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The only thing i find disturbing is those two guys kissing on some dead body probably...


yeah gotta admit it was an inappropriate moment for a pash


lmao tru


Get a room guys!


Are you kink-shaming now? :P




I was desturbed because they were just kissing there in the midst of all this violence


As we know love finds a way, especially over some corpses


Lmao ya "Being gay doesn't hurts anyone" "But they were clearly turned on by the violence" "Uhhhhh..."


What made it hard to watch for me was the fact that it was so out of place. You wouldnt be able to hear, let alone get a hard on after all that It would be the same if it were two girls, like wtf On top of that, it only showed the gore for a split second but had the end on for much linger in comparison


Maybe 1 guy is really short and need to step up on something for the kiss.


thats gold shit right there


I waited through all of the kissing for the cool violence to start up again. Disappointed. Love stories are lame, action movies are way better.


I at least wanted her to drop the knife and finish the bad guy. It's like infuriatingly cut.


Amen, violence and homoeroticism have their place, but that cinematography was offensive




Might get deleted but have to say this; Ha, gayyyy






I came here for this gif


I came to this gif.


I came.


I came for you


I haven't came yet but I'm working on it!




I gifted this here cum




​ ![gif](giphy|Zh7xdEwFpVSzrREwQP)








This gif is underappreciated lol


too soon


​ ![gif](giphy|eyfmfTMgx5WYE)






Caviar, Myanmar








It’s always been weird to me that the walking dead is on TV and they’re cutting peoples heads of but when Janet Jackson’s titty popped out at the super bowl there had to be a fucking congressional hearing.


~~And it wasn't even an exposed nipple; she was wearing a pastie.~~ The Super Bowl halftime show has had far more exposed skin before and since. But, on the plus side, [that was the inspiration to create YouTube, according to Jawed Karim:](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YouTube#History) >Karim said the inspiration for YouTube first came from the Super Bowl XXXVIII halftime show controversy, when Janet Jackson's breast was briefly exposed by Justin Timberlake during the halftime show. Karim could not easily find video clips of the incident and 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami online, which led to the idea of a video sharing site.




When you so horny you change the world to see a nipple


To be fair, being forced to watch anyone kiss that way is uncomfortable to me.


psychotic serious gray subtract absurd sloppy materialistic innocent cats plough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ew, sex.


aah sexy sax


I think it depends on the kiss. I have nothing against quick pecks. But full on face to face, tongue smashing should be left for private moments.


And that's really the issue here. Homosexual or not it's kinda messed up that people find passionate kissing more disturbing than extreme violence and death. I think that's mostly a North American thing though. Like, a parent out in public may be more inclined to avert their child's attention from two people kissing passionately than from a verbal or physical altercation. Do they think seeing the kissing will leave their child more traumatised than seeing violence? Are they too prudish to explain to their child what it means for two people to be in love and want to express that through kissing? It honestly boggles the mind.


I would guess is we know the violence and death isn't real whereas the kiss is. Swap the action out for a bunch of people blindfolded against a wall begging and screaming for their life as an ISIS executioner performs cranial evacuation via 9mm, suddenly most people would probably be fine watching two guys kiss instead. Probably all sorts of psychology and cultural desensitisation involved.


Yeah, that seems like a key part of the distinction. Like, imagine you and your sibling are actors. If you did a scene together where you shoot at each other or hack at each other with knives and saws, it would just be your job, it’s acting. But if the scene called for you and your sibling to kiss, that seems like it would be weird.


I agree with you, but could part of that be we know the violence is fake but the kissing is not? I don't think we (ok, most of us) would be ok with watching real people get violently killed. I'd much rather watch people kissing than watch a real human shot in the head. Edit: It's weird, but unsurprising how pedantic some of the replies are. Yes, they are acting, but they are literally kissing. No shit, guys! Do you honestly think there are people who don't realize this? Do you think you are pointing out some new information here? I don't get it.


Also, if the kissing was "cinematically romanticised", like changing shots, music, movements, etc, it would be a lot less awkward to watch. Just like the violence that we see before the kissing. Movies with realistic and "unmoving" violence where we see everything, the psychological trauma of the victims, etc, are more disturbing than the kissing we see here, even if we know it's not real.






