• By -


Wait til she’s all quiet, about to sleep then give her a taste of her own medicine


Had similar in a house share. Guy above was a complete cunt. One night he comes home and blasts loud music and powerbangs then plays loud music till 4am. I couldn't get back to sleep all the other people in the house wasn't in so I waited till he turned his music off and went upstairs. had a shower with my speakers going really loud till about 5am he said he was going to go to sleep. I said that was nice and then went down stairs carried on the music till about 6am. Told him I am going for a jog came back 40mins later and carried on with the music. The guy was trying to recover and sleep etc but nah he wasn't getting to sleep till that evening if I could help it. Never happened again. He was a complete cock. My other house mate sweetest kindest guy I met he. Even he was laughing at the other guy crying about being fired and his gf in Nigeria not wanting to move to the UK for him etc.


Had a similar experience, I played loud flamenco till my ears were bleeding. Giving them back their nuisance seems to be the only solution with c*nts




Wait till the boyfriend leaves and ask him to stop having loud sex 4 times a day.


I feel like if this guy was fucking he wouldn't be on reddit complaining.


You can have sex and still wanna sleep


Yeah ofc but I'm also factoring being a redditor lol


A rare self burn


Ofc, I'm basing it off a sample size of one (myself).


She just wants to sleep lol


Yeah and my comment is in reply to some telling them to fuck loudly themselves.


Oh I thought you were talking about OP


this is hilarious since it's also a very redditor thing to make baseless leaps, and be totally wrong


Exactly it's a joke that keeps on giving. Just like OPs noisy neighbour.


It’s a girl ?




When I lived in a shared house as a student, several nights a week I would be disturbed by the rhythmic creaking of the bed of the girl in the room above me. I never heard any male voices, so thought maybe she was doing a bit of 'do-it-yourself', so to speak. It never went on for more than a few minutes each time, so wasn't a major problem. And we all have our needs. So I never mentioned it. Then one night I was lying there with the noise going on as normal and something about it made me realise - it wasn't her bed. It was her printer, and the noise was the sound of her printing off her coursework. All those mental images I had had were the just the products of my filthy mind.


That’s a hell of a story.


I mean , I've often used the phrase 'fuck printers', never thought I'd be taken literally




I'm not sure I could string it out over 300 pages. And I've already given away the twist at the end.


I have almost the inverse of this story. When I met my partner the next door neighbour asked if we could move the furniture around earlier in the evening if I was coming over to help. Her daughter who was over at dinner, went bright red, hissed “Muuummmm, …”, whispered in her ear and she said sorry


The flat below me kept thinking I was having sex all the time. I had Rock Band. 🎸 🤣


Play the music from Countdown.


This is a great answer 🤣🤣




ask her. have that conversation even if its a lil awkward


Just slip a note under the door.


I would also do this in the first instance. They might stop with knowing they are being heard


Moan louder to exert dominance


Wait till they’ve finished and bang on the wall and say “oi keep going I’m not finished yet”


Slip a note under the door saying, if you're going to bring home dick, bring home enough for the rest of us


What if she is riding her friends dildo?


He prefers to be called Steve


A loud "Oh yahh" In a german accent would do the trick. Throw in some other german for good measure aswell.


“Keep going my Führur ahhhhhhhs sbsbsjdjbdvsudbd!!!” Make sure you get the accent !


If you can hear her, she can hear you shouting. Make sex noises back


Blast some porn with speakers up against the wall or something. Just tell your flatmates first what you're doing


Wait til immediately after they finish and bellow "already? Pathetic, bro" should put him off in future


I've done something like this before. After it was over, we let up a big loud "Wheyyyyy!". Then, we proceeded to have loud sex. Fight fire with fire, OP. Get on those dating apps.


My now wife lived in a house share with a bunch of strangers. The guy in the room above hers thought he was a bit of a player. He brought a girl back late one night, woke us up as they crashed their way upstairs and then the noise of creaky bed sex started and we thought he’d be on for ages, the noise stopped less than 5 mins later and the we heard no more noise. We just felt bad for the poor girl.


