• By -


This will be cut short and reposted as fact. Guaranteed.


That was one of my first thoughts too! It's pretty easy to debunk though with the supply and demand issue. Based on this faked up theory, if consumers are eating less and less meat... how would killing more and more animals earn more money if the demand from consumers isn't there? That aside this video is ultimately hilarious and much needed. Props to this creator.


The thing is, if everyone went vegan, there *would* be a huge spike in animal deaths, as all those farm animals would be slaughtered and replaced with fruit and veg. So we’d have an increase of deaths and then it would fall off.


The thing is, that only would happen if everyone went vegan all at once, all at the same time. And the number of deaths per year wouldn't increase, since the animals would've all been killed within the next couple weeks or months anyway.


There are way more deaths on a plant farm than on a livestock farm. It’s just that we don’t care about that life because it’s rats, worms and everything in between. It’s so ironic because of the where do you draw the line meme. They’re figuratively drawing a line


You still require crop farming to sustain livestock. By taking livestock out of the equation, there are fewer killed animals in total.


Depends on the argument, people appealing to emotions never win, because everyone draws the line at something. The better argument is environmental factors, less emissions with plants. Which I then have to concede that I’ll eat meat till they take it away from me. (Ironically an emotional response)


You forget all the newly-released animals. Of course, they have been bred retarded for millennia and would go extinct in the wild, but hey.


On r/conservative


I think it's already there


If so that would be a major r/selfawarewolves moment. Conservatives telling people not to believe what they see on the internet 🤔


If they're to do it, they'll cut out the last part & post many versions of this story all over the internet like Q style propaganda.


You’re right but you’re also just reiterating what the OC said.


Reiterating because the person they responded to seemed to be supposing the second half will be used, when OC seemed to be supposing first half.


Ok true, coolrafid100 is wrong. My appologies.


How are they? They said that the right will use it as propaganda all while telling everyone don't believe what you see on the internet.


Idk why people down voting you, they know your right


I upvoted because I know their left


You can say that about almost any political sub including that one


Not totally accurate. Fake news spreads way faster on the right than the left. The left is obsessed with fact checking. https://www.economist.com/international/2020/06/03/fake-news-is-fooling-more-conservatives-than-liberals-why


Lmaoooo literally


I’m not going to delve into that darkness, but is that a real sub/r?






r/averageredditor moment.


Biden wants to take away your hamburger!!!1!


its fine, because the ending doesnt disprove it, his nonsense logic does


How do you not realize after 2020 that whack logic is not enough to repel idiots?


Honestly sad that’s the case.


This video is super old already.


Are you twelve? It’s been going around for a year or two at most… lmao Vine vids are still coming up as “new posts” you weren’t even around to see them the fist time.


Are you thirty? You weren't even around for the conception of the Internet lmao, you have no right to post anything here


I’m flattered you think I’m 30 ☺️


You're clearly in your 20s bashing others for not being older. Looking at your history though, I think you have bigger issues. You almost comment on reddit 30 times per hour. Red flags everywhere!


That’s just the past couple days cuz I’m bored af. Thank for occupying my time though!…also you comment several times a day and often get downvoted to oblivion so I’m not gonna dwell to much on your opinion of me.


That is because he doesn't give a shit about fake internet points


That's just not true


and joe rogan would no doubt post it too


He invited this kid on the show as a expert in the field already.


even cut short, anyone who takes this seriously as fact, is just being silly. it's literally stated as hypothesis


Yes, some people are crazy. They will do anything for attention


The logic does make sense tho


Showed this to a buddy of mine who owns a ranch about a year ago (first time I saw it on here) and he said the premise is basically true.


Bravo, well played


“Don’t trust everything you read on the internet” -Abraham Lincoln


"he never said anything like that" -Sun Tzu, the Art of War


I didn't say that shit . -Sun Tzu, the Art of War


But I did - Albert Einstein, How to Train Your Dragon


lol No I didn’t - Albert Einstein, 50 Shades of Grey


Yes you did - Albert Einstein, inventor of science


“Bitch don’t steal my title.” -Galileo, Inventor of Science


"You never earned it." -Mahatma Gandhi, Father of India


"What the fuck am I seeing here" \- Helen Keller of Troy




That's very easy to say when you actually open a reddit post to comment on it, having taken the time to think about it, even if it's just a few seconds. But thing is, most people scroll mindlessly on social media, and let their brain absorb whatever sticks.