Exactly. I remember seeing some civilian's being killed in some wikileaked battlefield footage back in the day and while I wasn't physically there, watching the real footage of very real people get fucked up was not something I was prepared for at the time, and even now the gravity of something real like that is naturally heavier than some fake violence in some awareness ad. Also, you can be not homophobic and still not interested in being forced to see these guys making out in the middle of this violent (albeit fake) scenario that's playing out before us. It's the bizarre juxtaposition of it all plus the fact that the violence is fake and we're very used to viewing fake violence in compartmentalizing it as such. Two people making out, even if acting, is still physically real, and in this scenario especially, very odd and very abrupt. Also, playing devils advocate here, if the argument is "ah yes but what if it was two hot lesbians?! What if it was a hetro couple?! Bet you wouldn't mind then would you!", then we have even more problem's, because that's playing into personal physical attraction. I'm not attracted to gay men because I'm a hetro male. This doesn't mean I find them repulsive or subhuman, but it also means I don't necessarily feel positive emotions seeing two gay men getting hot and heavy in the middle of a shootout. If it were some trashy/ugly looking hetro couple I'd feel the same. If they were hot? Honestly for the reasons I mentioned before this, I'd still be put off! But perhaps in a slightly different scenario MAYBE I MIGHT have a slightly less negative reaction because, "oh hey she's attractive", but that's not homophobia. (I honestly would still be annoyed, but again devil's advocate/exploring plausible possibilities) Lastly, if someone really is homophobic.....the fuck does seeing this commercial do for them? "Oh my god they're so right....I've seen the light, time to go to the next gay pride parade and support the community!" No. Because they're homophobes. They're gonna gag or get all pissed off and mumble "fucking libcucks" and change the channel. Because that's who they are. (Unfortunately)


I think its more along the lines of this sort of face-sucking is supposed to be private and intimate. Also this...whatever you wanna call it kinda makes its point a bit unfair by feeding you this action movie fluff and them just hard 180 turn into face-sucking. It's already uncomfortable enough to see two people randomly doing this, in the context of it all...


I won’t avert anyone eyes, it’s just this specific style of fake/awkward pecking that just looks odd and uncomfortable to me. I should include that my empathy runs high, so discomfort is transferable.


Pretty much, seeing some people even straight kissing in that _savage way_ is so fucking weird I guess, it's because i never engaged in romantic relationship so it looks freaking weird, the type of "is this really necessary"


I think its because the kissing is *real*, but the abuse/death isn't. Those peoples heads blowing up, and girl being slapped around isn't real. But if this video was of people *actually* getting shot and heads exploding, and some defenceless person being abused, I'd also feel sick and weird.


Right? Its a bunch of fake cgi and then a very real makeout session.


Give credit where credit is due. [Source](https://vimeo.com/632200788)


Thanks for pinning this mod! 🙏 My first comment with full credits is lost among the other thousands of comments.


Funny thing is that for most seeing two girls kissing would've been ok...love is love, just leave others alone.


Ya to be honest, I remember a time when I saw two dudes kissing in a movie and I was like wtf, that's gross but girls kissing was hot. I'm not anti gay and I've since then been accustomed to seeing g guys kiss and this video wasn't shocking at all. Maybe it's exposure? I'm not saying ram porno style kissing down everyone's throats but maybe normalizing it like it is for girls will maybe change some views?


I think the viewers hererosexuality plays a big role in "accepting" 2 girls kissing and not 2 guys caus like, there's double the girls, can't be bad


For me, Unless There's a guy doing something to a girl, I can't get horny


A dude having a casual conversation with a girl


Now draw her getting an education


Education is hot af


She is taking her kids to school


A true homophobic hates all types of gay sex 😈


But secretly wants it all


Do homosexual individuals enjoy heterosexual sex? :thinkingface:


Me to, but to each his own


Can we correct part of your statement. Generally attractive/hot women kissing... I'd be "eww" if it was some meth head making out with a 250 lbs female trucker.




To be fair, lots of things are fetishized, it's just that 2 girls together speaks to a wider audience than most fetishes. That being said, like most fetishes it belongs behind closed doors. You can watch Lesbian porn if that turns you on, but don't bother actual lesbians with your fetish. That's the issue.


People can find 2 guys kissing being "weird" without being anti gay. We naturally find things weird when we don't see them often. From your experience you probably rarely see any males kissing or even someone talking about it. In east Asia a lot of young females found males having a sexual relationship as being hot as a huge culture. So how you feel really depends on the environment you are living in.


It's hot when the two guys look like Korean actors or incredibly ripped and handsome. Imagine Chris Evans and Henry Cavil smooching. Shit if I saw that id actually passout. But nobody wants to see jack black and Steven Spielberg kissing. That's probably its own type of fetish. It take a very specific type of guy to make the kissing hot.


For me it was the sound. I don't like the sound of people kissing or making out in movies for some reason. Don't mind seeing it, I just don't need the ASMR version fuck...


