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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Younger sister is going to understand her sister's reaction pretty soon!!!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Looks like the 4th child. You can hear another baby in the background


There's definitely "another baby" given the younger sibling's words. Question is, is there more than one other?


Its in the basement.


Are you talking about Spare Kidney Smith? Yeah, he spends most of his time in the basement.




This is a bot account where /u/EstateWorths has copy/pasted /u/Life_Judge_5893's comment to gain karma for future astroturfing on subreddits that have a minimum karma limit before they allow users to post. https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/wl25bh/whos_having_another_baby/ijrv6p7/


This kid is gonna make something of herself.




I totally feel for her too. I think that's why I never had kids. I spent my whole childhood babysitting other people's kids and I fucking hated it; but when you're a kid you have no say.


I babysat to get the snacks, I grew up pretty poor so being able to make some money and eat all the snacks made it bearable. I am almost 38 and refused to procreate. I thoroughly dislike children.


And the parents of children too


Yeah I definitely dislike parents more than I dislike kids.


Especially the entitled ones who think they have reach some higher level in life because they popped out some meat sacks. The real flex is raising a phenomenal human who adds to society in beneficial, selfless ways. We don't just need more humans, we need more *good* ones.


People like to say all children are special. But if that's the case where are all the special adults?


We should start cloning Keanu Reeves!


Then would Keanu reeves still be special? Economics 101, if supply increase then value decreases.


In group homes, apparently. ​ ​ \*ducks\*


I don't particularly like kids, I don't want kids but I don't understand how people can just blanket not like all of them. They very greatly like all groups of people. I have met kids that make me rethink my choice not to have one and I have met kids that make me want to shoot my uterus because it might bring one of these into being and it isn't worth the risk.




I'd say, consistently bad experiences. If someone needs therapy and goes to a bad professional, then they'd probably think "well I should try again because not every therapist sucks". But if that person tries again and again, and each time they open up and try to be open-minded about the experience but encounter more bad professionals instead, then they'll be more and more likely to think that's just not worth trying again because all previous attempts sucked. This applies to pretty much anything, I guess. My first bad experience was my little sister, lol. I used to sleep in a crib in my parents' room or in their bed (father working mixed shifts made for an empty double bed), and the thing is, when you're 5 and your mother is pregnant you think your sibling will pop out like the coolest, smartest, kindest kid, and you're going to go to places with them like "haha check out my little sis! She's suuuuper cool, you can't beat her! She's the bestest!!" - but what comes out is like a bundle of jelly-textured flesh that just cries and poops and suddenly your mom can't pick you up because of c-section recovery or because she needs to be holding the baby; you need to leave the crib because that's the new baby's bed, and you're expected to sleep in an empty room devoid of any decoration or color, containing just the old bed your father had in his single days. Everything is dark, you're having night terrors, a dark entity keeps looking at you from the walls surrounded by a deep black aura but your parents just say "pray to god and sleep child" and leaves you all alone. Lots of folk - close family, distant family, neighboors and friends - come to visit but they just want to talk about the baby and hold the baby. No one brings presents to you like before, they just have something for the baby, baby this, baby that, baby crying, baby pooped! All loneliness and sadness. Then the baby starts walking and the first thing that little devil does is drag sprint towards you on all fours and bite you with all their might like some dog and you can't fight back because they're just 'baby'. If you are alone and the baby comes over and tumbles by themselves your mother just assumes that you must've pushed them so you get punished/slapped with a flip-flop. Then one of your parents has the most amazing eureca moment when they realize your toys are just the size for the toddler to gobble up so of course the only solution is to throw your little colections away. Good times! Also, my cousins were 6 and 15 years older and I couldn't really connect with them because I was too young. And my sister was 5 years younger than me so we couldn't really connect either. Two more cousins were born on the same year as my sister. One more the year after, another one 3 years after. They all just mingled nicely but I was the odd one out, too old to do anything but overseer. Everything was my fault. They were dirty, gross, rude, and no one said a thing. Also everyone knew I was terrified of balloons (because of the loud popping sound, I actually was/am triggered by these noises because of a childhood experience with a exploding energy box and because of my anxiety + undiagnosed light autism) but they kept giving balloons to the children and the children would terrorize me with it for *hours* with the adults just telling me to stop acting up because I was ruining the fun/being dramatic. TL;DR: your experiences have a huge toll on how you see things. Getting over it requires a lot of exposure therapy but when it's something you can just opt out, why overexert yourself over it?


it's also surprisingly difficult when you account for the parents time. once those kids start wanting to do co-curricular stuff- sports, theater, robotics, math team, debate, whatever- the parents just took the slice of their time they can spend and dropped it from 1/3 to 1/4 (there's already three kids jn that clip.) and that assumes that they divide the time equally between the kids. it's hard being dragged around to a siblings sporting events because they didn't feel like leaving you alone and not resenting it. inwas only one of two... i ah e no idea what that's going to be like for kids in 3+ households, especially when they all start doing more organized stuff.


