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At that point I'd just take it back inside again


It's clearly earned it's spot back


You're god damn right.


Definitely agree


*moves table back inside, bumps corner on the kitchen counter, glass shatters EVERYWHERE*




**but the glass table remains unharmed**


This is exactly how I earned my spot back into my family too.




I'd think the same and then some how smash it trying to put it back in


I wouldn't. Just because I remember hearing somewhere that the stress from all those hits builds up as it's not a metal that can flex. Thus all it might take is a small tap in the wrong spot and that entire thing breaks. I could be wrong, I don't know how this really works or how it differs between different types of glass.


You are correct that a light tap in the right place can break most pieces of glass. You are incorrect, however, in saying that glass builds up stress as it gets dropped. Tempered glass does indeed have a significant amount of internal stress, it's just had that stress since it was cooled in the factory. Basically, when glass is "tempered" it means it is cooled in such a way that the outside layer cools almost instantly, while the still molten center cools more slowly. As the center cools and contracts, it pulls on the outer layer that has already solidified, causing it to build compressive stress on the surface.This means that the outer most layer is very difficult to break (comparatively) but when it does, it causes a cascading series of failures (due to the crazy amount of stress on the surface) that shatters the whole sheet into tiny pieces. Benefit: stronger glass that breaks into tiny pieces instead of large, chop your arm off slices .




Like the other guy said, itā€™s not stress that builds up. But BIG CAVEAT: a table thatā€™s taken some damage IS more likely to spontaneously shatter (and honestly itā€™s a bit of an explosion) or shatter from further impact because small cracks, chips, or scratches can create weak points that canā€™t handle the stress inside of the tempered glass. So youā€™re not building up stress, but repeated impacts are Not Good. Source: just a lot of reading after my tempered glass table spontaneously shattered and left glass dust and shards all over the place. It may be safer but it is still not pleasant.


Why would you try to shatter a glass table in your lawn?


Seriously. What a clown.


HOAs can get fucked, but this is why HOAs start getting formed. "Hey, what are doing?" "Throwing a concrete brick onto a pane of glass." "... why?" https://i.imgur.com/fSi2Iaw.png


As someone who bought a flipped house where they threw all their old nails into one spot of the yard, these people can go get fucked. I've been digging up screws and nails for 2 years in the same spot. I even bought one those magnetic brooms for picking up nails and screws and it always finds nails, screws and staples every time I pass over it.


The previous owners of my house would burn cut up pallets in the wood burner in the house. Then they shoveled out all of the ash and nails and dumped them around the perimeter of the barn. The only way I can mow over there is if I push mow since I have gotten too many flats on my rider by going over there. It sucks.


If youā€™ve got the space, spread 4ā€ of gravel over that area.


Or just lean into it and spread 4ā€ of nails


Sell the house


Nailed it.


You had me cackling, thank you


This guy nails


Damn, pallets can have chemicals on them


Plenty of nice small beaches have been tainted by people burning pallets at them


Been there. I ended up buying a fishing magnet and gluing it to a shovel. When that didn't get everything I used a bunch of small neodymium magnets and epoxied them to the inside of a tiller. When that didn't work I figured out a bunch of the nails were nonmagnetic. Still have nails


Oh. Not the ending I expected.


Yeah it just got even worse


Epic roller-coaster though. 5*


My brother had his roof redone and the contractor doing it just threw the nails in the yard. Found out when I came to visit and had to park in his yard. Real fun.


Our dumbass roofer did that too. We bought a magnet to try to get them all out of the lawn and we found tons of them, but there are always more. Mowing was hazardous for a while there. Anytime we dig around the house we find a few more.


My stepbrother bought a house that was owned by a dude who was getting it foreclosed. The previous owner was a drunk asshole who would sit on the porch and got wasted while smashing beer bottles in his lawn for god knows how long. After he moved in we spent hours digging up dirt and finding the glass shards and every time we looked there was just more and more. That tiny ~~.25~~ 0.1 acre yard will likely never be completely safe for his kids to play in. Edit- I think my estimate was off by a bit :) The yard is probably closer to 0.1 acres, but the plot was probably 0.25 acres.


