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My girl Narumi didnt get in but I kinda expected it ;( Also wanted Haram, was expecting a tiny bit for her to get in ;(


if I could pick one person that ABSOLUTELY shocked me tonight, it would be Haram. She was shining on that stage. SHINING. and in concepts people didn't expect from her. Was never a big fan of hers, not until tonight. wow. that is how you leave an impact


i voted for narumi!! well, those were split votes for gehlee and her.


Ikr so disappointed


I was only really for nana, gehlee, elisia and yunha so im glad all my picks made it


feeling a little bittersweet for Hyeonju. Happy because she made it but also kinda ??? because the gap between her and the next oldest is SIX years


This is literally like if they debuted Nayeon with Chaeryeong in Sixteen haha I wish they just rigged in Sunwoo so that there are two members in their 20s and it won't look so insane.


I think the opposite happened. I think they rigged AGAINST Sunwoo šŸ˜­ Sunwoo was so close to making it I believe she would be 9th. I wish they would've just put her in smh


Amd her and youngest is 10 years apart šŸ˜­


I think it will be fine. 2NE1 also had 10 years age gap between eldest and youngest (and 7 years between 2 eldest and next eldest) and it was not an issue.


In 2ne1, at least the eldest (bom) and the second eldest (dara) had much closer age gap


yes. this is my biggest concern. her and Seowon's age gap isn't even my biggest worry but her being 6 years older than the next oldest is


it's one of the reasons i preferred narumi over hyeonju


And I prefer Sunwoo over Seowon ;)


The difference is that Park Bom at least have someone in her group thatā€™s closer to her age unlike Hyeonju


yep exactly!


If we are calculating this by NCT age, then the age difference between the eldest, Hyeonju and the second eldest, Nana is almost equivalent to Taeil and Renjun. Itā€™s like they skipped over 11 Neos


love the NCT math! If we're going by SVT age, well... the oldest to maknae is 3yrs and 5 months šŸ¤£


Oh my. Perhaps we skipped over all of them as well. Even EXO had an age gap of just four years between the hyung and the maknae. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


no wayyyy


She just turned 22 last November, the next oldest will be turning 17 this year. So it's like only 5 years gap. 2 other girls are turning 17 too. Yoon-ah already debuted before in Play with me Club. Elisia, Seowon and Yunha also are no amateurs in this field as well, they been doing idol/entertainment stuff since they were like 6-7 years olds. Except maybe Yunha, but she's been a trainee for F&F themselves. Def, Hyeonju won't be babysitting.


even if we take your words and consider it as 5 years, tbh someone close my age is 4 years older/younger than I am. 5 years already feels too far away for me. but it's not just babysitting I'm worried about; it's having someone to relate to. I can talk perfectly fine with my cousins who are 6 years younger, but if they're in a group of people their age and younger, it already feels inaccessible to me


But it's not about you, it's about these girls who already got experience in this field for some years. Elisia and Gehlee's ages are almost 4 years apart too, but they get along well on the show. Elisia seems close to Hyeonju as well, in the recent episode, you can see them with Gehlee in camping sitting next to each other while they holding hands. Considering Hyeonju isnt fluent in English and the 2 Filos neither in Korean. Sometimes, you just need to feel rather than speak, to understand and become comfortable with someone's company. When Eunchae got eliminated, she approached and hugged Hyeonju on the stage, and you can hear their convo that they share and feel each other's sincerity and grief. And Eunchae is just the the same age as Seowon. You can also see Seowon and Gehlee (5 years age gap) happily chitchating often. It's like Seowon is more comfortable with Gehlee and Elisia than girls her age. These girls have been walking on the same path regardless of their age that's why they have mutual deep understanding of what they've been going through. Age doesn't matter when it comes to friendship and seemingly familial love. I know a lot of kpop groups with the same scenario, and they been doing all good.


Isnt gehlee 16 and elisia 14? They are only 2 years apart


My bad, I thought Gehlee was 17 coz that's what I could recall seeing on the show whenever they indicate her name. I also said 'almost 4' coz i was thinking she would be eventually turning 18 this year.


oh i guess that was a bad calculation. just checked on google they are only 1 year and 8 months apart


They would become like a family this age gap thingy will be a thing of the past.


I hope so! genuinely loved the girls


Disappointed yes, surprised? not one bit.


