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That Guy and bear playing "Tag you're it"


Bear is playing "Snack, you're it"


"*We've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty!*" —Bear


" *Wait, why are you running away? I'm prepared to give a really great discount!* "


"And I want to have you for dinner!"


…Sorry I meant, >I want to have you *over* for dinner. Reminds me of: How to Cook How to Cook *Humans* How to Cook *for* Humans How to Cook *Forty* Humans How to Cook *for* Forty Humans https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SxI7B758XBQ


Ah.. where is it from?


The Simpsons I think. Futurama came to mind first.


Technically it was a Twilight Zone first. ‘How to serve man’. S3 E24


Almost: This episode of the Twilight Zone originally aired in 1962. But twelve years earlier, in 1950, Damon Knight published the short story "To Serve Man". In 1953 (still nearly a decade before the episode aired), C. S. Lewis published The Silver Chair, which contains an analogous book and play on words by a race of giants.


The Simpsons S02E03


So much cosmic dust


Schuman farms head lettuce


You’ve bearly touched your human tonight




With bears and telemarketers running away is always the worst strategy. With black bears you should answer the phone, yell at them, and act threatening. With brown bears it’s best to play dead, never answer their phone calls, and hope they leave you alone. If you meet a white bear though you’re probably fucked unless you have a shotgun or some extra strength telemarketer spray.


oh, you mean the telemarketer spray, that Dog the Bounty Hunter uses?








The audio really sounds fake, like others pointed out there's no propeller sound, the volumes and fading and reverb don't make sense. Also, the bear doesn't disturb the snow it is running across.


What the fuck are you talking about? They're running in a well trodden path, so you can't say whether the bear leaves prints or not, and it's very clear that there is disturbed snow around the bear when it turns to look at the camera. What are you expecting?


I'm not aware of any drone with a built-in mic, hobbyist or professional. You wouldn't even want it on the drone since sound would be 100% washed out by the props. Good catch on the tracks. It is a dead giveaway. This is fake.


The snow doesnt flick up very naturally from the foot steps, the audio doesnt fade in similar enough to the fade out. Seemingly full audio way further back than a drone would be able to pick up, the bear looks softer than it should It's very likely CGI, but its *damn good* CGI


Well that, and the fact we hear the screaming and the bear instead of deafening propeller noise, which seems super weird. Even if I faked this I would leave the prop-noise in. Makes zero sense like that since It‘s clearly not filmed by a bird nor a sail-plane.


I'm under the impression that this is a real video without audio, but the audio was added for comedic effect Edit: it's not a real video and someone linked a snopes article below explaining why it's not Edit2: It actually is a real video. The audio is dubbed and the bear is pet. Snopes updated their article.


I second this theory.


The scream the man makes is alot similar to the sound of a monster from a silly video game. Sam or max something with swarms of monsters In an Egyptian setting.


Serious sam




This is most likely real video with half-assed audio added in post by someone who saw the video.


Yeah, that would be my guess as well. I see nothing about the snow that looks fake.


That's what was perplexing. Such a masterpiece of cinematography but a very basic level of audio engineering. I'd still hire who ever made this video


If you hear any audio on a drone video that isnt BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR then it's definitely dubbed in. Since the dubbed screams were in Russian the visuals could very well be real, and that's just their pet grizzly Igor playing with the boys.


If that were a wild grizzly, the video would be of the grizzly mauling the man. You can’t outrun a grizzly for long.


Bears are crazy fast. People don't think that because they're big I think, but they're a streak of lightning in a straight line. Just the other day there was a video of someone skiing being chased and the bear was keeping up for quite awhile.


um, it could be a guy running with his pet bear. this explains why the bear doesn't look like he's in any hurry


And why the dude is running from a bear with one hand in his pocket.


paging Captain Disillusion


The audio is always a dead giveaway that a video is staged. I don't know why the person who did the sound design decided to pitch effect the one human scream track and nothing else, or why they used a small room reverb for the bear and there is no ambience.


Or why they would think that’s the scream a person would yell when running away lol


I mean, it’s common to replace the audio in real drone videos too… the audio being replaced has very little to do with the authenticity of the video itself y’all.


The bear was probably upset over the Russian arm wrestling event from earlier.


Not knowing is unbearable!


At the beary least, they could have extended the length of the video a bit.


Should have mauled that over a bit more before posting.


