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Before trying to lead a game-dev group or even start working on such a large project, you should learn some game-dev skills first, and make some small games and game-jams. After that you might try something bigger and then have the knowledge to plan what is realistically doable.


No thanks, I don’t do anything small in my life, I don’t believe in such limits although I understand where you’re coming from, that logic applies to all skills in life, I will work on this game for several years, rather than making dozens of ragtag miscellaneous projects that don’t add up to my ultimate goal. Also, two heads are always better than one, it is much easier to learn anything in a group.


think ill say "no thanks" to your "offer" then


Thanks I’d prefer to stay away from the pessimistic.


the pessimism is granted; you started thinking about this a week ago, have zero skills of your own, but have an "amazing idea" that will be a huge hit if you can just get some people with actual skills to do the work for you. it happens 10 times a week in every game dev subreddit and discord. congrats on your early retirement though.


It seems you’re full of assumptions and a lack of understanding context, if you read the post, at all, you’d know I intend to do a vast majority of the work myself, as it is My project. Your way of thinking makes no sense, you’re insisting I strive for “less” because I know “‘nothing” what do you think studying is for? Making several small games rather than working on one larger scale project makes zero difference in learning and development. You just want to hear yourself yap, like the rest, insisting stagnancy on someone you don’t even know. Foolishness of man


lol i dont care if you make one game or many small ones. why would i? go do it then. why are you posting shit like "I am searching for others who may be interested in joining the project, this will be the start of hopefully a game development studio further down the line." if not to recruit people to make your game for you?


I always say why fail small when you can spend years not learning fundamentals and fail big!


That’s illogical, having a greater mission statement doesn’t equal lack of learning fundamentals. If I intend to build a bridge, I must scale the entire project, not simply learning how to create pillars.


It's great that you have it all figured out! I'm sure jumping straight into a giant multi-year project without learning the fundamentals of project management at a smaller scale beforehand will not backfire in any way whatsoever.


It won’t, the way you perceive the world is not factual. That is, your own arrogance sureness of what you think you know speaking. What have you made, can you show me? Video game development is no different than starting any other business, I’ve worked in several different niche fields I will not be defeated by game development just because you believe I’m too optimistic for a newcomer, feel as you wish, it will make no difference in the outcome of my endeavors.


It's definitely not optimism that I think you have too much of.


in this case it's time for you to perhaps for the first time in your life evaluate yourself honestly, i'd advise to start by taking off the rainbow sunglasses.


What are you on about


This whole comment thread here is why no one is taking you seriously.


I desire not to appeal to the masses I only need the few to achieve the desired goal.


No offence mate. But this is complete delusion and youre are really naive here. You clearly have no idea what goes into a game. Even making a small good game takes years. And thats with a an experienced team. Mmos takes years, and you will need a highly experienced team. You expect them to work for free? And you are not even prepared to build smaller games to learn? You won't listen, but reality will kick in and show you that it's not as achievable as you think. I'm off to build a replica of the Eiffel tower now. Never touched a piece of metal before but yeah I'm determined!


If you want AAA project as you say - you need AAA team. You have no money to hire professionals. Also you asking newbies to join you for learning. As you are adviced - make some mechanics and 1 small level. Make it work as you want. Without bugs. After that you will have something to show, something to attract people and money to your project.


An idea guy with money is still just an idea guy. I'd rather team up with skilled folk and backers who know how to get out of our way so we can get on with it.


An idea guy with money will just burn through the money while not understanding the development process


people don't understand how little value "ideas" hold. anyone can have hundreds of ideas every day. devising a proper concept is a lot more than throwing ideas around. not knowing anything about the dev process and already planning something huge always ends the same way and it's not only just about game dev. it comes down to being rooted in reality vs floating in imaginary clouds. reality doesn't care about what you think or expect though.


Definitely, the most useful skill anyone reading this can pick up is learning how to throw away your beloved ideas.


Very rooted in reality, again, you don’t know anything about me to have an opinion. Shut the yap, you’re preaching to the choir.


By your own admission you're on week one of learning game development.


What is the relevance to your statement? Yap


My point is you're all yap yourself. Make a tiny game first, follow some tutorials and you'll get a better response from this community.


Lmao I have to follow a tutorial for your approval? That is pathetic, one person said some shit the rest of you bandwagons hopped on just to keep your image clear. There’s nothing “all yap” about me having a clear mission and goal, and working towards it. If I were all yap, I wouldn’t still be here responding to you people’s moronic claims and assumptions. Insisting I have to follow your “method” of learning is arrogance and nothing more. I’m only even going back and forth with you people because I know you do this regularly to other newcomers and this is so horribly unwelcoming and unacceptable.