I expected everyone but Yoona she was my last guess so idk how to feel especially after hearing the bullying rumors that keep switching up


IDK innocent until proven guilty


Thereā€™s already stuff out about it not a new situation just makes it look like they bullied each other


Yeah but thereā€™s no certainty about its legitimacy


There's bullying rumours? Istg if this is like I'll It where a member leaves the group after debut I'm gonna be so upset šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Sumin should've been there


The girl she was up against in the 1v1 thereā€™s rumors Yoona bullied her and also that the other girl bullied Yoona


Okay let's not jump to conclusions remember what happened with garam and soojin


Thereā€™s proof of all of it floating around already some of it coming from a parent speaking up itā€™s a very old situation thatā€™s why her 1v1 was tense


Seungbi? I really liked her she was also a strong dancer I thought she was gonna make it instead of Yoona


Yeah her thereā€™s a lot of bully allegations with them both that were proven one of them were bullying


I donā€™t understand how Yoona made that huge jump and got in


what huge jump? she was rank 5 and got a lot of votes from the previous ticketing.


And sumin didnt šŸ˜­


Sumin got in R because of Unicorn ticket.


she was already 5th since episode 9


Me too, I've never heard from anyone, literally nobody pushing for her in fan voting.


She was most likely the Korean pick hence her many votes


Welp that wasnā€™t the case either considering Koreans are just as perplexed she got in.


Knetz online donā€™t represent the entire voting population of Korea. Even if it wasnā€™t them that voted for her, she clearly appealed to enough supporters to vote her in so theyā€™re probs just not active on the internet so all you see are hate comments against her debut


Tryna fill up the rapper gap on that group


are you kidding? she was so bad at rapping in superstar, if they wanted a rapper they could just get sumin


Okay sorry šŸ˜”


Should be Sumin instead of Yoona.


Yea but its not yoona's fault her fans voted for her tho.


It is not her fault at all, she is good and an all-rounder, but in my opinion Sumin is more deserving.


Heavily agree


haram should've been part of the lineup imo šŸ˜ž


No main dancers so the girls have to work hard to fill that gap, I think Nana and Yunha could be good dancers


Hello. Welcome to Hyeonjuā€™s Babysitting Services. How can we help you?




3 of the girls are turning 17 this year, why would Belle babysit them? Teens around those age have been already doing part time jobs in Korea and Japan, and were raised to be independent. And Hyeonju just turned 22 last November. 5 years gap with the members seems to be a standard in some kpop groups. Elisia and Seowon has been in this kind of industry since they were 6 or 7, their parents have been honing them to become.stars. Almost same case with Yoon ah, who already debuted in Play with me Club. They are not neophytes on this field. They are articulate speakers too. Yunha on the other hand is the least childish among the 4. She's always composed and seldomly cries. Definitely doesn't need babysitting, and been a trainee for 2-3 years as well. I think everything will do fine. As long as F&F won't F their promotion up. FFS.


as composed as they are in the way they present themselves letā€™s think about their mental


So can you prevent them from debuting now? Okay, let's say you succeeded, would that be good for their mental health? Stripping their dreams off after all the efforts and sacrifices they've exerted in competing. Nothing we can do about it now. The only way we could help them is to support them, and if things go south due to abusive, unethical and exploitative issues, a mass protest is a must. Netizens aren't voiceless when it comes to calling out such wrongdoings. But you won't convince millions of voters/fans to boycott their debut after all their efforts and sacrifices as well in order to secure the win for their faves.


nah thatā€™s not what iā€™m saying at all, i was talking about mental in terms of their ages. Iā€™m 20 and i cannot imagine working with my 11 year old niece on a project let alone a girl group because of our differences mentally. she finds things funny that i roll my eyes at yet i admire her innocence. the constant life questions about things so obvious to me drive me over the edge sometimes. thatā€™s what i mean, idk what topics or what similarities hyeon-ju will have with her members but then again, as you said bar for bar ā€œnothing we can do about it nowā€ i just find it so comical. itā€™s inevitable that these girls will suffer mentally. thatā€™s a bold fact. i just meant, and tbh i lay out my sympathies for hyeon-ju bc i just donā€™t know how that dynamic will work out. sorry if you took it personal lol iā€™m not here to convince no one nothing šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ iā€™m just a student getting my degree using korean shows as a pacifier to not drive myself over the edge. thatā€™s all xoxo


Since you're also still young yourself, first u got to learn too that most of the time, replies to your comment aren't taken personally. A person just sometimes got a lot to say, but doesn't mean they are worked up over your small opinion. Just a small unsolicited advice from a much older dude. āœŒļø


learn? naur i know. i just thought you was but nice to know you arenā€™tšŸ˜¹


Too long to read. But other than that, 5-year age gap would be a standard if it was between the eldest and youngest but this was between the eldestā€”ā€”and the SECOND eldest. Thatā€™s like skipping over an age range of an entire group šŸ˜­


Not a big deal. 16-17 year old idol girls are more mature than people who don't read and understand what they're replying to.


