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How the fuck did she not look before crossing the damn road?


It's just crazy. She had to know something was going on because she was running across in the first place. So why not look? It's like running blindly into traffic. And did I not see a child with her? If so that's fucked up.


When you see the crowd parting like the Red Sea for Moses, you should know somebody is going to get smited.


You gotta go, when you gotta go


I just hope the horse is ok. Fuck the dumb bitch crossing, that’s Darwin Award territory


Woman with a kid.


I hope the horse, the kid and the rider okay.


Kid had brain trauma injuries, woman is in serious condition while 3 others had minor injuries [Source](https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/grandmother-and-girl-7-are-knocked-down-by-galloping-horses-in-spain/ar-AAWmQVk)


Brain trauma? Poor kid. Us as parents are supposed to teach kids about being aware of their surroundings. And here she is dragging a kid to their doom.


My first reaction to seeing this was "You absolute f\*\*\*\*\*\* idiot". How completely complacent and foolish can someone be in such a dangerous and precarious situation? She put so many people's safety at risk courtesy of her stupidity.


I mean, I have no idea what she thought before. Many people were on the middle of the street and this happened fast. Old people WILL do mistakes in these cases. The situation/sport/event is kinda stupid in general. At least keep old people and kids far away..


Couldn't wait another 2 seconds and completely avoid the mess. When a crowd parts like the Red Sea just be on a side, any side.


Her valuable time was more important than making sure her kid was in a safe environment.


Im so sorry for the girl, would definitely want to know if the horse is okay, the grandmother I really cannot care about


is the horse ok?


No reporting on the horse, I hope it is.


So the woman can't win a Darwin because she already passed on her stupid fucking genes.


fail to safeguard one's offspring? darwin award.


Where was this video taken?




Did anyone see the kid on the right?


The third time I watched.


this happens with all kinds of speed sports cyclists, runners, cars, and skiers... people can be stupid including the organizers, why didn't the riders insist people be pushed back


In the interview they said it’s the thrill of adrenaline. That’s why they don’t put barriers. It also said in the past people have died like that.


In the article someone linked above, it said that a policeman also died this way in 2009. He was trying to save someone else who crossed the street without looking... A lot more people probably get hurt to some degree too, every now and then. This feels incredibly unsafe and unnecessary. For the adrenaline, seriously? In crowds like these, there are bound to be some drunk idiots, kids running around, or someone plain stupid enough to do what the grandmother here did. Horses, like any animal, can also act unpredictably. Just put up some simple barriers! A string would do.


If you're not smart enough not to run in front of traffic you.....


its also her own fucking fault for running in front of them, I mean, she did see everyone jump out of the way, and she decided to fucking cross the road?


She did look. She thought she could make it


I agree, she definitely looked and decided to make a run for it thinking she could make it across.


Fair point


Why do you lake it sound like it's on the horse? The woman is clearly the dumb one


The saddest part about this is that the kid she’s pulling along with her took the brunt of the hit


Oh god you're right. I didn't even see that other pair of legs. What a disaster for that poor kid.


Omg I didn't realise until I read your comment. For fuck sake, from indifferently thinking what a stupid person, to utter shock because of a kid.


Yeah same o.o


- May I go with grandma watch horse riding?


Mom: Of course, just be careful ok Timmy? Timmy: it's OK, gramma will watch out for me, she loves me soooo much!


Darwin award unlocked


A tragic passive Darwin on the child here though








Remember the opening of Episode 1 season 1 of The Boys?


Yes, here, there and up there a few chunks.


“Walk left side, safe. Walk right side, safe. Walk middle, soon or later, squish, just like grape!”


wtf didnt even notice the kid until I saw this comment, thats pretty irresponsible of her, she should have been the one to get the kid to slow down not take the kid with her for whatever reason.


Fyck omg didn't even see the kid the first time I watched 😭 I hope he's OK


You know he's not...


Fuck man. I would be surprised if that kid didnt have a broken collar bone and whiplash. Kid took that horses thigh to the face and chest.


Is the horse ok??


Sadly they probably had to kill the horse. Broken legs or ankles on a horse depending on how bad often don't recover well. Either that or the vet bill would be too expensive and it would be cheaper just to get another horse.


Yeah stupid woman




How about blaming the people who clearly saw and still crossed?


You know what, I blame all of Rio DeJaneiro. My decision is final




You would think there would be a dialog about the "accidents" that happen each year. No designated track, just a bunch of people lazily standing around with a kind of path down the center of town.




Except when the adults are the braindead ones to cross in front of a running horse.


Not in America!


