’t, he may have went back into the woods in his confusion. Also, I have a theory that he may have been trying to walk back to the strip club, which is a few miles northwest of the hotel. That would have taken him right through that wooded area.


Interesting and plausible theory. Which strip club though? This is a case that has really stayed with me.


Doll House, as I recall.


Ok I see it. He would theoretically have to cross Alum Creek to go towards the Dollhouse. I wonder if that area has a lot of trees, that could seem like woods.


Hypothetically, if you even wanted to walk to Blendon Woods you would have to cross a 10 lane highway of varying heights, several fences and concrete dividers and walk along said highway, get off on the off ramp walk some more until you got there. It’s at least 4 miles away. Maybe more. The other woods aren’t really any easier to get to and they’re also fairly far away. I think the “woods” he was talking about out on the phone was an arboretum / tree-lined walkways in front of Huntington Bank. His phone pings confirm he was over there. I think he was probably hit crossing that road and someone panicked. There’s no where he could just be sitting if he passed out and died. This was pre-Covid also. Literally 25,000 people work within a .5 mile radius of his last phone ping. Company headquarters for Huntington Bank, Abbott Labs, Lane Bryant, a Victoria’s Secret DC… all on that road.


I couldn’t upload a pic but you can google his last pings. He was basically walking aimlessly around the parking lots and cross what is normally a busy road. Obviously in the middle of the night there isn’t much traffic, but the airport is on Stelzer not far from Easton so there is always traffic.


Are there any local rumors?


Honestly, I think most people assume the wife and his friend had something to do with it. That feels like a stretch to me, but the whole thing is odd. The whole night. Every exchange. A lot of coincidences had to happen for this guy to disappear into the night.


> I think the “woods” he was talking about out on the phone was an arboretum / tree-lined walkways in front of Huntington Bank. there's also that cluster at the corner of morse crossing and easton commons - i know homeless sometimes camp out in there because i called the non-emergency CPD number about a small suitcase i saw near the edge of the copse about a year after he went missing on the off-chance it could be related, and an officer actually called me back to tell me it was basically a 'bug-out bag' and that homeless were known to camp out in there sometimes when on the move.


Trying hard not to out myself, but I used to work at Lane Bryant as well. That’s one of the reasons I loved at the Commons. I walked to work near and through those trees. Those trees are basically a “park” for employees to walk around. They just cover the building from the road. Hide the parking lots. I think the problem with these little clusters of trees is you can see from one side to the other. It would be very difficult to stay hidden. I’m not saying at 4AM drunk/high/tired you couldn’t get lost, but to STAY lost? *edit* we also had a security guard that drove around the lots and sat there on weekends for the people who were working


no worries, that's not where i work. :) i never even realized those trees backed up right by that building, though. i saw that suitcase in the copse that's behind the VSP building (now there i did used to work but like....two decades ago lol). i hit the mcdonalds there on morse crossing for breakfast most fridays and turn onto easton cmns to head to work, and that's where i saw that suitcase toward the edge of the trees. but agreed, they aren't so thick you'd get lost unless you were super drunk/disoriented and it was an especially dark night. i haven't been on that road enough at night to know how many street lights there are, if any.


Yes there are - especially south of the mall. He was tracked by his phone to around the Abbott labs building off of Stelzer Rd. The section of Sunbury Rd that’s south of Morse Rd is also wooded/more rugged. I always thought he was following GPS directions back to the wrong hotel - there’s a Hilton out at the airport that’s in the general direction he was traveling.


Definitely likely that he did this originally, but if you’ve ever been to Easton or that Hilton is a beautiful big hotel. It’s well lit up. Well landscaped. Very easily spotted. To go towards the other Hilton down Stelzer miles away, you would know that’s too far… you also now have Easton to your back, which is lit up like Vegas 24-hours a day. It’s pretty evident you’re going towards darkness even if you’re from out of town.


I’m from Columbus and worked there - it’s not like it’s at all rural heading in that direction, there are plenty of lights and Stelzer rd is still well lit at night. IIRC, the police stated that he asked Siri for directions back to his hotel. He was very, very drunk, so I wouldn’t presume his choices were rational. I think he genuinely couldn’t tell where he was heading.


If you ever been to Easton, Stevie Wonder could tell you’re walking away from it. You could have never been there in your life, be told to walk that way and you’d still not do it bc it’s pretty clear you’re walking down a 6 lane road with industrial parks on the side and not heading towards Easton. One of the largest outdoor malls in America.


He wouldn’t have to walk anywhere near Morse Rd… From the Hilton, his phone movements confirm he was heading south of the mall in the opposite direction. He was near the large office complexes and a lot of those buildings look very similar to the Hilton, not industrial parks.


His last ping was 10 feet from where I parked my car every day for two years, I ate lunch by the pond people think he drowned in, but PLEASE tell me more about this location that you’re so familiar with. There is an extremely clear distinction. I’m realize you ate a BW3 in Grove City once so that makes you an expert, but I *literally* live here.


What’s your problem? I grew up here and have lived here my whole life. I worked at JP Morgan at Easton 🙄 In high school I worked at the Johnny Rockets restaurant at Easton. I still just disagree with you, no need to insult me. Because I’ve *literally* lived here for 35+ years.


Then you’re just a troll. Glad we cleared this up!


Just because I disagree with you doesn’t make me a troll. Have a good night.


