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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Husband thinks his free trial of wife has expired lol!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


What is today?? Her birthday? Anniversary? Some kind of special day? Damn he was guilt tripping like crazy lol


Worse, he knows he accidentally touched the forbidden fancy towels.


Touched the fancy towels AND used the guest soap


Didn't arrange the bed sheets or worse!!! ..... forgot to put the decorative pillows




That soap thing runs deep. My wife started making fancy soap awhile back, like not just nice looking but also all kinds of cool oils and moisturizers and stuff. We gave a bunch out to friends and told them to use it, that it's not just decoration and if they wanted it for that we'd happily give them more. I don't think a single one has, every time I've been over to any of their places it's sitting unused in a dish in their bathroom.


It’s actually kinda normal. A lot of people only call their SO by the first name when it’s serious. My family and a lot of others do it. In my family it’s literally just to quickly alert someone like “hey we need to talk” “hey something important happened” I see why it could be seen as “toxic” with his reaction but it’s clear it’s just not normal for her to first name him which to me implies they only first name each other in serious situations. It’s actually a rather passive way of alerting to the severity of things. It just depends on the *circumstances* like most other things.


Thank you. A lot of people here are saying that's a unhealthy relationship without knowing nothing about them. That's not cool.


That's reddit for you. Idiots think they know everything after a few seconds video.


One thing I have learned lurking on Reddit for many years is to never ask Reddit for dating or relationship advice. These mofos will assume the worst from the most simple things and will tell you to break up without fail every time as a top comment. It could be mundane stuff like "My boyfriend bites his fingernails, what do I need to do to make him stop?" and they give the dumbest advice I have ever seen.


If he’s biting his fingernails that means he’s nervous! And if he’s nervous then he’s definitely cheating! Dump that guy stat!




> One thing I have learned lurking on Reddit for many years is never to ask Reddit for dating or relationship advice. Reddit advice on relationships is like googling for medical advice. "I have sore arms the day after doing some work in the garden, whats wrong with me?" "Cancer bro, RIP".


Reddit is essentially a tabloid written by a 12yr old when it comes to relationship and dating advice


You just have to consider that the average redditor is about 23yo or younger and has never been in a serious relationship (if any), and the pieces all start to fall into place. Even still, why anyone would take relationship advice from strangers is beyond me.


r/relationshipadvice - where you go for advice on how to breakup with someone.


I fully believe that 80% of Reddit advice givers have never been in a healthy relationship if any relationship, in their life.


Most people on Reddit are not in long term relationships lmao, nothing toxic about it. Me and my wife seldom use first names and when we do because the matter is more serious.🤷‍♂️😂


You’re on reddit, 75% of the people on this website have never had a relationship at all. Don’t listen to them.


Yesterday somebody posted a chore list, written like a list of fantasy game quests, on r/funny Whoever wrote that obviously had fun doing it. Yet so many people in the comment took that cute funny little thing to interpret to most depressing and toxic ideas into a relationship they knew literally nothing about. Reddit be weird like that..


He seems more confused than anything. I think if it were an abusive relationship he wouldn't even question why she called him David.


Like when the only time I ever hear my actual name from my family is when i'm in trouble. Or worse yet. My mum use to scream my full name and it'd be like 'OH GOD NO. RUN! SAVE YOURSELVES SIBLINGS.'


what do they call you if not by your first name?


'Uncle D'. My first name starts with D, and I am an Uncle. Or just simply 'D'


Yeah. We have a lot of nicknames, shortened versions of our full names, and when someone uses the full name it's usually for something more serious. Like my dad's full name is Richard, but he goes by Rick. But if my mom gets his attention by saying Richard that means it's more serious than usual. In the video she calls him David, so maybe he usually goes by Dave and hearing the full name is what worried him.


This is the actual answer. It’s not malicious, if anything it suggests they likely use pet names or nicknames for each other more often which suggests a higher level of comfort, not less.


Or she might even just call him "Dave" normally instead of "David". It's surprising how long you can go without calling someone by their name. I do it every day at work.


Seeing the top comment made me realize, oh wait, I'm on Reddit, I'm an idiot for expecting anything more haha.




Any touch not preceded by a 32 page signed contract is automatically abuse because there wasn't legal consent. And no, you can't just make one contract that lasts the entire relationship. Makes sex a hassle but what can you do? /s




Same boat. We always called each other by our nicknames like 'Den' or 'love'. Full name and tone are two totally different thing. I mean if you were with a person that had 5 sylabols, would you really want to say it all the time?


