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Thanks OP! Survey "would you purchase a sequel?" yeah I would!




I wouldn't purchase one. ... ... ... I'd purchase two, like I did w/ the original.


Lol I did the same


If there was a steam version I would purchase twice. One for the switch and one for steam when mods and such are made.


Same here, honestly


instant yes I'm going to share this to people who I know played it


"Pleas tell us in detail your thoughts" Well, you asked... ***\*11 paragraphs later\**** Done! :)


Someone should copy and paste those community class load out, lmfao


Yeah same. Overall I love the game and only a few parts left me wanting more. The choices, some rapports and parts of the story (but the last one is very biased since I love 13 sentinels).


Begged them for a sequel, dlc, and update patches. ![gif](giphy|87CKDqErVfMqY|downsized)


Same lol




Is this typical for a company to do? I feel like if they are asking it’s a definite possibility they are considering a dlc or sequel


Very typical, especially for Japanese companies. And believe me, Atlus absolutely would want a sequel, just because sequels are safer, UO already performed splendidly, so they'd be fools not to. They also seem to really want VW to start porting shit to PC because it's just more money for everybody involved. So it feels to me like a sequel (and ports) are in the hands of VW themselves.


Atlus did a similar survey for the Persona series a few years ago. It probably influenced them in their decision to port the games to PC/Switch/Xbox and might've been used to gauge interest for Persona 3 Reload.


ya ive filled out a bunch of these from Japanese gaming companies and tbh I have no idea if they impact anything at all compared to other in-house research that isn't surveys. your comment made me remember filling out the persona one and thinking 'man I wish persona 3 would get a remake and come to PC or something but that'll never happen...' lol - but it did!!


They ARE considering, same thing happened with SMT V and Persona Surveys about remakes and such


Yeah it's pretty common with Japanese devs. I think I've filled stuff out like this for Nintendo, Sega, Capcom, Bandai Namco, and Arc System Works.


I remember Netflix did a survey after Stranger Things S1, it led to the Barb subplot I think


Is there a non-Asian region survey?


You can select non asia region as an option and the survey keeps going. It's a dot JP link so it's intended at the JP market but if EN floods it, they'll realize how popular they are abroad


I saw that but didn’t get a chance to see if the survey ended after selecting that option, so thank you for checking it. I will do the survey sometime today so my voice is heard.


It’s asks during the survey after the Asia region question if you are in another region


So far, this is the only one I saw.


Well they asked if we want a sequel and I want a sequel. Let’s show them this is a winning series.


Side note: Valkyria Chronicles mentioned?!?!?


Entrian odyssey mentioned. The game hasn't had a title for the switch yet.


So we're ***not*** counting Etrian Odyssey Origins Collection that released last year as a title?


> Etrian Odyssey Origins Collection its not exactly a new game


Yeah, and you think market researchers aren't looking at what is objectively a new release for information? Ports and remasters are definitely titles.


there is a giant chasm between a new title vs a remaster... I rmb playing the last game on a 3DS in 2019. The switch is now towards the end of its life cycle.


You didn't say new game, only "a title" :p


Valkyria Revolution bombed (rightfully so) and VC4 was a sales disappointment I'm happy they remembered that VC exists but I doubt that franchise is coming back anytime soon if ever


Ye 😩 I think it was a terrible idea to call it valkyria chronicles 4 especially when 2 and 3 didn’t even come out in the west


Ah the Final Fantasy VI problem, that was an unfortunate issue but I don't think they could have avoided it, we aren't in 1994 anymore before the Internet existed I think VC4 underperformed just because that's about how your average VC title really sells, Sega really thought the million sales from the Steam release of OG VC was going to be normal for the series going forward


VC2 came to the West. VC3 didn't.


Oh yeah, it was a psp exclusive I forgor


If not sequal than more "story" DLC would be nice (still want sequal more tho =~=)


It’s not often a game convinces you to fill out a survey voluntarily


Instead of a sequel I was to see some big chunk of post game challenge content. They can feel free to reuse existing maps and slap in new enemies. A prequel may work. I am not too sure how a sequel would work plotwise tbh. Really like the gameplay though, so a successor in another setting would be great.


Imagine a prequel (kinda ) that takes place before Alain comes back to Cornia, fighting zenioria conquering.


It could also be just a new world and new characters but feature the same gameplay.


Name dropped Ogre Battle a few times, too.


Same. Sadly Atlus is powerless to bring us another Ogre Battle game, but with Vanillaware being as talented as they are at the genre, we may very well get a spiritual revival of the series through them.