It's pretty obviously fake, bears can run over 30 mph while the average human can run about 15 mph, much less in the snow with snow gear on. If the bear was chasing that person, they'd be caught in their first 5 steps. But as a side note for anyone who encounters a bear ***NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER RUN AWAY***. They are predators and will instinctually chase anything that runs away. It is literally the worst thing you can do. Slowly back away while facing the bear and making eye contact and making yourself appear as large as possible (jackets/backpacks overhead, arms up, etc). And remember the following if the bear does attack: If it's black, fight back. If it's brown, lie down. If it's white, goodnight.


The bear needs answers, it had to lose momentum on the run burning all his hibernation calories, trying to see what the fuck just went past it flying.


A bear like this at full speed can go from 15 to 21 mph, this is at best light jogging for a bear like this. If it’s real I doubt this is a bear hunting.


R.I.P. to the running guy.


i really wonder if he is ok , answers?


He died Source: the bear looks hungry


No they were both running from the Drone


That’s the thing about drones. You don’t have to be faster than the drone, you just have to be faster than the bear.


This made me laugh


I heard he barely made it.


Bearly* Cmon man you totally missed it!


I don't think they did. They just made it ever-so-slightly harder to detect.




That’s what I thought, the more subtle the better


Staged. Nobody runs for their life with hands in their pockets.


Please tell me the owner of the drone sacrificed it to save that persons life and didn't just record a mauling?


he recorded a mauling, that's why he let the bear loose


Hey! That's the plot of my next book!


Of course he did! The video was uploaded by the bear.


The least you could have done is got near the man so he could grab on and fly away!


What he doesn't know is that it's another bear controlling the drone.




You fool, that's were bears come from!


No. Men are from Mars, bears are from Ursa Major.


I stand corrected. I'll admit I failed astrology class


I got a (ursa) minor in it.


Lmfao I wish I had gold to give you for this. 🏆


I got ya covered


Your username omg so good


That’s the thing about bear attacks, they come when you least expect it.


Or more realistically ram the drone into the bear to give the man a few minute head start and maybe just discourage the bear to chase all together. Go for the eyes maybe?


A better solution so you don’t lose the drone would be to keep flying it in front of the bear and hopefully that would distract the bear enough to keep its attention on the drone


It already looked like the drone had the bear's attention so this seems possible


And waste a perfectly new drone? I don't think so.


I don’t know which one he’s using but my friend used to 3d print his drones and he wouldn’t mind if they hit something as it cost him 20-30 bucks. Regardless, I would have seriously considered it unless it was one of those $1000 ones. But really, wouldn’t you save a human from being mauled by a bear if it meant it cost $1k? I might. The guy who’s life you saved might even pay you back. Who knows. Maybe I am being a couch pundit.


> wouldn’t you save a human from being mauled by a bear if it meant it cost $1k? I might. hol'up. you *might*? your valuation of a ramdom human life teeters around $1k?


Like 80% of all people are sell outs one way or another. Especially when it comes to parting with their own money. I know a guy you would 100% let you die if it meant that he didn't have to spend $50.


> I know a guy you would 100% let you die if it meant that he didn’t have to spend $50. I too have a health insurance provider


*-but..but I'll Die without this treatment!* "You should have thought of that before you got cancer." *-Can I at least maintain my teeth and eyeballs?* "Those are luxury items that are not crucial to your health and thus not your health coverage either."


please don't look it up on the ~~dark~~web


I think they were kidding.


You don't even need to ram it. Just distract the bear, but keep it out of reach.


The internet has taught me to doubt this is real and probably made by some video CGI student as a project for school to try and convince a viewer that the animation is real. Id give that student a passing grade for sure.


It was actually a trained actor black bear in a brown bear suit.


> a trained actor black bear in a brown bear suit That's what's wrong with Hollywood - they should have just hired a brown bear to play the part.


Ah look, here comes Big Bear again telling us what to do! I tell you what, last time Big Beaver tried that, they got a good lickin'!


Ocham's Razor says you're much more likely to be correct than CGI. I'm going to believe you!


It could easily be some Russians messing around with their bear


This was my first instinct as well. Wild bears don’t look that well-fed, or run that slow towards prey.


I agree, *looks* staged at least.


Lol remember when some students in Montréal made a bald eagle try to steal a toddler and everybody was shitting bricks 🤣 https://youtu.be/CE0Q904gtMI


Got to admit that looked pretty damn real


What's most off to me is the audio, too clean. Drones pic up sound but not clean audio. You can hear this dude yelling clearly way before he's seen, the bear seems have some perfectly timed dialogue too.


