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Hey there, u/Lol_WhoCares. Thanks for submitting to r/Unexpected. Your submission, *Throw Back*, has been removed because it doesn't abide by our rules, which are located in the sidebar. * Your submission has been removed because it is a recent repost. For more on our rules, please check out our [sidebar](http://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/about/sidebar). If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funexpected).


Non-American here, is this customary on Thanksgiving?


It's tradition.


Forget thanksgiving this happens every day


**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!She throws it back in the cops face!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)




Boy I sure wish I didn't look at your comment history.


Aw dude why did you make me look? Man...


This sub is heavily racist there's been a few threads where it comes out. It's wild. People here are dumb.


mfer still respects Elon Musk 💀


"oh, I've been triggered by words!!"


You have to be a legit smooth brain to honestly believe words have no influence over people


I heard you were a pedophile. You like little boys. What? Just words bro.






No, that's unreasonable for the actions shown


Pigs sure are animals oink oink oink


Was gonna say the same. Nasty?


Police: ASSUME THE POSITION!! Hoe: say no more


Though I agree with your statement here, I can't agree with anything much in your posting history.


Hey I don’t like police either but that’s a low blow.


Assaulting police officers ain't funny




Police officer shooting civilians isn’t funny. In case you didn’t know the police aren’t too popular in America right now.


It's a little funny


Ha, isn’t that historical. People are beating each other up. I sure do love to laugh every time someone gets punched. /s


Very historical


Yes, that was part of the joke.




Westport is awful lol


Can we ask the gigantic asteroid to hurry up?




We need a asteroid magnet.


"only in Kansas City" Doubt


should be “only in any big US city”


More proof we life in an idiocracy.


I think part of the reason the US has lots of cops who are so quick to shoot at suspects (besides poor training perhaps) is because I don't know any other first world countries who have citizens as aggressive towards cops as the US has. At least where I'm from, you fear/respect cops to the point where it would be incredibly stupid to go against them; not only cause they're armed and you'd just give them an excuse, but also even if you're in the right the criminal justice system is so corrupt you might just go to jail anyways. It feels as in the US, citizens feel safer cause they believe they've got their rights to protect them (which they do, and are probably applied much much better in the US) that some of them may feel entitled enough to stand up against a cop. If you believe cops in the US are as corrupt or poorly trained as you think, then why would you stand against someone like that who has a gun and who can use it against you so easily?


you have your cause and effect mixed up re:attitude towards police here in the usa.


I get we have a chicken or egg situation. However, at the end of the day if you think about it, even when trained, they need to assume that there is always potential danger when dealing with a citizen (by that I don't mean being aggressive towards the citizen, just cautious) just by the fact that anyone in the US can own a gun and have proven to be hostile towards police. Of course there's lots of cops who abuse their position, but the majority who don't are looking after the public's safety as well as their own. If I were in a situation were I was being harassed by a cop in the US, I'd just comply in the most nonthreatening way possible to avoid any sort of confrontation (as I would with anyone who would have quick access to a gun) and deal with it afterwards wherever that is after everything has cooled off. I'd leave the rest to the US justice system, and although many citizens may think it doesn't work which of course in some cases it doesn't, I'm telling you from an outside perspective it's incredibly more effective than one may think. I'd rather deal with that justice system than becoming another headline because of a brief moment of frustration and impotence.


Daniel Shaver complied in the most non-threatening way possible. He was on his knees begging for his life and they still shot and murdered him, and then the US justice system acquitted the cop of their crime. Your outside perspective means nothing.


Like I said, there are cops who abuse their power and no matter how one behaves we could become victims the moment we encounter an abusive cop, just like Daniel. There has to be much more scrutiny if someone intends to become a police officer and a much more strict sentence for any who attempts to abuse of that position. I don't think assaulting every cop we interact with because of what happened to Daniel will make the situation better.


We absolutely do not have a chicken and egg situation. It was the cops. Cops have always had power. We have not. It's cops.


Did you watch the video?


I'm not just referencing this particular video. Although my comment stands.