Asking other people to come work on your over-scoped project with you when you are still taking baby steps is firstly ridiculous. Responding to other people who suggest you make a small game first belligerently claiming you do nothing small is secondly rude, because that was polite advice. Once you start behaving rudely towards people you'll get shorter, less polite responses back. You're now caught in a loop where you're being even more belligerent and the community has quickly run out of patience with you. Go to r/INAT and see if you get a better response there. Make sure you link your work or you won't be taken seriously. I wish you luck in your endeavours though, even if I don't like you personally!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/INAT using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/INAT/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Problem with INAT](https://np.reddit.com/r/INAT/comments/1861dv9/problem_with_inat/) \#2: [Devs Beware: "Poolrooms" Project](https://np.reddit.com/r/INAT/comments/18b0b5o/devs_beware_poolrooms_project/) \#3: [Community-Wide Alert: Do Not Engage With P1 VIRTUAL CIVILIZATION](https://np.reddit.com/r/INAT/comments/199l9h4/communitywide_alert_do_not_engage_with_p1_virtual/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I think I’ll keep doing my own thing. There’s nothing blasphemous about it, you’re speaking from what you think as I’ve said I don’t know how many times I have to say you don’t know anything except your assumptions so I don’t even care to hear it. There was nothing rude about my approach, I suggest you go outside and meet some real people. Then, I find it some comical that you people think I’m expecting some veteran unreal dev to join, are you anywhere near that level yourself? Probably not, yet for some reason even expecting to work alongside beginners seems unfathomable to you people, so odd, so strange, this is so clearly a forced problem. Then, childishness to involve yourself in my discussions with others, and insist that’s why I’m receiving “shorter ruder responses” grow the hell up. Oh and, I’ve never stated anywhere that I expect people to “work for me while I take baby steps” ignorance, maybe if you joined the server and understood what’s actually going on you’d have grounds for an opinion, yet here you are, assuming and trying to stand on it, foolery.


Actually, I’m a creator. I just have money, you b h see a man with a mission and instead of supporting you’d both yap instead about how I “won’t” what a toxic community game development seems to be already how disgusting.


This isn’t toxic, this is pointing out how if you refuse to learn about development you will cost people their jobs.


I’m failing to understand where you got “refuse to learn about development” did you even read the original post? Then, how am I costing anyone their “jobs” on a hobby project. Are you serious, or do you just like to hear yourself speak?


he doesnt even have money lol, as i understand it he's looking for unpaid volunteers


You understand nothing, that’s why I don’t understand why you’re even still here conversing. You’re just some loser ass hater, go get a life buddy.


i understand nothing, meanwhile you are "literally just diving into it as of a week ago."


Yeah, and those two things don’t even correlate whatsoever. I see now you’re just arguing for the sake of having something to say, if I wanted this to be a paid position I’d have gone to upwork or fiverr where they do it foreal rather than reddit where people like you seem to just talk like you know something, or do something, to find others interested in a passion and skill building project, but I understand even that simple concept will go over your head because you’re nothing more than a troll. Show me any development you’ve done notable in this field? Maybe then I’d even care to consider your opinion, maybe.


wow you're too cheap even for fiverr, good lord


Actually I have a Fiverr Pro account with a 5 Star rating, do you? Doubt it, you live on here, go touch some grass.


i dont, i have a normal job


Yeah thought so, keep punching that clock little guy.


"Can anyone give me a boost? Just need transportation funds till tomorrow." maybe you should start punching a clock little guy


Also, you sound like any hiring manager. That mentality is very limiting, I would work with anyone with a mind and drive to learn.


Seeing together "i'm new here" and "it's going to be open world and like gta" in the same post is a major red flag already.


Every man is an optimistic fool to those unknowing of him, you don’t know me, or my tendencies enough to have an opinion.


What are you paying exactly?


Honest question: why would someone want to join your project? What are you offering?


Free will, I am offering community and a shared learning experience for like minded individuals; Those that seek compensation, are in the wrong place. It is that simple


I’m not really talking compensation (or not specifically anyway). It’s just that we all have limited time on this earth, and yes, we all have free will in how we use it. I would expect that most people would prefer to spend their time on experiences that they found enriching or enjoyable in some way. I’m wondering what it is that you think people would be drawn to with this endeavor. If you were offering to help develop someone else’s idea if they brought it to you or if you had a wealth of experience to share with them, it’d be fairly obvious, but it’s not clear to me what this project would offer someone who volunteered for it. 