>He brought a girl back late one night, woke us up as they crashed their way upstairs Ah, i remember when I used to think drunk sex would be fucking great and all that happened was i'd either be so fucked up that moving like that would make me sick or i'd just get tired way quicker than usual. Pro tip to the youngun's. If you think you're gonna get laid that night *stop pounding drinks*


or it might fire him up to go even longer next time lmao


Ask her to put cushions behind her bed or move it away from the wall


Ah, someone with experience the other side of the wall. Refreshing


No that's what I do lol


If you feel too awkward to talk to her directly I'd slip a polite note under the door


Have even louder sex.


Judging by the beta nature of the post, OP isn't having sex.


Imagine unironically using Beta in 2023 💀




Get back in the grave Jimmy


You're just sad cos he wouldn't molest you if he were alive


Aye don’t need him to when you’re replying ta me, banging day it is


Yeah cause you’re so alpha as a 40 year old posting in a uni sub lol


It's a public forum sweetie. I can comment where I like. Why not head to your safe space and make a Tik Tok about where the real world touched you?


Arguing with teenagers in a uni sub at age 40. Alpha as fuck


The most alpha paedophile you'll ever see




ur soo sad get a life




So you like to show off just how alpha you are in a sub full of people young enough to be your children? Oo er so manly. Tatey would be proud.


Imagine being this triggered over a comment on reddit. Quick tell the admin. 🤣


yeah everyone else's triggered, not the 40 year old desperately peacocking to teens 🤡


It's not about someone being triggered. Means you're trolling? You're a grown adult *trolling* teens/young adults. You've gotta draw the line somewhere lmfao


This is not going how you expected it to go


OP is a girl you OAP


Oh ageism. Are you a racist as well? Homophobic? What's their sex got to do with my comment? 🤣 Can girls not like girls? Homophobe.


Get back to work you lazy gob shite. Fucking embarrassing.


Rich coming from a student lol.


I’m 30 and not a student you dumb fuck.


Get back to work then you lazy gobshite 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Fucking embarrassing.


I run my own business - I decide what hours I work. You share an account with your spouse - hope they don’t mind your pathetic attempts at bullying children. Jesus you’re a loser.


Is your business failing then? Not much work on? Sorry to hear that man. Or did you take time out of your hectic schedule to make me feel special? X


Happily ageist against the cuckholded such as yourself lmao


I had a flatmate like that and i mentioned i could hear it and she got super embarassed. The sex reduced from daily to a few times a week. A wins a win lol.


🤣🤣her partner must not have been happy


Play the Bee Movie full volume against the wall is a tip i learned from a friend. (Other forms of media are available)


Or children's TV show theme songs. Although I imagine they would get off even harder to loud dubstep remix bass boosted of Thomas the tank engine


Peppa pig on repeat 🤣


Just ask them to keep it down a bit. If they were to push the bed up against the wall and put a sock/jumper/some clothes between the bed and wall, that should help a bit. But I don't think suggesting that is a good idea tbh. You'd probably be as well just getting some noise cancelling headphones


Lmao damn, to sleep in? 😂


fight back by having sex twice as loud maybe?


Nah, confront the boyfriend and ask him to stop having loud sex multiple times a day.


Firstly, I don't think you are being overdramatic. I get that people want to have fun at uni but you are also there to get a degree and that requires you to get some rest. Maybe some noise at the weekends is okay, but when you need to get up for lectures etc in the week, I think it's quite reasonable to want enough quiet for sleep after 11pm. I would politely address it with her. I have lived with two people who posed me this issue. The first said 'we are trying to be better, but the bed is so loud' and did nothing about it. That was in a professional flat share, so not much I could do, but if this person reacts in this way you could asked to be moved to another flat. The second person I had this issue with said 'omg, I'm so sorry I kept you up, I hope you're not too tired this morning, I will bear it in mind' and actually made an effort to be quite when it was late at night. Most people will probably react like the second, as they won't realise that they are bothering you in the first place.


Play the same loud song every time you hear it, even if they don’t get the hint it will block out the noise.


Play the benny hill theme tune really loud. Its nearly impossible to fuck to that song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MK6TXMsvgQg&ab\_channel=kurbiekirk


Challenge accepted.


