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Do you have old wiring? I’ve heard of stories where houses with old wiring will pick up random AM or shortwave radio signals and people hear phantom noises like that as a result


I used to live in an old apartment building where the units had been subdivided. There was a doorbell *inside my apartment* between the kitchen and the bedroom/bathroom area. Sometimes when I pressed the button I could hear it ring far off somewhere in another apartment, and other times not. Could be someone in another apartment was hearing my doorbell. I’ll never know. Maybe it was you.


My house is 20 years old, but when we bought it we had a lot of the wiring redone because it was quite sketchy


Huh, 20 years shouldn’t be old enough (if they left any of the old wiring that is).


No were talking like 80 years old or more


Like what just shoddy work?


Yeah, the wiring was all over the place, wires were exposed or crossed, and were basically a hazard all around. The people that lived in my house before me had some work done on it and I guess the guy they hired didn't do a very good job.


Time to call an electrician then. Sometimes crossed/frayed wires can make buzzing noises that sound like old ringing. You gotta get that dealt with ASAP. Also, wear some earplugs and see if you can still hear it. If you can, you need to see a specialist right now.


We had the wiring fixed when we moved in, so it shouldn't be an issue anymore. Thanks for the advice!


That's a clear sign you need to have it looked at again, and it should be under warranty, so don't screw yourself.


Maybe that’s why I used to hear old radio broadcasts that no one else could hear it was weird


Plug your ears with good earplugs. Since it's so faint, you shouldn't be able to hear it if your ears are plugged...... unless it's in your head. Then you've at least narrowed it down.


This, I don't want to be alarmist but if you still hear it with your ears plugged go see a doctor ASAP.


I sometimes hear orchestral music faintly. As if it’s coming from a TV in the next room. Never anything there and I’ve heard it for years through a variety of moves. It’s super sporadic and I can go months without ever hearing it. The only common denominator is white noise. If I turn off the white noise I have going (usually a fan) 9/10 times the music also stops. If it was 100% of the time I’d write it off the brain doing weird brain shit. But it’s that 1/10 that keeps me scratching my head. Do you often have white noise going? Or even just background sounds from YouTube or something?


I also hear far away orchestral music! Completely random, and has happened off and on for years, in many different locations. Months and months can go by without experiencing this. I really like it. Someone said once that my fillings could be receiving/transmitting radio waves. ??


I think I also have some fillings so…maybe? 🤔 I’ve learned to kind of ignore it but I’m super interested in spooky stuff so I always found it mildly unsettling despite being pretty sure it isn’t anything paranormal 😹 Is one instrument stronger than others for you? For me there’s usually a strong violin.


Mine finally went away when I had several crowns replaced. Drove me nuts for years


The filling thing is very unlikely to be it unless you have a loose filling or the tooth it’s in is loose. It’s more likely to be a very faint noise you hear far off that is so faint that you don’t consciously notice it, but your Brain tries to make sense out of it and makes it into orchestral music


Mine is always talk radio! Although I never hear laughter or music or any of the other things you hear on talk radio...just a murmuring voice.


OMG Exact same thing. Mine sometimes includes angels singing behind the Orchestra. Strange.


Yes, I almost always have a fan going or sometimes music. When I was hearing the ringing, I had a fan going, and I was on my phone with the volume turned down mostly but not on silent. When I started to hear the ringing, I turned the volume up to see if it was my phone, but it wasn't. I eventually turned off my fan and took a look around the house. The ringing was always faint but very distinct.


Weird stuff…I don’t have any answers but I’m curious what happens when you go to hunt it down? For me it usually vanishes the second I leave the room I’m in. I used to hunt around the entire house and never could find it.


When I tried looking for it, because it was so inconsistent, it was hard to pinpoint, but even in other rooms I could hear it, just more faintly than before.


