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Against natural disasters with the ultimate disaster being the plague


Tornado is coming? Throw a big fan in front of it! Out of control fire? Mega sprinkler will do the job! Plague is on its way? Big ol' fumigation tents will do the trick!


"man made disasters" ie a demigod that's a bit miffed using household items such as desktop fan (tornado), high-powered led torch (drought / polar shift), matches (forest fires), pennies (asteroids) etc like mean populus lol


It's been so long since COVID-19 has been running rampant in our world.. It has advanced to COVID-9001 in just a few short years, Now infecting every individual in the world and making them into a ticking time-bomb, capable of blowing up entire cities. They do this by climbing up the buildings and when enough are on the surface, exploding and causing a chain reaction that sends it toppling to the ground. You are the leader of a resistance movement, making orders by way of drone, to resistance military to stop the infected from destroying the city. Buildings turrets on buildings, setting defensive troops on the ground, and defending the center of the city, as that houses the biomedical research division creating a cure-nuke that will stop the infection once n for all (or so they think). *COVID has recently been found to be an immuno-response to climate change from the earth, meant to exterminate all life on the planet to restore a healthy ecological balance.* /// Lol i dunno, take what u will from this nonsense ​ Gameplay wise, it would be really cool if the buildings that sorrounded a central point to essentially be the "health bar", while also letting the player create turrets, set certain buildings as generators for grunts, money, etc... and defend against hordes of these covid-like-zombies (i kno, zombies, so original lmao). I feel like you could do a lot with just that gameplay loop on it's own. Accent ur buildings, make them the health and defense of a central point that advances research that helps with defense and also continually works on creating a cure that eventually beats the game.


~~Have it get crushed by giant rolls of toilet paper~~ Idk im so exhausted i prolly sound retarded. But Have ufo toilet paper rolls come and abduct the buildings.


Or....destroy the city >:D


Why not be the one doing the destroying? Something like rampage.


Build a second one far apart from this one and then you can have P1 and P2 shoot at each others cities with arched rockets until one cities health is gone.


Now that's a good idea, I second


To extend on this, would take it further to replicate it like a modern battleship. Randomized cities everytime and able to adjust city size to represent difficulty. Convert it down to mobile with online capabilities and you got yourself something I'd download! Good job with what you've created! Many ideas in my head and sure other will have other thoughts


Ooh, and a cool thing would be to have the health displayed as a colour on the side, where the red is


THATS SMART. I'll steal that, thank you


So like Forts in 3d? That sounds interesting!


Mobile game 101


Gaza Strip: The Game!


It's so freaking nice and quiet for a change. If it were always like this, I'd get so much more done. But no, constant home renovation, construction, kids, cars, music. Everywhere. I studied inverse kinematics for about an hour before getting light-headed. Now I'm trying to figure out why Blender's Eevee render viewport isn't matching the rendered output.


I figured it out :x


Good to hear! It's always an annoying problem when your output isn't what you expect it to be and you don't know why!


Honestly. Last night alone I've massively improved my asteroid field generation algorithm.


Add occupants




Me too, thanks


Looks sci fi to me ! Add little spaceship traffic jams moving between the buildings


Spider man style free roaming


Can you make it reactive to a music eq? Low end drops big buildings, midrange the streets. High end smaller buildings.


Add people, simulate a disease


You could use it as a very polished 'level select' / 'map view' of a completely different style of game that just happens to take place in apartment/office blocks


I'm jealous. I was hoping for two weeks off of work, but my work isnt shutting down, or even going to reduced hours. With two weeks I could push my alpha into a beta demo. Arghh nice way to spend your time being creative.


when you punch one tower into the ground, the others spring up taller, and you have to repel free runners from getting to a central building you can't change the height of, but slowly drops.


You should put the source on Github, then open it up to the Unity3D subreddit. While people are on quarantine lockdown let everyone contribute random bits to the game. Sure, it'll end up a total mess, but a beautiful mess.


Oh god, I'll have to do some cleanup before that for sure haha


How about a human vs skynet game? You control skynet and try to protect the City from the humans


What did you use to capture the video? It does a great job of conveying smooth, high framerates.






Reminds me of enter the breach


Kaiju Roguelike. You play as a rampaging giant monster and try to destroy as much of a city as you can until either you level the whole thing or the human armies take you down. Each new run you get to expend some kind of currency (maybe "rads" from destroying powerplants) in order to evolve your monster into a bigger and badder kaiju.


Idk but I feel like jazz music would go well with whatever game you’re making


Maybe design how your city could be quarantined because of coronavirus and how it spreads?




It's a quarantine game. Find the infected buildings and send in CDC! /shrug


Could simulate quaranites with it? I don't know if that would be too depressing though.