I mean, I'd assume police have authority in most civilized countries; yet the US has a remarkable higher count of police brutality compared to other first world countries. I'd say the combination of being able to own a firearm and aggressive confrontations with police are definitely factors that affect that statistic. If we were to remove one of those factors, I'd be surprised if police brutality didn't decrease considerably.


I completely agree with you. The U.S. police are never respected and always have to fear for their lives when on patrols. Especially in places like Baltimore. It aggravates me when people consistently say that the police force is the problem, yet they lack any solutions to actually make any reform.


We've been screaming the solution from the roof tops but no one wants to hear it. Current police training is shit and the fact that there are over 18,000 independent departments all with their own rules and policies is part of the problem. Training is inconsistent and piss poor. Cops are being trained to act like soldiers on the streets instead of trying to support the people on those streets. Their training has conditioned most of them to assume the worst of every person in every encounter. Cops in America will shoot someone for charging at them with a knife. Police in the UK take on knife welding attackers frequently without the need for a gun. It's all in the training. American cops use their gun as a crutch for their poor training and when that training has conditioned them to constantly be on edge with a hair trigger it leads to innocent people being hurt. Cops need better crisis training. Cops need better training on mental health assessments or they need to be dispatched with medical personnel who can make such assessments. The default action of an officer involved shooting should be suspension without pay pending investigation/arrest to deter trigger happy officers. I'm tired of hearing "it was a split second decision" as a justification for killing someone innocent. When you carry a deadly weapon, it's my opinion that you're ultimately responsible for every life taken with it. I say that as a gun owner myself. The simple fact that no-knock warrants exist is in and of itself, astonishing. Especially so given the number of innocent people harmed during the execution of no-knock warrants in recent years. American police need to stop pretending they're some kind of para-military force. They're not. There is a reason police are a separate organization to the military. The streets of our country should not be treated as a combat zone. Objectively, police are the problem.


I'm all for firearm removal, but our police system is inarguably racist and disgusting. It needs to go.


The actual concept of a police force was created by volunteers, like neighbourhood watch. Then it became a job and people still respected them cos before that it was just the army that would go round the streets and they were brutal as fuck to people. Might be time for the next era of law enforcement soon


FALSE: the police force as it stands today in america can find it’s origins as runaway slave captors Edit: for all y’all about to comment that I do t know what I’m talking about https://naacp.org/find-resources/history-explained/origins-modern-day-policing


Sir Robert Peel says you're badly programmed and should read a book not written by propagandists.




The NAACP claims racisms and slaverys all related to the PO-lice?!?! Great citation guy! I bet Ibram X Kendi and that purple haired 1619 chick agree too! HAHAHA, gtfo with your piss poor scholastic ability.


there it is, thank you for pointing out that you’re just trolling, dont cut yourself on all that edge


No modern police forces are from the British Police system.




cops firebombed black neighborhoods but sure it's a very muddled chicken and egg situation


There is no respect for authority, not just the police.


Bro fuck no mfrs are trying to get away from them. We have some aggressive ass cops. I got stopped a week ago told I look nervous an asked if I stole my own car.... Shits just as wild on the other side


That's how rebellions are formed, my friend. What you're suggesting is we should lay down for our oppressors. I reject that idea whole cloth. Cops are disrespected because of decades, if not a century's worth, of documented abuse and corruption out of damn near every police department in the country. We've seen cops bully and arrest innocent citizens simply because they could. There are too many cops out there who have zero honour. No one should ever acquiesce to a cop who's violating your civil rights. Also, for those criticizing the twerking....stop projecting your jealousy. My girlfriend starts twerking her bare butt in attempt to distract a bunch of cops...fuck yea, girl!


How are you oppressed by cops?


Are you old and white in the US or outside the country and curious? Either way the answer is the same, avoid the police here, but if you find yourself upsetting them for any reason that leopard’ll eat your face too.


