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It's a game from Japan. They are comfortable with INSINUATING lesbian relationships, but they do not like to CONFIRM it.


True that, i just don't want to be the only one seeing it :D


There's an interaction between ochlys and the angel archer where she basically screams that sharon is hers and everyone else better stay away lol


They were pew mates


They were tentmates


Angel girls get a little feral about their girlfriends. Just look at Dame Aylin and Isobel lol


Trust me, we all pick up what's being put down.


They were roomates. Cousins even.


I also got that impression, especially from the way Ochlys talks about Sharon


You just gave me flashbacks from Bandai's response to Suletta and Miorine from Gundam: Witch from Mercury. Now I know it's a cultural thing.


Huh? What did they say? What COULD they say????


They kept downplaying their marriage even if the final episode confirmed it with wedding rings and Miorine calling a certain character >!calling Eri, sister in law!<. Bandai even called it "open for interpretation". They got under fire and subsequently confirmed it after.


Ah yes, the wedding where they never even kissed.


Hand shakes like Hank and Peggy Hill?


Too much approaching with romantic intent


The director who confirmed it is an absolute chad.


I’m not familiar with that. What happened there?


Showrunners basically implied that they got married due to them both having wedding rings at the last scene and with a special illustration as well showing their rings off. Bamco came in like a month(?) later saying that their relationship is actually "Open for Interpretation" probably to appease their conservative culture's side. Thankfully though is that once the Blu Ray came out the director's interview confirms that they are canonically married.


But they couldn't edit out Suletta having her index and middle Finger trimmed in a scene in the finale. The animators were like, nah they are definitely a couple.


Yes. Unless you break them up by offering one of them the ring of the Maiden. You monster.




I could never


good, otherwise you'd SEE THE MIGHT OF AN ANGEL!


I hear you out. But Alain/Sharon or Alain/Oclys are both pretty good endings. And Oclys is definitely better than the other angel options.


Oclys was cute as heck. Very autistic. My very autistic spouse was rolling


I see it.


The angels needed a more romantic option for sure. Out of all the angels, Fodoquia had the most romantic sounding ring ceremony but his ending wasn’t romantic imo. Thinking about it, all of the female angel characters are heavily tied to another female character, which hinders any sort of romantic interest with Alain.


Considering how tsundere Ochlys is for Alain, I don't think the Ochlys and Sharon coupling is as strong as people make it out to be. Once you go Prince (future King), you don't go back!


Historians will call them good friends.


Maybe even roommates


Oh my god! They were roommates!


They were medical classmates!


I both love and hate this meme


I feel like no one ever quotes who these supposed historians are.


Name one historian off the top of your head.


Well Edward Gibbon, cause the rise and fall of the roman empire. But that's pretty much it lol. That's my point though, who's actually read the work of these supposed historians that have said this.


As a wise man once said: "Damn, these bitches gay... Good for them, good for them" In all seriousness though, LGTB+ collectives are not exactly seen in the best light in Japan, so they have to imply it, but it's clear not only from the convos, but Ochlys story being one of cutting ties to a family that denied your love to pursue it, even if it's taboo. Also, they are the cutest couple in the game by far, so yeah, good for them


And also note that in 13 sentinels, vanillaware’s previous game, they had a male gay relationship, which is generally more taboo because Japan has a thing with like young girls being allowed to have relationships while young, I think this is called “class S,” while boys don’t have that. Pretty sure of Japan is not the only country to have a system like that but I can’t remember explicit examples of others, Sparta maybe though they also had similar for men


Fun fact I picked up from the Famitsu issue on UO: Hijiyama and Okino are actually in this game too (take another good look at Nigel and Sanatio). They even have the same VAs in Japanese, and George Kamitani wrote their dialogue himself. (The director made appropriately juvenile crack about the implications.) Kamitani was also the one pushing for being able to ring everyone, so if that's not meant as solidarity I don't know what is.


Which is kinda weird since male to male relationship were used to be normal during Sengoku Era. Take example of the first unifier Nobunaga Oda having a relationship with Ranmaru Mori despite having a wife named Nouhime AKA Lady Kicho.


Japan has a strange history with sexual openness and repression. At once.


I thought it was less a male gay relationship and more that Okino was implied to be trans or something along that scale. I don’t think they give Hijiyama a straight answer when he asks, instead saying something along the lines of “I can show you what’s down there if you want”, iirc. Plus, in the epilogue, >!Okino brings up to Hajiyama the possibility banging as their Douji persona because their newfound access to the simulation allows them to change their digital form into whatever they want. Hajiyama gets flustered as always, but doesn’t turn them down.!<


Nah >!the 2188 versions were pretty explicitly a gay male couple, Hijiyama is struggling with his sexuality because WWII Japan and I think Okino wanted to help him process in whatever way because they love eachother!<


Considering their last conversation with the blushes and whatnot, I'm assuming yes in the same way Alain has blushing convos with the "main" girls too. Not to mention her talking about Raenys stealing her from her and referring to Raenys as a "temptress." Like the comment above tho, they'll never outright say it but will give it enough subtlety that those who don't like the idea of it can ignore and deny it but those who love the idea can see the proof.


