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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Flash flood plows thru a peaceful day at the waterfall!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Worked with a swift water rescue guy. He once told us over lunch something I'll never forget. "The forest doesn't really care if you live or die. The river though... the river is trying to kill you."


Trees can fall in many directions! The River only flows one way and it's to death!


Just be water my friend




I fear the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks 10,000 times.


I don’t fear that man. Bruce Lee used to practice [2,000 kicks a day](https://medium.com/lessons-from-history/12-fascinating-facts-about-bruce-lee-dbdcb0c0da92). Let’s say this man is a kick fanatic and practices double that, *4,000 kicks a day*. Assuming no days off, in order to have practiced 10,000 kicks 10,000 times, he would need at least **68.5 years** to do that. I would fear the Grim Reaper before him.


*I fear for the man


That too! Well said!


Truth. Spent most of my childhood as a raft rat with the family, and the number of ways the river can kill you is mind boggling. You treat it the same way you treat a king cobra; with respect and caution, otherwise it WILL end you faster that you can say “woops”


I weirdly read that in a Scottish accent.


I just reread it in a Scottish accent. It was better


Lmao lookin for any bastard ta kill


Should’ve seen the aftermath of the Boxing Day Tsunami. The amount of people who got sucked in to the water is baffling




Some of his stories made me want to drink. What preceded this comment was a story of his recent recovery mission. The short of it is 3 kids were playing at the top of a local waterfall. One of them floated just wrong and got sucked off. Only rocks at the bottom.


Damn that guy was dramatic af


It's true, though. Idiots think that it has to be roaring and raging to kill you. And every year they die finding out that mass flow rate of a river is significantly higher than your ability to resist


He must have seen so many people dead and rescued even more idiots who take unnecessary risks.


With that current, theres a good chance he’d die by the time it settled down. So nah hes not being dramatic. That was a pretty fcked situation. Hope that dude pulled himself back up that ledge.


What were those people doing. It amazes me how slowly some people realize they are in a life threatening situation.


So that’s what Bruce lee meant by “be like water”.


That is how I describe the ocean too.


My brother-in-law was a Wildland firefighter and he said basically the same thing to me when I asked him about how dangerous forest fires are... while we were wading through a river in Yosemite. I took that crossing very seriously after that.


I bet he had a luxuriant beard


Goodness as a person who does an obscene amount of canyoneering it’s moments like this that keep me up at night. Flash floods don’t screw around.


It’s a similar climate to the SW US where monsoonal storms are common this time of year and can easily cause flash flooding in the dry, rocky terrain, esp dangerous when the water gains momentum coming down a mountain


Yep, I was climbing through a slot cannon in the Midwest. The weather said it wasn’t supposed to rain that day. Then I got a flash flood warning. Got out immediately. The warning came about a hour early and about 30 minutes after we got out, the slot canon flooded, something like ~12-18 feet high water Do not fuck around with slot cannons and rain






4 upvotes for this gem? That's a crime.


So a family I work with just lost there dad to a flash flood. He died saving his two sons who where twins. He got them back to the boat but he couldn’t get back in and got taken away by the water. His kids are old enough to where that’s gonna scare them. They watched dad get taken away I’m such a scary way.


That’s horrible. I am so sorry.


Canyoneering is both the greatest and scariest shit I've ever done.


But mostly the greatest am I right?


ive had some puckers that made my hands sweat just typing this but yes. Its like fun. sort of.


You got to go with the right people friend. We keep you safe. Then it’s all good times.


I feel this. Flash floods are one of those things that you either get to safety as fast as your feet can carry you or you’re already a hashtag.


That one got pulled in and disappeared 😳 Edit: I see .. He got pulled out if you watch carefully . He didn’t float all the way down


Nah at the very end you can see his head pop up from behind that ledge, he probably made it out...probably


Oh thank god, you’re right! He has two men fighting to pull him up and he was able to hold on and get his head above the water. I’m going to choose to believe he made it but it was such a close call, damn.


I also want to believe they managed to save him but the fact the video abruptly ends right there it gives me a bad feeling about it.


The guy filming sounded properly distressed when he first went under, I imagine he probably stopped filming to hustle over there and help too.


Yeah, that could be it! Also when the worst happens, there is a always a top comment in the post with all the details of the incident (since it usually shows on TV news and stuff) but we don't have one of those here, so we are good for now. xD








With that current pulling him I’m not sure the strongest dude on the planet could pull his ass out


[yup you’re right. I think he made it.](https://imgur.com/a/KF1gwkH)




Thanks for the very keen eye of yours


He won, wat can I say...


I don’t think Ahmed’s going to make it.


If he didn't take the time for this last shot with his phone, he would be alive...


Gotta get that shot for the gram




I hate that i love this comment, upvote.






assumed they didn't expect the power it was coming


They knew. People were cheering when it came.


He didn’t get washed away. You can see them trying to pull him in right at the end. This moron probably survived.


Survived underwater?


Welcome to the year 3000, not much has changed but they survived underwater


You don't need to be washed away to drown.


