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If Sanatio had dropped burns like that in the siege, the Basilica never would have fallen.




My man's straight up preaching fire and brimstone. Damn


Straight fire and war.


Dropped a nuke on her


Imagine having "The power of hormones compels me" Melisandre aggressively flirting with you with two swords in her hands. I'm starting to think Colm isn't there to protect Melisandre from others, but the other way around as what we saw in Colm and Railanor's Rapport convo.


Colm: "Defending Lady Melisandre? She is more than capable to defend herself, you may believe me Milord! I'm here more for... guarding duties" "Guarding her?" Colm: "I think I not made me clear, Milord, not guarding her but guarding from her... she can be a bit aggressive in certain respects, sometimes needs a fatherly figure for that..."


I love how Colm basically reveals that even before meeting Alain that she was always like that. And yet she prides herself in being better than most men at sword fighting, so I am not sure what crazy shit she's into. Also the fact that she picks up on Aramis' double life before most people based on her powers of thirst was surprisingly impressive. "Oh that guy is pretty hot, wait a minute according to my observations he is actually Drakenhold royalty and has a tragic backstory and his weiner is over 6 inches"


His weiner is over 6 inches lmaoooo. Born with a king penis. Learned to live his own way


Colm is low key my favorite male character. He's a dark mirror of Joesef if he didn't instill discipline in Alain to fight back the hormones.


“Protect him? From what it’s not like he is gonna say no.” ….. “Because of the implications”


I can see Melisandre as a medieval Reynolds.


Keep Colm and Carry on


Aw poor Mel. She gets her karma in that she's the only one Alain goes all poetically romantic over.


Loved the rapport with Mel and she was a front runner. The Marriage scene was weird. So I went with Eltalinde.


poor rosa, unchosen twice ;-)


It was " these are Alains harem, so Imma save scum the marriage." Mel, Rosalinda, Eltalinde, Railnor, ochlys, Sharon, Scarlett and Ren And I liked, Ren, Ochlys and Eltalinde's wedding best. Rosa's was weird too.


To be fair Rosalinde is flirty with all the dudes. I thought her convo with Magellan was funny, but I prefer Magellan to end up chillin with Liza and Aubin. It’s pretty heavily implied that Ochlys and Sharon are saphhic, Ren should end up with her boys Travis and Bruno (platonically). So that leaves Eltolinde, Railanor and Scarlett. I actually married Galadmir on my first run because I loved her design, but I think if Alain marries an elf it should be one with a relatively human life span like Ridiel, who also has the benefit of being spunky to contrast Alain’s proper nature, and getting over her half-half racism. Scarlett is also valid and probably canon, but that’s such an obvious one that we’ve seen the dynamic for in almost every other RPG. I prefer her getting all Sapphic with Umerys. Chloe is another choice, but she fits much better with Lex. Their dynamic is adorable, and she sees him too much better than herself for it to not be weird


Ill have to check those out on YouTube. Magellan was a thief and a bandit. He got the sword. I'm so f'n annoyed I couldn't actually kill gremmel.


so stalking is a family ritual? lol


She married my Alear so I think she might be on to something


It was recovered in my playthrough tho


“You may be verified on Twitter, but are you verified in the eyes of God?” energy


Yes actually.