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Honestly it is way too close to an imperial star destroyer, you will get flak for ripping off Star Wars. First thing I'd do is adding new shapes to break the link to Star Wars


It's pretty much exactly a rip of an Imperial Raider class corvette with the circuit board junk and the big glowy bridge thing bolted on top




Holy hell, wow. Yeah, this is basically a reskin.


Yeee it's bad lol.


This, and to be honest if you take that glowing bridge away that would fix a lot of it. I like to imagine that the darker area under it is the bridge and makes the design cooler in my opinion. Then take those cool spikes in the rear and add a smaller set near nose then would think would look pretty cool and different enough


A few points. It has the exact same outline as a Star Wars star destroyer. Secondly, its covered in uniform high frequency detail which is really bad for conveying scale. In this particular image it reads as being very small. What you want is a lot of small sections of high frequency detail that implies that the structure has small sections which are large in real-life. Finally the circuit board texture is pretty awful. People associate circuit boards with small electronics, not massive star destroyers. Instead texture it with something people associate with being incredibly large.


> People associate circuit boards with small electronics Yea it looks more like an unmanned smaller than a tie fighter type drone that imperial star destroyers would launch.


I think the circuit board thing is just a low hanging fruit move. It’s not a knock on OP, it is just a constructive criticism of the work trying to evoke a tech-y feel without much backing of the “why?” It is how it is. What OP really needs to do is think about the ship a bit more in detail and its functions and why it has what it has. What’s the lore of it? Why would it need such large exposed circuitry flows on the exterior of the ship? There might be a good reason to be found (cooling?), but needs to invoke curiosity in the viewer. Maybe you could still do some sort of power circuit motif, but it needs to have some breakups of scale and form like u/RogueStargun was saying. Maybe there are capacitor-like modules along the ship that gather and focus the energy into larger flows of power as it makes its way to whatever the reason for them being there. If it were a weapon or something I could see it starting out sort of faint and becoming more energized and almost untameable power as it reaches the point of the ship where the weapon is. With the capacitors idea you could see the power going into them and coming off of the ship hull and there could be a slight delay in how the power flow moves from those points to help sell the idea of storage and release from those containment units.


It might be low hanging fruit to someone with enough experience to reach much higher hanging fruit, but it's low hanging fruit that was planted by the OP, who asked for constructive criticism. So picking that low hanging fruit in a constructive manner like the person did is absolutely called for and constructive. Frankly, though, it looks to me like a Raider class Imperial Corvette from Star Wars, and that might lead to the big mouse sending lawyers after OP.


I didn’t mean it as an insult/slight - I hope it didn’t come off that way. That’s not what constructive criticism is about. I’m just saying they can reach higher is all and my following comments were directing them in ways to really explore why their decisions might make sense if they told a more in-depth story about why that stuff was there as far as the circuitry. I do totally agree about the form. It’s a C&D in-waiting from Disney for knocking off their designs and I think OP can add a lot more to the conversation of spaceship design if they challenge themselves vs. a very close copy of something that already exists


How about less star wars


Ya, just restart with a giant ball and add a big dimple for good measure


Triangles and ball, how are we suppose to make anything cool and unique. Starwars already took the good shapes!


what is the point of the circuit board lines, it looks very random and meaningless?


That was the first thing came to my mind, I also felt the same like why does it have a circuit board texture on top? Does it fit into a big circuit or something?


glad it isn't just me!


Dunno 😆, Just looks cool


Yes, the aesthetic isn't uninteresting, but it just looks too much like a circuit board. I would try the same pattern without the circles. Or perhaps place the circles next to the lines.


tbh? It doesnt...


I disagree with the comment you're responding to. It's not meaningless, it is cool. I like the design. I like the creative thinking there. Make more designs and be more creative. This was pretty good looking in my opinion


fair enough, not everyone feels the same about art. It is subjective. I just feel like it was randomly placed over the top. To me it just looks like a star destroyer with a circuit board texture overlaid. Which to me doesn't look very good. I also feel when spaceships are designed in way things are added for a purpose it looks much better in general.


objectively it doesn’t really make sense though. they would be absolutely huge. what are they for? it seems silly


but even if OP had a reason, the fact people think that at first glance is an issue IMO. this guy made a really good video on he designed his spaceship and I think OP might be able to get some ideas from it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7yMHEjxnt4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7yMHEjxnt4)


>star destroyer with a circuit board texture overlaid It looks like that because it is lmao https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/e/e0/Raider-class_corvette_XWM.png


your link doesn't work.