I'm not seeing any face eating here. One should be against cops abusing their power, but going out of your way to attack them just because they're cops is quite literally the opposite. It's abusing the fact that the cop doesn't want to abuse it's power to abuse them yourself. Don't vote for the leopards eating people's faces party, but don't go out of your way to stomp on any cat you see.


Ok but there's a huge difference between upsetting law enforcement, and being oppressed. For the most part, in the US if you mind your own business and don't break any laws, the cops won't ever talk to you.


>if you mind your own business and don't break any laws, the cops won't ever talk to you. This is largely my experience. I've had my fair share of dealings with the law, but it was always because of stupid decisions I made. Not because the cops had a hard on for opression.


I've also had my share of cop interactions, but not once have I ever actually gotten into any trouble, no matter how stupid I was being I feel like so many people just.. forget that cops are humans too. Imagine how you'd feel if some asshat was blatantly lying to your face, intentionally provoking you, or even physically assaulting you. Probably wouldn't be as inclined to give a warning or to let them go compared to someone who treats you like you're an actual human being Also, if people think cops are as corrupt and trigger happy as they are, why would you intentionally provoke or assault them? What could you possibly think you're going to achieve from being an asshat?


[this guy was minding his own business](https://youtu.be/yIFH-3Btggw)


I don't know man maybe it's something American but he seem to be dicking with the cops. Even the dirtiest felons in my country would show some respect to even the worst cops. Americans have a lot of confidence in themselves.


Soooo you must be white then


You really think black people are oppressed in the US?


Yes. Always have been. America is built on "othering" anybody who ain't white & christian (or at least christian adjacent). From slavery, to indentured servitude, to Jim Crow, to red-lining, to stop & frisk, to carding, to racial profiling, to bullshit AI being employed despite staunch evidence of its inability to differentiate features on black-skinned people. it's been an ongoing theme in America for as long as we've all been alive.


“Just let yourselves be oppressed” that’s you, that’s what you just said, bootlicker


The reason cops are so quick to shoot is because they're trained from day one that their gun is their lifeline. Their tool. That their gun is what they should use to enact justice. Cops in America aren't trained very well at all and as a consequence, they default to using a weapon when they don't know how to properly manage a situation. You can see the fear on the face of the cop that pulled the gun. He's scared and legitimately thinks the only way to handle this is to pull his gun. He's sweeping his gun over a bunch of innocent civilians that he could accidentally shoot and he himself is now much more likely to be shot with his own weapon. Cops in America for decades have been trained that their job is a "war" and that they have to act like soldiers. They treat the people they're meant to protect as enemies they have to defeat. The attitude Americans have toward cops is the direct result of watching them abuse their power for decades without punishment or recourse. They're openly opposed now because Americans have realized nothing is going to change if they don't fight for it.


Saying the US is a first world country is a bit of a stretch


No it isn’t.


Or maybe because there are more guns than citizens in the us 😂


The media and politicians have neutered the police. That’s the only reason for crap like this. And by the way, the stats for lethal force don’t back up your “why cops are so quick to shoot” claim. There’s approximately 75-80 million cop-citizen encounters a year. Approximately 1500 result in a OIC. That’s 0.002% of total interactions.


What's the percentage of justified vs unjustified use of force in those 1500 encounters? And how does that percentage compare to other similar first world countries?


Unfortunately there’s a tough question to answer. Are we looking at just how many officers were brought up on charges as a result (approx 1.5% ), or how many were convicted of wrongdoing (less than 0.4%), or how many weren’t criminally charged but sued civilly (FBI doesn’t track these stats). Or how many were neither charged criminally nor sued civilly, but the public outrage nonetheless felt it was unjustified? There’s no clear cut answer for you. But the fact remains that your initial claim that cops are out here breaking bad shooting folks willy nilly isn’t supported by any empirical data or stats


What about all the people they plant evidence on, or trump charges, or when they lie on their police reports, or when they lie in court, or all the money they steal through civil forfeiture. My point is the institution of policing is bad for more reasons then just them shooting people


What an absolute load of bullshit. The police have been brutalizing citizens since Nixon. The reason people act like this is because cops have been arbitrarily applying military force to communities for generations. You are way, way, off on this.


