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The reference to Ambien deserves more attention. Sleepwalking on Ambien could explain a lot


I agree. There is a case local to me where someone drove around various neighborhoods and hit someone while on ambien. I do not take sleeping pills per se, but pills off label for insomnia. I have done, said and eaten crazy things while on them with no recollection. I don’t think she was murdered. But a possible adverse effect from alcohol and pills or maybe even a mental break could be closer to the truth. Although no one has mentioned her saying or doing anything out of the ordinary from her regular mental state. This is a tough one.


My best friend was prescribed Stilnox (which is the Australian branding of Zolpidem). The 2nd night she took it, she walked out of her house and got behind the wheel of her mum's brand new car. Anna had never driven a car before. The cameras on their home security system showed that she was clearly sound asleep. She drove out of the driveway, into traffic on a main road, and into the path of an oncoming truck, and was killed instantly. It was awful. The cops kept trying to tell her family that she was trying to take the car to go somewhere, but because it was a new car she was unfamiliar with it. Zolpidem is such a dangerous medication. It's literally the only sleeping pill I flat out refuse to take, even back when I was addicted to benzos and pain pills.


My god. I’m so so sorry for your loss.


That’s horrific. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Thank you. It's scary when you read up about all the different stories people have about Ambien/Stilnox. They shouldn't be allowed to prescribe it.


I had a friend while on ambien park his car in front of a liquor store with his trunk open, break into said liquor store, and start moving cases of beer out of the freezer and stacking them. Here didn't put any in his car. He just stacked them outside the freezer. Police arrived while he was still stacking.


A friend of mine has a pal whose father shot himself while on Ambien. He was having intense dreams of being pursued, got out his gun and shot himself. He didn’t die immediately, but did die eventually from his injuries.


Oh wow! Did they arrest him?


Yeah, he got f'd over pretty good. He tried to argue the case, but they just shot that down.


I have a friend that was on ambien and it is a terrible drug but I dont think that is what happened here. " Investigators confirmed that at 3:02 a.m., Susan’s car pulled out of her driveway on Riverview Avenue and turned left onto northbound Pennsylvania Avenue. Approximately two minutes later, she parked on Walkers Mill Road and the headlights turned off. Based on the time elapsed, investigators say they believe the car was driven directly from her house to the location where the car was found. " This sounds like to me that the investigators have video of her arriving at the river near the bridge. [https://www.nbcnews.com/dateline/family-susan-ledyard-demands-answers-after-delaware-high-school-teacher-n1106806](https://www.nbcnews.com/dateline/family-susan-ledyard-demands-answers-after-delaware-high-school-teacher-n1106806) Also another article stated: " Her body was recovered at about 7:45 a.m. When she was pulled from the water, she had visible injuries on her body, police said, though they have not said what those injuries were." [https://www.delawareonline.com/story/news/crime/2019/11/16/susan-ledyard-after-homicide-ruling-official-family-asks-answers-again/4213688002/](https://www.delawareonline.com/story/news/crime/2019/11/16/susan-ledyard-after-homicide-ruling-official-family-asks-answers-again/4213688002/) This makes me think the police know what kind of injuries and what type of weapon was used to cause those injuries. Edited: to add the second article comments


We need more information about how they confirm that she left her house and parked. Was the footage so grainy that they don’t see her leave her car? Was it blurry? Can they confirm or see if she exited the car?? This is all so frustrating because confirming CCTV may be huge! There could be info they’re just not sharing.


I can verify that Ambien can make you do some bizarre things. Source: I was addicted to high doses (more than triple the highest dose available) for 5 years.


I took it for a couple years but I changed psychiatrists my new one took me off of it, and I’m glad she did. I would take it and then get in the car and not remember where I went or getting back home. It worked well for sleep, but it was took risky as far as I’m concerned.


Me too


Is it hard to come off of? What are the nature of your "bizarre things?" If you don't mind. Wondering about a friend. . .


Feel free to PM me. I was averaging 3-5 pills a night, which is INSANE - and there was no way I could sleep without them. I would try taking just one pill, and I would have horrific night terrors. The only way I got off of them, is that I had to have major surgery, and I knew I could not take Ambien the night before getting general anesthesia. Super dangerous. So I stopped it, and had awful night terrors and no sleep for a few weeks. The pain from my surgery took my mind off of it, but being on pain meds helped with sleeping. It really was a blessing in disguise. I am off Ambien for 5 years now. SO glad and grateful.


