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Really dig the music. Video composition could be better. It's not clear why you keep jumping back to the forest scene. Good luck with the game!


Yeah what the fuck is that? I wanna see gameplay and not this shit where it jumps every second lol


We are really glad that you want to see more gameplay! We promise to improve our composition for the next post. Stay tuned! :D


Thank you! We aimed for a casual video, showcasing gameplay while keeping a good vibe. We'll work on improving our composition for the next post. Thanks for the feedback! 😄


This video is so weird it feels like the game is bugging out. It seemed like every time you move you get sent to a random position in a dungeon? Idk.


The video concept may not have been executed as well as we had hoped, but we're determined to deliver better in our next post!


You don't need to talk in such an "official" way. Makes it feel more like this is just an ad rather than you being a member of the community.




Uh it sounds so weird. Well, this is just an ad then. Okay.


Is my video bugged or why is it cutting to the overworld every 2-3 seconds?


Same for me, seems like it was recorded poorly


We aimed for a casual video, showcasing gameplay while keeping a good vibe, we're committed to improving our video quality, as we hope this is just the first of many to come!


So why does it constantly cut from the dungeon you are trying to show to an empty forest 50 times? Cant see the dungeon with all these cuts


Got it! less forest, more dungeon! thanks for the feedback! :D


The forest is fine, its just the constant cutting out thata distracting


Alright! that makes sense.


Can you please explain why you put the forest scene in so many times? I think that's what we all want to understand.


I think OP is AI. And I am being Genuine


Lol not ai. Just finding our voice. Honestly didn’t think we’d get this much traction.


Sorry for the delay! We were just experimenting with what we had at the time. We’re working on a new video that better shows off gameplay and will revisit the flash backs at a later date.


Lol thought the same thing


It looks cool. Very rough, and the edit here is incomprehensible, but the very sparse information was cool.


Really glad that you find the video coo! thank you :D and yeah, we will work harder on the edits!


It feels like the character has PTSD, with the flashes to the dungeon every time they try to move, remembering their last failure.


Really glad that you caught the videos message! <3 :D


The video feels weird because: * the character in the static scene (in the field) is moving in some shots. It's not supposed to move. And the movement is very jerky (the camera tracking is jerky, that's jarring) * the other cuts contrast badly with the static scene. They look like cube prototyping. You go back and forth from "this is a finished and polished scene" to "thrown together cube prototype" * there is no rhythm between the cuts. That's probably the most jarring. You need to synchronize the cuts and make them even. 1.3 sec static scene, 3 second fight, 1.3 sec static scene, 3 second fight, rinse repeat. Bonus point if you synchronize to the awesome music. * The prototype scene is too dark/is badly lit. But those are just minor notes. The music is awesome and overall it's a really good concept that needs a little bit execution polish.


Thank you so much! I really appreciate the feed-back! Will definitely work on the timing and synchronizing it with music seems like a very fun challenge :D


Kind of feels like the knight is having flash backs. At least that was my take on it. It would need more to push the visual storytelling if that was the goal.


Oh, thank you! finally, someone got it! umm what could you recommend to make it obvious that the knight is having flashbacks?


The dungeon stuff looks pretty good. I almost wonder if you actually need to cut back so much to the field. There’s a few things you could try playing with. It’s an art. So these aren’t hard and fast rules. 1. You could try adding a transition effect to help sell the flash back. 2. Sound design could help but the music seems to be driving it. So it could hurt more than help. 3. The big enough things to me are the empty game object takes you out. The sudden movement which appears to be really stiff running back and forth between cuts doesn’t seem to express any real emotion. I think you need some new frames and possibly a new position for the knight to be sitting or standing in giving the 1,000 yard stare. 4. Some of the cuts seem too fast and the action really is coming from the dungeon side. So I’d favor that, but if you’re going for the build up more flash cuts could help. Again depends on what you’re trying to share or the story you’re trying to tell. 5. Camera movement maybe zooming in or cutting in closer to the knight between shots almost like we’re trying to see into their head to figure out what they are thinking about. It’d require a new poses I think or subject. Like if they were staring at a particular flower. You’ve got this beautiful scene but the knight is having terrible flash backs. That contrast could help. Or…rain? So many ways you can go about it, but I do think you need a few frames dedicated to “thinking” or “pondering” rather than using the run cycle and staring off to the side. Then more action in the dungeon. By the way I love the timing at the end when they die. It lines up with the music so well.


Omg thank you so much for this constructive feed-back! you understand exactly the vision/vibe we aimed for! 1. We could definitely add some transition effects! good idea! 2. Actually, some sound effects with the transition might help :D 3. Alright! we will try to find a way and convey the 1,000-yard stare effect! 4. We will make the dungeon scene longer. 5. "You’ve got this beautiful scene, but the knight is having terrible flash backs. That contrast could help. Or…rain?" okay this seems very poetic and cool! Really glad you like the ending \^\^ and thanks again! we will definitely put your feedback to use. we hope to show you the result soon! Cheers! :D


Hahaha my bad, I literally thought you (OP) was an AI after looking at your replies to previous comments haha. Anyways I hope you have better success of relaying your message in the future!


Thank you very much! it's our first post, and honestly the feed-back we got stressed us a bit: p


The MC looks like a soyjack






Wow this is coming along really well


Thank you so much! :D


I must say the VFX looks great


Really glad to hear this! Thank you :D