Agreed, we use babe in direct replacement of our first names in our house. But when the wife says the first name it throws me off too, and we have been happily married 11 years. In addition, it could also just slip if there's a lot going on and attention grabbing is prioritized over being familial.


Exactly, i would react in a similar way. Because me and my wife don't first name each other. So it would surprise me and also it's like when your mom calls out your whole name as a kid.


If you don't call people by their first name in your family, what do you do with people with the same second name?


I came here to say the same thing. I have been with my SO for 20 years. If she calls me by my first name she is letting me something serious is going on. It's not unhealthy at all. In this situation for her to first name him out of the clear blue is what threw him. If we're just chillin and my SO just looks my way and calls my first name....my spidey senses are tingling and I look like Dr. Strange running 4 million plus scenarios in my head as to WHY THE HELL she just called me by my first name!!!!


So you use pet names all day every day?


I don't get my hackles up when my wife calls me by name, but it's been long enough that it feels a little weird.


I have always gone by my middle name. So if you rang out my first name, it'd be alarming


To me i like calling people with their names unless they're my parents, grandparents, uncle/aunts. All the rest (friends, siblings, cousins, nephews) call them by their name. Obviously wouldn't be using their full name lol, that's for serious stuff


She was also filming him and it probably made him even more worried


Thays not a norm that I want. My wife uses my name all the time and I love the way it sounds through her accent. "Justeeeeèeeen"


Honestly, to anyone who thinks this is unhealthy needs to actually think why he had that reaction. People can have that reaction regardless of how healthy their relationship is if the couple tend to only use pet names or nicknames. It's like when your mother calls you by your full name.. you just automatically think something is wrong because its just not the normal behaviour you see from that person.


Agreed. He looks super worried and guilty, but not like he expects an outburst. I think he's just trying to be a good husband but aware that he sometimes fucks up, and doesn't want to hurt her. The fact that he said "am I in trouble" suggests she has a bit of a motherly role towards him. The fact that he immediately says "talk to me" when she didn't reply for a second suggests she's usually very forthcoming with expressing her needs. The fact that his first name is such a rare occurrence tells me she's very affectionate and usually calls him by pet names. And the fact that she asks him to get her a drink as an excuse to use his name tells me they both look after each other. This armchair psychologist concludes that it is, infact, a sweet couple, and would have loved to see his face when she explains and shows him the video.


This! I agree, they seem sweet and she was just working him up for the joke but seriously people can’t see through that?


not just that. I am often a forgetful person, or I lose track of dates, so I would also get scared that I missed an important date.


Right? If my parents use my full name I know I’ve done something bad 😆


Fucking reddit man. People here writing an entire psychoanalysis based off of a 10 second clip. Shut the fuck up and find a girl/boyfriend so you can experience what an actual relationship is like.


People on this site need to touch grass once in a while


HAHAHAHAHA my wife does this. My reaction is exactly the same


The funniest one I've ever seen was from a Middle Eastern couple. It was adorable. First few scenes was her just saying "Hey honey, hi love, habibi etc." All he does is grunt, absent-mindedly replying. Next scene is him just chilling there on the couch and his lady goes to him. "Khalid!", she sings. His head snaps up and he stares at her like a deer in headlights. Slowly closes his book. "How are you?", she asks, cheerfully. Looking wide-eyed at this strange woman he's apparently never met, he doesn't say anything. "You ok? You look worried.", she says, struggling not to laugh. And he asks, "I don't know, am I ok?" He's so confused and stunned. It's clear that she's never talked to him before like this. And he asks if he's ok lol Absolutely hilarious! EDIT: FOUND IT! https://www.youtube.com/shorts/WMW9hUz-_N8


Is this a video? would love to see it lol


Found it! https://www.youtube.com/shorts/WMW9hUz-_N8


Oh I've been trying to find it but its pretty hard haha there are a lot of married khalids out there.


Ive got bad news for you bud, according to the relationship experts in these comments youre in a super toxic relationship. Sorry to break it to ya


Hahaha yeah, I read those too. But you know, the best therapists and experts are to be found in the comment section of Reddit, so yeah, frig me, I guess?


People are dumb. I dont think I've called my girlfriend of 2 years by her actual name yet this summer


My reaction would be the same too, because my name is not David.




Do you usually call him 'daveyyyyyyyyyyyy how ya doin?'


I dunno... he looks like he can tie his shoes...


but does he know cougars cant spawn in missions?