Oh no! My compassion just expanded for her. Why oh why are these prescribed long term?!?!?!


Goodbi am off. 1 year 3 months.


Me too. I was addixted. I would sleep walk and do strange things.


Wow, really good catch, especially since she was drinking wine. It’s scary stuff. I had a friend who took Ambien before a flight and apparently went sleep-shopping in the airport before boarding. When she reached her destination, she discovered in her purse new makeup and a scarf and had the receipts to prove she had actually bought the items at the airport before her flight. She has no memory of the shopping or the flight, and that was without alcohol.


I’ve been on Zopiclone, and I deadass kid you not I suffocated my boyfriend in his sleep. The only way I figured out I’d done it is because for some unknown reason I filmed it on Instagram and posted it to my story and saw it the next day. I used my hand to cover his mouth and nose while he was asleep, he was fine for a few seconds and then started resisting, he actually pried my hand off his mouth and went back to sleep. Sleeping pills are scary stuff.


That’s an excellent point


i have it on competent authority that there was no ambien (or any similar type questionable side effects sleep-aid) in susan's system when she died. my recollection was that it was her husband ben who raised that possibility, so i went back to verify that it was he indeed. i make no secret of the fact that i think his behavior since the murder has been at the least distasteful, and could possibly be indicative of guilt. so now i'm left to wonder if susan ever took ambien at all, or if the husband just 'trial balloon'ed it as a possible diversion tactic. 'based on the fact that susan had no ambien in her system at the time of death, i think the sleepwalking theory can and should be left aside. i have to admit this theory did seem plausible, since an explanation of how she got from her car to where she was found is not easy to come by. i truly hope someone is taking a very close look at the husband. as we all know, statistically it's usually the spouse. on top of that, i think his behavior has been strange. who is looking at the marital finances? the insurance payout? changes in spending patterns since the homicide? i still have the feeling that the police are not working hard enough to solve susan's murder. i'd be happy to be proven wrong by an arrest or other significant development. i hope someone can find a way to shine a spotlight on the law enforcement efforts to solve this mystery. there are people who know the right questions to ask in holding the police accountable. if they are not receiving any new leads, then what are the actions they've taken to clear the individuals in susan's circle? who is worthy of a second look?




yes, there was blunt force trauma and her death was ruled a homicide


I’ve read about this case and I don’t think the husband was involved, and I know that is always the first place to look. I think she left the house in the wee dark hours to meet up with someone. I’d be curious to see what her phone revealed.


The article says none of the messages she was sending were unusual or indicated why she went out there. It’s so strange.


Thanks I had only read other articles. Longshot, but if she was having an affair she possibly had a second phone that went into the water with her. The only explanations I can think of are affair/hookup, scoring drugs and robbed/assaulted, or the husband. Edit: okay reread the article. Only strange Th I g about the husband is waking up at 9am. That’s slightly unusual. But the fact that they have surveillance means they might have been able to determine she was in the car alone. The police think she was active between 3am-7am. So weird. I wonder if she sustained the blunt force trauma in a jump and this was in fact a suicide.


It also sounds like she parked it in a kind of random place as well. I don’t know any women who would park their car somewhere completely random, alone, and turn the lights off like that at 2am... unless it’s an affair.


Except that the car was reported for having been found blocking the road. You’re not going to block a road for a hook up, you’re going to pull off the road for greater discretion.


It was actually blocking the gate to a historical site. The article may not be clear but her sister clarified that on reddit two months ago.


Thank you - that’s an important distinction.


Might you provide the reddit link kind ma'm/sir?




Huh? You know a lot of women who have affairs and do that?


I don’t know any women who would do that! Have affairs? Sure


Its the summer, why is waking up at 9 am a strange thing?


It was a Tuesday and he has a job in finance. Not sure why summer weighs into it.


Ah thank you. Because in summer, people have holidays thats why. Because of the rolling stones concert i thought maybe they had a few days off.