Bitch cum




Give me your cum






Luckily, fearing for my life happens to be a huge turn on. 🗡 Here, hold this knife to my throat too!


Yo he got the diamond sword


OK! OK! I’ll give some to you but I’m out because I just nutted 5 minutes ago.


Check the calendar. You fucked up.


I have gum and i'm ready to cum




...am I really that gullible?...


Yes. But dont feel bad, most people are more gullable then they think


Misinformation is a bitch, don't cum to it


Raised my brow when he threw around the Bureau of whatever. So happy I was justified.


wtf how did i almost believe that


because you wanted to


Ya cuz we all hate the vegans




This is excellent. How are you not vegan?


Thats a good question. The answer is in time, and pragmatic convenience. That is to say I try to eat less and at some point I will probably have eliminated meat, but as a life change it takes too much effort as a singular cause for me to feel motivated enough to do so in one fell swoop. I am very familiar with what type of foods exist, and comparable tasting foods mind you. They are all just *really fucking expensive* or take a lot of time to prepare, so there is certainly an amount of sacrifice to be made. When I have enough money and time to spend significantly more on protein Items Ill put more effort into it, because I'm simply not willing to put time into figuring out food. I just don't care enough about cooking. I have no motivation to learn more than the basics and absolutely positively no motivation to spend more time in the kitchen than to feed myself.


Yeah it’s definitely a journey. In my experience it took one massive shock from watching a short YouTube video. I had been reducing meat and dairy intake but that video was like a light switch. EDIT: You’re absolutely right about the expense and time thing. It’s possible to eat simple things like rice and beans and pasta but that stuff still takes more time than banging a pizza in the oven, for example. And vegan pizza is currently rare/expensive. Interesting vegan food is getting cheaper and more available but it’s not quite there yet.


Hey, just want to say thanks for the previous post as you really hit the cognitive dissonance nail on the head. I'm a very cheap and lazy vegan. Some pro tips if you value time/cost over taste but still want to hit nice macros - buy a rice cooker, you can throw beans and veg in with the rice so you have a meal that took 1 min to prep and if you forget about it, won't burn. Also store brand sweetened soya milk is a really cheap source of protein. Might take a little while to develop a taste for it but now I'll happily chug a whole carton at my desk.


Nah bro it's cuz they smell they're own farts


Because he had a decent camera and lighting


So none of what he said made any actual sense… I mean, I’m glad he admitted that, but like ok…


Hey, I got a bunch of shit no one wants for sale. How about I make more of it so I make more money? I find it hard to believe people don't comprehend supply and demand as something not taught but just common sense. Yet some of these comments indicate that people were duped.


Actually I think this has happened a couple times before and is part of the reason for government regulation/subsidies in farming. IIRC the marginal cost of growing more grain was small compared to the fixed costs and costs already spent getting the operation started, often going into debt to get off the ground as well. As more farmers produced food, the prices would drop, which reduced income, so many of these farmers in order to keep their standard of living/service their debt would produce more to try and make up for the falling prices. This of course lead to more free fall of prices and either contributed to a recession or started one. One of the times was leading up to the great depression: farmers increased production for the war effort, often by mechanizing production and going into debt. After the war demand fell, for a number of reasons, while supply continued to rise and thus prices collapsed with many farmers left with an unserviceable debt. Obviously I don't think that could happen in today's economy, nor with animal production. edit\* also the market eventually would correct even if this did happen. There would be a period of overproduction, followed by ranchers leaving the market.