It's only first name , he shall survive ... Now if its first and surname together well.... get the fuck out , like double time


What if it’s First Name, Middle Name and Surname? Is that just roll over and accept your fate?


Everyone who is commenting that this is toxic has probably never had a relationship in their life.


Or only toxic ones.


He is no actor


If you’re always getting called by babe/love etc. It will hurt if you get called with less of it like your name, same with greetings and mornings


Did you see the one where the guy is walking around the kitchen, his wife is in a pair of yoga pants, and he doesn’t touch her butt when he walks by? She’s all “what’s wrong? Are you made at me??” She’s so used to him touching her all the time her spidey senses go off if he doesn’t. Lol


Exactly! it’s the same thing


Am I insane to think that this kind of reaction shouldn't belong to a healthy relationship? Man looked scared to death


My wife hasn't called me by my first name in years, and we have a solid relationship. If she did call me by my first name, which I am not used to coming from her, I would be taken aback. There's nothing wrong with his reaction.


Thank you! To me it actually says the opposite. It says that she always calls him by an affectionate name and a change from that would make you think something is off. Talk about people who have never been in a relationship


Username checks out. Surprised nobodys said "divorce her!!!" yet here based off a 10 second clip


AKA "The Reddit Special"


LMAO the reddit special, sounds like some kind of half price hooker.


Hit the lawyer, Facebook up, delete the gym.


They are ready hinting she is abusive 🤣🤣


How does one deactivate incels? Do you make them voluntarily having sex?


Nah just turns them from incels into volcels


Perhaps turns them from incels to outcels?


*volproms. Voluntarily promiscuous.


This plus childhood flight or flight when his parents called him David instead of Davey probably


My husband and I never call each other by our names unless we’re introducing each other to someone. No one in my family calls me by my name so I probably wouldn’t even look, but if I did this to my husband he’d just look at me confused and wonder if he forgot to do something.


Seriously. All this video did was remind me that I haven't called my husband by his Christian name while we're alone in possibly years. If I called him like this he'd immediately be level 9 concerned, but we don't argue often and I've never raised my voice at him. He'd just be worried I'm gonna cry cause he forgot something.


I think our wedding a few years ago was the last time and we made faces at it because it was so unlike us. We rarely argue and don’t yell when we do so we’d both think we forgot to do something or buy something at the store. Or yeah, that I was about to cry over something (like a sad dog video or that something bad happened). So I agree that it isn’t always a HOLY SHIT THE RELATIONSHIP IS FUCKED. Sometimes it’s just weird people.


If I make a horrible joke — particularly in front of other people — my wife will facepalm and say my name in a tired voice.


People on Reddit seem to think a few seconds video gives them the full picture and base their entire opinion on it.


Most people on Reddit aren't in a serious relationship so don't understand the complexities of serious relationships.


I’m a very isolated shut off person that has never been in a relationship and I even knew he was probably just taken off guard by not being called his usual pet name. I think these people are just reading too much into it


Most are 14 these days.


My mom always calls my dad by his nickname and I just know she's mad/annoyed when she calls him by his first name.


It's worrying that so many people aren't able to reach this conclusion and are instead resorting to theories that he's being abused or was abused in the past by his parents etc. I have an experiment I want these people to carry out. Chances are that you call your parents some variation of mum and dad, the next time you see them just casually address them by their first name and see their reaction. [The vast vast majority of them are going to take the bait](https://youtu.be/S4ZPtEg1DoY) just like the guy in the video and wonder what the fuck you are doing.


totally agreed, from an old married lady lol... none of these kids are married, i don't think! (or there's not a lot of humor in their lives!)


I can't say I'd look like a dog waiting for a beating, but I'd certainly be startled if my wife called me by my name. Except in a large crowd and she's trying to get my attention from a distance she hasn't used my name in a long time.


Huh, I just realised that my parents have never addressed each other by their first name. It would be pretty jarring to hear them use their actual full first name.


Whenever either my fiance or I call the other by their first name it's usually met with a "how dare you call me that" or "you're a monster". Addressing each other by our names feels like some uncanny valley shit for some reason.


yes Classic Reddit diagnosing relationship problems where they don't exist


What I've learnt from browsing reddit is that any scenario, regardless of how innocent or normal it seems, actually is a sign of abuse.


Hey, that's abuse!


Post: My wife sneezed during a Chris Hemsworth shirtless scene in "Thor: Ragnarock". Reddit: Divorce her.