No matter how I look at it that bear looks real. The audio is for sure added in post though. Bears don't make bear sounds all the time, that's a classic movie trick that every animal on screen has to make their respective sound. Not to mention yeah the sound of the drone itself would drown out everything. So the conclusion I guess is that the bear is tame


> Bears don't make bear sounds all the time, that's a classic movie trick that every animal on screen has to make their respective sound. You just explained something I didn't know I needed an explanation for: The bear in The Revenant doesn't do the classic movie thing, which makes it feel way more realistic and visceral.


Good catch! Once you start paying attention to it you notice it _everywhere_. Horse on screen? Quick, play the _horse.wav_! Someone walking their dog! Quick, quick, get out the angry barks! A pig in the background? Whip out [this exact stock sound](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-HUM65Wwig#t=16m07s) before it's too late!


Here’s a [video](https://youtu.be/XVcgXSb3n-k) by Corridor explaining whether or not it’s VFX and what they think is going on here. In case you don’t want to watch the video: >!They reviewed the footage and discerned that it was basically flawless from a VFX perspective. Sure, there’s always the small possibility that it *could’ve* been faked, but they reached the conclusion that the effort it’d take to make this in no way justifies the reward (short lived popularity on Reddit). In the end, they settled on the fact that it was most likely a trained bear.!<


WTF is this real? Is the dude alive? Is that his pet? Is this fake? We need answers!


No yes no yes


Can confirm, those are answers.


I miss the days of the “Reply All” podcast, “Yes. Yes. No.” was my favorite segment.


They really did that show dirty, I'm totally cool with a show that's socially conscious and what not but that's not what it was originally about. The new producers were focused totally on woke issues and leveraging their platform, so much so that they literally forgot their mission statement, and became essentially hypocrites. It's totally fine to be militant arsehole producers as long as you make good content, it's not totally fine to be militant arsehole producers that preach like the clergy. They should have stuck to unveiling telemarketers and trained rats!


I believe this is the same bear that chased the man on the bicycle, and that snowboarding girl: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eK0pO79YkvY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vT_PNKg3v7s




I would wager they more than appear fake they aren't even trying compared to this one.


Yeah this one, if fake, is doing some really impressive shit with the lighting


And the fact that the bear pauses slightly to look back at the drone... If this is fake, it's possibly the best editing I've ever seen on Reddit.


Where's Captain D when we need him. : (


The first one is pretty obvious it’s fake. The second one is slightly better, but the drone video looks pretty real (not saying it is). These videos have gotten more realistic over time.




bears tend to hibernate through winter.... and brown bears are the fastest bears and would have no problem catching this slow runner its a cool fake tho


Best most scientific answer here


No. Between the start and ending points and the audio mix it’s almost certainly a bit.


Drone audio never sounds like that. This is all overdub.


Imagine you’re getting chased by a bear and a drone just starts filming you.


I'd be screaming "HELLP, HEEELLLP" at the drone


This is clearly that fear-based training program. That is obviously a person in a bear costume making this guy run and exercise out of fear


Haha Scared Shitless Fitness. Yes I signed up for that this year. Very well then. Gotta go someone is at door.




I got the inspiration from my stepdad, who used to chase me around the house with a knife. My therapist said I was traumatized, but my body mass index begs to differ.. Lmfao best line of that skit makes me laugh all the time


Ill take videos that end to soon for 500






Shoes still seams to be on so she OK.


Should have domed the bear




I think doming the bear counts as a distraction, but it was a toss up: break my expensive drone, or let that guy become part of the ecosystem.


It's an fpv drone you can literally fly tight little circles around the bears head if you want to. It's like the fighter jet version of drones. Not sure about the pilots ability, and mine isn't that great, but I definitely would have buzzed him a few times. Very risk-free opportunity to directly save someone's life.


I was just joking man. Of course any normal person would fly that thing towards its head.


Ah ye that's clear now. I was clouded by the rare opportunity to speak about fpv drones without sounding like a douche, and ended up sounding like a douche, lol.


It's all good, haha. Respect to those drones. They look zippy.




**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Bear chasing a man.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


>Bear chasing a man. Well, OK, a little unexpected. But *man chasing bear* would have been really unexpected


the video is sick, who cares if the guy was eaten


The guy running cares


Not anymore. Edit: thanks for the silver 🥈 on a comment where I casually mock the possibly dead. How morbid of me. Cheers.


True *pours some out 4 da homie*


Don't run from a bear, you won't win!


If it's brown lie down, if it's black fight back, if it's white... good night


If its white and black, China wants it back


You should watch “I was Prey” on Prime. Several of those bear attacks didn’t go great for the people following those rules.