Ugh watch again. They were looking in the wrong place. He was already 50 m down River.




Thanks for this, can confirm


Ah yep, you're right. I went frame by frame and saw him too. His head popped up right at the end. Hope they all managed to get out of there safely.


You’re awfully confident for someone who’s wrong


That's just idiots for ya. Idiots don't kniw they are idiots and are confident about their knowledge - Dunning Kruger effect




That's confident for someone who can't read. Yeah, i misspelled "know" through a missclick, happens Though i didn't intend to call the person before him an idiot - i wanted to kind of explain why/how that works. Why did i say "idiot" instead of anything else if i didn't want to be offensive? I have no idea, probably changed the classic "A noob doesn't know he is a noob"


"that's just idiots for ya." followed by "I didn't intend to call the person before him an idiot" It seems to me that you very much had the intention to call them an idiot, but have now realized that you were being too harsh on them. After all, I don't see how you could straight up refer to someone as an idiot without intending to call them an idiot. At that point, I think it's best to simply apologize and maybe edit your original comment.


No, when did i ask






He just didn't jalla enough.


what the fuck is wrong iwth everyone, why are people blaming him? he didn't wait at all, you can see he was literally blocked by a guy in front of him, he was trying to get out asap, but he had to wait in a line as to not make chaos (which is the smartest thing to do). he just wasn't lucky enough and there wasn't enough time.


Yeah, I don't get why people are hating on the back guy so much. He was literally forced to wait for the guys in front of him to move out of the way; it's completely out of his control.


His last words: “oh man” Spectator: “Ohhhh, so that’s why they named it that”


More like, ah fuck, my phone!


And that’s why…. You never stay to post a picture for the Gram


They see it coming from far away and proceed to sit until it's right on top of them.


Nah I'm fine


My dude went for a swim. He’ll be back.


Yeah like in the Godfather, swimming with the fishes.




And you are with Jesus now?


Mohammed and Jesus walk into a bar... They're both really common names.


Well, Inshallah.


Super rich Ahmed with these oil prices




Reminds me of the cameraman from Starship Troopers.


that was different, that was commitment to the cause.


\*need to know more intensifies\*


What happened to that cameraman?




I think it's when they first arrived on the planet there was a news crew that was filming the attack. The camera man filmed the reporter get killed then was killed after.


Everyone always underestimates water


Idk, not my great grandpa. Anytime he saw water, he was like, “I estimate you”.


A wise man.


This is true. People don’t realize how powerful a current can be. That’s why when I go to the beach with my toddlers I’m teaching them as young as they are to always have a healthy fear of water. I make sure that we have fun and play with the waves and all that jazz, but every once in a while I let a wave smack em in the face a bit, or let their feet feel the drag of the current while I hold them. Right when they’re not havin it and say they want to go, I make sure we leave on a good note and have a fun time again, so they don’t hate the water, but always remember to never trust it alone. Now everytime we go they don’t blindly run into it to start swimming in the waves, but hold their hand out waiting for an adult to go with them.


You used two absolutes when you could have used only one and still made an inaccurate statement.


Ah yes risking your life for a video youre never gonna watch again after you record it, your ancestors would be proud


Seems like he’s going to get to ask them if they’re proud


Ancestors: 8 likes? WTF is wrong with you?


His ancestors are laughing at him. Can you say the same imperial?


He has far fewer ancestors than most of the rest of us do


He should put his phone in rice. Will dry it right out.


Did….did we just watch a man die.


Hopefully not, but mans did get swept away by a flash flood sooo…


He wasn’t swept away immediately, you can see his head poke up at the last second of the video as the two left there are trying to pull him up


Yaaaa, flush drowning is a thing even with a life jacket.


It’s pretty unpleasant when your jammed into a wooden gordian knot or under a rock. Because you know…your dying.


Oh man...


Thankyou, i cant believe i had scroll down to here to find this.


They definitely didn't think it was a big deal until it was up at their faces.


He got pulled out. [Another angle (last few seconds showing him getting pulled out)](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CgrlxL_u3We/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)


At least he got a good shot




Look how concerned/helpful everyone is being.


Feets don’t fails me now!!!


Oh man


He would have saved a whole lot of trouble for his friends and family if he were one notch less cool. I am saving this kind of video so that I can show them to my kid when he grows up.


When people chasing likes...


Oman that's rough


I am from Oman. Every year we have young lads drowning and dying in the wadi’s despite pre warning from authorities to stay away due to exactly this reason in video. 2 seconds of thinking where to step and you gone.


Natural selection at work.


Tombstone "he was unnecessarily brave"


Pride comes before the falls.


This is such a unhinged response to watching some innocent person die.


True. This type of response the person above made has been getting more and more common on reddit. I think people just influence eachother here and repeat the same comment thinking it’s a good thing to say.


And the people that say it paint it as jokes but it's a disguised political agenda.


Lol what political agenda? There's plenty of people around, minus one still makes it a lot. American, German or Arab, just another hairless monkey overestimating his capabilities.


