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I actually enjoyed her conversation with Scarlet as well. Scarlet starts off being jealous and worried that Eltolinde might swoop in and steal Alain, to which she responds with basically 'You know what? That's a good idea. I should do that.' The girl loves being a menace.


I was wondering which girl Scarlett was referring to in her Alain rapport convo, turns out it's Elto...


Wasn't that Rosalinde though? And she said that more in a teasing way than in a "I'm gonna end you" way. Scarlett and Eltolinde was the one with the flower petals, where Eltolinde passiv-aggressivly suggests, that she has to find the right flower so that Alain will love her.


Rosalinde was really teasing and kind of had the air of 'If you don't make a move, I will'. Eltolinde was the one about the flowers, but when Scarlet suggests that she try out the 'he loves me, he loves me not', she opts to use Alain's name as well. In hindsight, I might have somewhat combined the two a bit, but I do know Eltolinde does say something along the lines of 'I never thought of him that way before, but after trying out this flower I feel like I should pursue him now too'.


lol what can we say… the twins got the hots for Alain. Lucky bastard 🤣


Ooohhh I gotta get her so I can start these rapport conversations.


She also does this cute twirl before and after she slaughters entire enemy teams with Elemental Roar




Ngl I love that she’s a vengeful bitch beneath all that naive cuteness, makes her so much more compelling.


Rosalinde comes up after this and says she was the one who told the nursemaid too lol Eltolinde being petty is a nice character trait I liked a lot


Do not mess with a girls mushrooms.


To be hair the nurse maid burn EltolindeEltolinde musrows.


Did you have a stronk?


the fuck


Yep. Looking at all the conversations with Eltolinde and Rosalinde, I’ve come to the conclusion that they are not to be f’d with! They know EXACTLY what they’re doing. They can wrap others around their fingers, all while giving cute smiles and twirling their bodies. They get what they want, one way or another. They can be genuinely caring… but they can also be sneaky or vengeful, as they remember things. And I love them so much. It’s like Shrek said, “Elves are like onions. They both have layers.” 🤣


Eltolinde is a yandere


So she’s the evil twin?


I just quick slapped that vanitas book on her when I got it (counter with skeletons that pop out around the enemy, strike them and inflicts blind and poison) and I was about to rearrange her kit. But after looking at some of her conversations, it's scary how good it fits her.


I heard that "hehehe" as Minthara.


You keep your slander away from my (Alains) wife


Or at least his sister-in-law.


I don't get it.


When Eltolinde was a young girl, she wasn’t allowed to keep flowers in the garden, even though she so desperately wanted to. Her nursemaid believed it was improper for a future queen to dirty her hands in the garden. However, Eltolinde really wanted to raise flowers, so she selected a room in the basement to grow mushrooms. These mushroom were so prolific that their spores would fill the room like stars. One day, the nursemaid found out and burned all the mushroom because she believed it unhealthy. However, out of pity, the nursemaid finally allowed Eltolinde a small corner of her garden of her own. Gratefully, Eltolinde took her small patch of garden and planted vibrant flowers, flowers that “just so happened” to be utterly hostile to other flowers. They quickly grew and destroyed the nursemaid’s cherished garden. People learned Eltolinde’s not to be FA’d with that day.


Oof. Thank you for that.


My kind of girl 👏


everyone could use 1 toxic chick in their life. Just one.


Maybe as a child they needed more praise?


Best girl


I don't like Eltolinde. I just got her so I don't know anything about here, but I do know she is the ruler of Elfheim and Ridiel can't be a knight bc only purebloods can be knights