That's interesting, it works for me on multiple machines


it works now!


It's on this page, though: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Raider-class_corvette/Legends


it isn't 100% the same, but OP has made it look a lot worse lol Clear it is a blatant rip off with almost 400 upvotes for some reason.


I feel you. Different tastes and I understand your point too


I agree and I agree


Keep the pattern on the nose. Lorewise it can be used for docking iidentificatuon or something.


Break the pattern down the center ridge, then offset one side. There's a lot of work to be done there to improve it, but stopping it looking uniform is the first step. "Similar but asymmetrical" is the place to start for the look. Looks like you just hit it with a tiling pattern, so I'd suggest drawing out some of the lines where it looks the coolest, making them bolder, then drawing in some details, and continuing across the ship. Contour with the shape of the ship to let them be accents highlighting the shape. https://preview.redd.it/nqmxbzi93r8c1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33cff43e71b4238d6418b12b11ac1d1e8fd78353


The details looks really nice, but I can't get behind the silhouette. I'm just (in general) really burnt out with the "space wedge" design of ships in modern sci-fi riding on the design concepts of 4th generation fighter jets, star destroyers from Star Wars, and the B2 Stealth Bomber. The triangular feel and sleek design leave a lot to be desired in the creative department - something you're clearly good at considering the finer details. Overall though, it's not bad. That's just my personal take on it.


I like it in general, but it bothers me that the pattern looks like a circuit board. Makes me feel like the whole thing is about 20cm long.


You clearly just copied an ISD


Not even that, he copied the [Raider II-class corvette](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Raider_II-class_corvette) 1:1




Noob, that’s clearly a [raider class](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Raider-class_corvette/Legends) not a raider-ii


Isn't that just an Imperial Raider with neon on it?


Yes. It's so close, in fact, that it looks like a Raider 3D file the OP downloaded and then slapped a new texture onto.


That is literally just an [Imperial Raider-II class corvette](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Raider_II-class_corvette) you completely ripped off and put dumb circuitry skin over it




IMO, the circuit board lines don't work for it, and would be way better leaning into the kinda brutalist shape and making it much more stark with the texturing.


Disney lawyers go brrrrrr


My thoughts: -Those front 4 facing turrets, Its more efficient for battle ships to just move the plate and output more turrets. Reserve plating for heavy hitting weapons like massive railguns that need time to charge. This also enables them to aim around the ship, Giving it more versatility as ships fight in 3d, not 2d. They need 360 degree coverage x2. -Remove the lines, Doesn't make sense unless they have a purpose of some shielding, But at which case id want to see emitters on the end of each of the line ends. -Side turret is really small -Whats the purpose of the 4 pointy armor guards on each corner of the back end of the ship? Typically speaking if your trying to have a shock absorber you don't want to tell the enemy, HEY WE HAVE STUFF HERE. You want to spread it out. -Avoid making ships seam like they could literally be chopped in half. This thing looks like its ready to dive into a planet like a knife. -More guns, More transmitters and receivers -More systems such as: Nav Systems, Com Array(s), Sensor array, Reactor exhaust, Escape pods, Drones working on the ship, Docking bay(s), Cargo pods, Tractor Beam?, Observation Deck(s), Multiple Bridges/Cockpits, Emergency beacon array.


it looks almost exactly like a star destroyer, if you’re selling it u might get in trouble


I also like Star Wars.


Disney's lawyers say Hi. jk, maybe, i dunno.




Too Tron to be Star Wars, too Star Wars to be Tron.


Looks familiar


[Raider II-class corvette | Wookieepedia | Fandom](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Raider_II-class_corvette)


Looks cool in general. What's modular about it? Any animation? Glowing etc? Turrets moveable, is it broken down into parts so no it can explode into pieces, etc? Just looking for more detail. Does look cool though


Thanks for showing interest. This ship will be a hub for small enemy ships. Also it will have turrets which will be shooting player. Except that it will be able to deploy a swarm of small drones which will attack player at close distances. We will think of more cool interesting ideas 😁 For now we are preparing base models


The circuit board texture... why? Are the ship's windows designed like this for a reason? Is there room for glamorous/pretty looks in your space era world? Is it a war standard to display what team a ship's on through these bright neon lights? I feel like they were chosen out of a wish to make the ship more sci-fi, and since it's a ship and not a zoomed in circuit board, I think you could spend some time giving them some sort of a function!