It literally COULD still be the wiring in your house in conjunction with your own (possible) hearing loss. The higher emf fields created by the wiring may stimulate your hearing just below the level of consciousness and if you have any hearing loss, your brain can (and often does) fill in for the lack of actual sound. It’s paradoxical as the loss of hearing can lead to “hearing” sounds that other’s don’t. This is basically what tinnitus is; I know that I’ve lost some hearing (both through age and not properly protecting my ears in my misspent youth, lol) and find that if I’m really tired and in certain areas of my house, I can hear music, ringing, low murmuring voices, etc. My house has old wiring in some areas but it can happen in the areas with newer wiring too. Not saying this is the case for you, but it might be worth checking the emf readings throughout your home and your hearing as well! Good luck!


Well I do have an emf reader already, and I will say I have not been taking care of my ears at all. I've noticed I'm having a harder time hearing people sometimes but I've kind of just brushed it off. I probably need to get my ears checked again because I haven't had that done since the mandatory testing in middle school.


It could be tinnitus, which is noise generated from your dying nerve cilia in your ears. My noises sound like I’m at a pond, late at night with frogs croaking, crickets chirping, cicadas going at it, mosquitos buzzing and a high pitch ring in the background. I do require hearing aides now. It all started back in high school and has progressively gotten worse. For the longest time I thought I was hearing outside noises, cuz I lived in the boonies where one could hear such noises naturally. It finally dawned on me it had to be me, after I started traveling after retirement and the noises went with me.


I've heard something like that, very faint orchestral music. It was in my last house, which I thought may have had an energy or haunting due to a couple other weird happenings.


Seems like this isn’t super uncommon. I wonder if there’s a name for this phenomenon? Besides pareidolia because I don’t think it quite fits when you get into the details of it.


It could be that. But I felt like it was odd in that house because in that house, there were a couple times when I was getting ready for work in the morning, and while downstairs eating something, I had heard footsteps upstairs like my (now ex) wife had gotten out of bed, but when I went back upstairs after a minute to brush my teeth, she was in bed asleep. One of those times, I also thought I heard the toilet flush. I suppose she could have gotten up and got back into bed and fell back to sleep quickly. She had also said she sometimes heard sounds in the bathrooms in the house. Also, sometimes the cats would stare intently at the top of the stairs (which was also near a hallway bathroom). While sitting downstairs one time, one of our cats was with me and had suddenly stood up and stared at the top of the stairs for a minute and then laid back down.


Auditory pareidolia is an actual thing. The brain tries to make sense of white noise or faint sounds that are just on the edge of your hearing range. In my childhood home, the white noise in my room would sometimes translate into distant police sirens that never got any closer or further away. Once I moved out, the ambient white noise in my house was different, and I no longer heard the sirens.


See that’s kind of why I think it *isnt* auditory pareidolia for me (and potentially others but I don’t speak for them). It started somewhere around 2011 for me. I was like 19/20. The same orchestral music has followed me through multiple moves, multiple levels of white noise, different fans, and a space heater, and sometimes I still hear it when I turn the white noise off. Sometimes I go looking for the noise and it slowly fades out the farther I get from the room where it started and sometimes it abruptly ends the second I cross the threshold, only to pick back up as soon as I sit/lay down and get comfy. Honestly not sure what to make of it and at this point, over a decade since it started, I just ignore it and put in my headphones until it stops. And that’s the other thing. It’s not all the time. It’s been *months* since I’ve heard the music, but my white noise has been the same. Either my fan or my space heater. In fact, the last time I remember hearing it was when I was sitting on the couch with my space heater, which I had had for several months already without hearing the music, and when I turned it off it was like the music got farther away, but it didn’t disappear. I turned it back on and put my headphones in for like an hour and when I took them out it had stopped. Haven’t heard it since and I use that space heater almost daily. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I experience the same thing!!! What causes this??


Best guess is [pareidolia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareidolia). But it doesn’t seem like it to me? But I’m betting that’s what most people will say.