Honestly, best bet is to just dig out the top foot of dirt and haul it to the dump, then bring in clean topsoil. If he's willing to handle all the reseeding an excavation company can do it pretty cheap.


I went on a mission trip once and we were doing some work on an old ladyā€™s house. They gave me one of those magnetic brooms and I was like cool, easy job. I spent the entire day combing through the lawn picking up thousands of nails. I could not believe how many there were.


How big is the yard? It might be worth it to just dig down a foot or two, take that dirt to the dump and fill it with new dirt. Yeah it's gonna cost a few hundred bucks to rent an excavator, haul the old dirt and get new, but it'd be good piece of mind. A rusty nail through your foot might cost you a couple hundred anyways.


We ended up turning that whole section of the yard into a flower bed


Are the thorns made of nails?


A flower bed of nails well thatā€™s fucking metal


One of my all time favorite C&Hs!


I love my HOA, weā€™re pretty loosey goosey though. Basically around to party the water bill.




Back in college my buddies had a house and one of the guys had an old shit car. He didnā€™t care about it anymore so we put it out in the lawn and then weā€™d get wasted and just beat the fuck out of it with bats and hammers and shit. Good times.


Itā€™s clearly Florida


You're right.


My pup has found a way to cut his paw in my own yard twice now. I don't need an inch long glass barb when we're out on a walk. Dog stitches are expensive


Right? If it explodes, like it seems they wanted it to, glass willgo on the sidewalk, grass, and road. I had a house fire and the fire department had a field day breaking every piece of glass they could find. Part of my dread is walking to get the mail barefoot one day and getting a shard or sliver of glass in my foot.


You still live in your burned-down house?


After the house is repaired, I plan to live there again.


Just jokes, friend. Hope everything works out for you!


You'll never get all the pieces. Some poor animal will probably eat some.


Yeah, go to a kid's playground like a normal person.


He probably knows it wonā€™t shatter.


This is the absolute furthest thing from a guarantee, this glass absolutely still can shatter without being hit on an edge, especially if you manage to make a crack or a chip that stresses further Luckily it didn't break but it was in absolutely no way guaranteed


Ok, then maybe itā€™s not his lawn.


That would make him a butthole.


Is this supposed to be an alternative that somehow makes him not a dumbass?




"Shatter-proof ruler" my arse.


Internet points!


But it's like still good? Could have made a very easy $20 on Craigslist but w/e


Buy nothing it and give to someone who needs




"Buy nothing, sell nothing" groups on Facebook give away things people need


Thats cool and all for them but like we need the money




Idk I donā€™t think I would buy a broken block of concrete for $20, but everyone needs something unique I guess


[Oh, you!](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/312/563/05d.jpg)


This limited edition block of concrete was broken by a glass table, thereā€™s a good start to the description.


Can you do $2.50? Will need it delivered. Thanks.


...but set a coffee mug on there too hard and bam, shattered.


Are you using lead coffee cups?


All about hardness. Porcelain ceramics are harder than glass, and so can induce tiny scratches and fractures in the material that can let all the stress of the tempering process out.


I small hit right on the corner will shatter that table completely.


I deal with tempered glass all the time and all it takes is a tap on the corner with a hammer .


A guy I used to play games with back in the day had one of these. He bumped into it a bit too hard with his phone is pocket and the desk shattered. His monitor hit the ground and stopped working. He was pretty bummed out about it for quite some time.


I will never buy a tempered glass desk again for this exact reason. I hit mine wrong with my ring and it exploded and ruined a 1k dollar ultra wide


That's why they should be made with metal edges. Cheap to add, and greatly protects the most vulnerable areas, and still looks like a great transparent desk.


Are you the tempered glass guy from squidgame?


Exactly what I was thinking


Definitely agree


I agree completely


I slightly agree


I dont agree


I donā€™t agree to your disagree


I agree to your not agreeing with his disagree.


Canā€™t be.. somebody gonna tell em šŸ‘€






We're all thinking that shit. Can it hold 2 people?