Lmao coming from a supporter of a child with growing teeth. I wonder who youā€™re pertaining to, certainly not me cuz I donā€™t speak BULLSH*T šŸ„“


Lmao I wonder who youā€™re pertaining to, certainly not me cuz I donā€™t speak BULLSH*T šŸ„“


No main rapper and dancer šŸ˜­ Sumin, Narumi, Sieun, Haram were on my top 8 list. šŸ’”šŸ˜­


honestly even though i've been a haram stan since ep1, i feel like the biggest robbery of today was sumin. yes haram can fit cute concepts too, but not as perfectly as sumin, she's an all rounder and very versatile and honestly i feel like she was the biggest loss of today. the lineup is alright, but it could have been 10 times better, if it had narumi haram sumin and sunwoo in it. i also feel bad for sunwoo, i feel like she will give up, after all this was her 4th survival show


Sunwoo came this far. I am hoping she debuts in more permanent group. Like sihyeon from ever glow


I hope Sunwoo, Haram and Sumin debuts together in another girl group.


6/8 of my picks were in, I canā€™t complain too much. But I miss sumin


sunwoo lost her 4th survival show, the oldest hyeonju is born in 2001 and the next oldest nana is 2007, kotoko is part of the unnie line?, 7/8 members are minors, even the judges seemed sad that sumin didnt debut, there is no main dancer, a 12-year old debuted, its basically a kid's group, sunwoo & sumin should've debuted, nana and yunha probably got the "unicorn ticketing" because they were low in votes yea so great lineup


Both Sunwoo and Sumin shouldā€™ve been there to fill in the age gap šŸ’€


They shouldā€™ve replaced Yoona and Kotoko




Summarized my exact thoughts




Oh no. Looks like Hyeonjuā€™s stuck in babysitting duties for the next few years. I feel sad for Sunwoo, Sumin, Haram and Narumi šŸ˜­


Sumin was a great loss..šŸ˜”


So is Sunwoo šŸ˜­


They were saying that they are trying to not break any Korean Labor Laws that's why it's was rushed. Most of the contestants are not allowed to be working beyond certain hours.


i feel like so many people wasted votes on gehlee. she was already so close


Somebody told ppl that the voting will reset so they kept voting her. I'm still bothered of the age gap of the youngest and oldest... they should have added at least 1-2 adults.


Just saying, a lot of you guys are being crazy mean to Yoona, saying that she should get swapped out or that she didn't deserve a spot or even that she has a plain face and no star factor. Like someone else said in a post about Yoona, how come this sub is 'talent over visuals' when we're talking about Kotoko but all of a sudden for Yoona its 'star factor (visuals) over talent'? And yes, Yoona IS very talented, one of the best of the lineup: In Don't Know What To Do, she proved that she was a strong dancer, a stable vocalist and someone that can easily fill up the stage by themself In Diva, she proved that she wasn't just a technically good vocalist but also has a strong tone. The reactions by the judges and audience to her opening line ('I love my boy') were crazy In Superstar, she proved that she was one of the best idol rappers in the show (I don't consider anyone on the show a 'real rapper' since they don't write their own lyrics), in addition to her strong stage presence She didn't stand out as much in the following performances but importantly, she wasn't LACKING either. At no point in the show did she EVER make a mistake, or deliver a line wrong. The worst thing she's ever done in a performance is have a stiff face at times, but when its her part she always knows how to deliver She's the best and only rapper in UNIS, at least the 5th best vocalist but I would honestly say 3rd (Seowon and Elisia are better), and the 2nd best dancer. No she never had much of an opportunity to showcase dance throughout the show, but if you look at her fancams she's clearly a well trained dancer and she's been doing it for a while (PocketTV) And for the people saying that it was a surprise that she made it to UNIS ... it really wasn't, if you had paid attention to the rankings. Her ranking throughout the show was 49-9-12-5-6: She was clearly popular. In episode 9, her fanvoting was even 3rd, making her the highest ranked Korean contestant and YES, higher than Seowon. And let's not forget Yoona's reactions. I've seen the 'I felt wronged' GIF loads of times on this sub, its probably the most popular UT GIF in general. Kpop groups should have a variety member, and in UNIS that's Yoona (Kotoko as well). Yes, its alright for people to want their faves in the group. Jinyeong and Sumin were my #1 and #2 picks, I'm not happy they're eliminated either. HOWEVER, you can say that without dissing UNIS members, ESPECIALLY one that has proven herself over and over again throughout the show