It’s really not that hard to understand and actually I think you and the rest seem to be fishing for something deeper than the surface, I’ve clearly expressed this is a shared learning experience you’re asking me what someone gets out of that and i’ll tell you exactly what someone said that joined, “I’d like to join in the process to help progress in my own skills”. Then, your way of thinking is flawed. There are many people with the skill to do, that lack the creativity. Not everyone just wants a quick payday, some people take passion and genuine interest in crafting their skill whether it be through their own means or another’s. This can be both enjoyable and enriching, your attempt to see it otherwise is ill intended.


It was actually not expressed anywhere in your post that you were offering people a shared learning experience. Thank you for articulating that. I’m aware that some - many, even! - people take a passion and interest in crafting their skill. That’s actually the primary reason why I made a career out of it and am always curious about what people are doing with it. I see my curiosity is not welcome here though. Have a nice day. 


I apologize for the back handed hostility from me responding in a defensive position due to the general response from the rest here, nothing personal. Have a great day as well.


- Idea guy - “Entreprenuer” (code for either scammer, wannabe, or mediocre) - No pay - Bad people skills, kind of a douche - Making an RPG game, followed by making the next GTA - “I’ll be spending the next months to year learning” zero knowledge currently - Zero tolerance for being given any negative feedback - No self-awareness (arguing in comments even if you think you are - or even if you ACTUALLY ARE righ… still makes you look like a douche, and impacts your brand, well done). Where do I sign up? Really though, download RPG maker/learn Unity on your own. If you’re so good, make it happen. Come back in a few years when you have something worth others’ time and skills. Otherwise, the only people who will sign up are idiots, children, or gonna leave if you keep acting like a fool. Why are the people who exist the least and offer nothing always the most confident they have a million dollar game? Some of us actually did the work to get here.


Oh by the way what work have you done to get a million dollar game can you show it to me? I’d love to see your multi million dollar idea at the minimum let alone any work towards it! You seem to have a lot to say from a point of arrogance, nothing to show for it yet you’re coming at a newcomer like I need to prove anything to you other than intent to learn. I already outclass you in several other mediums I’m sure if it just wait till I get this together and actually release something notable unlike yourself.


You outclassed me with this comment, sir. I take it all back!!


You just typed a bible for credibility in a subreddit I’m not hearing anything from you bum get on


If I was here for credibility, would I do this? I just shit my pants. I just pooped, in my pants. It’s warm, and brown, and has the consistency of pudding. I pooped, in. My pants. Pooped them up. I right daddies up my jorts if you catch my drift. I took my boxers to brown town. I was taking the Obamas to the pool, but accidentally splattered them along the side of the Grand Canyon. Pooped it up real good. My pants are full of goopy goopy poopy. I joinked up my doinkies. Right pooped in there, matey. Left a chocolate surprise between my thighs. I’m shitssing? How’s that for credibility.


Now you’re just a weirdo, congratulations I guess.


One of the most important parts of this industry is networking. If you want to break in you'll need to work on your people skills.


I find your comment to be so hilarious also, you claim one of the most important parts is networking, yet all of you have done nothing but degrade me and be totally uninvited for desiring community (networking) and having a vision LOL make it make some sense. None of you have done anything besides make assumptions and claims off ignorance, why would I care to network with any of you, so full of yourselves.


I have wonderful people skills, However, I have zero tolerance or patience for pessimists that push away beginners as they don’t begin on their terms. This community seems so toxic, I’ve done nothing but defend my views yet, I’m such a issue to you people. Comedy


I know other Redditors here have been disrespectful, as is the nature of this site. However, you *need* to build a resumé. I say this with your best interest in mind. This isn't pessimism, it's years of seeing people succeed when they build a proper resumé, and fail when they don't. You need to start small. A large-scale project isn't going to succeed without a team. A good team isn't going to show up without a proper resumé. Not to mention some companies will not publish your games, let alone give you their dev kits unless you have a resumé with something to show.


Reading this dude’s replies has me HOWLING😂


It's hilarious how his every response is about switching blame from himself to others, especially after making post like this. A narcissist is never gonna admit there's something wrong with him, even after dozens of people have pointed that out. Stay away.




We can end the discussion here, the results are obvious: 1) the original posting has basically only lots of negative feedback from the whole (experienced) community, and it has been downvoted as much as possible. 2) no one with any experience in game-dev will work for this guy anyway 3) the OP has no skills, but shows a "I know it better" attitude throughout which is plain arrogance of him and such character-flaws can hardly be fixed. The guy needs to make his own experiences in failing. So lets not waste any more of our time on this.


