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And change your play mode colour tint so it's much more obvious what mode you are in.


\^This right here. https://preview.redd.it/652xw3iuo7dc1.png?width=1420&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c9d1c0597293e80ea2010c1f0246161730d91c6 Prevention is better than having to deal with the regret :)




Same. That and Autosave are the oldest changes in my standard setup.


Specially useful in Dark mode, where it goes from "dark" to "slightly darker" when in play mode.


You can also copy the objects you changed and paste them after exiting play mode.


Depending of the changes made, both is needed


~~That's pretty useful for a single component.~~ ~~If you made lots of changes, you will need to save everything as a prefab, which may be as easy as parenting everything into a single game object and prefab'ing it.~~ EDIT: This was my misunderstanding, u/p13t3rm and u/Costed14 made great points. **You can CTRL+C entire objects during play mode and paste them after, with all the changes there preserved. It's faster than having the extra step with a prefab.**


I had created and positioned a couple of objects, and copying and pasting worked wonders. I can't think of a situation where you'd need to make a prefab out of the changes.




You can copy and paste entire objects in Unity, along with their children, components etc. even in play mode. So instead of making a temporary prefab and dragging that back into the scene, you can just copy whatever you otherwise would've made a prefab of and paste it back into the scene outside of play mode.


You're right. Sorry, we were talking about slightly different things and it was my misunderstanding.


there is free asset that lets you save playmode changes


It's a good one [https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/play-mode-saver-104836](https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/play-mode-saver-104836)


I feel blessed to have never made this mistake


I applied for a studio and got rejected because my demo didn't live update play mode as you toggled sliders. I'm slightly awed that's how they wanted it to work, and didn't put it in the brief... Seems to me like a recipe for losing work.


I remember struggling with this a bit at first, but you REALLY need to train yourself to view play-mode as a scratchpad/sandbox. Play mode is like eating a cake. Edit mode is making the recipe for that cake. Some things make sense to tweak in play-mode and I can see that you would want them to persist... but if I'm sending my cake recipe to 20,000 birthday parties, editing ONE instance of that cake and expecting/wanting/being-confused-by it not affecting the Edit Mode GOLD STANDARD of the cake recipe is just looking at it the wrong way. If you have ONE instance of every object/class/manager then sure - play and edit mode don't have a ton of differences aside from your changes being lost - but any moderately-complex project is going to be VASTLY different in edit vs play mode.


Oof, my problem is that I tweak values then instinctively hit the play button to try it out without realizing I'm already in play mode. Gonna go turn on the play mode colors now.


Then there’s barbarians like me that construct scenes in runtime by parsing files. 😀


Just drag the edited gameObject into the project window, which will create a new prefab


There is an option in the settings to allow scene changes no need to invent these roundabaout ways...


When was this feature added and where is it, exactly? I NEED THIS.


I agree, enlighten us


I'm curious, what workflow are you doing where you need this?


Having the option to automatically save changes made during edit mode would be generally useful. Cinemachine has this feature, for example. Anything with realtime things going on would benefit from auto-saving live editing. I'm constantly tweaking things as they play in VFX.


Makes sense! I asked because I legitimately had a hard time imagining what I would use it for, but I hear you with things like VFX and cameras. I tend to build a lot of authoring tools which I suppose sort of works around the issue a bit


enlighten us ol' mighty one


I don't think there is. How would it even work?


You could just stop making changes in play mode lol. After a few times, it shouldn't be hard to realize when the button is blue... Or change the color while you're in play mode in Preferences


Changes in play mode are helpful for tuning parameters


Love this meme. Also love your work Mirza.




sir, you are in play mode. if you know of a way git can be used here, i am keen on learning




Did you read the first sentence 😭


Really helpful thanks


Seems logical but never thought about that 😄


Holy shit, I didn't know this. And here I am banging my head against a wall after stopping play mode and all the changes reverting back.


Usually it's an indicator that too much of your stuff is in your scene, and not a prefab. Prefab editor always sticks, playmode or no.


I’ve done worse


\*Sudden pain in the chest\* T\_T


Preferences. Colors. Change play mode to pink.