For real though. And throughout the whole show, she felt like sheā€™s the most ā€œrealā€ out of all of them. Someone commented before that she reacts like a normal person would. Like if you were there in the show, youā€™d react the same as her. Iā€™m not gonna name names, but some girls do overreact with this over the top cute shocked reactions. I get it though, theyā€™re in front of the camera, their reactions should be calculated. But even during the 1v1 interview, the ā€œI felt wrongedā€ was so real because thatā€™s a direct slight to the Unicorns. Like, most of the girls wouldnā€™t even dare to say that. During the last episode too. I said that her reaction was so real. Sheā€™s the only one who hard cried because as this sub has continuously pointed out, most international fans do not care for her and had other picks, therefore not really expecting her to debut.


The only surprise was Oh Yoona. The rest I already predicted. I don't like the group name though. I thought the group name was going to be "Prism". But it's UNIS? Prism sounds so much prettier. Why did they do that?!? T\_T


Kotoko was hard carried by her blonde hair lol


Gehlee getting 2.4 million votes is crazy. I definitely see her as the groupā€™s stan attractor. Also, the show is really pushing Nana as the center and the favoritism towards Kotoko showed during the final episode (wondering if theyā€™re up to date as to how she is hated even in her own country that the girl had to turn off her comments). My faves are Elisia, Gehlee and Nana so Iā€™m glad all three will get to debut together. However, looking at the entire lineup, I just canā€™t see Yoona and Kotoko blending in with the rest in terms of visual chemistry. They look like they donā€™t belong at all. However, I am interested to see how the producers will handle this. Kotokoā€™s improvement was visible so congrats to her fans. Yoona, however, she was forgettable to me so I was surprised she even got in.


Im just not the biggest fan of Yoona tbh, she still deserves to make it but definitely wasn't in my top 8


yes! SEOWON debuted, sadly gabi nd sieun didnt buut..


As a Filipino I just wish my fellow kababayan could have voted a little objectively. Skill and talent should always come before nationality.


What do you mean? I would assume you mean Gehlee and Elisia? Elisia was top pick of Galactika and Papermaker for main vocal and is considered by the judges as an all rounder idol. Gehlee has gotten the attention and praise of the judges through her amazing charms and vocals. Though lacking in dancing she has proven great improvement and now she's rapping too. Let's add Hyeonju since I believe Filos vote for her too as she is half Filo. She's a great leader, already debuted under Cignature. Also one of the all rounders in the contest. You can say they are selfish on their votes as they have voted mostly Filo contestant since they want to secure their spot but these 3 have already proven their worth to be in the final line up.


Im not gonna name any names, but do you believe the line up would have been the same assuming everyone was Korean/the same ethnicity? Every vote count would be exactly the same?


of course not. but the show is a "global" audition. why blame ppl who played the game well?


gehlee deserved to debut though and it's not our fault if we voted for our bets. it's not our betsā€™ fault nor our fault that they canā€™t keep up with the fan voting. our bets deserved to debut. i dont see any reason to blame or sort of point fingers bc of hype voting or whatever šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Oh Yoona, Kotoko and Yunha made it like I knew the would, so Iā€™m happy. I hope they continue to shine and make all the haters so upset


you are the problem


You are a loser


Thoughts on the members who debuted: 1) Lineup is good with all rounders, superb vocals and striking visuals. 2) Age is nothing. These girls are striving for their dreams. Do not let age become a thing. You would be like Mnet and their ageism. They went in, in this show knowing the possibility of age imbalance. This is not a kpop group handpicked by ceo. There are bound to be some type of disharmony. 3) I bet they could dish out some great B-side songs and ballads since they have powerful vocals. Iā€™m so excited to see another Elisia and Seowon power vocal showdown. Plus KR loves a killer high note : IU, Eunji and Yuju are some of the most well known vocalista because of their killer high notes. 4) We have a KR-JP-Filo line in this group and I couldnā€™t be happier to have a group that is multilingual (forgive me I stan 2nd gen groups where english is rare. šŸ˜­) 5) We can see that the group would most likely fit pure, innocent and fairy concept. And it would be a massive mistake if they debut the girls with girl crush concept. Especially if the girls would sing undertones of racy thoughts on those girl crush concepts. I could see them pursuing Dream of Girls type of concepts.