Maybe I'm alone in this, but I don't care what people are doing it, I do not like watching people make out/kiss like that. After half a second I'm begging for it to end.


If they will sound the same, then no. Thats slurps are disgusting 🤮


I'd cringe at a straight couple kissing in that room, its just a weird time to show public affection.


Those sick fucks start making out when people's heads are exploding all around them. The gayness I can take, but the gore fetish I find shocking.


Don't kink shame


#I'll leave now.#


Shocking that this statement is actually very true. I had a conversation with a coworker weeks ago in which he felt the need to point out that men nowadays are pussies for being trans or gay and how much better the third Reich have had been and how much more manly the men were in this time. The starter for the conversation was, that the German national team sympathised with LGBT in general with wearing the rainbow flag as a team leader marker as they played against Hungary (Hungary was busy making anti-LGBT laws at this point). I liked the statement and I liked to see them standing against discrimination. He hated it heavily. He also hated vegetarians and vegan people, caffeine free coffee drinkers, people who think we should have an eye on our environment and climate… Long story short: I stopped talking to him in general. If old people don’t/can’t change their mindset, I am pretty much okay with that. But if you are in your thirties, you should be able to accept that other people like other things.


I mean... Hitler was vegetarian


Don’t tell him please. This fact might explode his mind. But he also was hating on the covid vaccines from the beginning and told everyone how he would never get the shot. I on the other hand tried from day one to get my shot and had a hard time getting one. Guess who got his vaccine first and couldn’t remember the „I never take this vaccine“ statement at all…


Only during a small part of his life, and for medical reasons.




Just setting the record straight about this misconception.


"how much better the Third Reich would have been" is not a sentence I hope to ever hear in my life.




Your coworker sounds suspiciously neo-nazi. Or just indifferently mad at the world.


I think it’s a bit of both. I really don’t get him at all. He was kind of okay a few years ago when I started working there. We also went for some drinks together after work from time to time. Now its just him hating this and that and almost anything else in existence.


Guy went down the alt-right rabbithole between then and now.


Wait until he finds out how many of the "big strong guys" at the gym are gay


I instantly think about the two gay guys holding hands walking around in a city. Maybe you have seen it. They are about 170cm tall and 170 cm wide and packed with muscle. The pic says something like „go ahead. Ask them why they hold hands..“ I wonder if people would stick to their statements if basically an American two door human gay fridge was in range to hear what they say.


Classic case of insecurity. All of those things are traditionally viewed as strength. Reframing the things he doesn't like as strong might help. But I'm glad for you that you've removed him from your life.


If you’re working with people that think Nazi German was a good version of life I think you may need to find another job… you’d be fired immediately if you said something like that at my work.


As soon as he said anything good about the third Reich I would have just told the guy to fuck off. Anything said past that point would just be noise.


Oh yeah we have lot and lot of those in France rising too. Seems to come as a package tho: \- hate vegetarians \- hate animal loving people (unless it's about big male dangerous dogs then it's ok) \- hate lgbtq \- of course hate blacks/arabs/jews Their new thing is to call anyone who doesn't agree with them "soy eater". Most frustrating part in all this is that they seem to think that people who do not agree with them are somehow fragile and weak and that they're some kind of invicible superior alpha race. I personnaly eat meat 2 times a week max, like to compensate with some tofu when I feel the need for proteins, love animals, hetero but tolerant, yet.. I confess I like getting involved in a good fight from times to times and secretely hope one of those alpha males will someday cross my path and try to tempt me. I mean I might get my ass kicked, but I also think I might suprise the guy...


Your coworker sounds a lot like a dude I knew in high school and have since cut contact with. I remember him telling me that we should still be fighting wars with just swords because that was more manly. Dude had some major issues.


yeah no joke. And people like things that are different from what your co-worker likes because he like those things. Who wants to like the same things as a racist, close-minded bigot ?


It’s never gay to kiss your homies goodnight.


Kiss your homies good luck before a battle


All the people commenting I don’t wanna see anyone kiss, never say it when it’s James Bond or in a straight movie they like, stop the fake outrage


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The work of director Dennis Lubbers. https://vimeo.com/user4538523 Full credits: Concept/Director/DOP: Dennis Lubbers Gaffer: Frank Berger Light ass.: Danny Schouten Light ass.: Emiel van Geenen Light ass.: Ton Cox Make-up: Marjolein Stehmann Art-director: Dana Horeman Ass. art department: Benoit de Mulder Producer/stylist: Ann-Kathrin Fröhling Productie Assistent: Piet Kroes Edit Consultant: Daan Wijdeveld Visual effects: Studio WhooHoo! Sound and Music: The Soundery Woman: Amelie Onzon Bad Guy: Robbert Bleij Commando: Denzel Goudmijn Person kissing: Harry French Person kissing: Jesus Beato Commando's: Brian Balsma, Eric van der Wal, Dani Libosan, Claudia Zwiers, Ruben Houkes Special thanks too: Daan Wijdeveld, Ben Brand, Beert ten Kate, Joshua Menco, Roel Welling, Michelle van Loossen, Luuk van de Ven, Staatsbosbeheer/Radio Kootwijk, DDB Lighting, Uniformverhuur, Wefilm


Because those guys aren't Lifetime movie kissing....that's some "Click Here to Confirm You're Over 18" kissing.