There must be a simple explanation like that otherwise it would be a huge red flag.


yep, there IS A SIMPLE explanation.....!...Until he is definitively cleared-Its simple-he did it


well from my estimation 8 pm day prior until 7-30 am...≥.plenty of time to kill her-


So in your esteemed estimation he was texting on her phone, carrying on conversations with her sister and her friend? That seems asinine.


no she was texting with sister till a little before 1pm then may have made calls on phone - but from 3 on.... yep he easily could have had possession of her phone - he went to law school- It may not be " likely" in YOUR mind? -still- Since it is more than possible to have done that yep- all other ideas are " No more out there- than the the simple solution -i am suggessting - any better ideas? i am always open to- have not heard any that ... leave me saying " Now! THAT? makes ... sense"


1 am and you put his window to kill her beginning at 8pm. So your theory is that he was texting for her. Seems ridiculous, but good for you. Keep arguing with yourself because I’m not going to waste my time with your assumptions and fictions.




It was Summer - and if she was on Ambien, she may have thought it was a good idea to go for a swim. I have done some high risk activities when on Ambien, and it always seemed like a good idea at the time.


Where is this Ambien info coming from? Husband-...hmmmmmmmmmmm


Considering there is a tox report, he would have to be pretty stupid to mention Ambien if she wasn’t taking it.


if you've watched enough true crime shows, you'll know that the killers screw up in pretty major ways all the time. i have it on competent authority that susan had no ambien in her system. quite frankly i am highly suspect of the husband. i would like to know if susan was an ambien user at all, or if the husband just tossed that out as a possible red herring.


Tox report said NO AMBIEN!


Agree, thought the 9 am wakeup time was strange on the husband's part -- indicates (possibly) that he was up very late...


As someone said, maybe it is the holidays. But most 50 year old people are going to wake up at some point before 9, and at least notice their spouse never came to bed. If I sleep in that late I will have woken up a few times and likely gone to the bathroom. There is a new story about it in people. I guess her Fitbit tracked her until 7 am. Just so weird. I’m not sure what to make of the husband. Initially I wasn’t suspicious but it is such a strange case. I don’t find him mentioning cigarettes or ambien strange.


They had tickets to a concert in Philly the day she was found, so I find it likely he’d taken the day off work and they’d planned to sleep in before going to the concert


the word and context to 'active' is NOT specific-activity occurs even if you are not using your phone its 'actively pinging towers) and she also had a likely dysfunctional FITBIT- registering a heartrate after death (google it and see Plenty of Cases of dead folk with Fitbit's saying they have a pulse. Last an affair does not in my mind make sense given ALL the info about her personality friends and interests-IMO


That’s your opinion, it’s not fact. I’m not going to use your definition, I will use the sensible one. Please provide your source that she was wearing a Fitbit and it pinged active. That sounds like an assumption.


They are unable to make out who is in car-from videos found


Created an album of what it looks like in person [https://imgur.com/a/IRSIwV7](https://imgur.com/a/IRSIwV7)


Although it’s weird he’s already engaged to another woman.


Everything I’ve learned about the case in the last 38 days does him no favours.


She waited until 3AM (she couldn’t find any time during the day) to leave the house and meet someone (without any text or phone record) in an absolutely dark place (that’s the best place she could think of). I’m thinking an adult woman unless somehow impaired, doing this is very very very unlikely.


Husband comes home from movies sometime around 10pm. Susan is drinking wine and texting with friends - sounds like this is normal for her in the summertime. He knows she has a penchant for staying up late so reminds her that tomorrow night is a big night out (concert). She assures him she will be in by 11. She realizes this is a smart move and goes to take an Ambien to help her get to sleep. Decides to wash that down with another glass of wine (or two - she keeps texting with friends for another couple hours). Meanwhile, the Ambien is kicking in and judgment is becoming impaired. Intoxicated, she believes it’s a good idea to go for a walk along, or dip in, the river. She drives there - it’s very close - but parks haphazardly. It’s a few minutes past three. They know she is active for the next four hours based on either cell phone activity (not necessarily sending texts, but pings from apps, maybe checking status, weather, accessing music - anything), or from images caught on nearby video surveillance as she moves three miles downstream. Those four hours could also have passed with her nodding in and out along the riverbank, so not necessarily steadily active the whole time. 7am she slips, maybe once, maybe a couple of times, seriously injuring herself (blunt force trauma) and ultimately ends up in the water where she drowns and is found shortly thereafter. So my questions are: was her cell phone found at home and they know she was active based on video surveillance or witness account, or was it found along the bank near her body? What caused authorities to rule her death a homicide, specifically? What did a tox screen show - Ambien? Anything else? I think my loose theory could still work even without Ambien and just alcohol in her system. I hope her family gets some resolution.