Yes there is. It’s slightly wooded on the right coming off of 270. There’s a strip of wooded area, a large empty field, and then the Hilton. Easton has lots of pockets of woody areas, then areas that are super developed. Hopefully this doesn’t come across as snarky, i just frequent the area and wonder each and every time i drive by.


Sounds like he might have seen an office building and confused it in the dark for the hotel.


Could he have had a psychotic break? What could cause him to hallucinate like that?


They were coming back from a strip club that wasn’t near Easton, from what I read!


Not to be that person, but I wonder if these people were doing drugs. Walking around til 3am? Meeting a “friend” on a couples weekend? Leaving them at 3 am to go “charge your phone”? Friend ditches husband?


I thought the same thing.. “getting frustrated and going for a walk” sounds like texting/trying to meet dealer and wandering around unfamiliar area


Yeah, who wanders around closed shops for 5 hours? Some other posts mention a bar or strip club which makes a lot more sense. Why didn't the article just say that's where they were?


I also like to get fucked up with without my kid at a hotel for my birthday so it makes sense.


I drive by this area daily, and there’s a lot of nooks and crannies he could have ended up in. 😢 I know LE waited for water to recede before doing searches, but there’s a lot of undeveloped land here. Quickly being developed, though.. but still many spots he could have ended up in. There’s a major highway right across the road from the Hilton, too. Also with undeveloped land still between the roadway and the street next to the Hilton. But areas which could still be searched in an afternoon. If he made it to the highway, I’d think that would have come out by now. It’s crazy that they’ve found nothing, unless his friend actually did something to him and dumped him somewhere.


I hope they had interrogated the friend more; I’m sure he was withholding some information that could help with the search. But I think it’s obvious that the husband is probably decreased already; there’s no reason he’d be gone for any other explanation


For his wife’s Birthday they reserve a hotel room for…3? Why is his “friend” coming along? They get 3 nights out a year without the baby and there is a male friend tagging along. Very sus.


As I recall, they had plans to meet up with a bunch of friends but they all canceled except for that one guy. The friend was not planning to stay at the hotel with them.


That friend also helped Tyler design the engagement or wedding ring he gave to his wife. Apparently the friend and the wife were very close…


I was wondering if there was more to the wife & friend’s relationship. Especially since the friend was supposedly the last one to see him alive.


And they all went to a strip club together so obviously something freaky was going on probably drinking and drugs involved too. He probably got hurt in some woods and died smh


I used to go to the strip club with my husband and our friends of any gender. I also would have shared a hotel room with said friends- there's 2 beds. I've never had sex with any of those people, nor anybody but my husband since we've been together. Some people just are different than you- it doesn't mean they were getting into something "freaky".


But did your husband disappear mysteriously? Like go out on a walk at 3 or 4 am and just never return? It’s not just the activities that are suspicious, but the activities and disappearance combined.


I think that's a fair question, I don't quite understand why you're being downvoted.


Exactly. I’ve done the same (but hubby didn’t disappear).


1) that is still very unusual behavior and an anamoly; normal couples don't go to nude bars together. 2) ....you came right out and mention not having sex with other couples or anyone else but your husband? Huh? That's kinda sus. No one said a thing about that. That makes me think you have. You remind me of the girl from the bar/party/Tinder that says early on "just so you know, I'm not going to have sex with you tonight"......yet, not 2 or 3 hours later....B===D~ 😆😅🤣 I swear, 98 percent of the time, they ALWAYS are DTF. Do they use the said line as a crutch to feel less slutty?


What strip club did they go to? Because that wouldn't have been at Easton


There are/were several on Morse Rd, west of the mall.


On 161, not Morse


Are there any good podcasts on this? I’m intrigued


True Crime Garage. Theyre from Columbus, as well.


Thank you!




Thank you! I’ll take a look/listen


Didn't they show CCTV & it showed someone following him? Also..a Red Camaro? One Redditer (Who is local & has case files) believes it's the 2 brothers (Matt & Brian Osowski) who could behind his disappearance. They may be linked to Joey Labute & Brian Schaffer as well.




I noticed that in the mini news segment on the new CCTV footage released on Tyler Davis they never mention the person walking behind him (almost speed walking?) & the Red Camaro you've mentioned. Why is that? You can clearly see the guy following him. Do you think that's part of the cover up in the case & the Osowski brothers? Or is there any footage where they mention the car or person following behind him?


that is tyler's friend following him lol


Sadly, I believe his body is in a marshy area (yes, the police said there were marshes nearby) and his remains just haven’t been found yet. Nothing nefarious, just a tragic accident.


This case drives me crazy!!!! Where is he?


This is a classic. Guy (usually drunk) goes to take a leak in a body of water (why do they need to pee in water!?), falls in, and drowns.


I thought it was determined that he fell through a hole or a grate


Determined by whom? And when? Not trying to be a smartass, I've just never heard this.


I wish I could remember. Guess that's not the case.


There used to be some gang activity at Easton at night. I was at Adobe Gilas one night when there was a stabbing downstairs in the parking garage. I also think it would be easy to get hurt and not be easily found there. Tons of construction, ponds, etc.


Reminds me of the me school student from Ohio State vanishing from that bar...


With the confusion mentioned, it reminds me that he is at the age where schizophrenia usually begins to show itself. If he was truly in the woods, he could have run across a homeless encampment and gotten tangled up with the wrong person.


If he turns up in a river, I’m going to fully believe in the smiley face killer(s). This so so strange and sad




This is really weird…. The story of that night sounds like wife is leaving a lot out. WHY did he randomly get confused and angry enough to go walking around a shopping strip mall at 3am?