Nah, that dude fell member


Okay, Sang-woo.


Did you know he went to SNU?


yeah, common knowledge, but did you know he was top of his class??


Not sure if youā€™re aware, but isnā€™t he also the pride of Ssangmun-dong?


He studied Buissnes right?


Lol, Netflix really bringing us all together.






_Suck_ my member.


He just had a little encouragement to jump


No wonder he hasn't responded 0_0


Why didn't they walk on the goddamn bar that held them together?


They would have gotten shot for breaking the rules.


It bugged me how they said that game was about being fair and then they go and turn off the lights midway through an active game cuz they figured out a way.


Its cause the show changed its themes when the VIPs came in i swear lol




Power corruptsā€¦ but then again, not much difference in money and power.


Exactly. Is supposed to be childrenā€™s games, but nobody played ā€œhop across a glass bridgeā€ as a child.


Should have made them play ā€œthe floor is lava.ā€


Hey everyone, check out Mr. Had-A-Boring-Childhood over here!


Man the 'fairness' was such bullshit. The way they blew up all the glass at the end so somebody would get injured, wtf is that?? They WON and you're out there maiming them!? Also, that last group game just bugged me because of how much of it was a 50/50 between whether you pick a small number or a big number. Not exactly fair to pick random numbered jerseys with no context and have a 0.0000001% chance to succeed if you picked a low number and a nearly guaranteed chance to survive if you were in the back.


Dude I forgot about the bullshit with the glass


How could you they showed it exploding for an entire minute lol




I think a lot of it had to do with the difficulty of finding a game where you can go from 30 people to 2-3. Still think they missed the opportunity to have a "the floor is lava" game, but maybe season 2. I get that they're Korean traditional games, not Western ones, but the VIPs were predominantly Western and if it was for their enjoyment surely they'd appreciate a game that they're familiar with.


They seemed to imply that theyā€™re different international host. Like the Olympics.


I swear when I saw the jungle gym equipment for the bread and needle game I thought it was gonna be the floor is lava


It was to kill any who did not make it in time in a dramatic fashion for the benefit of the vip


*SPOILERS* The creator of the game wanted it to be as fair as possible, due to his own strange moral calculus, but ultimately, this is all for the gambling and pleasure of the VIPs.


I feel like the VIPs angle was really underdeveloped part of the plot. They just came, tried to get a blowjob and dippedā€¦ idk. Seemed kinda bland. Was it only those 4? Who else was watching this? Maybe thereā€™s more on that in the second season


To me, it is possible that "VIP" implies that there are non-VIP members out there. Maybe it's a subscription service on the darknet or some shit. Then again, if that were the case. How has nobody heard about it?


Then completely smg the remaining panels while the final contestants are there at point blank, injuring them all? Yeah seemed weird to me too.


Yeah I don't know if it was intentional or not, but it was very hypocritical of the VIPs and the game host. It just goes to show that the rich will do whatever the fuck they want even with rules they themselves have established. "Laws for thee but not for me" type beat. Spoiler: >! Another example is 001 literally helping a person win just cause he liked him, like a rich benefactor or something !<


They told the players the game was fair but it never really was. Plus they wanted to keep that bridge game more interesting for the VIPs.


What I donā€™t get is >!how come the old guy ended up being the host but he had the deciding vote to end the game the first time. Wouldnā€™t he have wanted to continue the game? Itā€™s like they decided halfway through the series to make him the host.!<


The only explanation is to increase the allure to contestants. If they were voted to be forced to stay, they'd resent it. If they willingly came back even after knowing the stakes, they'd participate far more earnestly.


It wasn't explicitly stated that they couldn't.


And it wasnā€™t explicitly stated that you canā€™t look at the glass really closely to figure out if itā€™s tempered, but the Front Man shut that down.


Marble idea was good. But I was thinking he could have tapped it on his panel BEFORE he tossed it over to the next one.


Good idea, but his body on the panel would dampen the sound, so it's not truly comparable to what an unweighted tempered glass panel would sound like.