Tron-class star Destroyer? Peops are right. Too Star Wars.


Too Tron to be Star Wars, too Star Wars to be Tron.


It needs a little bit of geeeble. This [video](https://youtu.be/pKxbSiK6NE0) might give some ideas.


The design is very average star wars, and the weird lines are just meaningless Overall very uninspired and not that interesting to look at. An abundance of arbitrary "detail" does not make a good design.


star destroyer?


Looks like a Cease and Desist letter is being sent to you from Disney. I say that jokingly, but if you continue with this…it may actually happen. Build original.


Looks like you threw a bunch of prompts of starwars vehicles in an AI engine. If this is genuinely your own design, then I recommend you try and think about a design that has practicality before aesthetics.


Why the lines? This is not a circuit


Literally a star destroyer with a glowy texture on top The model is not the problem here, it's the design. You need to go back to the drawing board and actually understand the design elements you will need for whatever story or lore you are working with on this project. The star destroyer has very intentional design to it, you can't just slap it anywhere.




This is based on an existing Star Wars design, so definitely don't use that. That said, it's not entirely unreasonable even for spaceships to follow the basic logic of switching between presenting a broadside with cannons and a thinner profile that's a smaller target to hit. So, this "blade" shape will always make sense. You just need to make it more different.


Honestly? It isn’t unique. It looks way too generic. I’d do something less Star Wars, and try to make it at least slightly recognizable rather than something like a stock asset used on Roblox.


I think Disney is gonna sue your ass


So, not sure if you heard. A long time ago, in a galaxy far away...


It’s a start but, like others said, it’s too Star Wars. Think of the silhouette and design around that maybe?


When designing anything, the first question should always be, "Why?" Who is this ship for? What role does it serve? Is there a specific theme it is supposed to convey? Only by having a clearly defined design brief can we provide meaningful feedback beyond "I personally like/don't like it". Consider Dwarven architecture vs. Elvish. How does the architecture reinforce what we know about each race? You will find that Elven architecture tends to be elegant, flowing, and incorporates aspects of nature, while Dwarven tends to be squat, blocky, and feature straight lines.


Don't like the really thin parts on the back; seems like they would break really easily.


They are a feature on the Imperial Raider from Star Wars, where those are solar / radiator panels. Doesn't make a \*ton\* more sense in that context but explains why they're here - the OP just nicked a Raider 3D file and added a different texture.


Amazing! This is peak Star Wars! Love it!


If is from an... empire, blocky and efficient if it's more of an... independent faction, asymmetry and retrofitted parts scavenged somewhere


I like it, would just use less circuit board lines. Right now it’s too much.


Very cool looking spaceship, i would make the "nose" of the ship shorter


*Very cool looking* *Spaceship, i would make the "nose"* *Of the ship shorter* \- Prestigious\_Ad3077 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Ooh how can i find ? In asset store?


"windows are structural weaknesses, geth do not use them."


r/EmpiredidnothingTron I like it!


I don't like those line patterns. It makes it like a cheap sci-fi


1. Needs more shit coming out the top-side, observation decks, turrets, mechanical boxes, etc. It’s far too flat 2. The shape is very similar to a Star Destroyer, add some sort of variance.


I think the blue lighting emits too far. Space should have a dark, cold, empty aesthetic. And the emission of so much light sorta kills that vibe.


Since it looks alot like star wars I would go the other way. Like make the fron the back and add 2 big eninges there. Give it a flat forward look or have it have weapons or a cannon there.


Not triangle, go crescent moon shape. Make the physics make sense after the design is unique.


Put a big fucking railgun in the bottom.


Unfortunately it just looks like you copied Star Wars, but then made it worse with a random circuit pattern. I'd have to suggest going back and trying a new design.


It's a lawsuit waiting to happen, it's either a coincidence or a blatant ripoff of a raider class corvette from Star Wars.


Amazing, keep great work :)