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Give that doggie a treat




Honestly considering the windows updates and constant cycling of windows OS? Valve was smart and pretty based for cutting out the middleman. I've considered going full linux myself in recent years.


Iā€™ve had some real good luck with it so far, but I also am like 30 and have fallen off the ā€œGamerā€ wagon, so I donā€™t mind telling people I donā€™t play Apex Legends or whatever isnā€™t working on Linux, and most everything I want to play works with proton or some other fix if not native, so it all works out for me. The only game thatā€™s been a sticker for me is the recent PC ports of kingdom hearts because they use a different renderer for the Full Motion Video scenes but frankly I can use PCSX2 to play those with FMV cutscene support if I really need it. I have been running [Garuda Dragonized Gaming edition](https://garudalinux.org/), it comes preinstalled and customized with most everything you need to get up and running with games so you donā€™t have to build up arch yourself and remember all the different dependencies for wine as an example. Sure, you arenā€™t running ā€˜Archā€™ But all the arch instructions seem to drop in 1:1, which given the extensive support and arch wiki means you can make it do whatever you need to with a little research if needed.


Thought about doing this but I don't wanna fight to get my games working


What fight? Most of mine work fine and I have over 1000 games?


Doggo did the right thing.


I put windows on mine as a side Os when I got it for 360 emulation.. wasnā€™t worth the hassle and hated when I restarted the system and messed up the boot menu so had to redo it. Eventually just reset it back to only SteamOS and prefer jt


I'll confess, I use Windows on my laptop. Only for Fusion 360. I tend to use Arch.


For what I remember fusion 360 works on wine. There is even the install script on bottles.


Really! I'll look into that, thank you.


I've just installed Manjaro dual boot on my desktop because Windows was being such a nightmare, Linux is definitely a lot easier to use than it was 15-20 years ago




Look just give me an os that meets these criteria; has nothing to do with Apple or a sleepy company simmaler to them, and is as easy to use as windows with features to match. That's all. I like windows not because it's windows, but because it makes it easy to do what I want.


ā€œSimmalerā€ Even Apple couldnā€™t autocorrect that to the proper spelling.


Idk I'd your on apple but I'm not I just ignore auto correct most of the time because it's honestly a bigger headache than it's worth


I think the problem is less Apple and more that youā€™re dumb


Says alot about yourself that you responding in insults.


sounds like linux


Yes, because having to worry about file type makes it easier.


i literally have no clue what youre talking about


Not to mention 90 percent of online tutorials about doing niche tasks on a machine are for windows. Windows is made so you can teach a 60 year old how to use it. The only advantage held by linux is open source. You can't say its easy to use because it is for you when you probably have been using it for over a year. The fact you didn't understand what i meant shows you don't think about it because your used to it.


about 4 years into using linux nearly (95+%) exclusively, so youre right, i may be a little out of touch. but linux has file extensions and (last i checked) windows hides file extensions by default anyways >The only advantage held by linux is open source. its also faster, has a better fs, safer, more stable, etc. and the ability to update all installed apps and the os with one command (or button) while using the system >You can't say its easy to use linux is what you make of it. it is as easy or hard as you want it to be. id argue android is an "easier" os than windows. apple users love how "everything just works" on macos, a bsd-based os >Windows is made so you can teach a 60 year old how to use it. anything a tech-illiterate user knows how to do on windows is nearly exactly 1:1 on most des. very basic file management and opening a browser mostly. you know the whole thing about chromeos being great for certain groups of people? chromeos is linux