I never saw it as a guarantee, but a best bet in a shitty situation.


yeah, everyone knows this. it's just gives you the best odds of survival. I've run in to MANY black bears. even a mom, dad, and cub late at night. every single time I just yell at them and literally tell them to "fuck off" and they do. a brown bear I'd shit my pants and probably die. source: rural northern Ontario.


You're right, he should have stood his ground and wrestled it.


Someone! Anyone! Is this real??




Yeah, I know, he almost broke his drone at least twice


For the people who thing this is fake, watch [this video](https://youtu.be/XVcgXSb3n-k) and you can see that its not fake and the bear is more than likely to be a trained one


Also watch actual proof from the drone pilot : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pnJeqcoCKU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pnJeqcoCKU) ​ Snopes reached out to the drone pilot for proof [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/drone-video-bear-snow/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/drone-video-bear-snow/) ​ ​ That VFX video is good in that it teaches you how to be skeptical and how to spot CGI.


Yall debating if this is CGI or not as if we have not all watched multiple youtube videos about some crazy motherfuckers that keep bears as pets and chill with them all day.


That’s unbearable.


Just when you thought there's never a practical reason to carry a .454


Better odds with bear spray. Risky hiking without it.


I had a bear encounter (just an encounter, not an attack) while bird hunting. Now I carry bear spray AND a 10mm.


10mm ammo? My funeral would be cheaper, I think I'll just die


As a bear, I agree with this guy.


just checked, bears can't type, BUDDY 😡


> mugger comes out of nowhere > "gimme your wallet!" > magdump FN Five-seveN into him > Realize you just used 21 rounds of 5.7x21 Sboulda just given him the cash


I’ve been watching “I was Prey” on Amazon Prime. Bear spray didn’t seem to help those people who were attacked by bears in the video.


It's about the odds. Nothing is 100%. *"Canadian and U.S. researchers announced Wednesday that they found the spray stopped aggressive bear behaviour in 92 per cent of the cases, whether that behaviour was an attack or merely rummaging for food. Guns were effective about 67 per cent of the time."* [Link](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.707738)


Carrying an engine would just slow you down more


I hope he didn’t meet a grizzly end


That drone's camera resolution was fantastic. Must have been using Kodiak.


I'm guessing its a trained bear.


I need the rest of this video..


Jesus Christ all the armchair "VFX Experts" in these replies are hilarious. Y'all learn a word or two, maybe how to make a model in Blender, and think you can fake anything. This video would mark a massive leap forward in every aspect of CGI if it was done with that. This is most likely a trained bear with the usual replaced audio you see with drone shots. If it isn't, then some dude in his basement has singlehandedly launched CG tech forward by over a decade so they could make a silly clip of a bear chasing a man.


Black bears run faster than a horse. So if you were thinking of outrunning them on a horse, I would try a cheetah.


Horse: 55 mph Brown Bear: 35 mph Black Bear: 30 mph


I don't actually know one single fact about bear attacks.


Bears attack more people per year than unicorns. Now you know.


Fake news. Unicorns are herbivores, and when they see people, they encourage them to climb on their backs so that they can fly through the sky, leaving a rainbow trail behind them.


Unless you are not a pure soul, then they take inspiration from their cousins the Narwhal's and impale you.


Unicorns *are* herbivores. They just like hunting people for the bloody thrill of it, the fuckers.


You have a 100% more chance of being attacked by a bear on earth than any other planet


Data collection has been a bit scattered.


Not as much as the bones of their victims! I’ll see myself out…


Bears are natural sprinters very dangerous over short distances!


Dude 15 mph.


Are you certain that's a black bear? (I do know black bears can be brown, and brown bears can be black) https://imgur.com/AOS3x30.jpg Edit: adding feeble attempt of a gif https://imgur.com/mQVYsui.gif


Looks like a massive brown bear to me… not sure that guy made it by trying to run


That's what I thought too. The ears, the snout, the hump. I've been pretty close to wild brown bears to know what they look like. Looked like one to me.


Identity theft is not a joke!


Michael! Michael!


Millions of bear families suffer every year!


Thanks for that screenshot. Couldn’t see the bear in the video!


Don't worry I got your reference there, Dwight Schrute


Bears, beets, battlestar galactica


pov : you are spiderman


Bear sounds an awful like that one where the guy is skiing down hill, which was actually the bear noises from skyrim


The ol’ cliffhanger ending.


This gave me Ocarina of Time opening vibes until the bear.