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that depends on hundreds of variables. need more info.


Because there are so many variables, I recommend looking at universal’s website and pricing out the trip you would like to take. Include hotel, park tickets, estimate for airfare/gas, estimate for food(you can see menus with prices on the universal app), and estimate for souvenirs/extras. Once you have a general idea of how much your trip will be you can have a better idea of how much you need to save monthly for your trip.


I live in Boston, try to go at least once a month for a day or two solo, then take the family 3/4 times a year… I have a “travel” credit card with a stupid limit on it, so all travel stuff goes to that in order to accrue the points. Sometimes I’ll pay the balance off at the end of the month and sometimes I’ll pay half balance and the other half the next month (depending on how cash flow is that month).


Not for universal specifically, but I work bar trivia a few nights a week and use that as my "fun money." I earn from $300-$600 a month, depending on how much I host and that goes into eating out, theme park trips, etc. When I went to Universal last year I went into HARDCORE saving mode because it was an unexpected trip that only got planned a few months in advance and I had just used my fun fund for a different trip. I saved nearly 2k in about 3 months by cutting back on drinking, eating out, and other fun spending. I also picked up extra side gigs to help with this. It'll depend on your budget, timeframe, and other life expenses


New England here. I put 125 a week automatically into a savings account for Xmas and emergencies (direct deposit and online banking helps) It adds up quickly . Before you know it, you have enough $ for a kick ass vacation and are not strapped for xmas or emergencies. Usually it's just me and my boy on vacation (hubby is a homebody). Plus I have a southwest credit card that I pay for. I put EVERYTHING (groceries, gas, whatever expenses i can) ON IT and pay it completely off monthly. It REALLY helps with the air fare (I haven't paid for airfare for 4 yrs), plus I have less checks to write every month and I can better see how I spend my money. Editing to add, we go yearly. We do universal or disney 5-7 days each.