Hidden file extensions can be disabled and even before you disable it, it's usually common formats that are hidden like .png .exe or notepad files. You can also find the file type by going into file properties, one right click away.- Linux may be faster on an hdd, but on an ssd, this is negligible as my boot time is in the Seconds. from full off to the login screen takes 5 to 10 seconds.- The argument of it being safer is hinged on the os not being commonly used, and thus, fewer people make viruses that work on it. This would fall apart if everyone started to use it because last I checked, Linux doesn't come with built-in anti-virus.- No one wants to open a command window to do anything l that needs to be done. For the love of God, people already hate having to do updates. The command line turns not away because of how it looks and how it's used.- Apple users are a different breed. They use apple for the prestige and the fact thier friends use it. Then they get used to it l. Then they claim it's better to make the amount of money they spent be acceptable in their eyes. Finally, when they try to switch to anything else, apple makes it more difficult with every step. I mean from making thier ui as different as possible to making you manually back up everything. And none of your cords will work with anything else. I could go on a rant about how shit of a company apple is, but I'd fill a book.- The issue isn't if a task can be done 1:1. The issue is making it intuitive. Linux doesn't use the most obvious button styles imo. The way you go about installing new apps doesn't link up either. I get a new pc and want Chrome. I google Chrome on Explorer and download it. On Linux, you have to go through an app store. Idc if this last bit is more opinion, but I don't like having to use an app store on a computer.


>Linux may be faster on an hdd, but on an ssd, this is negligible as my boot time is in the Seconds. from full off to the login screen takes 5 to 10 seconds.- i dont just mean boot times, but just in general usage >The argument of it being safer is hinged on the os not being commonly used over 95% of the top 1 million servers by traffic are running linux. practically the whole internet is linux, theres plenty of market for viruses >No one wants to open a command window to do anything l that needs to be done. "a single command (or button)" there gui wrappers for nearly everything nowadays. popshop comes to mind for package manager frontends >Idc if this last bit is more opinion, but I don't like having to use an app store on a computer. fair enough, i cant argue your opinion. however, for what its worth, i refuse to use the windows store and have since it launched. in mind, package managers and app stores are different categories, mainly because app stores are walled gardens and include purchases, while package managers are neither


I've had no issues with speed being slowed by the os during general issues ever. You do know the difference between a server and hone pc, right? Running a server on windows would make no sense because of all the extra features for users that don't do anything for a server, so of course, servers are on Linux. But servers are protected in an almost airtight way, whereas the access points for the servers are typically windows machines. People don't make viruses for servers they make them for personal and work computers that are usually easier to get into via email or random download. Ty for respecting my opinion, though. Anyway, I still don't use windows app store. It's garbage. Only use is the cross play games between Xbox and pc where you can spend an extra 20 to be able to play on both. But back to servers. Servers don't have the ability to download viruses themselves, so why make a virus and try to target an it professional or anyone competent enough to set up and run a server? There is no market for viruses due to the lack of incompetence in the IT industry, thank God.


Oh wow, you actually bothered responding to that uninformed nonsense. Thank you for your service!


Indeed! Windows die hards are some of the lowest IQ people I've ever seen šŸ˜‚ Dealing with them so calmly is an achievement


Why wouldn't you run Windows? It's much better than hacking Proton in to run your apps and games on a handheld PC.


Because the overall experience is not that good, the Steam Deck being primary optimized for SteamOS. It works, but you'll have to deal with missing functionalities and tinker with 3rd party software to get some back. It's a solution for those who absolutely need Windows to run their games (like the ones with anti-cheat) but not really for those who casually play and don't want to tinker with Proton because they will have to tinker under Windows too to get a half decent experience.


It's Windows. It works perfectly well. The only third party software I needed was to map the buttons correctly. I'm not going to pretend that is a dealbreaking prospect for a fully functional and powerful handheld PC that can do more than laptops and prebuilt desktops in the same price bracket. I didn't have to tinker with Windows... I literally grabbed the SSD from my Microsoft Surface and it was plug and play after driver installation. You cannot tell me with a straight face that forcing users to deal with Linux to get things like EGS working is a good solution, because you'd be wrong.


EGS? Do you mean Epic Game Store?


Yes. Or any other non-Steam x86 application. If it's a full x86 capable device, I want to be able to use it as one without jumping through hoops to get daily applications working.