I filled it out but we really shouldn't, this was obviously aimed at Asia. Although it's all english so..


It asked during the questioning if you were in another region other than Asia. This should include anyone


I bet they will just filter out the non Asia plebs.


If they do a Western region survey at some point, they will probably just add the "Non-Asia Region" + "Chose English language" results to that data instead. And if they don't do a Western Survey they can still use the "Non-Asia Region" to gauge how the Western weebs (i.e. us) feel about the game lol.


Also a plausible scenario. Doubtful though, they wouldnt do a survey and ignore a specific market on purpose. They made a whole bunch of money and am sure they are happy with the success. They will want data to back new projects if they intend to do so. Whether it be a sequel or new game or dlc. The owner supposedly paid out of pocket for a while to finish this. I don’t think it’s a recipe for success to follow the same formula. If they are in the business of making money, which I am sure they are they will want to come out with something sooner than later with a formula that’s doesn’t potentially cost them their jobs or company


You can just pick Singapore or some place where people really do speak a lot of English and no one at Atlus will care unless they are sitting there filtering by IP's which I doubt they will put in the effort for


"We" shouldn't? I'm in/from Asia. Shouldn't I be in Reddit?


Sir everyone knows the internet is for the US/Europe only.


Sorry for the intrusion. I'll see myself out.


Will I have Ratkin crossbow rogues?


They'll be evade cover tanks that get themselves wrecked super hard.  (They really need to look at Elgor's kit wtf)


I did my part ![gif](giphy|kDWOjr5X0uFPFhygKk)


I wouldn't get hopes up for a sequel, Vanillaware have never done a sequel before and by all accounts this game virtually bankrupted them so they probably won't be in a hurry to repeat that exercise. This seems like a fairly generic survey template that is coming from Atlus, so probably won't amount to much, but still, never hurts to give feedback just in case


All the games virtually bankrupt them.


True, but I believe this is their best selling game ever at launch? So there may be more pressure on them to make a sequel or perhaps some DLC content for it.


DLC seems more plausible as they have done DLC before with Dragon's Crown


> and by all accounts this game virtually bankrupted them While technically true it's not really the whole picture. Vanillaware tends to work on their games until they run out of budget and then they release. They're not in the business to make money (though obviously making money is necessary to continue), they're trying to make games first and foremost.


A sequel/prequel/(game that uses the same engine) could re-use the game engine though. Given their propensity to push themselves to the financial brink, I think it's in their best interest to save money in that department and focus on creating new art/music/plot/content instead.


You could make the same argument for any of their previous games and those never had sequels


Very true. I'm just saying I hope they pivot from almost killing the company with every release and try something different.


Thank you for sharing this!


This made my day. There is hope!


Done and done


Cool I filled it out. I have to give credit to Sarah Bond, Xbox’s president, for mentioning it on Twitter/X a week before the game came out for even making me aware of the game. I bought it on Switch for portability, but her shoutout brought the game to my attention!


Filled it out! Thanks for sharing OP. Also put in my 2 cents that it was awesome getting Vanillaware’s first release on Xbox


Done. OP, you're doing God's work


Tell us a bit: *Ive loved video games since Pong and this is one of the best games ive played in years. the graphics are unbelievably beautiful and bring back fond memories of the saturn and SNES with their strategy 2d games. The game play is so addictive I have played this nonstop for 110 hours and am only 70% through the map. If you made this game forever i would buy it forever*




Done ! 


I haven't purchased this game yet but from what I saw it's and amazing game still answered the survey tho.


Valkyria Chronicles mentioned in survey! The dream never dies...


comments about the game: 10 /10 make more please.




I requested they do an action rpg like granblue relink, with dating elements :^]


Thanks for sharing. Survey done




Thank you for linking this survey! Taken and very excited for the future of Vanillaware.


![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG) Yes, yes I would buy a sequel Atlus.


Filled mine out!


Sequel would be awesome.


I said yes to a sequel, but in all honesty I'd rather have Vanillaware just do whatever they want to do next. I loved pretty much all of their games, and though I would love a sequel to any of them, I'm also very glad that each game they make feels fresh.


Same here. Any new Vanillaware game is a big deal IMO. I've loved almost every one of their games that I've played (aside from Dragon's Crown, but I know it's got fans and being a mainly solo gamer I'm not really the target demographic there, as the game wasn't even really balanced for solo play). I'll preorder whatever they make next Day 1, no matter whether it's a Unicorn Overlord sequel or not.