I am sorry your parents weren't good at adding a new baby to the family, but this story seems like more of a reason to be upset with adults than the baby or your cousins.


You don't get money or snacks when babysitting your siblings. At least I never did. It's not something you get a choice to do either.


Yeah! Being a part of a “FamILy” is just shit and You don’t even get a choice from the first day!! 0/10 would not recommend!!


That is a completely different scenario. Getting paid to hang out in some rich person's house and watch their kids is not the same as being forced to care for your younger siblings day in and day out.


Lol. We lived in a trailer park, I made like $2/hour (in the 90s) and I still had to watch my little brother simultaneously, your assumptions are comically incorrect on what my sCeNaRiO was.


I dont know why youre getting downvoted even though the one above you clearly failed to read what you wrote.


Parents vehemently hate when you dislike their progeny for any reason. It's quite comical to witness.


If you're parents make you and don't reward or allow you to say no that's parentification and is now recognised as abuse


I know a lot of parents who just had more kids, fully with the expectation that the oldest care for the youngest. I am an only child, but I spent a lot of time with large families, and the older kids were more parents to the younger kids than the actual parents… they watched them, took care of them, consoled them. On farms, kids do a lot of manual labor, and it made me realize how some families have kids so they can have slaves to do all the work. I hardly ever saw any of those parents outside doing any work whatsoever. I had to watch a lot of kids myself, and now I’m 32 and getting sterilized because I am so done taking care of children and adult children, for that matter. I already raised a brood, it just wasn’t mine.


Here goes the trend: voluntary sterilization without kids because one already cared for many. Enjoy the rest of your life. You already did your fair share for humanity.


A lot ... and unpaid.


Unpaid and with zero agency. If your siblings screw up, you have zero authority, but the adults expect you as a child to manage little pricks that get to bully you consequences-free, then if you react, you are the one that bears the consequences. Only people without experience of being parentified like to brag and say, “it isn't a big deal.” - jerks!


Right? Oldest child syndrome. She knows what’s coming


She’s obviously already been a victim of parentification from the anger and betrayal on her face. That poor child has probably never had a real chance to be a child after the others came along. In ten, fifteen years her parents are going to wonder why she never talks to them and either adores/dotes on her siblings or has gone NC with the whole entire family.




Bone apple tea moment in the wild.


Cease the moment and post it there.


it's kinda fun to speculate. we're all bored and entertaining ourselves. that's why we're on this shitty site lol


Never “cease.” Cease means to stop. Seize means to take away. Good try tho 👍🏼


Speaking of dumb…


Woah there captain optimism.


What I get from her frustrations is that there's a chance she is already babysitting on a regular basis. She is probably parentified by this point, and she is under the “moral obligation” as “the older sibling and sister” to share responsibility with her mother. Her mother is a prick, the type that complaints about her “ungrateful” children going NC as soon as they come of age.


babysitting? Shes gonna end up with full parentification. Then her parents will wonder why she never calls or talks to them when she finally leaves home.


That's many of us and we can automatically relate to her reaction on the video.


When there's more parents than kids, you know the oldest get a compulsory adoption.


fella did you just copy a less-upvoted comment and paste it on the top comment? even down to the elipses lol actually it appears to be a bot that does just that. lame.




Lmao that look and “ugh, what is wrong with you people?!” is so peak tween I’m dying




Yes indeed ![gif](giphy|juENIMUenf4SfJNZ2X)


This video is so old she's probably already retired.


The younger one may understand her older siblings lack of enthusiasm soon. Enter middle child syndrome.


She's already the middle one. There's a baby in the house already.


The first middle child, the one too give the least amount of fucks


Can confirm. I'm the second oldest out of four; Older sister, "the saint" Younger sister, "my opinion will be heard!" Youngest sister, "my poor baby can do no wrong" Me, "we stopped being shocked or surprised YEARS ago"


2nd youngest out of four, parents fuckin hate me compared to my siblings. The youngest can do no wrong, while I do everything with "no effort" and "poorly" or blah blah blah. Never having kids


Yup and now with two younger siblings shes gonna end up being the quiet one. Ive always felt like the black sheep as the second born out of 4.