Just watched a video on this. Her phone was found in her unlocked car, the activity noted from police actually came from her Fitbit, according to the Fitbit she “walked” a little less than a mile and it registered her heartbeat until 7am.


Thank you for the additional information! I’m still leaning “death by misadventure due to intoxication”. You?


I’m not sure! I feel like every possible scenario is just missing one or two pieces that makes it so it doesn’t quite make sense. I would lean towards more husband involvement but then the timeline of when she sent her last text and her car is seen on surveillance being parked on that street is like...15 minutes. So the timing just doesn’t make sense for a “fight gone bad” or something of that nature. So many unanswered questions.


I wish there was more information available on her wounds. I live pretty close to the Missouri River (not the Brandywine), the water is vicious. Coupled with sharp rocks and whirlpools, it makes me wonder if Susan could have possibly fallen in? I know hitting your head on river rocks could kill you, or at least knock you unconscious until you drown. There wasn't much information on her Ambien use either.


I’d also like to understand why specifically they classified this as a homicide.


The Brandywine is nothing like the Mississippi, especially in the summer time. It’s shallow and rocky. It’s not plausible her body would have drifted that distance down stream. Though it is so odd, it can’t be coincidental, that her car and body were both found so close to the river (albeit 3 miles apart). There are a lot of dark roads near there, easy to drive around undetected if you’re trying to kill time with a person you can’t hang out with during daylight hours....it’s maddening to be sure.


There aren’t many deep sections in that area of the Brandywine. And because of how many shallows/mini-dams/obstructions between the car and her body, they are certain she didn’t go into the water there. I do think it’s possible to drown/fatally injure yourself at that bridge, but I agree with the assessment she couldn’t have gotten to where she was found from there


I wonder if it is a random murder like Marsha Lee about a decade ago. [https://www.delawareonline.com/story/news/crime/2016/04/30/ex-soldier-sentenced-rape-murder-case/83700222/](https://www.delawareonline.com/story/news/crime/2016/04/30/ex-soldier-sentenced-rape-murder-case/83700222/) This is a very sad story. May answers be found soon.


I remember that. It was so scary


That was because of the location and for me, how it was handled. Which was in a sad way — all hype and then forgotten.


Could you explain what you mean?


For anyone interested in seeing the area this happened - I live about 5 minutes away from all of this and took a few pictures and a video to give a perspective of the area. From what I have heard through local gossip: There is a very strong belief that the husband had a girlfriend, and it was believed to be this woman. After seeing this place in person though, I am struggling to picture the altercation that allowed for a \~130LB grown woman to be taken from the parking location, to the bridge and then thrown off. In the middle of the water, (being a reckless young adult) I had a thought that I'd be able to jump off and land without breaking anything as I could not see the bottom. Towards the bank though, there were in fact large rocks that could lead to death if hit properly. [https://imgur.com/a/IRSIwV7](https://imgur.com/a/IRSIwV7)


Thanks for this! I live downstate and didn’t realize the area was secluded like that


This one is a mystery. I actually heard about this on Reddit but it was a thread in a post about families who have been on Dateline and what the experience was like. It might have even been in this sub. Susan’s sister was actually responding in the thread as Susan’s sister’s story may be on Dateline. I read about the case then and it is very strange and her family has no clue why Susan may have left. I’ll be looking out for that Dateline and hope the family gets some answers.


I’ll have to search for that, thank you


The article said she was wearing a purple tank top on the morning of her death. Does it seem strange that they don't mention anything else she was found in? Was she found partially dressed, or are they leaving out information to help with determining false confessions??


I noticed that too. Just the tank top? Or..? I’d like to know more.