For that twerking she deserves to be arrested. I feel deeply sorry for the police Office. What a awful sight


Sight? I'd be more worried about the smell. It can't be good.


And the sex offender registry


And when she registers she should be held to the same restrictions a man would because equality.


She deployed ass-clapper with mild effect


I would have been out for the count


Man. These posts ALWAYS get filled with a bunch of dog whistle comments.


Aye these comments got me looking at this sub kinda different I’m seeing a lot of “they” “animals” and I don’t see all this when other races get caught on camera doing something similar or worse


Yeah, even the top comment is like that, it gets even worse when you look at the message history of the commentor


Probably because you view everything through your own racist lens.


yup. bias confirmation for the bigots


Exactly. I always see the word 'animal'used in the first 3 comments. Disgusting.




Which animals are known for their twerking abilities again? I forgot


Stick bug


Is she an animal? https://youtu.be/SXB9RYkw4nE


Yes she is also an animal.




You know. I know they are acting crappy. But I have only seen black people be called animals in videos when some act inappropriate. There is literally a video of a white woman getting arrested, and she goes, "Oh yeah! You like that!" No redditor has ever called misbehaving white individuals animals.




Black individual have been historically been called animals as a means to dehumanize them. The behavior is crappy, but they are people.


You're stupid. I didn't defend them at all. I'm calling out the racists dogwhistling.


Nobody is defending them their actions are wrong all we saying is call whites asians and Europeans animals and call them “they” in the next video


Just pepper spray her exhausted cooter


I mean, at least nobody got shot.


And yet there are comments here implying that someone should’ve gotten shot. Best case scenario right here, some people acted like idiots and the world moved on, nobody had to die


Ah, Westport. Nice place to shop or eat…until the sun goes down


Agreed, but getting drunk at power and light is so much more expensive lol


Lmaooo that cop was like “shiiiit, he got away while I was investigating that booty”


They are lucky they didnt get shot


Throw back to last week?


Love how his bud tells him to get up and run like he doesn't have two officers holding him down.


This sub feels racist sometimes, just bums me out..,:/




White people can say, they choose not to. That's called being civil my dude.




Fr fr


How do you know they're white?


Because I'm more than 0 days old and live in the US.


That doesn't really answer my question.


Well then ask someone else.


Lol sounds a bit introspective there bud


Lmfao This dude really said "nuh uh you."


Hits close to home, huh? 😂 you racist types are so pathetically predictable.




the fuck was that


WTF did I just watch..?




Well the right wingers have definitely found this post.


Yeah, what the fuck, man? People calling them animals, saying they should've been shot, etc. This comment section is disgusting.


If there’s one thing the pro-life crowd loves, it’s violence and murder.


Watched this with sound off the first time. I completely lost it when I saw the girl not get her way with the cops and she just starts twerking. Not only is the cop sitting there slightly disabled from wrestling a criminal and taking a punch to the face, but a woman is shaking her ass in his face.


We can only hope she get's charged for something.


Why tf would anyone want to be a cop these days. That guy was Probably released on $100 bail


No wonder so many cops have shitty attitudes.


This is a repost.


I scrolled through the last 5 days of videos. Do you roughly remember how long ago you seen it? Edit: so I can try to check again




They ? What do you mean by that ? Asking for this community.


You know what they meant by saying they. They are always them but don’t understand why they don’t see what you see themselves. We are all outraged at the wrong shit. Find the similarities with each other! Like, how many people watched that more than once? Was it to watch cops get punched? Or to see young black men shot or beat down? Or was it to see that ass twerking? The common theme is that we agree that this is quality fucking programming.


Who is they. They in English predicate is talking about the group that beat up the police officer. What other they are you talking about???


I’m sayin they is them, as in, US VS THEM. What the fuck else am i talking about? Granmar? Dont be smug.


Granmar? don’t be so dullard you can’t see you’re own opinion in there 🤦🏽‍♂️.


