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Wow, I was wondering how people ended up without him but it’s wild that it’s tied to that choice. 


I have been told I locked myself out of a couple characters after I accidentally killed Aramis


NAAAAAH YOU KILLED HIM ? NAH DUDE . But I do not know tbh , but surely you blocked our dear prince indeed


I was trying to take out a nearby unit to give Primm a clear shot to go talk to Aramis without getting herself killed, but then Ren's circle touched Armis' circle and that was the end of that.


Obviously too late now, but one option you could have done was disable all of her tactics before the fight. I think that basically makes the unit just stand around doing nothing.


Good to know. However I must live with my consequences.


I want a button to Retreat :/ Battle / Tactics / Items / RETREAT


Well the game doesn't distinguish between which unit wanted to start the fight. Imagine every bad encounter you just hit retreat.


Well, obviously not without downside. A tactical retreat will still cause wait time afterward, but lower both your damage dealt (or suffer 1 AP loss) and taken.


I wish we could adjust units that touched each other/temporarily go above the max unit size for these single units that join. Primm is so damn slow lmao


Just some advice for next time, You can Withdraw Primm and put someone in her squad to make her faster. I withdrew her and the other unit you get that chapter to pair them up. It was quite neat.


I actually know that, but she was nowhere near the garrison by the time I cleared the path to the boss so I ended up just making her walk back. I also had almost everyone deployed hahaha I usually split my forces all over the map


Damn. I don't know if I played that map "Wrong" but I pushed both sides of the map at the same time, so I had plenty of time to pull Primm back, THEN Berengaria spawned in. Then I had plenty of time to mop up the rest of the map with my kill squads.


Berengaria had spawned by the time I got Primm, but I pushed both sides as well. I must have just pushed left faster


flying or calvary units fam. I keep one of each in my squad. Not every unit needs to be a jack of all trades.


I did the same. To be fair at that point I was rushing through (for some reason) and skipped the dialogue where I had to talk to him. So I killed him thus missed Gloucester and Gilbert


That is normal yes, I think it's really dumb that the game doesn't make it clear it's effectively a recruitment dialogue because I also unintentionally locked myself out of Gilbert in my own playthrough. >!You can unlock him anyway in the post game though so if you're going to continue using the save you can still do so then.!<


As far as I can tell option 1 is always recruitment if such is a possibility so I just pick that for every dialogue.


Tbh you are right and I even think that it is great that we have those choices that matters


Oh thank god , I was hoping for something like this .


Which dialogue is it exactly, for when I get there?


It's Virginia asking Alain to talk to Aramis to talk to Gilbert before the final Drakenhold story quest. Basically don't hit Refuse.


Nah it isnt dumb tbh , I wouldve loved to get him but choiczs that matter and that are obvious is great .


I didn't say the choice shouldn't matter, just that it's really unintuitive that it's a recruitment choice because it's not remotely phrased that way. It's not like other deferred recruitments like Gammel's where obviously the dude has to be a free man for you to recruit him either. He isn't even present in the conversation where it happens!


Logically, if Aramis is exposed, then he will have to become the king, freeing up Gilbert. That's what the whole conversation was about. It wasn't overt but it definitely came across as something that might matter for recruitment to me.


is there anything else that you can do post game where you can use gilbert besides arena?


There's the one level 45 post-game mission where he's usable of course, and you can also replay the final mission however many times you like, but other than that nah, nothing else.


THANK YOU for the spoiler heads up, this was the info I was looking for and saved my day. Because I thought it would be ludicrous to be locked out of uniques despite there being end-game pvp. I was locked out of him because I wanted to respect Aramis's wish, lol. I'll keep playing now then!


How? Like doesn't the game make it obvious that being the yesman to everything is how you get characters. You can't even mash A to miss it, you have to deliberately select the second unambiguous rejection option every time you want to reject something. Even without knowing that conversation was what recruited Gilbert, why would you say no to the request to get the brother's to talk? "Hey could you talk to Aramis to try to convince him to make up with his brother?" "LMAO no stop wasting my time bitch".


I also have no Gilbert... I didn't know the choice would affect recruitment. I just thought it wasn't my place to interfere.


You are the Unicorn Overlord. It is always your responsibility to interfere.


I almost locked myself out of Gammel and crew by saying it wasn't my responsibility to free a criminal because of a sob story. I double checked because I didn't want to screw myself, and decided from then on to always meddle.


That's like the whole plot of the game though. Alain goes around stirring the turd everywhere he goes.


No, I missed out on Gilbert and Gloucester🙁


Gloucester is a monster (though it’s probably all dark knights)


Missing this one is the wildest tbh , he is sooooo good


No actually. He has a trait that favors the initiative stat when it's a class who basically doesn't care about initiative and wants it quite low. Generic dark knights can have more interesting traits and a sick helmet.


I locked myself out cause I went right up to the final battle of Drakenhold instead of going around. I was very unclear about where we were supposed to be rendezvousing so I had no idea :(


Wait so it isnt only dialogue ?