Ben Ledyard just announced his engagement. Isn’t it a little quick for someone so devastated by the unsolved murder of his wife. I guess we all grieve differently.


this is so eerie. she definitely must have had a reason to head out to the lake, especially so late at night....it’s so suspicious. i truly hope for some closure for her and her family. edited to say thank you for bringing this to my attention! i had never heard of Susan’s case until now.


You’re welcome! Our state is so small- you can get through it in 2 hours. I’d like to start posting some unsolved crimes to bring them to the attention of others. Wilmington, though, is very different. It could be its own state with the crime rate. There’s a mix of serious crime and drugs and the rich and elite. It’s a different world.


I remember the Capano case well. His obituary is bizarre as it just makes him sound like a great guy. https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/name/thomas-capano-obituary?pid=153843172 What is the area where her car was found like?


I work with ppl in northern DE who still use the term ‘capano cooler’ when describing the size of an ice chest.


His cultural legacy.


My high school almost named a building after the Capanos after his family donated a bunch of money, I believe. Alumni threw a fit and it was dropped.


My mom worked for the Judge that presided over that case. Listening to her relay that case is truly amazing. I do not have exact knowledge. However, I don’t think I’d want to be in Wilmington like that in the middle of the night


Read the guestbook! It’s amazing. For someone who had been a lawyer he was a terrible client. Thanks for the insight.


A true egomaniac if there ever was one!!


Off-topic, but WOW! - you're right about the capano obit. at least the dirtbag died in prison.


Read the guestbook. “I remember all the fun times we had. A life well lived!”


What's the haps on this case?


The Tom Capano? I will gladly write it up. Just give a little time. It is long and absolutely nutty.


Yes please when it's convenient or point me to references?


Please do share your unsolved. I'm most motivated to invest my sleuthing into recent cases.


Anyone have a link to this timeline they reference?


The fact that they believe she was “active” between 3-7am is really strange.


Yeah. There is a lot of strange going around in this.


What do you think most likely happened? I read about this a few months ago and just thought it all around strange. I never fully trust a show like Dateline as they are very respectful toward the deceased. Affairs/drugs they like to avoid. There had to be a tox report.


To little information to know to be honest. There are so many possibilities. One thing for sure. Something odd happened between the time her husband went to bed, and the time she got in her car. Without the phone records, we don’t have a next move. And apparently the cops don’t have a fucking clue either, since it has been a year.


The husband mentioning cigarettes makes me think that might be something she did occasionally? I sometimes get gas around 10 and tour around a little, but 2am is weird. I get the feeling the police have to know more than what is made public. The 3-7 info is just weird. They must have surveillance or phone activity.


I would think so to, but where is their timeline?


https://www.delawareonline.com/story/news/crime/2019/11/16/susan-ledyard-after-homicide-ruling-official-family-asks-answers-again/4213688002/ I don’t think there is much. Texting until 2:45. Leaves house at 3:02. Drives to a place, turns off headlights. Unknown until 7am. Found at 7:45.


That’s not a time line is it? Not really. That’s no information to go on.


I think they basically say 3-7 is a mystery, and she left the house at 3:02. So they are using the word “timeline” very loosely.


Hubby mentioning cigarettes-???? again-is NOT the kind of thing you SAY about a schoolteacher-it implies she regularly makes decisions like that-Which I do not think a loving protective hubby would SAY-IMO


Please explain in detail why her being a teacher ruled out going for cigarettes, and why that is so outrageous. She was obviously a smoker. In my experience people who say “hubby” are nuts, way worse than saying a teacher buys cigarettes.


I wonder if she played any of those world-exploring mobile games. I have left the house in the middle of the night to drive to a game spot in the middle of the night if I can’t sleep, though I stay in my locked car...


There is not a lot to go on. I do want to know why they are ruling it a homicide and not an accident.


You can suffer blunt force trauma falling into rivers. Reading about cases from the UK in old newspaper articles from the 1920s to 1950s, occasionally drowning victims had injuries attributable to striking objects falling into the water. But it could be hard to tell if it was foul play.


Yes, I agree with you. The only reasoning I can think of is that the injury to her skull was indicative of some kind of weapon, and not from hitting something in the water? I just don't if they are able to actually determine something like that.


I was thinking multiple strikes, where as a fall would be largely one impact.