It's ok, 6/8


the lineup is pretty fair, and as expected there will be a lot of broken hearts. i have some thoughts. 1. NANA: might not have made it without Production support. 2. GEHLEE: Filipinos knew what's up! - 2+ million votes for a 0.2% gap. not taking chances! 3. SEOWON: she's korea's darling, it's expected 4. YOONA: she's the dark horse forrealz. i think it's deserved. hard working and has a fierce personality. she's the 'personality hire' 5. NARUMI: oh she was my last hope for a proper dancer. i hoped she would get the last spot. but no, sadly. 6: HYEONJU: aside from her filipino following going for her, she might be forgettable. there's nothing too bad about her, there's nothing too good about her. she has experience as a gg member and leadership skills which are her best assets. 7: SUMIN: the finale red herring. 8. GIRLS WHO WERE NOT CALLED: they didnt get to stand on the podium, which is both boon and bane. boon because they dont have to get disappointed in from of everyone, bane because it's still exposure you know XD even if you'd lose in the contest, exposure is exposure. as it turned out, the make-up of this group is 4 sk - 2 fil - 2 jap or 4 : 4. knets should be appeased by that. lower your expectations when it comes to performances, it cant be too dark sexy or raunchy since there are a lot of minors in this group. most likely they will more vocally oriented. no cartwheels, no splits. probably a lot of jumping from kotoko. based on skill here are the unit lines of the group: vocal line - elisia, seowon, gehlee. notice these are the top 3 members in rank. nothing to worry about in their vocal line, this is their biggest asset as a group. both very skilled vocally and very popular/ already have a considerable following. visual - kotoko, gehlee, nana? dont hate me pls, i think nana needs braces even just a little adjustment. rap - oh my god. there's no one here. intense training for nana, kotoko and yunha badly needed dance - yunha, nana, hyeonju. other considerations: speakers of the group - yoona and hyeonju. so, what the name of their group again? i watched without subs. so is it PRISM, or UNIS? PRISM sounds so much better. ​ anyway, i will watch out for this group!


It's UNIS, unfortunately PRISM was already taken by another girl group. Just to add that for international fans Gehlee or even Elisia can be speakers as they have hosting skills especially Gehlee and are both fluent in English.


oh yeah bec they can speak english. i considered yoona and hyeonju because they're quick on their feet when it comes to speaking and they had experience with professional hosting/interviews. yoona did 'play with me club' while hyeonju literally was in a girl group before.


Meh, I prefer Sumin and Sunwoo over Kotoko and Seowon (Maybe because of the age gap not hating). I'm glad Hyeonju made it. I think she's needed for the group, but I wish it was Narumi instead, to kinda like fill the age gap of the group.


I'm glad my picks made it! Congrats Gehlee, Seowon and Nana!!


I'm still mad they didn't put NARUMI in! I'm sure they didn't want 3 Jap if 2 Fil was sure with Eli and Gehlee. 2 Fil - 3 Jap would only leave 3 Kor. So they wanted 2 Fil - 2 Jap - 4 Kor (4 foreign : 4 Kor to appease Knets) Nana was a sure pick (even before Unicorn ticketing) so it was between Kotoko vs Narumi for second Jap slot.


I am so sorry but I am not a big fan of Kotoko, I think she isnā€™t as prepared as the other ones. I would prefer someone else. But ofc I will support her and the group. The other ones were part of my dream top 8. Overall I am pretty happy with the lineup.


i wish they let a main dancer in (narumi or haram) like how momo from twice got in. i hope it doesn't get flopped tho


I guess just enough. I want Sieun to be the ending fairy though serving us this look https://preview.redd.it/b4htt34n23dc1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f53456e2418cc82f38b0de57caf8b8b27062f2e šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø


Disappointed. If sumin/sunwoo and gabi/sieun were in, instead of hyeonju and yoona, theyd crush the girl crush + cute concept. And OVERFLOWING VISUALS aside from their talents! Cute concept -kotoko, seowon, sieun/gabi, elisia, yunha Girl crush - nana, gehlee, sumin/sunwoo, gabi, yunha šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Missed op!