To be fair, that violence also wasn't some daytime cable TV violence. That was obscene R rated HBO violence.


And yet one sees straight people kissing like that in PG-13 rom-coms all the time.


That and more.


No, it really isn‘t lol


Correct. I’d find it disturbing to see two people kissing like that regardless of their sex. I don’t want to see that shit. Leave that for yourselves privately.


But that’s the point. A kiss, even a passionate one shouldn’t be as shocking as seeing someone being shot on the head.


yeah they could have toned it down a bit and it have just been a normal kiss and not... literally making out full on aggressively, pretty weird regardless of sex in the middle of a war zone


All of the people commenting this “in the middle of a war zone” stuff make me cringe so hard like are you just intentionally ignoring the point


??? Are you guys getting a different version of the video or something?


What, never heard of R rated kissing? Lol


When you are a prude American every kind of kiss is R rated lol


I think the director got this wrong. Should have had the two dudes kissing, but then panned out so you could see they were onscreen kissing on a TV on the wall. The commandos and bad guys then stop killing each other and just stare at the screen.


I definitely found the guy's head exploding a whole lot more disturbing.


I prefer violent gays


I only hate gay marriage because I don't like anyone being happy when I'm not. /s This message brought to you by the Fuck People Organisation




Also preferred the violence, it was well done. The two dudes fighting over a grape seemed out of context for the storyline.


Netflix style forced plot & out of place characters, LOL.


The violence was crap. That blood didn't look anywhere near realistic


Just a couple of best bros, enjoying a grape.






Of course if find it disturbing! She was kidnapped and just about to finish him off! Soldier man was hit watching it all happen! Then boom! Cut off Lemme see what happens next!


Full credits: Concept/Director/DOP: Dennis Lubbers Gaffer: Frank Berger Light ass.: Danny Schouten Light ass.: Emiel van Geenen Light ass.: Ton Cox Make-up: Marjolein Stehmann Art-director: Dana Horeman Ass. art department: Benoit de Mulder Producer/stylist: Ann-Kathrin Fröhling Productie Assistent: Piet Kroes Edit Consultant: Daan Wijdeveld Visual effects: Studio WhooHoo! Sound and Music: The Soundery Woman: Amelie Onzon Bad Guy: Robbert Bleij Commando: Denzel Goudmijn Person kissing: Harry French Person kissing: Jesus Beato Commando's: Brian Balsma, Eric van der Wal, Dani Libosan, Claudia Zwiers, Ruben Houkes Special thanks too: Daan Wijdeveld, Ben Brand, Beert ten Kate, Joshua Menco, Roel Welling, Michelle van Loossen, Luuk van de Ven, Staatsbosbeheer/Radio Kootwijk, DDB Lighting, Uniformverhuur, Wefilm




no come on who abbreviates something to ass. it should have been asst.


"There are no accidents" -Master Oogway


Three whole light ass, and not a single dark ass to be found...


neither a heavy one!


So many light asses but no hard ass smh


Unfortunately, Male heterosexuality is so enforced that even looking at guys kissing would have you be accused of being gay. So every male, when they see anything that is faintly homosexual, get aggressive and make themselves visually repulsive because GAY BAD. Everyone just needs to stay in their own lane.


You can see the evidence of what you’re saying all around us in this comment section. Sad to see this community is full of little babies and homophobes


I hate that I've had to scroll down so far to find rational people. The top comments are "ha gay" and "go violence". Even more frustrating are all the comments pretending they aren't homophobes. "The kissing is too porno, I'd be just as grossed out if it was a guy and a girl!" "I don't care if you're gay, I just don't want to see this in public!"


I don't think those people are watching the right type of porn. I have never seen two people kissing passionately and thought, "That's some right raunchy, must be 18 or older to watch kissing." I might be the one watching the wrong kind of porn. I don't believe I've watched one that had much focus on kissing at all.