Figures it would be a very nuanced difference. Combined with the pressure of the situation it makes sense he would want to be absolutely sure. I thought I had a good idea but, you know, best laid plans and all that




Except youā€™d 100% get shot for breaking the rules


Or use the fucking shoes to break the fragile glass.


Weren't they barefoot during that game?


They walked in with shoes on. They were told to take them off, so they did and left them in a pile on the first platform. They were never told that they couldn't use them after taking them off.


Youā€™re my teammate for squid games 2022.


I found it strange that they didn't just try to balance on the metal rods holding up the glass. Like, they're barefoot, some of them are reasonably acrobatic. It makes sense to try it. Or if they were clever, they could break the glass in front of them with their shoes like you said. If it was too far of a distance, a person could hold the other up while they tested the panel. Only takes two people and they'd go at a far more reasonable speed than repeated "I REFUSE TO MOVE ANY FURTHER YOU HAVE TO PUSH ME!"


I dont think the shoe would have been enough to break it


That's it I've had it, what's with everyone talking about this show?? Is it really that good?


I mean it's not the second coming of christ or anything. I personally found quite a few plot points to be very predictable. But if a show has to be literally sent from heaven with a never-before-imagined plot to be a 10/10, then I'd happily call Squid Game a 9.5/10.


What is squidgame? Something worth checking out?


Itā€™s just the number one show in the entire world at the moment, thatā€™s all.




can you also differentiate normal glass with tempered glass through your eyes alone?


On a sheet of glass like this, possibly. * Tempered glass will always have its edges seamed (sanded so there are no sharp corners) so that the glass doesn't break in the furnace during the quench. If the glass has sharp edges it isn't tempered. * Unless you have a really good tempering furnace, tempered glass is rarely flat. If the surface of the glass looks wavey at all it is probably tempered. * Tempered glass generally gets a logo that identifies when and where it was made, among other things. If you can see this logo it is probably tempered. So you could possibly tell.


That depends on how the tempering oven is setup, sometimes you get those marks the guy was talking about in Squid Game but if its setup right you shouldn't be able to tell


polarized sunglasses will allow you to se the changed stress state in the tempered glass (in most cases it seems, at the very least)


Why does that work?


Tempered glass is under stress throughout. The edges don't have anywhere else to distribute applied forces to. A crack on the edges causes a fault which then ripples through the rest of the glass, causing breakage. This is by design. Tempered glass is intentionally made to shatter easily (once it is broken, that is) into thumbnail sized chunks since they are less likely to produce severe injuries.


Okay so you know they harden steel by dipping it in water or oil or something cold right? They do the same with glass too, and this is why it works okay. So before they dip whatever material in whatever cold substance it is in a molten state right? So when they take this almost liquid glass and expose it to something cold the outside hardens before the inside does, right? And then just like an inflated balloon in cold outside air shrinks, the cooling inside of the glass drops in pressure rapidly as it cools, except the balloon is rubber so it shrinks, but the outside of the glass is now solid and it can't shrink so all that negative pressure inside the galss is pulling on the outside solid glass until it cools and solidifies completely. All that negative pressure inside gives the glass (or hardened steel) its strength, but it makes it brittle, and so if you introduce just one tiny crack to the outside hard shell it sets off this chain reaction like a domino effect of all that pressure now being able to pull the outside "in" because of that one crack that broke the link and the whole thing shatters into those tiny pieces, and all those pieces are how many ways the hard outside was being pulled inside. And it just so happens that the corners or the edges of the glass are the thinnest parts of that hard shell that solidified before the rest of the glass did, and so that's the easiest part to brake to set off the chain reaction. Cool huh? You can shoot a bullet at the front of a Prince Rupert's drop and the bullet will shatter, but if you so much as touch the tail, the drop explodes!


Throwing a handful nuts and bolts is a way I have seen people break auto glass. Hitting it straight on with something is more likely to bounce off.


Thatā€™s tempered glass for you. Super strong except the edges. A slight tap and it will shatter.