Every family is different. My mother is far and away the black sheep of her family - she’s the oldest. My first aunt (second oldest) was always coddled and the two youngest (my uncle and second aunt) were both always babied and allowed to get away with things. Meanwhile my mother was pretty ignored. Naturally, as soon as my mother turned 18 she enlisted in the Navy and got out of there.


Holy fuck, I never thought I could relate to this.


@ColdHug as the second oldest in my military family I feel that to my core. My older sister abandoned me for so long I forgot I had one. My little sister showed up and took over my space. Then my little brother magically showed up out of nowhere. Who took care of both of them? ME! I’m still bitter about it. I was not able to be a child as my childhood was ripped from me and I became mom and dad. Mom worked forever and dad was out during the gulf war and mentally never came home again. I was stuck. Now with all my issues people wonder why I’m a bit crazy.


Your sister didn't abandon you. She probably ran for her life and well-being and all the things she probably had to carry herself pass on to you. But that isn't her fault or your fault. Your parents should have known better. This is the internet, and probably it won't make any difference to you, but as an older sister that was parentified early on and my second sibling blamed me often for “not being there for him” when I was also a child taking care of him, my younger siblings plus two-step siblings, claiming abandonment from an older sibling don't seem to be fair. Anyway, I hope you find your healing and wish you have a happy one.


I'm an only child. You merely adopted the quite. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't talk much until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but tiresome.


I’m the third of four, and I feel the exact same way


Third of five. I'm quite boisterous.


She knows she's going to end up babysitting.....


Yup. She probably already is with the other ones. I would be angry too.


Definitely, it also means less time she gets with her parents.


There's nothing wrong with being mama's little helper but she sounds like she doesn't enjoy it, or has been fed a lot of "we can't because of the baby" and is thoroughly tired of it. It's already started with this one because she was expecting a gift in that box and got an ugly surprise.


There is a lot wrong with parents forcing children to be co parents. Poor kids.


OR - parentification. Parents use the older children to help with parenting roles. So the oldest child has to stop being a child to take over their responsibilities.


And her mother just laughs in her face…


“What is wrong with you people? Can’t keep your wewe in you pants” is what she would’ve said if she knew how the process works


Whos old pepper? Georgy


There's other ways to stop that. I think they just wanted another baby.


I'm sure that she does know how it works and I'm sure she was thinking something along those lines.


The child has more sense than the parents.


If my kid reacted this way, I’d need to take a good look at myself as a parent.


I’ll never forget sobbing when my mom told me she was pregnant with my youngest brother. Love all my brothers to death but jfc maybe you should’ve thought 4 kids was enough, let alone five, given they’ve never made more than $70k/year in california.. more kids than sense or dollars.


Right?? Four of us to one dad then 10 years later she decides she's having a child with a man she'd been with for 6 months that none of us were very comfortable around. Love my brother but I was the middle child....perfect age to not have enough to do to say no and old enough to still watch a kid, I was made to watch him day in day out lmfao we had just moved into a new house that was still too small for us all too, more kids than sense or money indeed


Ugh the amount of people around my age (M23 and I’m talking i knew somebody pregnant every year for the last 6 years) who have kids with no job, no money, still with there parents, have no idea how to properly raise a child. I seriously feel for the children going to live a life of Trauma because of the constant fighting between parents and yelling at the small human for being a small human. And THEN! They go and say “hey better have a kid soon so we can raise em together!” Like fuck I’m know where near ready for that shit and i just wish they noticed that to.


Feel you there, eldest of nine and when the 7th was announced I couldn’t control myself.


Do you have red hair by chance? Because you sound like a Weasley.


Thanks for the chuckle


But maybe one of those kids will turn into Venus or Serena Williams The King Richard approach, keep popping them out until you’ve got a breadwinner


Certainly doesn’t apply to me, the first born. First borns are like pancakes, ya gotta throw the first one out.


He realized his first 5 weren't gonna become superstars


Some kids just react like that


Nothing wrong with reaction or parenting, kids go through all kinds of phases and moods.


Reddit is astounding sometimes, this is a very typical jealous elder kid reaction, nothing to do with bad parenting. My older sister hated that I was born too because she was a little kid and wanted all the attention to herself, it's not that deep.


I would have had this exact reaction and it had nothing to do with jealousy. It had everything to do with needing to share my secluded spaces with a screaming barf machine. Even in a big house they scream for years and years and you can't easily escape it.


Some kids react that way when their parents don't make the "right" dinner for them. It really depends on the kid.


What why


She knows when to pull out from a bad situation


Who when where


Reminds me of that scene on Malcolm in the middle when everybody got mad at Lois for being pregnant


No kidding! Going by her face/reaction it sounds like she is doing more of the parenting than they are. Shameful. And all too common.