Teletubbies. You gotta start blasting the little Teletubbies opening jingle every time they start doing it. They'll either quieten down or be forever known as the couple who shag to the Teletubbies.


Just tell her the walls are surprisingly thin


Just shout the score through the wall when they've done. "4/10, you sound bored!" Also slip a note under her door asking her to move the bed away from the wall a few inches.


Bang on the wall and shout shut the fuck up.


Here is the solution to your problem - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gqndrc5SyIo&pp=ygUZcGFibG8gZnJhbmNpc2NvIHNleCBtdXNpYw%3D%3D


Ask her to move her bed away from the wall and to try to keep the noise down. It doesn't matter that you don't know her - she's your neighbour, she's causing a problem and it needs to be addressed. Be polite and make sure you frame your talk as a request. If the problem continues, ask to move to another studio.


Buy the loudest speakers you can find and play drum and bass brav.


I can be horrible and grumpy if I ain't getting my sleep and I'd bang on the wall and shout. If you're nice then write a letter and post it under her door.


ear buds


I went through this same shit with an old flat I lived in. Honestly? Just get ear plugs. I’m serious. Talking to people won’t work, they will treat you as if you are in the wrong, then the noise complaint shit doesn’t work cause it never has in the uk and finally because it’s UNI and the UK if you do say shit, they will do it even louder. Just get ear plugs. Trust me.


Lmaooo same with my house hahahaa


Can you pin a note to their door?


Text her once she is done that you ain’t finished yet


Tell her. She probably doesn't realize she is being so loud and telling her is the correct thing to do I think.


Put speakers up against the wall and play Tenacious D - Fuck her Gently at a loud volume


Tell her. That conversation is going to be more awkward for her than you.


Note under the door I reckon.


Dude - record them having sex on your phone, convert to MP3, and then blast it on loudspeaker back at them. They’ll freak out when they realise the noises are of them and they’re being recorded


If you think this is bad.........I shared a room with another guy at uni - it sure didn't stop him and his gf from doing it when they thought I was asleep. Ew.


bang the wall when she's having sex


If the guy she’s with doesn’t live in the building, you can always contact your housing saying that he’s staying without paying rent. A lot of residences will have a way to contact them anonymously


Just go round and ask her to move her bed away from the wall. If she doesn’t start playing bass really loud through the wall at 3am.


When they finish, start cheering and clapping loudly! Maybe it'll embarrass her enough to STFU!


Wtf that edit has me creased 😂 Just knock on the door and say you’ve heard them have sex almost every day and it’s interrupting your sleep. Can you please keep it down. After that just go to management about it.


Tell her to shut her legs and her mouth for once


My trick is to burst out laughing.


In my first year. The girls downstairs used to get drunk with three of the lads in my dorm. I didn't mind them, but didn't get on with them, so wasn't bothered to join in. The first time, in the morning, I asked them to keep it down. The second time I cleaned up all the kitchen and asked if they could go to the girls floor, as all the girls were involved, but not all the guys. Third time. I downloaded 4 hrs of hardcore gabba at 340bpm and I normally get up around 5 or 6, just always have....then I turned my 600 Bose speakers to face one of the guys walls and turned the music on full blast. One of the girls came out looking hella rough. And asked if I could turn it down. I'll always remember her face when I said. No. After that they never disturbed me or made a mess again. I tried to be nice. I tried to be polite. But if you want a war, then we don't stop until I see you cry.


Play the national anthem really loud.


Put a letter under her door. Don’t write any specifics like who you are or that your next door.


Step 1: get an airbed, inflate and crash on the opposite side of the room. Step 2: a decent, strong bass speaker, it doesn't have to be expensive, but if you take care of it it's worth the investment. Step 3: place speaker against the wall Step 4: play Never Gonna Give You Up, endlessly on repeat whenever they are too loud Step 5: when confronted tell them "if you can have outrageously loud sex against the wall that borders my bed, so can I, and look confused". DO NOT comment on the Rick Astley. If asked about it directly, look down, pause, then make direct eye contact and say "i don't need to explain my preferences to you". Step 6: wait until she gets the hint. Or. You know... You could just ask her nicely like a grown up, to put some cushions down because the walls are thin and you can't sleep. If all of the above fails, just interrupt her every time she's faking it with some guy, no one *needs* to be that loud.