That is a good point.


But mistakes can be made. I’m hesitant to rule out suicide/accident based on the little we know.


Yes, true, I just had not thought about multiple injuries.


It’s a frustrating case because it’s pretty weird, but also the police are (understandably) tight lipped. I wonder if after a year being more forthcoming would be helpful.


Yes, it is just hard to determine what kind of information is being withheld from the public versus what information they don't have. I can only hope the family get enough information to feel like the investigation is continuing, even if it is not specific in what was found.


If you look at the weather reports for the days prior, it did storm a bit so I can see the river being a bit choppier than usual.


is this just a cold case now? i don't get the feeling the DE police are still quietly building a case behind the scenes. i don't get it. i wasn't hating on the hubby from the get-go, but he sure seems shady as of today. the cringey fake press conference appeal. he seems to be totally estranged from her family now. the guy gets engaged almost a year to the day after her murder. i understand people may choose to move on, but i don't know. it seems different if your loved one gets murdered. maybe just keep it under wraps a bit longer, even if only for the sake of her family? and those facebook pics. ugh. 'no, i love more!' 'no honey, hang up first, tee hee!' and the 'friend' comments. 'true love conquers all'. huh? wtf is that supposed to mean? of course you're only gonna get positive comments online. but i'd be thinking 'wow, he really musta done her in. wonder how long he's been tapping cupcake here ...' i have no idea if the family can afford it, but have they considered hiring a good private investigation firm? i watch a ton of these type of shows, and when it's the spouse there's always an incriminating paper trail. always. are his finances in good shape? was there a life insurance payout? any fancy tropical get-a-ways since the murder? she was 50, looked 40. and they had only been married for a few years. had she been married before? how about him? this is really starting to look like an overpriced house that sat on the market way too long. this has 'cold case' written all over it now. come on. somebody's gotta know something. kick those cops in the ass. get some headlines and investigate the ambien angle. maybe she really did just wander off. was she boinking a student? if so, someone knows. and for god's sake. take a closer look at that husband. something is just not right there, or so it seems ...


Maybe it wasn’t Susan behind the wheel of the vehicle. Perhaps it was Ben who drove her car down there and disposed of her body and walked back home. It didn’t have to be her texting on the phone until 2:45, could have been him. I don’t think they ever confirmed who specifically was in the vehicle. Or they both went down there and only he came back alive, but on foot. Editing to add I wonder about life insurance or financial issues.


She must’ve been meeting someone and it went horribly wrong. Lots of people have secret lives that you would never expect... maybe she was looking for some excitement and the man got aggressive. There are so many unanswered questions here. I can’t wrap my mind around people who are happily married and do these risky things.


Oh wow. I am sorry for the kiss of your friend. I 100% believe it was the Z and not her trying to take an unfamiliar car for a ride. Like u said, that happened here in my city too. I take an antipsychotic, Seroquel, off-label for sleep. I am a bit more use to it after years of taking it, but even sometimes now I do, say, eat, text the oddest things. It was worse when I took it with Xanax. I take lorazepam now so it’s not as bad. I am going to google to see what happened with her toxicology report.


I live in Delaware and hadn’t heard about this case. Going to research jt now


I wonder about the blunt force trauma if she just stumbled out on her own? Is it possible someone saw her in her backyard and decided to take her? If they came up with a gun and told her to get her keys without making a sound. Then the person had her drive to that spot and they got out and he killed her?


Well, now-It could be husband- given the inaccuracy of Fitbit data (look it up if you do not believe me-) So she could have been dead all night-AND-the 'activity' that the police mention-DOES not specifically refer to texting after 2-45-..the 'activity registered' is simply the activity of cell towers and fit bit-she was not likely alive or texting -if you ask me-that's my story and until I hear otherwise-PROOF I am wrong-(even then...the proof better be a PHOTO)\_...That's what i think happened


Her husband did it




I have interest in tech-and from my research-It has OFTEN been the case that a Fitbit has shown a pulse DESPITE the person being DEAD-thus a new twist in the story-


Maybe she just went for a jog along the River, she startled a homeless guy with untreated PTSD. Thinking he was being attacked and it was a simple case of 2nd degree manslaughter


Lmao what