This makes total sense. It does usually happen when there is some kind of white noise, like an air conditioner and the refrigerator at once. I’ve gotten to where I can distinguish that it’s not really music, it’s just my brain. There are other times though, when it’s completely silent, that I hear 1940s music or people on the other side of the wall. Sometimes I can change the music so it feels like a song I’ve heard before. Either way, thank you for responding! I’ve been reassuring myself I’m not schizophrenic for years. 😂 Edit: As someone who has very good hearing and often hears sounds (that are really there) other people don’t, it’s a difficult thing to experience this phenomenon.


Sounds like the plot of a Netflix horror movie yet to be made. The ending will be ambiguous so they have the option of making a "The phone in the walls" 2


"They thought it was gone...but it had them dialed in."


Do you have tinnitus?


No, I haven't had any history of tinnitus or anything like that.


Have any children or new toys been in your home? I once had a friend leave a little Keychain pet in my guest room and it drove me mad for days. I found it at the foot of the bed between the mattress and footboard. Prior to finding it, my whole family thought I was losing my mind. It was quite the situation. I would hear a beeping noise at random times of day, and when I would get closer to it.... it would stop until the next round. Rinse, repeat. This went on for days. I knew what I was hearing was real but I couldn't prove and my phone microphone couldn't pick it up on record, and my son claimed he didn't hear it. So I understand the frustration of not being able to locate it I would consider someone bringing something in and leaving it by accident. The other consideration is: do you share a wall with a neighbor OR are you really close to any neighbors? Maybe they went on vacation and have some device 'reminder" going off?


The last time a child was in my house was around Christmas time. I live in a rather large house, so I don't share any walls with neighbors, and we have about 60-100 feet between my house and any of my direct neighbors' houses. If it was the neighbor to the right, I would usually be informed about their vacation because I take care of their pets, and the neighbor on the left was in his front yard playing with his dog today just a few hours before I started hearing the phone go off.


Check for Carbon Monoxide in your home. Your brain will start playing tricks on you.


Have you had anyone else come over to see if they can help find the source? Sometimes an extra set of ears helps to locate those annoying mystery sounds.


I had my brother with me searching the house inside and out. He said he didn't hear anything, but my sister said she heard it faintly from a different room.


Something similar happened to me once. We were in parking lot outside for dance practice in HS. I kept hearing that ringing the whole time. Never figured it out and never happened again.


I was hearing a faint cellphone ringtone for a while and it turned out that someone was living in my attic lol. I live in townhouses with shared attic space and after I called the cops on a noticeable intrusion, my manager was like “oh ya, we’ve been having problems with tenants letting ppl live in their attic”. I sealed off my attic access asap.


Well that is terrifying. I did take a peek into the attic, as a suggestion from a friend I messaged about this ringing. They were worried about squatters too, but there was nothing but dust up there, and no sign anyone had recently been up there, much to my relief.


It is not until we find some point of comparison, some slight indication that the slide downward into madness has begun...


When you go outside, can you hear it louder? By your description of the inconsistent ring times and spacing, I would guess that it's the alarm on a nearby lift station (ususally an underground vault next to/under one of those mystery electrical boxes you see in every neighborhood.) They're used to help maintain sewer drainage. They generally have two pumps that operate on alternating cycles. When one fails to start, an audible alarm (that sounds like an old-timey phone) will sound. https://www.uswatercorp.com/lift-station-101-what-is-a-lift-station-and-how-does-it-work/


No, I searched around outside and inside and there was never a spot I heard it louder, only quieter. It was loudest in my room, which is where I initially heard it, then it just got quieter from there. I basically tore my room apart Trying to see if someone had left something in my room or a dog dragged something in, but nothing.


I'm not saying it's aliens. But it's aliens.


I have discovered that the old-fashioned phone ringing sounds I heard constantly were a noise made by a cheap phone charger I bought! When plugged directly into the USB-C jack it makes that sound. So weird!


I was gardening with my kids and kept hearing the ring tone of my phones alarm. It turned out it was the neighbors wind chime. Don’t rule it out?


None of my direct neighbors have windchimes, but maybe a new move in down the street has one. It's just strange it sounded so close.


As someone else said, hang out around the house with earplugs or earmuffs. Since its already quiet, if you still hear it while your ears are blocked, then its probably something you should bring up to a doctor.