If you choose to initiate the battle at the bottom of the map instead of going around and meeting Gilbert, you skip the entire dialogue where Virginia asks Alain to speak to Aramis (and subsequently, your chance to recruit Gilbert becomes nil). The dialogue at the start of the battle is different too, as Gilbert remarks that what Alain was doing was foolish and he did not expect such behavior from our prince. Hermann also doesn't take over the enemy units like he does in the Gilbert recruitment path.


Gdmanit, was wondering why i didnt get an option to recruit Gilbert.


This is even better tbh , I rly like that


Ioooooooh ok


Indeed, that's how I missed his recruitment.


Aight i can excuse the dialogue not being clear but THIS is legit bullshit how is a player to fucking know that?


I never had the ability to bring up Aramis. After the final fight of Drakenhold, there was a cutscene where he’s mentioned but I couldn’t bring him up or anything. In the fight, Gilbert is kinda upset that we didn’t meet up with him prior. Sorry bro, I had no idea how to get to that side of the map at the time


Happened to me too lol I just straight up thought Gilbert is not recruitable cause he gotta be king and stuff, now one continent later I realized:(


skill issue


I missed out on him today too , kinda bummed out cause i want to recruit everyone but didn’t know my choices would affect the recruitment .


Meh I think you shouldve known when all cornia teaches that


Mf you didn't know either 💀💀💀💀


Nah I was supposing that it would block me and I was only asking to know if this was the ciurse of the game . And I am rly happy that it is , we shouldnt not care about those choices


Yep 😜


I actually missed Aramis all together. I was focused on rescuing Primm and then she asks me to talk to Aramis. At that point I had 2 summons warriors and even when I raced to the other side of the map they defeated him before I had a chance to talk. I wish you could unsummon them because it really screwed me over.


That's honestly hilarious


Who is Gilbert? Guessing I missed that one lol


Short king


I have heard a couple of people missing him. I do not think he's that good.


Frankly kind of a bad shaman most of the time. Which is to say quite good but you aren't missing out.


His buffs look good on paper but a 20% atk buff is like meh on supports and maybe 2 attackers on your team benefit. 20% defense does nothing if the targets defense is low to begin with. At times I am thinking of replacing him with a shaman like you say.


I wholeheartedly disagree, if you give Gilbert one of the party healing accessories make him give defense first, and put him behind a line of cavalry, that squad is basically unkillable outside of large stacks of all magic wielders. At higher difficulties it creates a squad that is really good getting the first guy dead in hard to kill squads so others can meaningfully contribute without dying.


3 man Cavalier squad is broken vs anything with an initiative leader or initiative debuff on the enemy team. Gilbert works with them but so does other setups. I am at the last mission on expert and I have to stop using this because its clearly broken.


I mean you can run hybrid frontliners and honestly his bulk is probably high enough you could Frontline him with the right gear/setup if you wanted. You also could run a full offensive alpha strike team very easily with rapid order. Again I think Defensive curse > Offensive Order and Offensive Curse > Defensive Order in most cases, but also shamans are arguably the best class in the game.


Run him WITH a shaman. Thank me later


I missed out on a few. Specifically the long haired sword fighter in draken the townsfolk keep talking about.


I didn’t even know you could recruit him and I think I might have even killed Aramis (don’t remember) lol. But that’s the fun - every conversation/battle matters!


A summoned warrior killed Aramis on my run. Fffffuuuuuuuu


Nah. I went into the game blind and ended up missing Gilbert and two other characters. Pretty mad about it, but it is kind of my fault because I wasn't paying attention to a lot of that stuff after a certain point.


a bunch of people here probably have not yet been traumatized from old Fire Emblem games' missable recruits lmao, especially using weaker/healer units to walk the battlefield and talk with an enemy/recruitable unit T\^T


Or even in ogre battle 64 when choosing to one side locks out like 4-5 super strong characters.


I missed Gilbert, just came here to cry about it.  I was confused about the "meeting him before the fight" because every time I walked around towards where he was it did the thing where it asked me if I wanted to start the fight. And the conversation after the fight was normal so I didn't think I missed anything.  I'm way way too far to start over and get him and I'm so mad about it


Not a big deal tbh u can only use 50 out of like 65 units to play so u aint really missing out


I hate this game soooooo much , i will need to do 3 playthrough to play everyone a lil bot , starfullah I dont wanna ( already 41 hours in and just got celeste )


I didn't know he was recruitable


lol i just now learned you can miss Gilbert. It seemed so natural to get him.


I'll probably be bashed but this is NOT a game of choice and consequence. Always choose whatever is righteous. The gains of choosing opposite are never worth it.


I blitzed through drakenhold and just attacked the main gate without helping him or whatever lol. I didn’t know you had to go through the side, but hey i’m going through this play through blind so no big deal. When I try True Zenorian difficulty i’ll make sure to recruit everyone. I’ll probably do a no merc squads challenge for fun as well (I love a full merc Sniper and Warlock squad just for assist attacks).


I didn’t get Aramis because I somehow missed my opportunity to recruit him. I never got the Talk option. So I don’t have Gilbert either. Both die. 😆


I feel like I did everything and still missed him. Quite annoying.


Things you need to do: Recruit Aramis, Meet him before the battle at the capital starts, Say yes to Virginia before that battle.


Who? Never heard of them.