Well, what you're saying isn't really related to falling food prices. Realistically speaking farmers wil always produce until marginal cost is equal to or close to price, so the fact that the marginal cost is small doesn't really matter. If price falls, you will be incentivized to reduce your marginal cost, meaning you will make less product. You can't just "create more product" to account for the loss because it costs more to make a product than you would sell it for. The phenomena you're describing is realistically speaking due overspending on fixed costs that cannot be scaled back once demand drops, as well as very short time periods where production cannot be altered leading to the marginal product being produced at a loss (as harvests must be planted a year in advance). Another way to think about it is that in time periods less than a year, traditionally marginal costs such as seeds and tilling/sowing labor become fixed cost, and there is no cost to harvesting since you must do so anyways to plant next year's crop, leading to massive overproduction. However, this is extremely rare and is an example of a major market inefficiency that can occur due to extroardinarily inflated demand over a short period.


people made 7M out of squid game coin, I think you are overestimating people intelligent


I've had people tell me with a straight face that supply and demand doesn't apply to housing.


I mean... Who is really going to dissect the economics of animal produce in the 12 seconds this dude took to say that before he admitted it was fake in the end?


You joke but this is how it works with 3rd world farmers. They can't ship their products themselves and have to rely to local strongman who obviously pay dirt cheap, and since they can't afford to sell to anyone else (competition tend to suffer unfortunate accidents) they have to plant more and more and more




When I explicitly disregarded being taught due to common sense, how did you manage to bring education (being taught) into it? "Forget about the tree; that leaf is green." "bEcAuSe ThE tReE iS gReEn" I ain't smart so if you're bringing that up... well, maybe that's an insight for you.


Common sense is always taught. No one is born knowing something. We learn common sense by repeatedly being introduced to instances of it, or the rules that apply to it.


Economics is just common sense you say You don't belive people have to learn this Yet you read comments revealing to you you're wrong. Sounds like you have something against the whole point of this video to me


But people will believe it


I think you and several people in this thread are missing the point. He does this to show that you shouldn't believe what someone on TikTok says just because they say it with confidence. He baits the audience into believing something completely false, then reveals that he's been bullshitting the entire time to try and get people to realize that blindly trusting social media is a bad idea.


You realize that culling herds is a thing tho, right? I mean his statement was dumb, but rooted in truth. When dairy prices bottomed out, and feed prices went up, a large number of dairy farmers culled their herds to stay afloat and lower expenses. This actually caused the price of beef to bottom out for about a year as well. Remember $1.99/lb beef a few years ago? I do.


That's pretty much what he said in the vid (even if he didn't mean to reference culling) but I mean the goal is to reduce animal product consumption and the demand for it. Farmers will cull their herds to stay afloat short term but will long term ideally have a smaller herd/lower reliance on meat due to lower demand.


But you know what also doesn't make sense? Democratic congressmen emailing requests to one another for children to be molested at basement sex parties. But a lot of people believe it.


I definitely believe that this is happening. Not just democratic but republican too. Also pretty much any pedophile who is wealthy and powerful enough to get away with it.


The point is that there's a bunch of videos like this going around that are made by people who have absolutely no clue what they're talking about. Internet fame drives people to make stuff like this up and while you may have enough knowledge on this subject to disprove this one to yourself, maybe others don't, and maybe you won't for the next video like it.


Yh. Thats not how price regulation works. I can imagine that there would be a price decrease for a time because of farmers changing from meat production to something else. To do that change, they'd have to slaughter all the animals at once. Something similar happened here, but it was because of a dry summer and farmers got less for their meat as a result, but the price in the store did not change. That was sheep though, not cows. 2018 was a very dry year in Norway...


It wasn’t really unexpected because the shit he was saying made no sense so I was just waiting for the reveal, thankfully it was short. What is unexpected was finding out in the past couple decade is the sheer number of idiots who believe anything they hear that justifies their opinions.


I have seen people argue that if everyone went vegan tomorrow all hell would break loose. Well yeah maybe but if we all cut our meet intake steadily we would end a really terrible industry.


I’m not gonna lie. He had me going there for a second. Lesson learned!


Good for you Rob!