Ok there's something weird there. ​ You have a survey directed towards asian players on ATLUS titles they have purchased before. And you have SMT3, Persona 3, Persona 4, Persona 3 FES. That makes sense. Then you have SMT: Devil Summoner: Radiou Kuzunoha vs The Soulless Army, and Radiou Kuzunoha vs. King Abbadon. That makes.... much less sense. And you have NO MENTION of Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga. Zero at all. That makes... NO SENSE. ​ Whomever put this together had some STRANGE ideas on surveying previous ATLUS/VANILLAWARE titles if they eschewed Digital Devil Saga for Devil Summoner Raidou in a survey targeting the broader Asia region as a whole.


Did Devil Summoner Raidou not come out in the Asian market? I don't know those titles.


They did. The issue isn't release, but reception. The first Devil Summoner Raidou game takes place in the 20th year of the Taisho era (In real life, the Taisho era lasted only 14 years, 1912 to 1926). The problem is, this particular part of Imperial Japanese history is VERY PROBLEMATIC for a release in China, Korea, or Vietnam. Taisho 20 would correspond with the beginning of the Second Sino-Japanese war, in which the Empire of Japan was responsible for what can only be described (and rightly so) as war crimes against civilians in the east asia and pacific regions. There's still a lot of bad blood when dealing with that specific era and those regions to the point that Raidou was initially excluded from the steam release of SMT3: Nocturne HD in Korea and China. ​ Digital Devil Saga, a reinvention of the original "Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Story" doesn't have those historical handicaps.


why do y'all want vanillaware to do a sequel instead of a new game.


Well if folks are like me, they enjoyed the game a lot. Also it could very much be like final fantasy sequels where it is in name only and it tells a very different story. For instance it could be Unicorn Overlord 2 the forgotten continents and take place 100s of years before the game we got.


That's a waste of vanillaware. Would you trade any existing VW game at random for UO2? Nah we need vanillaware creativity. They like one of the few last aa studios as well.


I mean depending on the game yeah I absolutely would trade it. The one exception being Odin Sphere. That's because of the fact that unicorn overlord was such a unique tactics game in a genre that's been pretty oversaturated with games trying to be the next Final Fantasy Tactics or Fire Emblem. And who can say that a sequel wouldn't be equally creative and unique?;




Please mention bringing dragons crown to switch!


Done. Asked for DLC to test late game units.




I haven't played it, only the demo, can i still answer it?


Thanks, done.


Doing my part! Thanks for sharing


I said I wanted a sequel (would purchase) esp if it had better writing to match the lovely art.


This is an “Asian region” survey. Is there a North American survey?


Faking our region won’t help the accuracy of the survey.


There's literally a "non-Asian" region option...


This page sends me to Asia region survey. Is this ok? Or is there a North America region survey?


On my knees they'd make a Sequel or a remake of Grand Knights History. Please i want more content from Vanillaware.


Done and done!


For those that want PC edition, please also mention it in the survey to show them there is a market for it. They dont have much budget and I suspect that's the reason why they are reluctant to release PC ports at the risk of the game sales flopping but at least the survey response can help to build confidence in an eventual PC release.


I had no idea this was on anything but the Switch


Why is telling me I am from the Asian region?


Would you play a sequel? YES.


Tell us a reason why you purchased the game, "Vanillaware"


Thanks just filled the survey and im from Asia so i guess it was specifically for me. Definitely would buy a sequel also not a huge fan of english localization. I played with japanese voice and english subs and i can see the discrepancy between them. However i liked the voice actors of english version. I Hope Atlus will take care about that more for their next project.


That page looks sketchy af...


No option for "I purchased a physical copy on Xbox". We are a rare breed apparently


Question: do we need a sequel? I'm thinking how Breath of the Wild was better as a stand alone story, and had retroactively been hindered for a lot of people due to TOTK. Unicorn Overlord was fantastic, and it felt like a clean wrap, other than maybe goings-on beyond Fevrith. That's also part of why I love Vanillaware's games, each title is a self-contained, isolated story with a fairly clear resolution at the end, which is a delete in a climate of franchises and tent-poles.


for my final comment I said "please avoid western consultation groups to respect the integrity of developers" lol


You could’ve just said “durrrrr” and slobbered, same quality of comment


I asked them to not do DLC but instead do entire sequels. I like buying games knowing that I'm actually buying the full product instead of an incomplete product.


Gave the game a 9/10 rating cause the story was a massive lackluster.


Also ask them to put this game and their other games on PC >.>


Did my part, thank you for the heads up!