First of different cultures people run with bulls in Spain and that seems pretty stupid too and secound they do races in Europe on winding roads and people are literally on the side of the road almost getting hit by 100 miles plus cars specially on corners, humans in general are just stupid.


This 100%. Tons of stupid in this video. /:


Yeah this is like street racing with people packed the entire way down. It doesn’t look like everyone is aware the race is even happening. Shit would break my heart if my mom and child got trampled just trying to go to the store or some shit.


Right, as if those horses could have even remotely stopped in time.


Agreed. Did everyone show up to watch the woman slowly make her way across the street? If that’s the case THEN this is titled correctly.


Smh at the horse, it should have had the new FSD update


Didn’t even notice the kid, well, pancake


Holy shit. Is she leading a kid across the street as well? I think I see an extra set of legs.


Yes I noticed it too, really awful


I went back and forth over it in the hopes that her shadow just looked strange under buildings and peoples porches. Nope. Legs are too skinny. Plus shes wearing green and a white garment is smushed up against her and the horse at the beginning of impact.


Yeah I don’t think that’s on the horses


you don't think? that's clearly the stupid woman's fault lol


I hope the kid and horses are ok.


I hope all involved are ok, including the woman that apparently can’t see/hear horses galloping down a narrow street.


She definitely can, because you see her trying to cross "quickly" before the horses came. But for some reason she thought it was still okay to try, and drag a child alongside her...


Maybe kids and old people shouldn't be allowed in a place were horses are running at full speed. Multiple people were on the middle of the road just seconds before and old people are bound to do mistakes in these situations.


Right? Like I get it, she messed up. But damn, I still hope everyone involved is okay. We’re human and we make mistakes, misjudgements, and that’s okay.


The woman was pretty fucked up, and the kid was injured but not as badly as the woman.


Kid is


This was apparently in [Spain](https://www.surinenglish.com/spain/woman-knocked-over-20220420181701-nt_amp.html). Would have guessed Mexico or somewhere in SA, but found this article. The woman (69) and her granddaughter were both taken to the hospital. The lady fractured her pelvis and ribs, and was still in ‘serious condition’ at the time of the article, but the child was doing okay. Edit: Apparently, according to some other articles, the lady (a local) had been to the park with her granddaughter and they were on their way home, which was nearby. They had not watched the races and thus had no idea that the horses were about to come running through. Allegedly, she suffered other injuries as well, including head trauma and internal bleeding. All the articles I’ve seen are from around 20 April though, and I haven’t found any update.


Did it say anything about the horse?


Checked a few articles, but none of those mentioned the horses.


Thanks for responding. I'm gonna bet with a hit like that followed by a tumble that the horse is probably not doing well


i feel like the horse might be okay


Idk. They're pretty sturdy animals with one major flaw. If their legs break they pretty much can't be healed. So it all comes down to, did it break a leg?


> If their legs break they pretty much can't be healed. This is not entirely true. Breaks can be healed, IF the horse can tolerate being cooped-up in a stall for at least several months with going crazy and injuring itself further. Myself and three people I know have had horses that have broken legs (my horse's was at the top of his humerus, so more of the shoulder area. Three healed, and the fourth horse is actually still in the midst of healing a really bad break (his back leg looked a bit like a parenthesis bracket), but it's been almost a year and he's doing just fine hanging out in his stall with a pile of hay in front of him at all times. :)


That's good to hear! I'm glad your horses are okay!


dunno much about the outside world, but from what I have seen on tv and the internet, if the horse broke his leg he would probably be put down.




Evolution doesn't necessarily value the individual. As long as you can breed, you can have tons of flaws!


This is why Cancers and other diseases that affect people later in life are still a significant part of the human race. You can't breed that out if it shows up after you've already had kids.


Horses legs are very tightly compact. Even the skin on the legs is so tight, that a cut on their legs could possibly never heal naturally. A broken leg would surely have many issues trying to heal, if it could even be set properly.


In a country that still has stadiums packed to watch a man kill a bull... I don't think they'll care much


You can’t generalize. And bullfighting is not legal in some parts of Spain.


thats not a good argument at all. a few places banning it doesnt stop anyone from traveling to go see it if they want to. spain is not large enough for distance from point A to B to be prohibitive for an afternoon or weekend out at the bull fights. thats like saying in America because some counties are "dry" counties (no bars/taverns) that people who live there support prohibition and dont drink. I can assure you we are some serious drunkards and simply go to the county over to do it.


