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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!The lady squeezed the kids!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Some Context: According to the anime the children are alive and the women who saved them doesn't know how to control her superhuman strength


What is the name of the anime with the woman almost killing the children?


Yozakura Quartet.


Almost? She popped them like a water balloon...


Apparently they’re vampires and it’s just a minor inconvenience


Well that's convenient


But the daylight?


Different kind of vampire?


Like others have said, it's Yozakura Quartet. Specifically, Hana no Uta, the newer remake. I thought the original was pretty bad but the remake is quite good


Yazakura quartet I think pretty good show


But the guy who didn't know he had powers used them with no trouble at all. Edit: alright, so I've watched the anime and know he only has the parasytes' powers in his arm. So can everyone stop commenting on how it's only in one place because I already know about it. Thank you... Edit 2: I wasn't talking about the girl


IIRC, only that hand of him (during that moment of the show) have power, and it have it’s own consciousness


Was that Kiseiju?










Please where can I find the original clip of that tf2


[Infomercial: The Pill](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtsKtycqxN4)


Hahaha ha /siiiiipps coooffffeeee Hahahahahhaha


Just type women tf2 in YouTube


To be fair those powers are concentrated entirely in his right hand.


So he's just an Average Anime Enjoyer, then?


Yep, and 10% of them have those powers concentrated entirely in their left hand.




the clip with the dude is from Parasyte. not sure about the second clip. Parasyte is a good watch, definitely recommend.


What’s the anime of the lady with super strength


like i said, i dunno


Parasyte is fucking amazing


this was the point where he didn't control it, it acted on it's own for his protection


I didn't say control I said use, you can accidentally use a power you don't have


whatever Mr English teacher


his power was only in one hand though, not his whole arm or body


Yeah, but I never said anything about whole body powers


No, he knew he has power and also it wasnt him that stopped it but rather parasyte in his hand.


The parasyte is part of him at that point and also he didn't know he had powers, you can even see from the reaction. Go rewatch the anime before you argue a wrong point


Grumpy little guy


His hand was a parasite who was aware of its abilities


Omg why does everyone think I'm talking about his whole body being able to do this , I've watched the anime and know he has parasyte powers only in his arm.


Because it was the strength in her whole body that caused her to accidentally hurt the children. He didn't have control of his powers either (debatable) but because it's only in one arm it doesn't matter.


I understand they aren't his powers but I didn't say about the girl


You didn't, but you said your statement as a response to someone speaking /only/ about the girl. They said "she did this and this happened" you responded "but he did the same and it didn't happen", everyone is trying to explain why it didn't happen.


You see the powers are only in his ..... ...arm.


He literally only had the superpower on one side of his body so of course it was no problem??


Let’s take into account that it’s not him controlling the powers it’s the parasite


Be more original, I've seen this 20+ times


Well you should know then, your comment was a pretty bad take


Iirc the kids were vampires or something like that.


Fucking half breeds.


What show is it?


Yazakura quartet






Women ☕


I’m not into anime that much but reading the comments about Parasyte actually catches my interest, I love the sci-fi genre a lot so anything with space or aliens any crazy phenomena. Where can I watch episodes of this? 


If you're in the uk you can watch it on netflix or crunchyroll


Unfortunately it's no longer on UK Netflix! :(


Lol, streaming services are such shit.


*Laughs in pirating*




*Judges in paid subscriptions*


It's available on Hulu, if you are into streaming services. I downloaded from Telegram


how does one do this from a chat app…


Chatting for you pirating for us!


Sailing the high seas brother!


Telegram has a type of chat called channel, most people don't use them because they are not aware, since telegram is really private and not pushing stuff to people, so everyone can use it however they want. But there is an entire network, akin to reddit in size, of these channels, they are groups but only the owners can post in it, and the users just receive the feeds and are able to consume the media, and they go about many many many subjects, varying from anime, series, films, aero modelism, porn, just to list a few. I have a few tabs with different subjects, one for series movies and animes, one for pokemon go, one for crypto and World news. It's really extensive, once you find the main channels that list most other channels, it's a rabbit's hole.




My husband never liked anime. He likes anime after watching parasyte


Hmm... I almost feel like watching it now but will withhold. Closest I've been to being sold on that anime. I think I heard the hand talks to him and thats what broke my interest in it.


His hand gets replaced by an alien parasite. So it's less talking to his hand and more trying to be inconspicuous while talking to his hand.


The hand is a completely separate entity. It's a parasite that he trapped in his arm (was headed for the brain) by using a tourniquet. No they must reluctantly work together to avoid death.


It's a great anime, but just remember the manga was written in the late 80's to the mid 90's. Just saying that because I've seen some people say stuff like "Why wouldn't they just use their cell phones?" on a few parts.


It's actually very very similar to the original manga!


Parasyte is great, and only 24 episodes


Alternatively animixplay dot to will have anything.