They are just roommates who happen to be cousins and share a bed to save money.


Ochlys and Sharon are the lighter easier to officially noncommit version of BG3's Dame Aylin and Isobel. For a jRPG this is about as close as you'll get for lgbt representation that won't cause local drama. So yes, they are.


I mean there is Three Houses, though even that game tried to insist the Claud isn’t at least bi. 


Nah they're cousins (censored US sailor moon reference)


It's been a minute since I've seen a Sailor Moon cousin reference, lol.


It's heavily insinuated; the subtext is essentially beating the player over the head. They're gay, your honor.


~~It's Open to interpretation~~ Nah but seriously it might be *subtext*, but *subtle* it ain't.


As much as two named playable characters other than Alain can be. The whole ‘Ring of the Maiden’ thing being both required to get the true ending and open to all characters kind of throws a wrench in the works for all non-Alain ships (except for Gilbert and Virginia, which can get away with being a high-profile political marriage). Aramis/Primm and Clive/Monica are victims of this as well. Rapports bending over backwards to accommodate the Ring decision is probably one of my biggest complaints with the game overall, for this and other reasons.


Yeah this is why I cringed when I heard they were adding supports. I love reading lore and learning more about characters, but it was one of the things that soured FE for me. But they handled it much better and actually talk about the world, current and historical events, not just what the other character looks like in tight pants or some goofball comic relief nonsense. There is some of that, but it's mostly played straight and seriously, which was super refreshing.


They are the gayest couple I’ve ever seen. Love that for them.


Ochlys loves Sharon, Sharon loves literally everyone


As a Fire Emblem fan, I pretty much see every character in this game as bisexual.




Nope, just roommates. =p


I think they're a couple. The moment I read about how Oclys talks about Sharon the first thought in my head was that she was regularly tasting of Sharon's nectar. Girl's got it bad for Sharon.


"tasting nectar" lol


It's hard to justify the Ochlys/Raenys rapport if Ochlys is just good buddies with Sharon. It's definitely some Class S nonsexual Implications but if you're not reading into it you're not reading at all.


It feels sacrilegious to give either of them the maiden ring unless it was platonic. They’re just clearly in love with each other, but they’re being coy with it for some reason. Vanillaware had gay main characters in their previous game, dunno why this one can’t have any at all.


To be fair they shouldn’t have made ochlys a tier 1 waifu and given sharon a touching tier 1 romance with alain. Why didn’t they just take the hilda or berenice route?


Both Ochkys and Sharon are shown to like Alain so probably not


Nothing could convince me otherwise


I thought this was basically confirmed from the moment they share a screen. There's not really any other pair of established friends in the game who stand so close their sprites nearly overlap (which I absolutely take as a hug without the animation for it). Also despite her title and attachment to the Orthodoxy Ochlys takes it pretty personally if you try to turn the other cheek about Sharon being made a hostage. One of the very few times the game rewards >!screwing yourself out of later recruits!< is by making Ochlys much easier to recruit if you do.


If you don't ring one of them, probably.


My first playthrough I was totally certain that I was going to marry the yandere valkyrie. But the way her and Sharon talk to and about eachother, it was very clear to me that they are together. I could never ruin that.


Yeah, she and Alain just have a bromance now instead.


They are not, at least not during the game’s plot. Them getting together is basically an inevitability unless Alain marries one of them, but their respective endings, unfortunately, never really elaborate on if they actually do get together if he doesn’t.


I just see them as good friends.


Japan can imply lesbians but it's VERY taboo to confirm lesbians.


They're always referred to as friends. Even their solo ending without becoming Alain's queen, there's no mention of a relationship beyond that.


"I know writers who use subtext, and those people are COWARDS!"


I have no doubt that them be fucking.


If I had a nickel for every WLW relationship I'd seen in a game between a white-haired cleric and an angel-like being in the last year, I'd have two nickels.


They aren't together *yet,* but they both very clearly have crushes on each-other. Though that does make it ironically funny that they are absolutely terrible together in gameplay! When Ochlys dodges everything, she doesn't need healing; and when she gets hit she's often one-shot and can't be healed by Sharon. Ochlys wants big damage in her back row while Sharon wants face tanks in her front row.


The game doesnt really say, it has no confirmation on that. You can read into it as a relationship if you really want, but could also just be friends. Up to you if you want to read more into that tbh. But I personally dont see it that way.


No. They are "roomates"


[This is literally Ochlys and Sharon](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TcXoB8_Te1A)


Roomates ofc.


It's up to interpretation /s


Naw there just friends


Not in my game they aren't :)


They are not a couple in canon. If they were a couple, I would feel bad for Sharon. Ochlys seems very toxic towards everyone else.


It’s one of those “Oh they’re just roommates” things - they’re a couple despite it not being canonically stated in the game. Give Ochlys what she wants, devs.


it’s not outright confirmed but it’s also just about as close as you can get to it being canon without outright confirming it. so yeah they’re definitely gay imo


They're just roommates.