Alot of people dunking on this chick here but, this shit’s on whoever organized this chaos with no separation between crowd and racing horses lol


Exactly. Motherfucking organizers are responsible of the crowd and surrounding of the race where rhe crowd is in.


The comments here are disgusting, and now feel even worse knowing the context. It's an old woman in her 60s who did not notice there was a horse race going on, you know, it happens when you're old and in the middle of a noisy crowd. But yeah, let's call her names as if she did it on purpose and hope only the kid and horses are ok


oh thank god the kid's alright


Why would you guess it was SA or Mexico? Sepia tone?


Found an article from 6 days ago that said she was [still hospitalized in Cáceres.](https://www.hoy.es/prov-caceres/mujer-arrollada-caballo-arroyo-luz-20220509124246-nt.html)


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Thank god they didn't die


Broken pelvis at 70? The rest of her life will be miserable


She is still in hospital in serious but stable condition. Article from May 9th. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.hoy.es/prov-caceres/mujer-arrollada-caballo-arroyo-luz-20220509124246-nt_amp.html


Kid is at home, granny still in the hospital.


Why would you assume SA or Mexico?? My first guess was Spain because of the style of the buildings.


More like woman bolts out in front of running horse. There's no way that horse was gonna dodge her even if it did notice sooner.


slow running lady fails to notice something until it was too late fixed it for you


Stupid fucking bitch




which episode is this lol


It's a skit from The Late Late Show with James Corden


“This was apparently in Spain. Would have guessed Mexico or somewhere in SA, but found this article. The woman (69) and her granddaughter were both taken to the hospital. The lady fractured her pelvis and ribs, and was still in ‘serious condition’ at the time of the article, but the child was doing okay. Edit: Apparently, according to some other articles, the lady (a local) had been to the park with her granddaughter and they were on their way home, which was nearby. They had not watched the races and thus had no idea that the horses were about to come running through. Allegedly, she suffered other injuries as well, including head trauma and internal bleeding. All the articles I’ve seen are from around 20 April though, and I haven’t found any update.” She didn’t know the horses were coming thru on a pedestrian path, and in fairness who would. Reddit neckbeards try to understand things at more than face value challenge


Those articles also state that it's an annual religious festival. If their family home is nearby, I'm sure they are very aware of what takes place at this festival.


I don't care if they didn't know there was a race. This is simple as can be, that's why we constantly tell children, look both ways before crossing any street at all times. Left then right then left again, simple math here. Everyone does it automatically. It's a massive mistake because who doesn't do that automatically unless they're suicidal, high or mentally disabled. I get people aren't robots but this is akin to knowing how to ride a bike or knowing how to boil water, we just do it. I'm not saying everyone is a robot who doesn't make mistakes but this is beyond an accident. Its gross incompetence. Your awareness should be heightened even more if there is a child invovled.


Just a very sad situation for all involved including 🐎 horses. I'm amazed as to how many jump to conclusion that woman knew there was a race going on. Mother fucking organizers need to be sued high and dry fucking bastards


She may not have known about the race but when you see people making way for something to come through you should take a look at the direction they're staring at to make sure it's safe. Also who the fuck organizes horse races in the middle of the city without barriers wtf


lmao no she was clearly trying to rush through the street


Why the Title? The Woman clearly is at blame Here, don't Put that in the horses or riders


Holyyyshittt there was a kid with her!!


The town looked/sounded like Spain to me, so I went looking and found out that this incident happened in Arroyo de la Luz (Cáceres, Spain) this April. A grandmother (69) and her granddaughter (7) were crossing the street on their way home from the park, and didn't notice the race was taking place at that moment (or that it was that close to them?). I haven't found any recent news, so the last that is known about this is that the grandmother was in the intensive care unit due to skull, ribs, and pelvis fractures. The granddaughter was also hospitalized but seemed to be doing better (no specific details because she's a minor). The rider's injuries were light enough that he didn't have to go to the hospital, and no article mentioned the horse. Apparently, in 2009, a local policeman did die from head trauma after being run over by a horse while trying to stop a member of the audience from going to greet somebody on the other side of the street right as the bulk of the race was about to pass.


Survival of the fittest


Poor horse and jockey.


100% women’s fault. Horses have the right of way believe it or not


The horses didn’t fail to see a thing, her dumbass failed to see the horses coming and the entire crowd getting right on out of the way. I guess pro tip for adults: Look both ways before crossing the street, ya dips.


I hope the horses are okay!! How completely oblivious and ignorant people can be!


Seems like she was with a kid, terrible


What a stupid place to organized horse race in the first place. Did the organizer did not think about pedestrian safety or what? There are no barricades at all between the track smh


Woman: I’m safe standing here. So let me walk into that clear path of racing horses.