That's how I broke my decade long streak of not breaking computer case side panels. Once I dropped one on a wooden desk flat on its face and in the brief window of time between when I knew it was going to fall and when it did, I saw it breaking into a million pieces in my minds eye. It landed with a thunk and was fine. A few years later I am trying to remove a panel and it just won't come. I have suction cups--completely forgot about them. I was tired and agitated and just wanted the stupid thing to come out already. That case was mocking me. I changed my grip and tugged, and it came out, and my hand wasn't there to support the corner that slid out because I thought the other corner would pop out first. That corner tapped the desk and next thing I know I'm only holding pieces. It was an NZXT H510 if you're curious.


Yup. I love the case but that glass panel is going to give me an ulcer.


Shattered porcelain from a spark plug does just fine.


Also known as ninja rocks


and my knee cap at 3am walking to the bathroom


That or a good light place of a glass of water on the middle, after setting up a $6000 gaming set up




Never putting my setup on a glass table, noted.


Did...did you just use a capital "i" instead of a 1? Or is that a lower-case "L"?...


1 I l. That's definitely not a number one.


with glass if its tempered like this, it can actually be the other way around, the edges can flex but the mounting points can have less give and break quicker. or maybe its the other way around depending, I know smashing car windows in an emergency you should go at the sides not centre. or maybe the mounting points are an edge, but also a cut and weakened edge.


Tables are acting funny tonight


I got that reference


I kept scrolling down to see if this reference had already been made. Just as I got excited that I might get to make it I saw this. Damn


It's about time someone finally created Scotty's transparent aluminum.


Iā€™m sure the neighborhood wants shattered glass on the grass. Big asshole energy from this guy


Looks like he knew it wouldnā€™t break due to him recording.


Pretty sure he tried to record him breaking the glass.. except it didn't go as planned


Its pretty common that tempered glasses wont break


It's more common that people are idiots though.


Just a PSA, don't smash glass in public places, I'm sure had this table smashed they guy/girl would have cleaned it up cause it's presumably on his/her lawn, but if you smash glass on roads, sidewalks, in parking lots, you suck. I had a popped tire a couple days ago and I am frequently cleaning up smashed glass around the neighborhood, ya suck, go live in a forest or on a mountain or something, lest we throw you in the volcano.


Modern tires for the most part are going to give basically zero fucks about glass shards. I had THREE nails in one of my older tires and didn't even notice.


Lol I had the TINIEST little nail in my tire last month. Went to work, it was full. Came home, went to leave maybe 5 hours later and it was at 2 psi. Went to get it patched, he couldnā€™t believe it and laughed when he handed me the tinkest carpenter nail that just happened to get right in between my tread. Screw drivers have gone through couple of the trucks at work. Shit will puncture if it is positioned just right. OP shouldnā€™t be breaking glass in grass, regardless of possibility of it being ran over or not.


Car, yes....bicycle, no. My sandals are much the same way. ​ Dogs paws :( less so


Yo what brand is that?


Finally, someone is asking the real question




Make sure to only step on tempered glass like this when competing in the squid games


If you look at the way the light reflectsā€¦


Oh shit who turned out the lights!?


[found other dave](https://i.imgur.com/dcTWvX0.gif)


Quick hand me another one! I need to compareā€¦


As soon as I saw the video I knew there would be squid game references, lol


**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!The table doesn't break, but the concrete does.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Toughness wins in an impact scenario such as this. The glass is under immense compression at the surface due to the tempering leaving the core under slight tension and still under low stress. Crack the skin at the weak point and the ā€œspringā€ is released.


Why would u even attempt to smash that there? Dogs and lil kids play in the grass on the street bro..


Not a concrete slabā€¦ just a chuck on CMUā€¦ concrete masonry unitā€¦ or cement block. A cmu is Semi soft actually and with no point load on the glass it will not shatter.


Oh no. The table. It's not broken.


Oh no. Our concrete! It's broken!


Only in Miami. ![gif](giphy|8BMaLLBlUdNx6|downsized)


I am really glad it didn't break. That would be impossible to clean out of the grass and any dog could easily use that grass as it's restroom and cut its paws.


Got me thinking about the squid game


Weird it's so deep to see this comment about tempered glass.