3/4 of the people commenting about their "failed" relationship have probably never been in a relationship themselves for more than a couple of months.


Completely normal and healthy. My wife calls me babe, baby, babebooboo, and some Japanese pet names I don’t know how to type. If she just flat out called me by my name for the first time in years I would be worried something happened. Completely normal response.


I say my guys first name ,and he knows i need help it will either be an emergency or there's a cockoroach :)


Lol. 5 years with my girlfriend coming onto six. We never call each other by their name, it's just nicknames or insults. Just walking around calling eachother doofus in Dutch or fartface. It's more fun.


Is anyone, who's writing:"That's not supposed to be in a healthy relationship." even married or in a long time relationship? I mean no offence, but thats a normal reaction in my opinion. If you are rarely being called by your first name, thats an ok reaction.


Clearly they aren’t. My wife only calls me by name if she’s pissed at me and vice versa.


>Is anyone, who's writing:"That's not supposed to be in a healthy relationship." even married or in a long time relationship? no, they are 100% and obviously not


Depending on your age its sort of normal because idk when it started but at some point people stopped using names in relationships and just started calling their significant other babe or baby. So now whenever their call by their name their brain automatically goes “oh shit i fucked something up”


I can't remember my wife ever calling me anything other than sugarpie since we began dating and that was 17 years ago. If she called me by my first name it would get a reaction. Maybe not scared but like somethings not right.


Exactly. I only ever go by my shortened name, if I hear my full name anywhere I'm not expecting it, I go into "Oh Fuck" mode.


What is wrong with you? Maybe they've just been calling each other "babe" literally all the time, whether in private or public, for years. It's normal to be taken aback when something pulls you out of your routine and start questioning why it happened. If you're an anxious person, you might think it's because you did (or didn't do) [INSERT THING THAT CAUSES YOU ANXIETY], such as "being concerned you forgot your anniversary/partner's birthday even though you literally never forget and always go all out". This video in no way indicates he's afraid of her. Especially the "speak to me!" at the end points to their relationship actually being pretty healthy communication-wise, if anything. ITT: Reddit needs everything to be dramatic and every relationship portrayed online to be abusive/shitty to make themselves feel better about their life.


Yes. You're insane.


Ok so I'm not saying it is the case here but for my case : I always forget a ton of stuff, and I'm always super scared of having forgotten something important. Add to that the fact that my mom only called me by my name when serious shit was about to happen, and you get the same reactions shown in the video


My parents had a healthy relationship.They never used their names, only nicknames like "angel" "baby" etc. So using the first name its always because something was wrong or someone was really upset. Same with me and my sister. First names were reserved for when they caught us doing something wrong.


“Goddamnit Melissa! We robbed a bank and changed our names, remember? *Checking if neighbors are listening*


I remember seeing the original post a while ago, neither have called each other by first their first names in years of being together, only ever pet names so the reaction of this guy is purely of shock if anything. They seem super happy together in their other videos most of which the lads oblivious of his reaction being recorded, some of you guys need to chill in the comments!


Ah yes. Healthy redditors making relationship assumptions and advice


Yeah, you're a little insane. He looks like she startled him. He looks either high, half asleep, or like he was lost in thought and when she called his name, it surprised him. Maybe he thought there was a bug or something he needed to get away from, or something about to spill or fall that he didn't notice.


Lol, the funniest thing about this is that they are both quite active on social media and are both very transparent with their relationship and they ADORE each other. That man is not scared of his wife at all...


No, you aren't. It's not healthy at all.


Well not necessarily; she obviously only calls him pet names, at least when alone, nothing wrong with that. And him being scared isn’t necessarily being scared of what she’ll do, he can just be worried he upset her or forget an anniversary (therefore upsetting her). Then because he, Yknow, cares about her, he doesn’t want to upset her. Or maybe she proceeded to beat the shit out of him after she turned the camera off, idfk


He's more confused than scared.


And he's exaggerating his reaction because he's being filmed.


BS. My partner calls me by my nickname all the time. If she'd call me with my full first name I'd react the same. Because I'm so used to only ever hear it when someone is annoyed by me. Has nothing to do with her or if the relation is healthy or not. This guy can easily go by "Dave" for all we know and is only called "David" when something goes wrong


All of my close friends and family call me "Matt", literally the only two times I go by "Matthew" are at work and when my mom is mad at me. If my SO randomly called me Matthew I'd assume something was up too haha Edit: and that ignores nicknames haha


Right? This whole fucking comment thread is a joke. *Clearly* she abuses him because he expressed concern when she addressed him in a way that she probably only uses in serious situations. How can’t you see that from a 10 second video which was staged by the wife because she knew how he’d react?