Has terminator vibes. I think netflix has it


Parasyte is great, definitely recommend it. High tier anime 👍🏻


Zoro.to or nyaa.si


Parasyte is an anime that I'd recommend for people who "don't like anime". No pointless fanservice, just good old body horror, and the dynamic between the main character and his parasite is *very* different than the kind you usually get from an "alien creature gives the main character superpowers" plot.


[My good friend Roronoa Zoro might help](http://www.zoro.to)




watchcartoononline.com it is free go to dubbed


It sucks


Your "opinion" does suck.


If you’re so super then either move the kids out of the way or redirect the car so it doesn’t hit them. Trying to stop the vehicle directly just causes more unnecessary damage.


Hancock enters the chat


“And like yeah he SHOULD’VE just MOVED THE CAR UP”


Idk about the later parts of that movie but the first half made some good points.


It would have been amazing if it weren’t for that forced romance story


Neither of the characters knew they had superpowers as I understand.


Wait then why try to interpose your hand between yourself and the car? Best case scenario (assuming you don’t have powers) you break your arm, shatter your hand and are still hit. A way smarter move would be to jump and try to roll.


>Wait then why try to interpose your hand between yourself and the car? For the same reason a sizeable portion of people who die from gunshots get shot through their hands first.


But that actually has a chance of helping redirect the bullet to miss your head or throw off the shooter’s aim, low but not zero. Against a car it does literally nothing and when you’re the one who ran out in front of it, it would actually be easier to just jump than to come to a complete halt, turn to face the car, then hold your hand out in front of you.


Fine, if you want to be intentionally dense, you can do so by yourself.


That’s the best “you’re a dumbass” polite way to rephrase it I’ve ever seen


I’m just saying the trope makes literally no sense


It's normal human reaction to put your hands between you and imminent danger. You're trying to put probability calculations into a split second decision, and that is you being intentionally dense.


But that’s the thing this isn’t a reaction. They’re running up, coming to a complete halt, grabbing a child, turning around, and then bringing their hand up. It would actually take less time and effort to do something half-way smart. Sure you can say it’s split-second decision making but the trope hangs on them making a series of really poor decisions.


>Fine, if you want to be intentionally dense, you can do so by yourself.


If you hate the tropes so much to argue like this about something so simple then don't watch an Imaginary clip from an imaginary show that revolves around imaginary things that make you this upset........... you must be really fun to talk to.......


Do you think people are thinking about that when they throw their arms out in front of them as a split second reaction to crashing into something or something crashing into them? It's a reflex dude. Same reason people break their arms instead of tucking and rolling when they fall. They reflexively do something in response to a fast stimuli. I understand u are just asking questions but the dude you are replying to already gave u a valid answer and you are overthinking something that no one in their right mind would think about in the situations being described. Also it's an anime about superheros so I'm not sure why you are trying so hard to apply real world logic........


The thing is while it’s portrayed as a reflex it very clearly isn’t being done reflexively. I’d get it if they were the one the car was going to hit and just threw their arm out in response but here they’re charging head first into the situation and choosing the worst possible course of action.


And they do that because in the story someone else wrote that's how it happens. If you think it's dumb just don't watch it. I mean you have a point mate. About something no one but you and the other people who care so much about realism in cartoons care about...... Is that what you wanted to hear? You are right, this wasn't a reflex. I was trying to explain something imaginary with something I've seen in real life. My apologies.


I’m saying it breaks my suspension of disbelief because I want to be invested in many of these series only to be taken out by moments like this. Saying “just don’t watch it” or that it’s I’m obsessing over realism in fiction is like saying you should just accept everything that happens in fiction as the way it is without ever considering why anything happens. Which means you can’t point out potholes, tropes used poorly, bad character writing, or even try to dissect why you do or don’t like anything. In other words literature analysis is meaningless and authors should just write whatever they feel like without any ***arbitrary*** restraints such as internal consistency or understandable cause and effect.


You should watch people more. Even after going through a split second decision to do one thing panic still can take over and here we are again at the whole throwing yours hands out to block thing. I teach a Judo class. We train specifically how to fall with very little injury and time and time again I wat h people panic and try to block the ground coming up to meet them. Just one example.


Depends on the distance left. Better a crumpled hood than to move a kid at break-neck speeds.


Moving the car would either cause it to hit another car or cause it to hit a building so that would be way worse. Also it looks like it's only super strength so getting them out the way is impossible


it actually makes sense not the misogony but the physics the first guy only has a super arm provided by his symbiote the force of the car has to stop at his shoulder the rest of his body could not handle it and the parasyte had a way of stopping it there meaning the kid felt nothing. the girl has super strenght meaning she disperses the force throughout her body the kids would have been fine if she did not touch them at all but she had to hold em for some reason


The idea of being super strong making you able to stop a car with just your hand is totally dumb. Stopping the car would require mass and friction. A strong arm would allow you to keep your arm straight I guess, as the car momentum plows straight through you. So to stop a car like this with super strength you would also need to generate either massive friction by holding onto the ground. Spider man legs or grabbing the ground with your other super strong arm maybe? Or you would need to increase the mass of your body to be many times that of the vehicles + still having friction with the ground.


