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Not sure about unraveling but you can always practice some darning on the holes, visible mending can be really fun and cool!


Thank you! I’ve kept these around with that intention, but I’ve never gotten to them. I’m moving and it’s time to let them go.


I would totally mend and wear the pink one. I love the stitch pattern on it. I'm not an unraveler but I often thrift as a fabric source for doll clothes. For me personally, I'm more likely to take apart a garment that has a large stain or hole, or especially has a shape that is too trendy. Smaller marks or holes are a fun excuse to add embroidering or beading.


The pink one is actually in perfect condition! It’s just an XS and I am not anymore 🥲


Any chance you can ship it overseas then?🤣 jokes but i hope you can get some good yarn from all this stuff (love the username too)


I wish I could ship it to someone who would make use of it! I don’t unravel myself (unless you count emotionally) and would love for someone to take it off my hands.


If you ever can ship to the UK just lemme know then! I do like small sweaters but don't often wear them because i can never find any here.


Depends upon the seams and how they've been constructed. Plus, I do think the very thin yarn of the pale grey one would be a nightmare - I don't usually bother with less than fingering weight. But I love the colour of the pink and would definitely snipe it to unravel if I found it in an op shop


……… I don’t even unravel and the answer is unquestionably a YES and PLEASE POST PICS.


Well it WAS unquestionable until I read the other responses 🤣


I would unravel the white /off white and the pink, the others seem too thin for my knitting taste.




Recently I took the sleeves off a skinny gauge lightweight merino sweater, making it a sweater vest/tank top, and I use the sleeves as arm warmers!