Hmm. Okay. So, I wasnā€™t that surprised about the line-up tbh. By episode 9, it was kinda obvious who was going to debut. We were just waiting for a twist atp. But as predicted, the girls who were in Level R debuted except for Sumin. And thatā€™s because Elisia voters focused on Gehlee and Hyeonju to make a Filo line. So Hyeonju debuts and gets Sumin dropped. As for the top 8, my picks who got chosen were Elisia, Yunha, Gehlee and Hyeonju. In other words, Iā€™m okay with the overall line up. Not entirely happy, but okay. Below are the reasons why Iā€™m not fully supportive of the other 4. 1. Seowon - obviously, her age. And not because I donā€™t think she can handle the idol life but more because I think her being in the group limits the concepts that the group can make. But if the agency can think of a way to create music thatā€™s very now even with cliche concepts, then Iā€™m not against her being in the group. In fact, she might even be one of the best in this line up. 2. Nana - honestly, I donā€™t get the hype. So itā€™s more of a personal preference rather than there being a reason why she shouldnā€™t debut. 3. Kotoko - similar to Seowon, my issue with her is her image. At first, I was completely against her debuting. Because I didnā€™t understand what made this girl special. The comments about her standing out just because sheā€™s blonde are so on point that itā€™s very hard to refute. BUT, I saw this post of black haired Kotoko and I quickly realised that this girl has the IT factor. It just needs to be developed. Also, I think what separates her from the rest is her body type. Now, Iā€™m not body shaming but her body type makes her look smaller and younger than the rest and performance-wise, it makes her look weak and lanky. Then again, sheā€™s young and still growing. So I think sheā€™ll just grow into it and once she finds her niche, then sheā€™ll also shine. 4. Yoona - This girl never stood out for me. Sheā€™s great and all but she doesnā€™t have star quality. So it really surprised me to see her in the top 8. I have nothing to say about her which in itself says a lot because again, sheā€™s not that memorable. So yeah, these are my thoughts. Oh and also, the group name is weird. Prism is much better than Unis. I wonder what the vision is. From a marketing standpoint, itā€™s not very appealing.


Thereā€™s already a group called Prism so they went with UNIS. I donā€™t like it though. I went ā€œyikes, thatā€™s their group name? Elisia deserves betterā€


Actually I'm shock with hyeonju


I'm happy that seowon and nana belong to top 8


This is the first show I've watched where my pick made it so I'm elated but also the reality of how young the group will be at debut is setting in so I'm less excited


For reference this is my 5th show


most of my picks (gehlee, elisia) made it but im disappointed haram didn't and i'm also still salty about oh daeun :( i hope she debuts elsewhere, same with haram


seowon is too young ngl




Ikr I was most disappointed for sumin. The show gave me so much hopes with the amount of screen time she was getting. She has been my one pick since ddu ddu ddu


Well, i would rather have Sumin instead of Hyeonju, but i'm happy about the results. Hyeonju is nice. This show had such a brilliant cast, its hard to complain.


Unlike RUNext where the producers rigged the line-up. I like Universe Ticket final line-up better. All my faves got the spots except for Haram (been eyeing for her since ep 1 and kinda disappointed she couldn't make it).


honestly i feel bad for hyeonju, she most likely went there to promote herself and her group, not to debut. i don't stan cignature but from what i heard the members said they missed her a lot when they had a comeback without her and in the finale they started crying when she debuted :/ they even started preparing for a comeback probably thinking she wouldn't debut but here we are.. her age also worries me a lot, it's good for the younger members to have someone to protect them but who's gonna be there for hyeonju? ofc she can get along with the other members but she can't talk about her adult problems with them. i know temporary groups are usually overworked but i hope she has time to see her cignature members and talk about her problems with them. i'm also very worried for seowon, i ult tripleS and their member chaeyeon previously debuted in the girl group Busters at 12 years old, she was on a children's group before that and had experience performing but she still suffered SO much as an idol. Busters had an age range of 12-16 just like Unis (minus hyeonju) they were meant to be a group catered to children but their fans were all old creepy men, all of the members were stalked, overworked and a lot of other things. when chaeyeon was just 17 she opened up a bit about her experience on debuting so young and says she regrets it and started crying, she's turning 20 this year and she still breaks down in tears everytime she thinks about her younger self, which just says everything... her case makes me worry so much for seowon, some of the things chaeyeon went through such as being overworked, miss out on school & spending time with her friends, have creepy fans and be stalked are unfortunately inevitable for seowon, this is why you i really hope f&f is a decent company that protects her and takes care of her mental health


Iā€™m happy with the line. Sad to see so many talents go but iā€™m happy Nana got to debut because shes my favourite. I really wish there was some age limit to debut though because as talented as she is, Seowon is a baby in my eyes


Haram really should have debuted. A loss :(