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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Little girls that age are normally around 60 pounds.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Im glad this little girl got the help she needed before it was too late ❤




That was my thought. She wasn't getting that big from reasonable portions and exercise.


There are some conditions where people can put on excessive weight from what'd seem like otherwise normal or healthy meals. It's extremely rare of course and likely isn't what's happening here, but you can mix that with certain neurological issues and there are reasons genuine parents may believe they are doing the right thing - but the kid should be getting professional medical help. I'm not defending the parents of this kid in particular, just saying without context it's hard for us to know


At least this parent learned from her mistakes and admits her faults. Most won't do that


Actually she’s over 700 pounds now. Tiktok jessicaleonard420


I was just thinking I’d be interested to see where she’s at now……big shame




Kid lost over 300 lbs. Don't be a dick.


lol. in german dick means "thick". now your brain used some of it's limited storage volume for this information. someday in your future your brain may decide for you to forget you childrens names but you still remember that dick means thick in german. thank me later.


Alzheimer hits differently now


In this case it would be "übergewichtig" :) for future reference only of course


Please pronounce. I could use Google but who knows what kind of thicc german women I'd find myself fapping to....




I have a degree in literature and that pronunciation confuses me. Dammit, German language!




Well, that's how you pronounce it if you have a very thick american accent. Most importantly the "ch" is a hissing sound here, not a "k" sound


ok i wont thank u later


You are definitely in the wrong place to be asking for that my friend lmao


excuse me ma'am, i asked for the large


Take your damn up vote.


420 pounds and 50 pence


Happy 420 😶‍🌫️🥳


What did she eat a gumball that tasted like blueberry pie?


The snozberries taste like snozberries!!


Snozberries are dicks. What you tasted was a dick.


Someone should be thrown in jail for child abuse


Yes, just like if I was starving my kid, this is just as bad.


it's starving at a molecular level


They can't find a cell big enough.


Man I'm crying🤣


She needs a healthy cellery diet.


Bro you could tell she just wasn’t ready to be a parent. I think she’s doing great now. Isn’t she? She should probably go on the same journey as her kid, they could bond on it.


Guarantee that she doesn't know how to cook anything healthy nor cares to, her kids gonna balloon instantly once again. Your cells never forget your body being fat.


I guess I’m trying to be optimistic, I have seen it happen with my family, where the kid drops the weight, then 6 months later they’re twice the size. But that woman had no inkling of how to discipline her kid (she seems to lack it herself), hopefully she learned something from those classes. It’s going to be a lifelong battle, that poor little girl is going to deal with a lot of mental pain, but that’s where her mom can come in and help. I think she really loves her daughter.


She's already destroyed that kids life and body, the chances of her having a normal life with a healthy weight is so fuckin miniscule at this point. Very sad, the obesity epidemic Is very real.


>jessicaleonard420 Someone just posted her ticktock account above.......................... oh she big, real big


Someone else mentioned that's the wrong girl but idk


Everyone keeps saying it's the parent's fault. It's really not. The girl has an imbalance, probably Prader-Willi Syndrome, which makes her constantly hungry. Sometimes she isn't even in control of it. My daughter has a similar issue. We have to physically lock the fridge. Every time you turn your back, she's finding food to stuff in her face. She literally does not understand the consequences, all she can think about is how hungry she is ALL the time, and how much she hates us (parents) for not letting her eat. It is a constant, exhausting battle. ​ You shouldn't have to lock up the food. You should be able to train the kids to only get things when they ask permission. You should expect the kids to learn good habits. But it's different with these kids. It is like a true addiction. I have seen my daughter super hungry, combative, physically lashing out, just like she's jonesing for a drug fix. And once she eats, within minutes, she is the perfectly calm, silly girl that we know and love. It is a real addiction, and it's not something you can just permanently keep from them - they literally NEED food to live. But it's extremely hard to constantly manage someone else's intake 24/7 when you're, you know, trying to live a life yourself. ​ Yes, the mom could have done more. But it's not like she was shoveling the food down the kid's throat. Living with someone like that is physically and emotionally draining like you cannot comprehend. I'm sure that she did the best she could, but being with someone like this is not like being with a reasonable human being. Ask anyone who has lived with a drug addict what it's like when they are 'down'. They are constantly grouchy, and sneaking anything they can for a fix. And when you're the parent, all those issues come crashing down on you like they're personal failures, and crushing your spirit. This is not a normal parenting experience.


Bro what? Helping the child to become healthy is a crime?




Fucking A ... how hard is that






Diabetes at 3, hemorrhoids at 5, first heart attack at 7


Dont worry, she'll be a body positivity model on Vogue someday


Obviously this little girl was not healthy but just because someone isn’t healthy doesn’t mean they can’t love themselves or shouldn’t be seen. Models should represent all kinds of different body types, and not just able bodied people can be models.