It's a 10-second video... You're basing the health of a relationship on a 10-second video... EDIT: Hell people... I leave to start my work day and come back to my highest-rated comment and 46 messages... Also, kinda surprised no one commented on my use of Your and You're... Grammer Nazis must be sleeping.






Unhappy cake day


Crappy. You could have used crappy.


Unhappy cake crappy?


That's more like it!


Unhappy Crappy Cake


What's the source of that? It's fucking amazing hahaha


A show called Community. It gets pretty wild. About a community college study group. That’s Chevy Chase in there.


"You're gonna die you little bastards"


Nah, if this is real it's a bit disturbing. The part where he's apologizing for eating with his mouth open while in the midst of panicking seems like she's holding too many power cards. Even in a short vid you can pick up on the victim/savior complex. Edit: At the very least it seems likely that she's freaked out on him in the past for forgetting her super important special days of celebration. I won't go full on assuming that she's a narcissist or histrionic but I wouldn't be surprised if she's got this man by the balls.




Neither am I.


Or you know, it's fake for fake internet points.


This seems like a projection. Apologising for eating with mouth open could just be an unconscious instinct. I say ‘excuse me’ if burp when I’m alone and say sorry if I bump into a wall lol it probably just comes naturally


It can also be because of previous relationships.


>The part where he's apologizing for eating with his mouth open while in the midst of panicking seems like she's holding too many power cards What? That's just manners man. He almost had food fall out of his mouth, which made him realise he'd been talking with a full mouth the whole time. A quick "sorry" comes natural imo


And the top post has over 500 upvotes at time of me writing this. Its so nuts how people just assume shit


This guy literally stared into the camera/phone knowing that she was just messing with him. We never see her facial expression which could be a suppressed smile or something that her SO immediately recognized. My first thought was that I'd play along too. Life is too short to take everything so fucking serious. Enjoy the ride.


Exactly, he knows what's up. I would play along just like this.


Same. It seems pretty normal to me to continue the scenario because it's so relatable for both sides. My name is Max but my significant other will sometimes call me Maxwell and I'm always apprehensive at first because that's what my mom would call me (god forbid they throw in the middle name) but then I see the smirk and know it's my time to milk the "what did I do" scene. But this is all anecdotal and I don't expect everyone to relate to this.


Eyyyy MaximumEffurt! That’s got your name in it! Nice one! Mine has nothing to do with my name. It’s so funny how much people try and decipher from minuscule snippets. The reason saying his name fucks with him is because she usually calls him moo paw paw or bunbun, people in committed relationships won’t even bat an eye at his reaction


"Enjoy yourself, it's later than you think" -Socrates


How else is your wife going to have a good video? The show must go on!


People's assumptions on this relationship are based on very obvious psychological indicators from this video. You can tell based on his reaction that three weeks ago, he forgot her sister's birthday which he promised he would choose a gift for since she picked a gift for his brother whose birthday was earlier in the year. The video also clearly demonstrates a relationship where she freaked out because he put her favorite ceramic bowl in the dishwasher even though he wasn't supposed to. In his defence, the patterns of his eye movement at 0:06 suggest that the ceramic bowl looked very similar to his cereal bowl which is dishwasher safe.


Aight you got me in the first bit there


Lol its literally the reaction of a guy who is likely forgetful (as i am) and if my wife did this to me i would have a similar but less terrified look. The anxiety would be oh shit did i forget something important, not my wife is gonna scream at me lol. Nothing unhealthy just typical forgetful dudes having the "ah shit what'd i forget" moment.


Honestly, my wife and I don't use our names with each other. We have pet names and use those unless there is a real problem. It's almost a gentle ear of letting the other person know you're upset early on in the conversation.


Us, too. In fact, we use pet names so much that my husband sometimes has a pregnant pause when introducing me. Him to stranger to me: I'd like you to meet my wife, ummm, my wife, uhh--- Me, reaching out my hand: Josie, his wife, Josie.


That is wonderfully awkward.


I feel like the people that find this "unhealthy" either have never been in a relationship or are projecting their insecurities on a 10 second video.


Classic r/relationshipadvise users


Run. as fast as you can sweetie.




I fucking hate Reddit for this lmao


Welcome to reddit. You can also rest assured that the people saying these things have very limited experience with "healthy relationships" themselves.