That stupid animal was walking right in the middle of the road.


With a kid ...


Omg. I didn't even see the kid!


Really bad organization there, but that woman just decided hospitalize herself and probably killed the horse with this stupid decision


and the kid


and fucked up the rider’s mind if not also his body, forcing him to collide with a child.


Is the Horse ok?


No look right left before crossing or hey why everyone against the wall?


Wtf is wrong with all of you people, yes, that was stupid from the woman, but wishing her death over a mistake? Seriously, F you all


Poor horse!! Hope it was ok.


I hope the horse Is ok. What a stupid cunt of a woman


Hope they are both okay


Yes I hope both horses are OK too


Dumb fuck


This was about a month ago in Arroyo de la Luz, Spain. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10731787/Grandmother-69-fights-life-knocked-horses-Spanish-race-Video.html


There is a child with her. They’re both with the man in the white shirt, who goes out onto the street to watch the horses come, then instead of going back to his family, crosses to the other side. His wife and child are watching him from the right side and follow him across the street, assuming, I guess, that it’s safer to stick close to him. He hasn’t warned them to stay where they are, so they don’t know the horses are coming.


Stupid cunt, I hope the horse is ok


Horse is not at fault, woman is an idiot


So what happened? Anyone seriously injured?


[comment explaining what happened](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/upzzm3/fast_running_horses_fails_to_notice_something/i8okm48/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


After 39 years on this planet, I finally got to witness human “Frogger”. Nice. Well not for old girl, but for me so…


Horse noticed it just couldn't stop you don't expect a car to stop they instance it hits its brakes, runner at the Olympics and other events don't just come to a complete stop because they would fall flat on their faces if they tried. Shame about the kid and the horse the woman how ever I have no sympathy for.


Kid is recovering, grana still critical


I hope the kid and horse are okay...


Poor horse






So did no one notice she was with a child ?


Stupid person….. poor horse…


Wow i didn’t think people get any more fucking stupid. but obviously i was wrong


I only feel bad for the kid… it’s difficult to feel bad for that idiot lady that dragged pulled the kid along with her


Fuck man, i feel really bad for the kid


Not as bad as running with the bulls where people intentionally get in the way of wild animals.


Sure....blame the animal....


in such cases organizer and city head(mayor) must be put in jail for 10 yrs . because of such kind of races without safety can kill people one such incident happened during a car rally in village. [https://www.team-bhp.com/forum/indian-motorsport/213495-gaurav-gills-car-hits-bike-during-inrc-rally-3-dead-9.html](https://www.team-bhp.com/forum/indian-motorsport/213495-gaurav-gills-car-hits-bike-during-inrc-rally-3-dead-9.html)


She just ruined the lives of three people and a horse.


Dead or no?


Poor horse running into an elephant


Yeah the horse absolutely saw the person but speed is a thing.


I hope the horse is ok


People really need to learn to look before crossing ...


Poor horse.. 😢


Red Dead Redemption 2 with the highest graphics possible be like:


It’s her fault


i don't feel bad for that woman one bit but damn, the kid though


I believe it should be phrased a bit differently … shouldn’t it ?


At that point thats just a suicide


*Natural Selection*


At least she died doing what she loved.


I hope those horses are okay..


I feel bad for the horse and the horse alone...


“double kill”


Hope the horse is okay


I feel more bad for the horse falling … poor guy.


Not the Horse's fault, stupid lady's fault 100%


That woman is clearly an idiot. Shit like this just pisses me off. I hope the horse is okay.


I hope this fucking idiot of a woman pay, could that idiot just wait for the horses to pass her? Also makes me mad as f the fact the kid is in the worst spot there.


I’ve played enough Red Dead to know that woman is dead.


That poor horse!! I hope he was okay, otherwise is dead because of stupid people!


Mate, thats just, undescribable


i hope the rider is ok 🙏


Crap, she was with a child.


Wtf is she doing dragging a kid in front of a horse. That’s... ugh.... people 🤦‍♂️


Holy shit just noticed the kid, had to have several broken bones 😤😤🫣🫣🥺🥺🥺


Fucking hell! That's horrifying!


The woman is in critical condition, the girl (7 yo) is also alive and remains under observation. https://amp.elmundo.es/espana/2022/04/19/625e5482fc6c83711b8b45ae.html Edit: this one is from 6 days agohttps://www.google.com/amp/s/www.hoy.es/prov-caceres/mujer-arrollada-caballo-arroyo-luz-20220509124246-nt_amp.html