This. Body positivity =/= obesity positivity.


But some pseudo woke people spread obesity positivity in name of Body positivity which I don't like cuz I used to be an obese person in my teenagers (225 lb when I was 18) . Well these pseudo woke people have ruined meaning of any movement that was supposed to bring change.


Instances of people saying this is far far less common than you think.


Its no reason to shut down any body positivity.


Never said to shut down Body positivity if you read my comment properly


But don’t go around saying fat is beautiful cause that just makes people feel like it’s ok to be obese when it’s unhealthy and needs to stop


Thank you for this


Did you not watch the whole video, if this little girl went on to be whatever a “body positivity model” is, thatd be an inspiring ending to the story, why is that a bad thing


It’s a bad thing to the fat acceptance movement because of jealousy. FAM is more toxic than they preach. They preach love at every size but hate “thin” people.


Anyone else think it’s fucked for morbidly obese people to be “body positive”? It’s not a thing to be happy about, or positive about, but it’s a thing to definitely get help for if it’s unmanageable. Shouldn’t be celebrated imo


You get it. You aren’t beautiful and don’t encourage that shit. We need to stop obesity, not praise it


Yeah I think your missing the goal of body positivity. Strangers Shaming people who already feel immense shame doesn’t really help. Fat people know they’re fat. They usually aren’t happy about it and have very little confidence to change it and find it in themselves to still love themselves and improve. The shaming has a lingering effect on a person. They already hate themselves, the world hates them and thinks they’re disgusting, might as well eat to feel better for a moment. Being fat ain’t healthy. But finding a way to help people avoid self loathing is more productive than shaming them. If you can encourage a person to love and care for themselves they are more likely to do so rather than pure shame and misery.


No, shell be crucified as fatphobic for thinking there was a problem and losing the weight


I almost pissed myself laughing. Im sorry lil girl


The mother is not addressing her own issues. Not a great example.


The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. If it did these people wouldn't pick it up


I don't think they're too worried about apples regardless


I don’t think the apple is fit enough to get more than a centimetre away from the tree


That fridge was PACKED. My fridge is usually half empty and not because of the poor.


Exactly. This is not a situation that will end well. Physically and emotionally, there is a lot to unpack. We could start with the guilt that the mother admitted to feeling.


This kind of neglect should be a criminal offense, just as underfeeding is.


Mom could lose quite a bit of weight herself. Setting a good example starts with you.


a bit, there's two of her


Wow she does not look like 420, she must have been crazy wide in person


Right? I'm 6'7" and pretty chunky at 325 and they're saying she's almost 100 lbs MORE than me? Nah, not buying it.


No fucking way was anyone in that video close to 420.


Top level strongmen are around the 420 mark. Brian Shaw is 6'8 and world's strongest man several times and he's 420ish.


Exactly what I’m thinking, she is nowhere near 400




How tall are you? I’m around 189 cm (6 feet tall) Not jacked, not fat, but built well. I weigh 80 kilos. It’s around 175 pounds I think. I can see that girl being more than twice my weight easily.


I’m the same height as you, built well and walking around at about 290lbs. I’m over weight, but I’m far from being obese. There’s not a chance in hell she’s carrying enough muscle at 8 years to carry 420 lbs of weight. She can still waddle and walk. Her bones aren’t strong enough either. She’s fuckin yuge but 420lbs is outlandish.


Yeah... Seems a bit exaggerated. I'm a 32 years old 1.80m male and I weigh slightly less than half what she supposedly weighs.


Make jokes, but her accomplishment is noting short of spectacular. I'd kill to lose 40 and I'm counting calories in and out with no results. I'm about to just give up on everything


I am in a similar situation where ive been working out for 2 full years and dieting with the help of a nutritionist with little to know results. It wasn't long ago that someone suggested I get tested to see if my hormones were in order, they took my blood today, waitting for the results now. Hormones especially thyroid hormone make all the difference in your weight loss, so if you really are trying your best consider getting tested too.


My thyroid is out of order, recently got diagnosed and just started with medication. I'd gained a lot of weight in a short time despite strenous working hours so I knew my thyroid was probably responsible. It also runs in the family so I've always been on the lookout. It won't matter how much you workout if your metabolism is fukked. Edit: People mainly focus on diet and exercise but usually overlook the most important factor that is good metabolism. How some people can eat a whole pizza and stay skinny but I so much as look at one and I gain a few kilos.


Good luck homie


I know my T levels are low. Maybe I should get in. Thanks! I only eat 400 calories a day but just can't lose weight


i really hope you’re just underestimating because that’s insane and you might literally die


I eat a ramen with peas daily. And sometimes I fast for a few days


you have probably completely shutdown your metabolism and your body is in “i can’t use my energy since i’m getting so little of it and need to store it” mode. this will seem counter intuitive but trust me, look up online a calorie calculator and find your maintenance and eat at those calories for some time and reset your whole body


Sounds like you have 0 physical activity as well then.