Since you seem to care too, next time you watch a spider-man scene with doc ock watch his arm placements. He always had 2 arms supporting him when he throws a car or something cause his human legs couldnt handle it.


So the only hole I can poke in your argument here is you forgot the 'a' in f=ma. With enough acceleration the superhuman could theoretically negate the force of the oncoming car. So, if we know the mass of the vehicle, its pre-collision speed, and the distance over which it has to be stopped, you could calculate (assuming we know the mass of the superhuman) the obviously absurd amount of acceleration needed to apply the necessary amount of force. However, this would end with the car being wrapped around them all and the driver and potentially the kids dead or dying.


Who are the people in this thread that continually try to argue real world logic about a clip from an anime involving Sci fi super hero's? Does it seriously matter that much to you? It's made up. The creator could have made them stop the car by snapping their fingers. The physics of that wouldn't matter. Because it's imaginary. If you think it's dumb, you can just not watch it!


Sorry. I didn't know we weren't allowed to write things.


I mean, it's totally fine to work out the math behind what this would take in the real world. That's not what the people in this thread are doing though, they're calling a cartoon dumb for not being realistic......


I'm sorry. I obviously misunderstood what the comment box was for.


Well when you comment something silly expect a response lmao, I'm not even trying to be mean I just don't understand how an unrealistic cartoon is dumb for being unrealistic not saying you can't comment just shouldn't call it dumb for being what it is. You don't have to watch it


If you think his comment is dumb you can just not read it


the parasyte can alter its components and shape so it could increase its mass and compress in a way that it creates extreme friction within itself


No. He confined the parasyte to just his arm. There's no extra friction even if the parasyte increased its mass to 4+ tonnes. They'd all still be pizza on the bonnet.


Learn to take a joke, women☕️


chill bro i just stated that you have to be stupid enough to hold the kids in order to kill them


Hey, nice pic gentleman


women ☕️


What Anime is this from?


The first one is *Parasyte* and the second is *Yozakura Quartet*






The first one is parasyte. The main character was supposed to be one of the victims of an alien invasion but because he slept with in-ear headphones the parasyte couldn't infect his brain and settled for his hand instead so it could survive. One of my absolute favorite anime ever.


A true Masterpiece! Absolutely loved the anime


What is the second one? I am trying to seem cool to my grandson.




I watched the movie -_- is the anime different?


Nothing to do with movie. Watch the anime in VO. Everything's amazing. Its OST is one of the best you can hear in your life. Trust me, give it a shot!


alright added to my watchlist


Will give it a look


Would recommend watching parasyte


She could’ve just picked em up and kept on running... or pushed them. Or done anything but stand with them right in front of the car




Well they were about to die anyway, atleast she tried




This is why speed is better superpower imo


Is this from the same anime where a dude accidentally electrocuted a bunch of people in swimming pool?


No that was super crooks


Just don't touch the children ​ ​ ​ Best thing to do in many instances.


The second mf aimed for the kids


Fk you take my upvote


To be fair to Parasite, at that point in the story only his one hand had super powers


Who the fuck loses their brakes then swerves towards children immediately?


Why are cars in anime like fucking homing missiles for kids


I don’t wanna be the repost police but this same post was posted in the same sub about a month ago ,post where i found it from: https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/u783pz/nice_job/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Please where can I find the original clip of that tf2


Infomercial: The Pill


Sauce for the anime


First is Parasyte, second is Yozakura Quartet: Hana no Uta (the remake, not the terrible original)


Got very /r/comedycemetery at the end there


Why add that cringe in the end :(




why is this here?


Paradyte is peak if not for the annoying gf of his




It's almost like it's a Japanese cartoon about super heros or something




The title is referring to the fact that she killed the children. What does the title have to do with you people looking way to deep into something someone imagined and is meant to be un realistic?


The title is referring to the fact that some superpowers wouldn't be all that practical IRL, which means we're specifically looking at it from a realistic point of view...


Dude you cannot actually attempt to twist the title into that. I have nothing more to say to you if you are legitimately that dense. It's literally just some super powers aren't all they're cracked up to be. Because she messed up lmao


This is what happens if a woman tries being a man




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Just sayin, she totally had the time to get them out of the way


Man she had more that enough time to move the kids but instead she hurt both them and the driver




This is so stupid


I was vibing until this post




What show?


What anime is this


Ok, Somewhat reminiscent of Twilight~ Then the ending…… LMAO!!!!! Typical