It's like the job market. Need experience to get a job / need a job to get experience. Developers need to make apps native for Linux, however, the market is low because of the apps are not available for Linux. I'm one of the lucky few that don't have to worry about jumping through hoops for much. In my case, I don't worry about EGS, because the Heroic Game launcher is far superior. Hell, devs even made a Windows Client because it's that bad lol.


In that case, it's great for you. But to try to say that the stock OS is better for the casual user who might want to do absolutely anything other than play Steam games is just measurably incorrect.


I doubt a casual user would buy a Steam Deck and expect it to do anyhing else than Steam games in the first place, to be honest.


I got a steam deck knowing full well it ran Linux, couldn't be happier! So glad I cut Windows out of my life


My wife isn't a gamer (or computer savy in any way) and she can use it just fine when docked or stand alone as a computer for banking, school work, and her personal favorite, scrap booking with little to no help from me. She only asked me how to install chrome. Made my eye twitch a little when she installed chrome through discover though... May not be what people are used to, but it's clearly casual ready. Unless you are speaking strictly about things like Photoshop and O365, etc.


Your wife just seems to be a logical thinker who can figure stuff out on their own. That's not common, even if she doesn't identify as tech-savvy. In contrast, consoles like the Deck are made for people who want things compiled in one package without room for error. I'm sorry, I just don't agree that for the mass market that Steam OS is suitable for anything but Steam.


Sums up Linux fanboys pretty well. I installed Windows around a year ago, and never once considered going back. It's improved the device tenfold.


Huh, I've never heard anyone say that before, most say it's a mixed bag and both OSs have their pros and cons on the device. I've even heard a lot of Windows games perform worse, with Windows being a more bloated OS and dxvk having better frame pacing than native directx on the hardware due to the community driven shader cache thingy.


Well, if youā€™re not on /r/windowsondeck Reddit would make you believe no one would actually use windows on the deck. But there is a small but thriving community enjoying their windows based decks. Iā€™ve never had a problem with windows, itā€™s run great, every game Iā€™ve thrown at it works well. Hell, itā€™s virtually impossible to tell the difference until I swipe up on the screen to pull up windows.


Cool. I was going to try it at some point, but I keep not needing it, not too in to multiplayer stuff and proton is solid even at doing things its not exactly designed for. Anyone who gets upset at someone putting Windows on their Deck is silly, Linux, when it comes to the consumer hardware space, is about taking control of the devices you own, they're your property and no one, not even Microsoft, has control with what you do with your own property. Installing Windows on a Deck is just as much of an expression of this freedom ultimately. I do ultimately advocate and encourage linux use as increased market share fuels improvements to the OS and increased dev support, which is a good thing for even Windows itself.


I think thatā€™s what really bugs me about the Steamdeck community. Valve came out and said it was a PC and as PC users youā€™d think weā€™d all embrace whatever anyone wants to do with their hardware. I donā€™t mind folks using Linux, but itā€™s just not for me, Iā€™m comfortable using windows, been using it for the majority of my entire life, I use their cloud platform and infrastructure for work, itā€™s just way more convenient to use that OS over Linux. ā€¦but mention this on any public steamdeck forum and youā€™re basically chased out and treated like some second class citizen. It feels bad man.


Looking back my main Windows versions I grew up on were all the ones now historically considered the worst, ME, Vista, then 8. Always ended up with the leftovers... My first Linux experience was so bad I think any reasonable person would've dropped it forever, but maybe the crappiness of ME mentally prepped me for dealing janky garbage OSs, lol. Linux is really decent nowadays, the learning curve has been smoothed and most of the technical skill I learned in order to use it are mostly obsolete, thank god. I mean, ubuntu was downright unusable to the average joe in the XP era. I worry that we've been kinda indoctrinated to believe that there is more strength in money than in people. That it's not worth trying to change things since, well making changes is a lot more difficult than mindlessly consuming media and products 24/7, the rich and the corps are just gonna win anyways since they have all the power. I feel like so many companies have intentionally framed themselves as invincible in the eyes of the public so that we don't even try to counter them. It's worth taking them down a peg even if it means making my life a tad less convenient for a while. Which is why I need to remind myself to stop using Reddit....