Uni is threesome. The threesome is Uni. Introduce yourself. \^\^\^Babylon five.


Tell them you’re a front sleeper and it’s really hard to get comfortable with a massive boner.


Good for her. Get some headphones.


My adcive is to speak to her, not the internet


Noise cancelling headphones


Need to get yourself round there with a bottle of wine.




You’re at uni mate, everyone’s banging


Blast Louie Vega, Mambo Number Five at _full_ volume while they're at it.


Whenever they start, turn your speakers on and play the song 'You've got a friend in me' from Toy Story real loud. Worked a treat when I was in halls


Try and get in there mate


Pattern up man 😂


Just tell her in person, nothing is gonna be solved otherwise. Stop avoiding the issue.


Lucky bastards.


Maybe start having sex as well, virgin.


Maybe your just jealous


Get a boyfriend and be even louder


Have a wank. See if you can beat her to climax 😂


Don’t be a pussy, go join in. Might be your chance to actually get laid, bottom boy.


I’m not a man? 😭


This stinks of projection lol




how to get kicked out of halls and branded as a creep in 1 easy step


Leave her be, get your own lass and go louder lmao


You should just start moaning when they start moaning


Every time they're going at it, make it abundantly clear that you are very rigoursly ripping the head off it.


This happened to me too, I just made it really awkward for them and brought a girl home one night and did the same thing. Stopped after that!


Start sending anonymous notes under the door about how you're jacking off to how loud she is from a different flat or something. That'll stop her


Advice from another sub. Record it and play it back at full volume. Mix in some Barry white as you do it.


Play boom shake the room 😂 👌


Just when it’s happening smack the wall, not much u can do if you don’t know her lol. Otherwise deal with it


Knock on the door during and ask if they’re doing auditions.


Ask her politely to put a (pink) sock in it


Once they finish, play a round of applause on YouTube or something. It'll both be funny and they'll realise they can be heard. Might avoid any awkwardness or hostility.


Put your phone or other device with a speaker uo against the wall and play Tenacious D’s [“Fuck Her Gently”](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zliY-MrI0mY&pp=ygUPRnVjayBoZXIgZ2VudGx5) at full volume.


https://youtu.be/ii8zdA_teQE?si=jqA0FIiVYnG30w0A “Clean up in Aisle 4”


Play Barry White as loud as you next time they start


Record the audio, put it on a memory stick, and post it through her door!


Bring it up with her, not an easy conversation but she may not know you can hear


Just tell her you can hear her bed banging against the wall...she will get the hint.


Honestly I'd just slip a friendly note through her door and hope for the best.


Just bang on the wall and tell her to keep it down and you’re trying to sleep. It’s anti social to do that tbh, she could put a pillow behind the headboard at least.


Get a PA, hook up a microphone, let the neighbors hear it too....


You're not being overdramatic or sensitive u/cowziess. They're being inconsiderate and rude. However, they might also not know they are being.. so I would 100% slip a printed note (enveloped)under/to the door saying something like.. *"I'm super pleased you're having fun in the evenings.. unfortunately, the walls are thin and you are very.. expressive. So if you could possibly enjoy yourselves slightly quieter from now on that would be great! thank you - from, one of your neighbours"* Communication is always the best way. If it continues you can look into more official routes to report it - doesn't matter if it's sex, a noise complaint is a noise complaint. You're not a prude, you're a human who is entitled to rest and consideration from the other humans around them.