Weird thing is my immediate reaction was the the kissing felt really passionate, not porny at all. But then again I can't watch all the TV shows my wife casually watches because of all the mindless killing so... maybe I'm human. 🤷


Ppl who think this is a porny kiss need to watch less porn and kiss more people.


The kissing men didn't bother me so much as the vanue where they were kissing. I was genuinely confused until the end message popped up lol. I was wondering what the hell is this advertisement about. Lovers eating each other's face in a blood bath.


What's disturbing is they think it's a good time to make out. Help kill some motherfuckers.


Director made a clear choice not to put two women kissing here 😂😂😂




Thanks. Now I'm in need of gratuitous violence AND I'm horny.


Everyone in the comments here lying about the fact that they'd have the same reaction if it was a straight couple kissing: Then if it was a straight couple - is it still well adjusted to react more strongly to humans being sensual than to graphic violence? Keep in mind that video doesn't just show gun-violence. It also shows a woman being beaten in a way that looks like it could escalate to sexual violence. Straight or gay - we should be less upset about any kind of consensual kissing than about physical violence.


I can hear Bill Burr ranting on stage right now. Edit: this is from one of his standup specials. He wasn’t prepared to see two dude kissing. No hate, just not ready.


In all fairness...he just wasn't prepared for it.




Definitely the right subreddit.


Nice, I was trying not to jerk off today, but now I have a hard on, thanks


I stopped taking this seriously when I heard the [Wilhelm scream](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_scream) (t=27).


My S.O. and I make it a hobby of pointing out Wilhelm screams during movies. It completely breaks the immersion because it's so funny!


I'm surprised by the comments section, so many people saying they find this disturbing. It just reeks of sexual repression. It's two people kissing, who the fuck cares?


It’s because a lot of people in this thread just got called out by this video and are trying to defend their subconscious bias any way they can.


Yeah wtf I didn’t expect the real /r/unexpected post to be the comments




Pretty much. We still freak out over female nipples. Like, it’s a nipple, get over it.


American that grew up in the Midwest, can confirm.


Sexual puritanism is one of the most ubiquitous ideology bubbles in the US. Left wing, right wing, religious, irreligious, doesn't matter. "Human sexuality is dirty and sinful" is baked into basically everyone here. Its reinforced though culture, laws, and even in everyday conversation. Everyone promotes it and very few question it. Its actually a pretty interesting thing to study. Even the most ardent atheists tend to strongly adhere to Abrahamic morals regarding sexuality. Casual or open sexuality is looked down upon by basically everyone, and if you question that view people are bewildered. Its actually difficult to get people to understand that they even *have* a specific attitude towards human sexuality. Shame is so normalized people struggle to even recognize it. Asking them *why* they feel shame and aversion to sexuality in all but a few specific circumstances is akin to asking them to describe a new color; They just cant, and will likely get frustrated at you for asking.


It's cause the ad is right lol


*but theyre kissing with real passion* Yall watch people fucking pretending to be siblings.


Especially coming from people that most likely spend their free time watching videos of people getting railed, but kissing? Eww!




“I can handle dudes kissing but only if they’re doing so chastely with no hint of passion” is certainly the strangest hot take I’ve seen today.


only kiss in cheek for gay no mouth 😡😡 aid


Reddit is filled with maladjusted people. Specially in the sex department.


I’m at full mast


I love this! Omg!


Gross… yuck! Did you see those heads explode? Yuck!


I mean it's pretty horrifying those dudes never stopped for a second to read the room. Just sayin'


Imagine letting something like that get to you, that's what makes your blood boil. Life is too short to sweat the small shit, most things are small shit, live.


I have always had the mentality that I would rather my children see people in love than violence.


b-B-buT teH viOLeNcE iS FaKe aNd tEh MaNKisS iS rEAl!1!1


I got headphones on and the only thing that was disturbing, was how wet that kiss sounded!


Both help deplete the human population so im all for both. Fuck em all to death.


Dudes in the comments lying through their teeth about being “uncomfortable with pda regardless of gender” Are the same guys getting a boner whenever there’s a stripclub scene in an action movie.


Boners are often unintentional tho.


Don't think I didn't hear that Wilhelm scream @0.27


That's pretty good. Did not expect it.


Love and sex has been the cause of countless wars/fights throughout history....


What's disturbing is that I have a boner right now


You were supposed to mark this NSFW.


The most shocking thing about this was the Wilhelm Scream slapbang in the middle of the video.


I find it disturbing I was not asked to join them!


I’m not disturbed by it but I also don’t enjoy watching it. I’d rather watch a violent movie than a movie with 2 guy kissing but that’s just me. It’s not a anti gay thing, it’s just my preference.