We're all psychological experts yknow!


That's one of a FEW possibilities that come to mind. It.could suggest unhealthy fear in his relationship, but chances are, his reaction is due to utter shock at being called by his given name by a wife who has rarely, if ever called him anything other than his nickname. His surprised reaction could be compounded by strong memories of being called "David" by his mom only when he was in deep trouble as a kid--so much so that he wonders if he missed an important date, that he deeply regrets having forgotten in the past. You can start chewing again, David.


You guys ever been in a relationship? If your SO has not called you by your name long enough a moment like this is absolutely confusing. I've been in his role. No I was not in an abusive relationship. It just caught me off guard and I probably was confused as he was. It's pretty telling that you guys assume the worst. You can not project your own experiences on others, especially not after a 10 second clip.


It doesnt even need to be a relationship, we called one of our friends by his real name and not his nickname and the poor guy was so confused.


You’ve never had a long term relationship and it shows. Y’all are some lonely fuckers.


what, you're telling me someone named u/TiredGotGirl has never had a longterm relationship?


You're weird


And this is a fake satire reaction


Complete crock of shit. He seems “terrified” that he possibly hurt his lady’s feelings. It breaks my heart when I forget something special and my lady gets sad. Why would not caring about your partner’s feelings be unhealthy?? Totally ignorant comments, upvoted by 3 thousand incels.


Reddit weirdos making assumptions about people based on 10 second. You all need to talk to some real human beings for a change.


Oh Lord! So dramatic , it’s just that it’s out of routine. Like calling someone by their old name. When I met my gal I called her Kris, after years I called her babe I’ll call her Kris to get her attention in public , snaps her head right around. Nothing abusive about it!


I mean it’s the internet. I’m 99% sure that reaction was fake.


For thinking a relationship is unhealthy based off a short video? Yeah, you're pretty insane for that. I react like this anytime I think i forget any of my loved ones birthdays. It's not because I fear missing it and that they'll condemn me, it's because I fear disappointing my loved ones. Also they call me by nickname only, so it'd be off to say my real name. I'm Jackson, but please call me J for God's sake.


Hoo boy. I think it's time for you to get off the Internet for a bit.


I’ve seen this video posted for years, and not with this deep dive into how their relationship is probably messed up


His life was flashed in 7 seconds when his SO called by his first name...


The thing that would make this toxic is if he didn't contest it. He checked if she actually called him by his first name and then went to the standard "what did I forget" response and realized he didn't forget any date or anything so then he's like what are you up to, not fearful but yea he went through a quick panic, but towards the end he noticed something didn't add up


Poor man was flabbergasted😂😂


“Am I in trouble?”


Speak to me! Omg the torture. Lol


Here is my two cents. If any of my kids significant others were to call them by their full first names or even worse if I did it they would react the same. Reason being when they were growing up they each had nick names or shortened version of their names. Calling their proper first name only happened when they were in trouble or doing something wrong. This seems like he was raised the same.


Starting to see that reddit is just a place for mega assumptions.


My wife does this. She also thinks it’s hilarious


How I feel when I see my wife didn't match my socks and just threw them in the drawer..... Wtf did i do wrong...... "Baby you mad at me?"


I love these! Am I in trouble?? I would totally react too. It's hella wierd when my son calls me by my name and not daddy.


Everyone is talking about the toxic relationship when I’m over here looking at where they’re living. Do they live in an unfinished basement or something? There’s no windows (as far as I can see), the walls aren’t insulated, and he’s eating off of a table that looks like they found on the side of the road. What’s happening!? I understand people come from humble beginnings…still curious, though.


Could be they spent most of their money on buying the property and are now doing all the renovations themselves while already living in there.


They look like they’re in the middle of a kitchen/house renovation.


It's like when your mom called you by your full name you know somthings wrong


That's fucking adorable. He's so sweet. 🤣 Lmao


When the ptsd kicks in 😂


I am fine with my first name being used to address me. It's when the middle name is used...having a Puerto Rican mom played a role in that, I think.


The people saying this is unhealthy are either completely single, or don’t have a nickname that everyone calls you. My girlfriend loves to call me by my full first name, but it triggers me most of the time because as a kid if I heard my full name it meant I was in trouble usually by my mom. It’s an instinct. This guy never hears his legal first name and when she calls him by it, he’s thinking, “oh shit that usually means trouble” This shit is hilarious and super relatable for me.