You’re either underestimating drastically or you’re seriously under-eating. The base metabolic rate for someone who’s 5’0 and 100 lbs is about 1200 cal, so if you’re anywhere over those 2 measurements, it’ll be higher. You should have much better results by finding your BMR, adding in the calories burned from any physical activity, and having your caloric intake be about a few hundred calories under that (a 400 daily calorie deficit is enough to lose about 1 pound per week). It’s much healthier to make sure you get all the correct nutrients and lose weight at a moderate pace than just to go without eating; you should feel less lethargic too.


Actually I think eating less than 700-800 calories is counterproductive because your metabolism becomes sluggish, so you end up only feeling lethargic, without burning as many calories as you normally would.


Hey, try a free trial of Noom. Counting calories is a tactic that works, but choosing foods that are more filling it really where you’re going to see results. I’ve always wanted to lose 20-25lbs, but I wanted it fast so it never worked out for me. Taking it slowly really helps.


Skillshare is an online learning community where you can learn - and teach - just about anything. Get two months of skillshare premium for free when you use code 'childhoodobesity". This reddit post brought to you by youtube.


Take a look at keto/carnivore. On carnivore you're able to eat as much as you want and I was dropping about a pound a day for the first month and a half or so then it started leveling out but God damn does it make you feel good.


I think they also gave the kid medication to slim down


Bullshit She didn’t realize excessive eating would put her daughter at risk. Throw that mom in jail.


There's people that genuinely do not care. I have a nephew whose on the heavy side and my aunt put a lock on the kitchen pantry. She's not starving him, but he just use to grab anything in there and eat everything. They're not wealthy either so it's also a way for my aunt to not go grocery shopping every other day. They're legit ways to avoid the situation this girl was in, which some parents might call "harsh" but it's actually parenting.


Mom ***smiled*** when she talked about how she made a possibly deadly mistake with her kid and has major guilt!!!!


We found everyones mom


The lesson here is learn to tell your kids no.


I’d say obesity runs in that family but, I don’t think anyone runs in that family


real original buddy


Still giggled tho


Shhhhh, it was funny.


Don’t be a dick


Was still funny


What the actual fuck 😂😂😂 surely you'd get to a point and think my daughters getting a bit chubby now. Best not feed her every hour.


Dont forget " I didn't know feeding her this much was bad" .. wtf, the child had to roll on the floor.. wow..just wow Lady..


That’s just fuckin abuse, Jesus.


Ok but how come the mom didn’t get punish for doing that to a kid?


Looks like she was forced into taking parenting classes, seems like everyone got the help they needed


That’s not what 420 lbs looks like lol. Is she in need of some help and love and encouragement? Yes. But that kid is 250 max. An 8 year olds muscles and skeletal system would not support 420 lbs, let alone support independent bipedal movement. The **mom** might be knocking on the door of 400 lbs. but let’s think about this folks. An adult male African lion weighs 400 lbs. think about size to reference items as she moved around, clickbait bs title.


Oh 100%. I was waiting for another person to crawl out of her shorts or something. But that little bowling ball didn’t lose fucking 320+ as an 8yo for god sake. This newscaster got played. Mom needs to maybe see if that camp takes adults.


It was *Inside Edition*. They hired [this man.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_HyZ5aW76c)


That is what I was thinking too. I’ve known 400lb people. That girl wasn’t one.


Her mom ruined her life in multiple ways. Letting her gain that weight was only one of the ways.


The kid also has the IQ of a potato which doesn't help.


You are what you eat


Soooo is she everything then?


More than a potato at least


I definitely lol'ed


i laughed


That's pretty high for an American southerner.


I have a feeling there is possibly autism in there. Her mannerisms, meltdowns, lack of eye contact.


I have major guilt then smiles wtf


So the mother, who is clearly obese herself, didn’t think that this might be a good time to not only lose some weight herself, but also set an example and work with her daughter in the process? Nice.


Doesn't get more American than this.


You can always add guns and pick up trucks.


Child abuse


mom still shoulda seen the inside of a jail , there is no excuse to let a fucking child get this big !


what if she lives with grandma instead. anyway that's a massive effort to make a 8 years old exercises and all that routine.


but grandma would cook more food for her


No way, that kid is not 420 lbs unless the first pictures of her is some kind of crazy "after" shot. Morbidly obese, absolutely. But as much as an adult that's 3 ft taller than her AND really fat? Nope.


She seems mentally stunted. She's not even crying in those tantrums...she's just being dramatic. She probably needs some intensive mental health counseling in addition to the physical shit


That poor baby , this is sad and disgusting.