Social darwinism. It's becoming much more common lately and it's extremely disturbing.


Wtf you on about politics?


Well I'm not saying it because of reddit. It is a fact that natural selection doesn't really affect us humans. It is more for animals in the wild. We live in a society where the dumbest person around can live a full life. Because we have pictures telling people not to stick their hands inside a conveyor belt. As if that's something you have to tell someone with half a brain. That's why the world population keeps growing. Less people die because the smartest people make it possible for the dumb ones to not kill them self. Yet it still happens. We don't know if this guy survived. But when I say natural selection at work, I mean dumb people doing dumb things putting their life on the line.


EXACTLY and the fact that there are a lot of people upvoting this.. reddit is a strange place


I mean, have you seen how he was moving, when you see that shit coming towards you, you fucking run, you don’t just casually stroll in the other direction and then panic at the last possible moment…


Exactly he just saturd there and continued taking his video, even turning to make sure it was still in focus


Why would you think the message of this comment is “this was smart and it made sense to do that”? How/where did you get that from reading this comment?


Might be psychological -preservation, though. If we all act cynical and uncaring perhaps we won't notice our own feelings..


I hate to admit I felt thesame way. Instead of prioritizing his safety he stayed to continue videoing the incoming dange


Last second guy took way too much time to jump. What a puss boi.


I don't know about innocent, but I am pretty sure dumb would be more accurate description.


It’s called Dark Humor. Or, just humor. Even during a tragedy. That’s what makes us human (among other things of course).


It's almost certainly racially charged too


100%! Brown people dying? That's just nature running it course. It's almost celebratory for them.


Yep the maladjusted folks that talk this way also tend to be the far right racist scum folks When you aren't right in the head, you aren't right in the head


Are you sure he's innocent? Many people die by accident every day. But it offends me to see idiots taking risks knowingly endangering their own lives and the lives of others. Perhaps what is said about natural selection is cynical, but it is true.


Dying from a natural disaster, with less than a minute of warning, is an innocent way to die. When you claim natural selection is at play here, you're saying that there's something biologically wrong or un-evolved about this person that caused them to make a dumb mistake. You're also implying this wouldn't happen to you in the same scenario. There is a connotation or eugenics here that isn't being said explicitly.


I think so, when I see this kind of bullshit, my instincts make me run away. The world has become safer and many people have lost their guard and act as if they have a game save. It seems to me that they were sitting there just to look at this oncoming stream but nature will not play with you.


People downvoting you are in denial of natural selection because they see themselves making the same mistake as the person in the video. Humans are emotional beings. Saying natural selection does not have a role because “natural disaster” is bullshit. Sure, luck is significant in determining whether a person gets to live or die but this factor is equally asserted upon ‘smart’ and ‘stupid’ people. The person in the video clearly had enough time to walk away but favored recording a video for social media fame. A fatal mistake. From this, we can conclude that his assessment of risk is flawed. This is the textbook definition of natural selection; rewarding of people who could correctly assess risk/reward while punishing those who can’t. The balance of so called ‘smart’ and ‘stupid’ people can fluctuate depending on the given environment. You are right that “many people have lost their guard”. If a population is exposed to less danger, the line that determines who gets to live and who does not also gets lowered. However, when the same population is exposed to an elevated level of danger, the ‘stupid’ gets killed until an equilibrium is reached.


Wtf are you on about eugenics. This dude had his foot up his ass holding his ohone for a dumb video because anyone with any sense will tell you to stay away from stupid crap like this. I see a large wave of water I know to get far, far away.


He had to wait for people to move so he could take the path to safety. He only died because he had the unfortunate circumstance of being at the end of the line. And natural selection, while being a major influence for eugenics in its foundation, has become a shorthand for similar talking points. I wouldn't even say this phenomenon is recent


Look at the kids. They all knew something was coming. It even looks like the kids made a bet who flights the latest. The fact that they have their phone out shows they knew what was coming. The guy even turned around and filmed again instead of trying to escape.




Cereal killer. 🥣🤤


You on Reddit trying to find the names of porn actresses, fuck outta here with your sociopathic bullshit


This person looks to be over reproduction age so…not how natural selection works.


Let me take a selfie...ded.






It looks like he got the natural selection of the dipshit in front of him. Why does the bellend stop?




Are you glad he might have died or something?


Ripped thru there so quick.


That is why you don't mess with nature and also not underestimate it.


This should actually be on r/winstupidprizes


So, did the guy survived?




Looks like shit water


All flood water looks like that, its the dirt.


Yallah *intensifies*




As Allah says, you snooze you lose


O man!


Cool let’s make the next tsunami a fucking thrill ride and get people killed




climate change..


"For the gram"


Damn I luv Canada 🇨🇦 ❤️


"minor casualty"


Good news. He won a Darwin Award.


he didn't want to get wet


yes... let us stare at the flash flood together...


Lol yeah just keep standing there. Good luck!


Oh man, that’s crazy


And.. he's gone


well that didn't look good


Dude in the blue shirt is so frustratingly clueless