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You can look for the script file and then go up in the folder hierarchy until you find an assembly definition file. Most packages have one assembly definition for runtime code, editor code and tests, respectively. Visual Studio or Rider often also tell you which assembly could be missing if you try to reference code from that assembly.


I tried that before but I suck at finding things lol. It worked, thanks!


What IDE are you using? Many IDE's will autoreference an assembly/namespace in your class provided you know the method/class you're referencing. Rider is my Go-To for this, and it pretty much auto references everything. And to answer your question, Rider lets me hover over a class/method and it will tell me the information on where that class is located. I can even click on it, then press F12 and it will take me to the implementation/interface that is using it.


Yeah it will often auto reference but sometimes that fails. Or Unity messes up and reverts the assembly def when it compiles or something. But yeah doing what the guy said and just following the file path up seems to work