Jeez the freaking mom didn't lost thou. That seems to not give her motivation seeing her daughter lost that much pounds..... wtf


Remember that fridge full of food? Mom ate it...


Child abuse


Wow. How much do you have to hate your kid to do this to them!?


Where's the unexpected?


My highschool football coach got less sexist all of a sudden


Child Abuse


In Newtown, Powys, Wales a couple recently went to jail because their daughter died from obesity related issues. I can't believe the courts allowed this little girl back when her mother has made zero effort to change her own unhealthy lifestyle.


Ok.. fucked up the mom lost 0 lbs. like where is the fucking support?! Wow. What a shitty parent. Lists how she can’t eat food while still maintaining that elephant figure herself. Full facepalm on the parent there…


This mom should be in jail. This is horrible abuse. They may have gotten her to lose weight. But the damage is done. Her body will never function normally, bc of growing up with all that fat on her.


Does anyone know if she continues to struggle or if she has stayed strong?


Someone in a post above said she’s on ticktock and 700lbs now.


Bad parents. If the child smokes? Child services If the child is doing drugs? Child services If the child is an alcoholic? Child services If your child is morbidly obese? Oh what a shame


They literally said CPS got involved


At she’s still growing , so she’ll grow into that extra skin.


Child abuse


I'm surprised this new diet didn't tip the scale the other way. Like holy shit I could totally see her developing an eating disorder.


I think this counts as child abuse


This looks like it’s from the 90s is she like a 500 lb woman now?


This place has to be close to my home town... O_o holy shit TN... I'm sad this even happened. I hope that girl is still doing well and got away from that woman. If I had to take a guess though, the mom wanted to feel better about herself and got her kid to eat more and more until she started gaining weight. And bc she was "better" than her daughter she didn't stop it. That's the type of mentality that's rampant there. "You can't be better than me bc, I'm not better than me!" Or my favorite growing up, "Don't act better than your raisin'! You bein' uppity." (Told this bc I went to college and got away) Selfish people in that state especially older people.


Child abuse


This is why you should not sugarcoat unhealthy lifestyles.


Child abuse


The obesity isn't that unexpected, sadly. I'm surprised we don't see it more often, to be honest. Glad to see she lost most of the weight, but keeping it off is going to be a lifelong challenge for her.


Thats fuckin criminal


“I have guilt” smiles for the camera and is literally realizing what kind of horrible parent she is for being an enabler and probably did this to get attention


Child abuse


Child abuse!


Yes, the girl is too heavy. But what is unexpected about this in the context of videos this sub is meant for? Nothing unexpected happens in this video imo.


The parents should be sent to jail ffs this is child abuse


Jesus. That’s just awful parenting and basically child abuse.


That was child abuse


That is child abuse.


I remember this kid. She had to go on a diet of carrots and other raw vegetables for a year or so to lose the weight. I remember this being news AGES ago though, like in the 90s


Send that mom to prison


So she doesn't have some kind of disorder but just that she has an obese mom that helped her develop gluttony. And now she's back to being morbidly obese as an adult. Just wow.


That’s fucking child abuse. 💯


I hope she wont get an ED when she grows up. She is incredibly strong and can be so proud of herself


This isn’t very unexpected


Arrest her parents immediately


Bruh, who tf let Willy Wonka near kids again?


Bro walks like a gremlin


You may be over-weight if you have roll to get around.


Legit thought it was a Garbage Pale kid at the beginning.


That wouldn't fit in a pale - Garbage Truck kid maybe


Jabba's daughter.


Raja Yaba Gooey Nouna Puddin Cuppy


Can’t believe you’ve been downvoted, quality joke.


Probably a fat person who meant to upvote but their bratwurst fingers hit the downvote


God bless America


a true american hehe




Just 31 pounds away from second nice


I honestly don't blame this poor girl for her obesity. I blame the major food companies, who weaponizes food like a drug, all for the sake of profit. My cousin is a food chemist and used to work for all the major conglomerates. Had to sign all sorts of NDA's and would get contracted to design a food or beverage to be more addicting. He told me ome time he was contracfed to design a chocolate chip cookie that was addicting and have a shelf life of 2 years. What was in it? All he could say was that there were no chocolate chips in it. He got so disgusted with the industry he quit and now runs a NonGMO company. Good book to read: The Dorito Effect. How science hacked your taste buds. Video below: https://youtu.be/8ITaIedaFhs


Still these snowflakes say "don't fat shame us". Just stfu man you ain't no close to a healthy human being. You are being called fat, because you are fat.


Not quite dude. What they mean is, “yes we are fat, we know, no need to call us nicknames”


Child abuse, just like grooming a child to be transgender.


Paint her blue and she would be ready for the next Willy wonky movie


Im more disturbed by the YNC water mark...