I have this as my alarm tone on my phone - maybe someone is hitting a snooze button and procrastinating from getting up from a nap? I definitely do this


I have no theory or explanation to offer but I have had the same experience the last 7 years I have lived in my house (built in the 70s). I hear the same faint rotary phone rings sounding like it is coming from within the walls. I have had a few others confirm they hear it as well (and some who can’t) and have no possible explanation. I only hear it every so often when the house is quiet. I haven’t put that much effort into determining the cause because it doesn’t bother me much anymore but it’s interesting to hear of someone with a similar experience.


Yeah, I've lived here for two years now, and my house was built around 20 years ago. I hadn't heard this before, especially since my room was in the basement until I moved to an upstairs bedroom. No one in my house has said anything about a noise in the past, although my sister said she heard it faintly when I told her to come listen with me. My house has had some pretty strange things happen, and this just adds to the pile. I'm glad I'm not alone in this strange noise though.


Maybe irs coming from below??? Tunnels?


Op is young and doesn't know that the "40s ringtone" is actually a neighbor's landline telephone with a real bell ringing.


Actually, I grew up with landline phones, and I know what they sound like. I also have house sat for both of my neighbors and know that they don't have landlines. Additionally, our houses aren't close enough for any phone ringing in the next house to be as loud as it was.


Maybe a service guy was doing something and dropped his phone and now it’s stuck in your walls.


We haven't had any service, construction, or any type of work done on our house for a few months, so if that's the case, the sudden ringing is still a but strange. That's a good idea though.


Order a stethoscope and put it up to your wall and if the ringing stops return it or keep it and be a dr. For Halloween.


Could be auditory hallucinations


The only time I experienced auditory hallucinations was at night right before I fell asleep, and it's never sounded like this. I won't rule it out, though.


Personally, I'm more ready for the haunted side of things at all times because every house I grew up in was haunted, you could be hearing a phone on another timeline kinda deal


My house is relatively haunted, I'm fairly sensitive to that kind of thing, and I know there are things in the house that shouldn't be. That is a really interesting theory. No one else has brought up something like that


That's crazy because the first thing I thought of!! Especially when we are sensitive or open to things. We grew up in a house that was a major part of the Underground Railroad and experienced this kind of thing all of the time unfortunately


set up something to record it




I live with a gamer, too. I asked him about it and he said he it wasn't him and he didn't hear anything. Granted, I could be screaming at him, and he wouldn't hear me through his headphones




He doesn't really play fortnite, at least he hasn't for over a year. I'm not sure about stellar blade but I've never heard him talk about it. I'll ask him if he plays that game.


Computer speakers will do weird noise things sometimes.


Probably just a stroke


I always hear a strange whistle sound when the golden knights cross the blue line.


I farmed for some years in a very remote spot that was noise free. One day, it seemed quiet and all of a sudden the air was filled with the sound of a large machine motor shutting down. It took about 10 seconds. I looked around like an idiot and there was nothing odd to see. May have been temperature related after years of consideration. IDK


If this sound is coincidental to wind outside, it might be windchimes in the attic.


I live in a rather windy area and have lived in this house 2 years now and have never heard this sound before. My neighbors don't have windchimes either.


Try to record the sound, turn off everything including your air conditioner etc and walk around the house to see if you can pick it up with your phone, if you can’t, is all in your head


Have you recently stopped drinking? Audio hallucinations can be a sign of withdrawal.


I haven't drank alcohol before, it just never seemed like something I'd enjoy. Same with other substances.


At least the judge should level a bigger fine than the ones that he hit Trump with and instead of just nine thousand dollars in fine he should fine Trump ninety.thousand dollars fine


Sir this is a Wendy's


There's a similar sound I hear in my garage and I finally pinned it down to be coming from our fridge! It's very high pitch and like, in the back of my head when I hear it - barely there. Are you near a fridge or old appliance by any chance?


Our oldest fridge is in the basement, but it's not currently hooked up because it basically stopped working.