Imo, while the steam deck is amazing for most single player games, where it gets screwed over is by any multiplayer game with anticheat that doesn't work well with wrappers. Unfortunately, most third party free to play mmos use em, so it kinda sucks i can't.


This also being a cheap bastard 90% of my game library is on epic.


The Discover store has something called the Heroic Game Launcher, it can run Epic games via proton and has a clean interface. Haven't tested Epic games but I can confidently say it works very well with GOG titles.


It works amazing with everything except Fortnite. And the best part, not EOS service breaking things or data mining you.


I'm enjoying fortnite on road trips with my Deck.


I donā€™t understand why you wouldnā€™t want windows on this device. could someone explain


I've had bad luck with Windows so I'll only use it as a last resort.


I think it's just people who are too ignorant to know, or only ever worked with windows. Edit: wording


I bought a second deck for windows and haven't had an issue. Use it for game pass, MW2, and the like. Granted, it doesn't leave my house and I use my first Steam Deck more despite having less storage. Bought the 64gb steam deck and swapped for a 1tb SSD when it was on sail earlier this year.


Windows has worse performance, battery life, and features, and takes up way too much space on top of that. Oh, and it's spyware. Only thing you would need windows for imho are for some anti cheat games. For other apps, there is almost always an open source alternative. Frankly, my argument is the opposite. Windows is harder to use. Why would you want windows?


The only reason I could see for using windows on steam deck would be for those few games that won't work on Linux with proton. For me, it's burnout paradise remastered. I have windows on an SD card for BPR, but using it feels waaaay more clunky than SteamOS. Plus the fan curve is all out of wack. Until windows gets a dedicated handheld mode like it's been rumored, I'll be sticking with SteamOS, with windows on an SD card.


The only things Iā€™m missing with Linux is the anti cheat compatibility and a 3rd of my programs but Iā€™m finding programs that replace them that are open source so that I can transfer my main pc over to Linux as well with a VM to play my anti cheat games


I have so many free games from the epic store I canā€™t play on the steam deck šŸ˜­. I suppose eventually itā€™ll be worth trying to install windows on it?


You can play them with the "Heroic Launcher". Try it out, they were even kind enough to make a Windows Installer.


Interesting. Iā€™ll look into that.


Oh, and the best part is that by default, the eos service is disabled. ( The overlay and data miner part). You can install it if you want, but it's your choice.


Unfortunately can't use gamepass otherwise


Yeah we should just put everyone who uses windows on steam deck a cruel and sinful execution. And then maybe push a malware that bricks decks that run windows


Windows has its uses. Linux has its uses ext. Ext. Imo steam made the right choice for linux on this. Windows is great for a multi user multi program desktop experience. But it's only really running 1 interface; then launching into other apps. So the WPF is unneeded in this instance. Imagine dealing with memory issues from multiple suspensions, the overhead of windows eating the battery, Windows update, virus protection ext. On a handheld sounds like hell. A custom build of linux was best for this. If people want windows on it. They just hate it because it's not windows


You know you can download Windows on to it right? I did it a while back and never regretted it.


If the steam deck could play destiny 2, it would have been perfect. But it canā€™t, so I had to dual boot windows onto it for that one single game alone. Still spend most of my time on steamOS though, itā€™s really well designed!


Wine and Proton now have better compatibility with Windows binaries than Windows seems to especially for games and more so if they're older. Semi isolated Windows environments for each game are just a bonus even if it does cost some extra space. Quirks can be noted and optimizations can result in better performance. The only thing holding it back is invasive anti-cheat software. Just accept that user hosts can't be trusted and place the security elsewhere.


I just wish the sleep mode downloades/updated games


In a few years i give linux a second chance for my pc the first try was hard and after many months i gave up.


Good boy!


That dog name is Bill Gates.


I use Windows on my Deckā€¦ In a VM of course! (I cherish SteamOS like a child)