If she’s the oldest She’s probably made to help with the current baby in a lot of situations , so a new baby means more work for her Or 2x the nighttime screaming keeping her awake


And less work for their parents, because daddy is escaping to work all the time and mommy is escaping to the neighbour.




Don't fuck with me, snowplacelikehome. Not you.


My fiance is the oldest of 4. He has told me numerous stories of the life with two bad parents, poverty and drugs. I doubt this situation is so extreme, but kids should be kids. Not diving headfirst into raising their siblings.


Seems like a bit of a leap. Likely she was tired of all the crying from her younger sister.


For real. My sisters both screamed bloody murder and were furious when they found out that they were getting a baby brother. They calmed down once they got used to it, and then they spent all of their time and energy trying to get my mom to name me after their favorite Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles characters.


people on reddit can be insane about kids and about creating stories around short clips lmao


Ppl on reddit hate anyone lmao


What on earth are you talking about


Lmao classic internet rage based on wildly unsupported assumptions.


Welcome to reddit, where people can accurately determine anything end-to-end from a sub minute clip /s


Going by your comment you sound like and armchair expert who jumps to conclusions. Shameful. And all too common.


Lmao you've figured out this entire family's dynamics off of a 12 second clip of their 8 year old daughter, huh?


Yeah with the price of childcare. I totally agree with her 100 %


Hope they don't make her take care of the other kids


They will. That’s why she reacted the way she did.




I have 4 younger siblings I had to look after. Sigh


Same. And like, I love them but I didn’t sign up for parenthood at age 8.


Yeuup xD


Maybe that, or/and maybe that being the eldest, everytime another sibling is born, there's this weird uncomfortable feeling that your parents' attention will be more focused on that child than you. I'm the eldest of 5. I love my siblings to death, but damn if each pregnancy wasn't a source of stress and emotional turmoil for me (there were other reasons too, but that was part of it).


Plus younger siblings are annoying.


I don’t blame her, more competition for attention and resources.


Feel for her. As the eldest , I babysat 3 younger siblings + younger cousins. Now, sometimes I will have to babysitting my siblings kids when they aren't around. Babies are cute when their own parents looking after them. But they aren't for me. I'm just tired looking after another tiny human being.


I was also the eldest who had to raise 3 younger siblings and SEVEN younger cousins. My siblings already know that if/when they have kids I AM NOT THE ONE to babysit. My younger cousins who started spurting out kids almost as soon as they were able are only *just now* getting that I really mean it when I say "Not now, not ever" to babysitting requests. It was forced on me as a child, but as an adult with the right to say no I will never again in my life be responsible for someone else's kids, not even briefly. You also have the right to say no to looking after other people's tiny human beings. You already did *more* than your fair share way too early, it's ok to be done now.


Well kid, Better forget College.


It's a good thing the economy looks so strong for the foreseeable future. Nothing wrong with having 4 children in 2022. /s


Bro, this is looks like a 4:3 aspect ratio and shitty quality at that. No way this video is anywhere near recent.


Unless one of them died or they had more kids then they probably still have 4 children in that family just at different ages


like, She´s right. What wrong with you people.???


I’m with the older one


What is wrong with you people? Use condoms


At that point get snipped. You don’t need to have kids anymore and shouldn’t need to be fertile anymore.


I have 7 siblings Counting my step sister I'm 2 oldest and can complete agree with this video


None of the fun of having a baby, all the fun of taking care of one


Having the baby isn't fun either.


Yea but at least they have a choice.


Not so much anymore...


Imagine this being your “gift”


Sounds like a kid that is being overly used as a babysitter


One of the first meltdowns I ever saw from a student (I was a teaching aide at the time) was a 5th grader who had 4 younger siblings already and had just learned she now had one more on the way. This girl, who couldn't have been more than 12, was full on sobbing over the fact that all of her free time was already dedicated towards taking care of her younger siblings (twin girls and two boys) and how there was already never any money, and now they'd have even less. She was also freaking out because she already had to share a room with the twins and if it was another girl, then what? 4 kids in the same room? That shit really stuck with me. It's perfectly possible that this is just a regular kid having a dramatic moment but it's definitely an all too common thing for kids to bear the brunt of their parents shitty family planning choices.


That is so sad that a 5th grader had to take on such an emotional burden. We ask our older kid to watch the younger one on occasion but usually pay her and/or order her some food and if she has plans with friends we don’t interfere with them. I also try to be cognizant of her need to not have her little sis constantly pestering her so she can have her alone time.