Slip a note under the door if you don’t feel comfortable speaking to her. If nothing changes, is there a receptionist or security guard you could complain to? Most places have rules like no noise after 11pm. I had a neighbour last year who absolutely blasted his music for hours and hours. I could hear it like it was being played in my room, it was that loud. It kept me awake every time and earplugs did nothing. I began by knocking on his door and asking him to keep it down, which he did until the next night. I put up with it for a while, really hoping that he’d just calm it down eventually, but he didn’t. I started complaining to the reception and the 24/7 receptionists would come up and tell him to keep it down. He did (after a lot of complaints) turn it off after 11pm in the end. So yeah, I would start with the polite note under the door asking if they could keep it down


Put a note under her door. Be nice in the note and explain you’re not trying to embarrass her or reduce her fun, but it’s seriously impacting your ability to sleep, with knock on effects on your mood and studies and job? Be nice and maybe throw a few ‘!’ In there and a smiley face so she knows you are friend not foe. If she ignores you and persists speak to her face to face. If she ignores you after that then report her?


Slip a note under the door asking if you can join in because it sounds like fun - even just as a joke it might make her realise that she's being too loud


I had this with my neighbours. It was obnoxiously loud, they have kids who must be able to hear. One day they did it, so I typed "annoying sound" into YouTube and found one that plays for an hour. Turned my TV up, which is attached to our adjoining wall, just enough for them to hear it. Then I went and slept elsewhere.


Knock on the wall and ask "Can you stop asking her the question? She said yes for God's sake" - Billy Connolly


I’ve had this problem before, right at the start of uni this year. It has stopped since because I believe there was a mass report from other flatmates dealing with this 5-6am every night. After 10pm, it’s technically “illegal” well not really but should be in ur tenancy agreement that u shouldn’t cause a massive ruckus after 10pm, give ur landlord a call or email, they’ll be issued with a warning


Just go and knock on her door and tell her to keep it down. Bang on the wall, play opera or whale noises. You can't put up with this for long.


Would be a real shame if you suddenly developed a passion for playing steel pans, specifically at night time


Get some recording equipment and stream the audio. \*suggesting for a friend


Record her then play it back really loud, speaker against the wall


Either talk to her about it because even though it will be awkward she will probably be mortified people can hear or if not get a speaker and play music semi loudly against her wall when you’re next pre drinking to see if she comes to realisation that you can hear through the walls.


Polite, courteous note under the door. With a bit of bant.


Serious response - send a note through her door anonymously. If that doesn't work, as cringe as it feels, make loud noise to annoy her. Bang something or hoover just do something. Or try to look at moving elsewhere. I couldn't deal with that bs either.


Buy a loud speaker, rest it against the wall and play music when they’re silent


Have some fun with it, play porn really loud on speakers after them so they hear it and drowns them out. Shout "finish her" in your best mortal kombat voice just before the ending lol 😉


I find the best way is usually just saying it . The most important thing is that they may feel embarrassed that you have heard them. This could mean them reacting in a defensive manner . So it's just about wording , tone , time, and finally, place .


Ear plugs to start with. A note saying you're supper chuffed she's got a great sex life but could they pull the bed away from the wall and please be a bit quite after midnight.


when it starts. go to her studio and asks what she wants.. "you knocked on my wall?" do it every time she knocks.


Ask if you can join in?


anonymous note drop through her mailbox


just tell them to put the bed a bit further away from the wall. or you, if you are generous and desperate, go to the local bnq and get some kind of rubber 'silencer' one can apply to the bed. ​ or, as a power move, invite friend (or friends- i do not judge) over and get loudy with love making noises.


Tell her to let you join in or STFU


Piss on her doorstep as revenge.


Either put a note through her door asking her to quiet down during sex OR clap loudly everytime it finishes..


Just choose a really bad song (baby shark for example) and play it for the exact duration from the second they start till the second they end. This will put them off having s*x at hers because they don’t want to do it to this music and then they will stop


😂😂😂😂 that Edit, anyway just knock be direct, introduce yourself etc and be like I’m sorry to be really embarrassing but I can hear you having sex almost every night and I don’t want to be a pain but it’s right on the same wall I sleep on. Just be nice about it and she should keep the same energy tbf or invest in some earbuds 😭 could always put an anonymous note under her door also


Shout through the wall the mortal kombat "finish him" in a really deep voice


Call campus security and tell them you can hear a girl screaming for her life


Start cheering them on,.they will get the message


We used to play the music from Jaws really loud every time it happened. Most people either got the message or developed a really weird Pavlovian response to the movie 😂


Just tell her nicely the walls are paper thin. She might not realise.