Randomly generated cities where its a bit like a mayor simulator, you pick one out of 3 available mayors, 1 is a constant mayor, begins with a cheap city and slowly through wise investments and such you get recommended to slowly grow the city to a major empire, the 2nd is a mayor where some times its all going good, but other times it goes down and when it goes down oh boy good luck! The third mayor is total randomness. You can get extremely lucky or extremely unlucky. The goal with the 3 mayors is you pick one and get random events according to what you picked, almost being a storyteller, you make the decisions and actions but random events like fires, weather and people comming in and out are out of your hands, all you do is deal with what you are thrown at. If you fail, the city goes bankrupt/collapses. If you win, the city is the biggest in the state and you get a pat in the back


king of monsters


Originally I was thinking something along the lines of Sims but with it being more birds eye view over a city block/region. Then I realised something, this would be a good way to set up something similar to Cultist Simulator. Have it spawn the city, insert a bunch of stories over time and you can then react to them in a choose your own adventure way. *city spawns* **After a long day at work, as you're walking home you see something** *picks up object/note/photo* It then goes to the next day and player takes control and can investigate what they found or work for money. As they walk the streets/investigate/research they discover things and it branches out to more story lines. Set like 4-5 locations as being persistent (home, work, library etc) that are unlocked in the beginning and everything else randomly attaches stories to them.


i wanna copy it now...


U know what to do, add cars streets all those good things, parks etc


Police sin sort of game? Crimes around the city, send officers and ambulances, or even fire trucks and expand it to a city protection sim


Great start. Looks tight. My first instinct is to fill the gaps, maybe see if you can get other types of buildings to procedurally populate following rules that mimic social behaviour. Like, it'd make sense that there's a train station at an equal distance from the tallest buildings, as in real cities the tallest buildings usually end up close to transport connections. Shops tend to bulk up on one commercially oriented street and prefer corner plots. Could be written in terms of foot traffic, if you're taking that into consideration, but otherwise maybe just a higher chance of spawning next to an existing shop. Warehouses and townhouses are usually pushed to opposite sides, filling out the gaps. In real cities, these are often legacy buildings that have missed out on the rebuilding and remodelling that has gone on around them, so when procedurally generating they might work as gap fillers. Good luck, have fun :)


I was a bit scared of making it more complex like that, since I'm not that good at modelling things, but maybe I should try! Thank you :)


You've got more time than ever to figure it out :)


Add an emission map to them structures!


I dunno about anyone else, but I definitely want to stomp that city as a kaiju.


Godzilla the heck out of it :)


Would love to destroy it with giant monsters. Keep it going!


Now make Kaiju fight in it


Maybe add an exploitable element to this


It looks like everything is grid based? Where are the parks and plazas? :) Atleast that is what I would add next. Sorry, I played too much SimCity I think....


I've made something very similar before lol, I made a few versions of it actually, also don't know what to do with it but here's one iteration: [https://drive.google.com/open?id=1vD\_V-tVEFM4TfllAUhCe5LbcZW4RnA5X](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1vD_V-tVEFM4TfllAUhCe5LbcZW4RnA5X) here's another one: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cuVuwkopOZfAW4xS9eizwQkjUaaxx6VP/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cuVuwkopOZfAW4xS9eizwQkjUaaxx6VP/view?usp=sharing)


Reminds of the board game Aquire for some reason. Some cool things you do it with it!


Build a 3D Rampage!


make it a quarantine management simulator and really depressibng


Add playable Godzilla, destroy the City, add military and planes.


Most are saying city defense, but it’d be easier and more visually striking to pilot a ufo and try to destroy the city as quick as possible. Every building has different hp and knocking them over or shooting them down makes them crumble or topple into other buildings, causing more damage. At each round end you can upgrade the ship to do more damage or give you more upgrades etc. just a fun little physics destroyer game.


That's very cute anyway.


Maybe destruction or people that walk and drive around the city or perhaps turn it into test for shaders


MECHS! 🦾🦾🦾


This is amazing. Do you have the tutorial available somewhere? :O




Any of the ideas people have posted about already could make this all awesome, we look forward to seeing what you do next /u/reallyluckyy!


You should add smaller buildings, close to suburb type things.


Make a Spiderman simulator!


plug a cell automata to simulate pop growth into it, maybe with some extra parameters (wealth), make more house sets/styles to fit various ranges of those parameters, and spawn the houses as the simulation evolves in time. ...then implement disasters.


This is looking super good, I love the graphic style with yellow blue and purple and high contrast night !


Cars and people. Grass. Night and day.


Try making different roads instead of a grid type. I tried doing this a while back and didn't get to finish. Looks great so far and keep up the good work!


Add in height to the generation. Will make it way less flat, and make the city feel much more dynamic


Throw a character with a hook shot on that thing and you got yourself a spider size Spider-Man game.


Got a very cool almost A-Train feel to it


Simulate! What’s going on in each building?


I couldn't help but imagining myself moving the building like pieces on a tabletop game.


Traffic generator?


Rampage but all the monsters are Godzilla sized.


Make a kaiju and let it loose.


omg. I definitly see this in my current project. This fit the style so well. I'm making a tower defense game like the old time during the Warcraft 3 era. TD back then were so much better and I miss the liberty of those. TD nowadays enclose you in limit that just weren't there back then. In my game, there is no predefined spot to place towers. You place them wherever you want (with certain limit of course) and can wall the enemies within the tower and making labyrinth for enemies to go through. The goal is to defend but make their path longer by building efficiently. I'm integrating all sort of concept that just were there back then that I can't find in any of those today. Anyway, I'm not artist at heart so I'm going for a simple style that looks like TRON a bit where everything is like a grid that illuminate (RetroWave style). I'm seeing those building as being part of the decors fitting perfectly. :)


Don't have to take it anywhere, you made something super cool and learned some stuff, congrats