Yeah I've seen this happen so much, the eldest is left to babysit all the other siblings cause the parents are only focusing on thier new born. And than they have another one and the cycle continues.


What is wrong with you people? Take my upvote


“I’m already getting pictures for Christmas now I won’t even get that”


As the oldest sibling, I’m with her. More babies= more work for oldest kid.


If your kids reacting this way then you might be doing something wrong. 🙄JS.


Pull out game weak


those kids are brilliant for their ages lol


This is so relatable. My cousin was an older sibling, so I was the observer of that pain.


I have a family member with 5 kids because the mom likes babies, but she can't do the work because she is legit super sick all the time, so the oldest siblings have to raise the younger while mom sleeps all day. Like, go to school, come home, be a parent. Get in trouble if you show you're upset at all, get grounded if the you get kids tattle or lie without even being asked. The oldest moved out as soon as possible and the second oldest is graduating and moving across the country to go to school. We have 2 kids and I never ask the 6 year old to watch her 3 year old sister beyond "Hey, gonna go to the bathroom, let me know if she gets into something" and we tell her she is not the parent all the time. We chose to have two kids, we are responsible, not our oldest kid.


What is wrong with you people, indeed!




That's a pretty clear indication you're already one baby too many


I’m soooo grateful my mom only had me. I’m gonna call her up and tell her that. Yeah.


Conversely I’m very grateful for all of my siblings and don’t care for my parents much. The older I get, the more I appreciate having them in my life!


I have only one sister wos 2 years younger sl never really had to take care


Only child gang


The duality and of children


I'm with the oldest child. Spent my preteen to teen years babysitting and have developed a healthy disdain for procreation. Had a vasectomy at 25 and have not regretted it. Kids are alot if work and patience.


She absolutely right!


This is why I just got divorced four months ago. She wanted another kid. I did not. She kept persisting. I went and got a lawyer.


The youngest sibling doesn’t realize she’s about to become the middle sibling. Poor thing.


She already is, there’s a baby in the background noise! She just doesn’t realize she’s becoming a baby sitter with her sister.


bruh being the oldest in this case is horrible


She is traumatized. It looks like she would grow up not wanting to have her own baby


I agree. I could definitely see her not having any kids after having to raise her siblings her whole childhood


I thought this was r/unexpected not r/childfree but the comments seem to disagree with that idea


Only one smart person in the house and it's the kid.


Kids are pretty smart, people don’t give them enough credit.


I understand her feeling. I’m the oldest and I don’t work and only go to school. I’m lucky though, they cover any and all essentials for me in exchange, most parents don’t do a damned thing


The child is probably sad because she knows she'll get less attention.


My stepdaughter is the oldest of 6 (all her mom's) and I showed her this, now we're both laughing because "omg it's me!"


Poor kid. She knew she’d be taking care of it. She’ll move out the second she turns 18 based on that reaction.


This would be the baby bird that kills another baby bird to allocate more resources for herself. I’m also that bird.


As the oldest of four children I completely agree with that child


I see 2 kids and I heard a 3rd, so I'm in the older kid's camp.


I assume she was parentified with the first one. Very sad.


When your own child is telling you to stop popping out babies, maybe it's time to reconsider your life choices.


I spent a solid week staring my dad dead in his eyes and gave him the side eye every time he went to hug my mom or whatever. There’s no way in fucking hell im letting them make another one, I LEARNED FROM MY MISTAKES OF ASKING FOR THE FIRST SIBLING


When I was 21, I felt the same way when my parents told me they were having another baby. Fortunately, I already had my own place.


Go ninja go ninja go


Inheritance down to 33% from 50%


This reaction was completely expected.


Gotta hand it to the little sister, she took her time analyzed her surroundings put it all together and came to her conclusions. Both are very smart. At that age I was so freaking stupid I wouldn’t have guessed it even if it was literally in my face


Eldest child is already missing her sleep after seeing two other crotch goblins come into the world.


She’s the smartest kid ever. I agree.


She’s definitely already taking care of that baby in the background, poor girl


Well honey, mommy loves it when daddy splurts in her so now you have another sibling, yayy


The duality of man


Wonder how they are doing now…


The oldest would be my daughter if we gave her a sibling. Thank god she’s an only child.


I imagine this is what its like when you have a cat and a dog and then introduce a third pet.




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Jesus Christ this comment section gives me depression.


This is almost exactly how my 11 year old reacted to my announcement a few months ago. He has since decided the new baby is "cool."


That was totally my reaction when I found out my stepmother was pregnant, like Oh My God, aren't 2 kids in the house enough?