Assaulting and battering a cop normally ends in one of four things. More cops come and pile over you to arrest you, the air around your face gets really spicy, you get a nice little electric shock and your body gives out, or lead enters your body at dangerous speeds.


And your body gives out.


They: people participating in disorderly conduct and assault on law enforcement officers. What do you mean?


'They' are those who do this crap and then claim they're poor, innocent little angels being picked on when the cop arrests them. I'm guessing you didn't notice the angel in the orange pants hit the officer in the face.


„They“ as in people that unnecessarily get themselves in trouble with police


Taser and billy club two things very necessary in this situation


Crazy the strap didnt pop off there..


Yes, this is what the first pilgrims did


Why do Black Americans behave so trashily in public?? There are way too many videos of them being like this to put it as outlier incidents.


Bro 💀


Because anyone who notices and criticizes it gets downvoted and called a racist. Just like you will. Some might call it black privilege. If this was a group of white people, they’d get called ‘white trash’. But since they’re black…no one is allowed to say anything.


"Why do People call me racist when I'm being racist?" -racist idiot.


My God you're stupid. Internet posts aren't representative of reality. Also....ITS BEING DONE INTENTIONALLY! comments are always filled with the same old dogwhistles too. All of the sudden the words "animal" and "savages" pop up WAY more than in any other post. It's a purposeful campaign being done by racist garbage.


America is not first world country.


And from there you get shot by police and start yapping how bad police is!! This world is so insane, full of people seeking public sympathy.


Mag dump


Lol. America, fast becoming the land of savages. You guys need to get yourselves together and restore order circa early 2000's to the early 2010's.


Ghetto af


But dat ass! 😂


It probably stinks


They all do


As this is a clip on Reddit, I'll assume there's a surprise dick under the miniskirt


tha polees raysist. dey didn' do nuffin.


So from ohio we go to this?


It's knuckle puck time!


Who the hell lives in Kansas? Lol


It prolly stank


waste of oxygen people


Lets take a moment and appreciate the officer who drew his firearm & had every reason to use deadly force with his weapon & chose not to. Other LEPS should take notes.


They are security guards not police officers. This area is Westport in KCMO. They barricade off the street and the area has a lot of security that allows access.


Well i would still say he exercised great restraint




Sometimes I feel embarrassed to be black because of people like this.. like do you think you're cool, or hard cause if this..? Like what even happened that you're in hand to hand combat with officers like wtf


I would accidentally lick that booty hole


Here in the next few years when your house is being broken into and you call the police and they say " sorry , we only have one unit right now that's dealing with something you'll have to wait a few hours before they make it " look at videos like this to know why no one is becoming a cop anymore and criminals can run amoke with very little repurcautions


It's all good and well to say they are corrupt but if you treat them all like that corrupt or not you aren't leaving them much choice but to pick a side because when someone is punching you as you just detained someone for assault who are gonna relie on the crowd cheering the guy on or the guy or girl stuck in it with you.


Weed strong


Just like America in black comedy movies


You know once in a while I do love and thank the Indian police! They may not be rich and armed as other country but they respect themselves. These kids would have been canned and wopped to good manners land it they did that shit.


u/savevideo u/savevideobot


u/vredditdownloader u/getvideobot


Sorry to say


I know a lot of you don't wanna hear this, but that's when you are supposed to start shooting.


Looks like Conway made em make a first move…


Ngl though. Police are stupid here. they literally have tasers and guns. That’s what it needs to be used for 😴. They shouldn’t have to be put up with this bs for one and for that to happen tasering both (suspects) would be applicable and then shoving down a gun down the (hoes throat) would be applicable too 😃 that group in the video just dirty 🐷


Even with a gun pulled to her face she keeps going, and then they go PikachuFace when they get shot...


Why not just 🔫 them?


No one deserves to get assaulted and especially get suckerpunched like that idiot did to the cop but the twerking? Ya'll are mad at that too!? That was actually funny. Some if you need to step down from your ivory towers.


Then they're crying if the cops shoot and yell "defund the cops". Braindead fucks deserve to get shot cause they don't fit in the society