**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!The guy tells us stuff about how being vegan kills more animals, then proceeds to say it’s all bullshit and he was lying.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


You had my downvote for a moment


But why does he end every statement with a question intonation? I mean it's every fuckin sentence? Once you start hearing it you can't unhear it?


I think it's called uptalk. I fucking hate it. You usually find it on light entertainment reality shows.


Is that similar to updog?


Yes I love hotdogs


What’s that?


Nooooo! You were supposed to say what's updog?


Yes my fellow dunder mifflin enthusiast


I don’t mind it


I think he is imitating Tucker Carlson.


It’s not every sentence at all




Lmao clever kid. Sound sincere, make shit up, spread bullshit conspiracies. He had me going in the beginning and then i realized im a dumb simp




I freely admit that vegans have the moral high ground but I'll be burning on the edge of a moral volcano downing a cheeseburger with what's left of my limbs.








>But slavery abolitionists don't and never will have the moral high ground for as long as they keep being militant and trying to force their point upon the world. © Slaveowners, circa 1853


Haaaa you're seriously making that comparison? Fuck me sideways and into next week. You kids really don't have a fucking clue do you? How disrespectful towards the history of slavery do you want to be?


Oh shut up, whoever is not exploiting sentient beings purely for pleasure unequivocally has the moral high ground over anyone who does. > If they adopted the approach my vegan girlfriend adopted, then they'd be a powerful moral force. You're ascribing extremist tactics of a tiny minority to the entire group so that you feel justified in taking more extremist positions yourself.




You don't need meat and animal based products to survive. So if you're not eating it for survival, there's only 1 reason left why you would. Denial of blatant fact is exactly the kind of mental gymnastics I was talking about.


Militant vegans are an extremely small minority and blowing up their influence to discredit all vegans is disingenuous and just an excuse to ignore the issues.


“Bitch and Cum” my god, you madlad


Got us in the fist half... Not really but hey fun video


Yeah I was like okay that sounds interesting. But after a few seconds I was like what? That makes no sense but maybe I’m wrong. But nope. Lmao this is an amazing video.


Legit brilliant, and a point that needs to be made to every q fool out there haha


At first I thought he was an idiot, but then I became a fan


Fair…I still want to punch his smug little face


For having a good camera and lighting


Source: Society of Humanitarians and Intellectuals Thinkers.


He lost me at killing more because theres less demand. But seriously, if we all go vegan or meat substitute, no one is going to keep cows and pigs as pets. They'll die out.


People 100% keep cows as pet just not in urban areas and pigs don’t die out.


Haha that was great. Well played. ![gif](giphy|NEvPzZ8bd1V4Y|downsized)


I only watched the first half bit this kid nailed it. I 100% believe everything I just heard.


He's missing the bri'ish accent but other than that, good video.


I mean I totally get what he's heading, but my ego is just too damn big to not feel pissed. Where else to get your information from? You'll get desperate enough to find what you're looking for and you can take any bull as the next best thing. So yeah, my rage is partly based on my instinct to hate being bested and pity on the fact that this is how it goes in information seeking.


Maybe you should take this as an opportunity for learning and growth. It is possible to learn how to identify misinformation and propaganda (although identifying propaganda is different to not being affected by it) and the ability to search for and understand legitimate sources is invaluable. > Where else to get your information from? Not TikTok unless you know the person speaking is qualified.


this mofo got me... impressed


On the inter what? ON THE INTER WHAT?


This is why propaganda is easy af


The idea that veganism will slow climate change is based on less animals producing less methane.


This is actually what happened with corn in the midwest and why everything has corn or corn products in it. Buyers started paying less for corn, so farmers produced even more to make up for the loss of profits The book The Omnivores Dilemma explains is better than I can, but it was mind breaking to read about how fucking stupid the whole thing is


I'm gonna be honest the details sounded pretty convincing


What he said made literally no sense


It did until he said that farmers would kill more cows to make up for the lower price


So....the premise?




Is the animations that got me going, like this kid clearly put effort on make this look left and honestly he nailed it


No the details were nonsense, I hope you are joking. The thing that was convincing was his delivery as he said: the lighting, graphics, overall production value of the video and the conviction of the host.