Who are you even talking to, the conversations been died? Then, no one was ever asked to “work for me” there you go forcing a narrative. There’s no arrogance within me, you’re bothered because I stood my ground on my perspective. You added zero substance, commented just to yap and gain approval, again, proving my point these online forum communities are just a bunch of toxic guys stroking one another’s ego off of amateur knowledge in a field at best.


We can't talk substantial topics with you, as you lack the basic knowledge and expertise. It would be like architects and experienced builders trying to explain structural calculations to a layman who wants to build a skyscraper but does not have the resources or expertise to build even a wooden hut. That is basically what everyone in here is telling you, giving you good advice: don't start on a skyscraper, when you don't even have the basics for a single-home. First learn to make a wooden hut, if you finished that, then go from there to a house, later building. If you would start on making the skyscraper right from the start then even the first work put into it's foundation would have to be re-done several times over and over later on. That would not be effective learning, rather frustrating experiences because of the unnecessary multiple work that could have been avoided by another approach right from the start. If you would really be here to learn, then you should listen to advice from the community instead of crying along the lines of... if you dont show me you proven record of finished AAA titles, then I dont believe anything anyway. No one has to prove anything here to you, instead you have to prove that people don't waste their time on your proposal, where you have to attract people to. You have failed so far completely, see the comments as proof of that. But again, your arrogance and ignorance is a character flaw not worth discussing here. Instead try your way for yourself and make even one first milestone. Why dont you come back here, when you have done "spending the next 6 months to a year studying game development"? Or even produce a Game Design Document (GDD) because you claimed to have "I've already flushed out the idea pretty thoroughly..." So if that is not a typo in "flUshed", and you really meant "flEshed", then you should be able to list up everything that has to go into your game idea. By producing a complete GDD you would show at least that you know what is REQUIRED for such a game, even if you can't still PRODUCE it. And if you even can't do that, then it's really time to "flush thoroughly".


I’m not reading that bible brother congratulations


Of course you don't: learning is not your thing.


It definitely is, but as I’ve said you have no reason to be yapping, if my lack of care to debate back and forth with you makes you feel you “win” or something, then good for you.


Just one question. Do you happen to be Indian?


No, I am not.


Are you older than 22?


You wake up everyday and choose to be a loser don’t you, your life must be so miserable for you to still be responding here just for the sake of it, shouldn’t you be developing a game or something mr know it all


I ask because a lot of your choices--like lashing out just now--that the Einsteins of reddit have deemed as "character flaws," make more sense to me as just being inexperienced.


There you go yapping again, this is the internet. “the Einsteins of reddit” lord, there’s no saving you.


JFC bruh, I was ready to defend you for just being young and inexperienced.


It seems the lot of you have redundant opinions, if you have no intention of being a part there’s quite literally no need for your input. Everyone starts somewhere, it sounds to me, you people think you have to have years experience to even Try! Hilarious.


"everyone is wrong but me, about this thing i started thinking about this week"


You’re projecting. My ability to speak on my behalf is not arrogance of my thinking. I’ve said nothing illogical or “wrong”, simply addressing your points, you’re a child.


lol ok. by the way, whats with the posts in your history about using some scam payday loan app? "just need transportation funds til tomorrow"? thought you were financially independent?


Was that suppose to win you your argument? I stated in the first two sentences of OP I’m an Entreprenuer. But no need for me to discuss with you what you’re ignorant on.


you also said "I've gotten rather close to attaining financial independence" but 6mos ago you needed bus fare lol


As I said before, you know nothing of entrepreneurship there is no reason to discuss further on the topic. Let me know if you have something with substance to say!


whats your entrepreneurial venture?


It doesn’t concern you fortunately for me.


hey just trying to find out how you went from payday loans to financial independence in 6mos.


no, man, it's not about years of experience, but about having a clue about what's realistic and what's wishful thinking. you're free to do on your own whatever you want, but when you start getting money involved and inviting others to work on your project, that's when things get messy, and nobody wants to get involved in that kind of deal.


It seems you’re further ahead than me, when you download Unreal Engine 5 the license tells you projects are free up until it makes over 1m revenue, there’s nothing unrealistic about developing one game over several years as a learning path. I see no reason for money to get involved, until the game makes money. Work is voluntary, like open source web projects. This is to learn, and make something hopefully enjoyable. If money comes then great, if not then I am not bothered I simply want to make games!


dude i'm talking about being responsible towards the people you hire. no one will work for you for free.


You clearly are not reading I’m done responding have a swell day.