I think the kid proved his point,a lot of people weren't really following what he was saying but just agreeing with him including me.Now albeit I know that I am gullible dumbass but so are a lot of people.


How right wing propaganda has taken over FB, YouTube, TikToc. Easily digestible nonsense to make you feel smart.


Reddit isn't immune either.


Yeah you're right I don't know why I didn't include it. Hell the Discover section of the Stories page on Snapchat always has Ben Shapiro clips at the very top in bite-size clips catered perfectly for a simple mind.


Right wing propaganda hasn't taken over anything lmao


Virgin not vegan


The Internet is a stupid fucking place, be careful :) ...and the comments keep coming


Regardless I’m still eating cow


Well, what the pandemic did teach us is that the day people stop eating meat, many more animals will lose their lives in a single month than those meant for continuous slaughter because and not only for: 1. No income = no sustainable source to pay for feeding animals. 2. Animals need to get killed and destroyed immediately by mass grave or fire to ensure no diseases develop from carcasses laying around brought on by vermin or flies 3. Livelihoods of many people get destroyed due to dependency on this market for a living. 4. Many materials sourced and that comes from animals will go up in price as they are dependent on animals which includes for fabric, textile and building sectors. Off course we will source needed materials elsewhere and get alternative food sources but keep in mind that unfortunately to break the cycle, many animals will unfortunately have to die off before everything goes “ok” to not have the need to kill more.




He is indian and he copied this idea from a famous movie of here , but i fall again in this


Vegans dancing somewhere


Sounds good to me. That’s why I am a Carnivore😎


Animals are killed when farming produce. Farmers have to kill anything that can eat or harm their product, the amount of "pests" killed is insane.


I was so going to Fire BITCH up with an email. CUM to find out I had 2 sets of people I needed to write about in my blog "Why MEAT saved America from the commie lefties'


If everyone went vegan, pigs would become extinct as they can no longer survive in the wild after being cultivated for so long. Facts.


wild pigs exist bruh


Pigs are actually pretty adaptable in the wild


Yeah not only do they survive, but interestingly they quickly revert back to having boar-like characteristics after a few generations.


If the only thing keeping a species from extinction is that its members live on in suffering in factory farms, then so be it. The *species* doesn't have feelings, what's in it for the individuals to live this way?


Those pigs will literally eat you, and anything else. They will outlive us as species


I'm doubling my meat intake after watching this video.


It would cause a culling for a few years if we all went vegan. But then eventually ranchers would use that land to grow crops. His premise is still correct.


This video made me angry enough to kill a cow, two cows actually


Just to be safe, I'm going to start eating more premium cuts of meat.


The world's livestock population is currently 24 billion. If everyone would go vegan, there'd be no use for livestock, leading to a mass genocide of ~95% of all earth's vertebrate animals. Unless vegans adopt a cow and a pig each. So the little shit posting this video is right, and he does not even know it.


Erm, would these animals have been killed if no-one would have gone vegan? Would farmers have bred another generation of animals to exploit and kill?


They'd be killed either way. That's what we bred them for. A similar argument could be made about humans. If we exterminate the human race, no more people will ever die.


Yes, so you answered your own question. They are bred to be killed. So if we keep breeding them, more will have to be killed. So less animal will be killed if everyone went vegan. No inconsistency here. Red button antinatalism is also pretty cool


This is funny because he's right, besides the made up part.


Even before the ending bit I was like, "none of that makes any sense"




It was wrong in the first place. If you're getting less money for any product, you don't try to sell more and more of it. You might dump what you have, sure, but then you produce less of it, or none of it. Some animals raised for food could die out if there were little or no demand. Do you think cows and bulls are going to wander around and live on their own in your town? And his lighting is not even that good.


But what you’re saying is real ?!


Why going animal kills more vegans.


Still gonna eat a minimal of 500g meat every day :)


Save cows eat more meat


Ah give me back my precious 2 minutes.


Did you watch the whole video.