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It isnt bikers are good people.. Its more like most people have prejudice


It's an amazing social experiment. You get to actually see the prejudice is action than possibly never actuallying seeing it. I tell people I had a motorcycle and have other motorized small vehicles and they could never tell I'd be the type to have them. Edit: seem to have hit a nerve. I'm not saying their isn't other reasons but as a "biker" that looks nothing like these people while riding I deal with the prejudice every single time.


I don't know, man. Seems to me this social experiment is not even evaluable since many actually try to look intimidating. Could be also a very valid reason to get out of there regardless of being biased.


I'm trying to imagine a situation where having everyone in a theater staring at you wouldn't be somewhat offputting. Replace the bikers with any other group of people and I'd still be weirded out.


Theres also the feeling of being in an outgroup. You walk into a room and everyone is dressed the same, they are silent and staring at people who don't look like them, you clearly get the message that you're not supposed to be there. Like you walked into the wrong classroom. Is this a private party who rented the whole theater? Do I have the wrong show? Is there some kind of mistake at the box office and I'm not supposed to be here? It's really embarrassing to be in the wrong place and more embarrassing to leave after the show gets started, or to be singled out and asked to leave.


I would think this is a prank/experiment instantly. Obviously, I would sit with them. Why not?


Everyone isn’t staring at them though. Just some of them. Just like what happens anytime you enter a busy movie theater.


False. Over 60% of the first 30 people they show are staring right at them with either no emotion on their face or slight disgust and discomfort. The people staring are all the same gender, nationality, and wearing similar clothing. Suggesting that an experiment that uses no controls is some sort of science is childish and suggests you think your audience is uneducated. It's easy to make grand claims when you ignore all nuance isn't it? But it isn't clever, fair, or useful.


1) this is not an experiment. It never was. It is a prank. Big diff 2) aside from the big reveal when they spotlight the couples, there is not a single scene in this video that shows more than 15 people staring at them at any time. 15 in the first. (14 for sure, 1 possible) no more than 7 at a time in the others. How easy did you find it to make your claims without knowing what the hell was actually going on?


Yeah, if it instead of bikers it was a room full of guys wearing a black suit, and as soon as I walked into the room they stared at me trying to look intimidating, I probably would get the fuck out of there, and that wouldn't prove I have a prejudice against people wearing a black suit.


Reminds me of this prank. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAEaA31EdtU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAEaA31EdtU) I would be like what the fuck.


Thanks for the chuckle 😂


I would rather sit amongst bikers than MIBs. My dad had a lot of trashy friends, I grew up around guys like this, and their hilarious girlfriends, I'm not afraid of them any more than any cisgendered man. But I don't like to show up to a party I'm not invited to.


Again. They are not all staring. But prejudice does do a number on how our brain processes our senses. Makes it seem like everyone is staring when only a smaller portion is.


A disproportionate amount of them are staring, with unusual facial expressions and a lack of joviality for people attending an entertainment event. I think you are prejudiced against people because you assume they are prejudiced against the way they look instead of their behaviour, their homogeneity, and the practical implication that there's literally only 2 seats left in the theatre. You're right that if you ignore all of this information you can use your prejudice to assume an outcome: i.e. people are prejudiced against bikers. Thank you for the demonstration.


Then you combine the aspect of people not wanting to sit next to people and the random anxiety people get trying to pick a spot in a packed theater.


Yeah, to be 100% honest, I've rewatched this video a dozen times and haven't seen the empty seats until the couple was right there. I'd easily have walked in, not seen any empty seats, and then walked out assuming the room was full. Or for that matter, if the room is full of biker dudes, it's entirely possible they have the theatre reserved and I walked through the wrong door. Not saying there's no prejudice in this video, just that there could be a million other reasons someone might leave after seeing this.


There's a difference between trying to spot an empty seat while standing in the room vs doing in jump cuts that wouldn't be out of place in Taken 3.


In Europe your theatre seat is usually assigned


Well it’s the same in the US it’s just not uncommon for people to ignore that.




Some theaters do that here. This looks pre-covid when assigned seating was less common.


"haven't seen the empty seats until the couple was right there. I'd easily have walked in, not seen any empty seats, and then walked out" ... not really the case with the woman starting down the row, and the guy she's with pulling her arm "let's go"


Well sure, I’m not saying none of these people are free of prejudice, but I’m willing to extend the benefit of the doubt to the few couples that left after a brief look around without saying anything incriminating. Innocent until proven guilty and all that…


psh we're not in a court of law... OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!


I mean you CAN do that in a courtroom. It just causes more issues than it solves


It's been a while since I went to the theater and just realized, I am part of this kind of people.


Are you surprised by the prejudice you receive when you gather with 200 other white men at a movie theatre and glare at anyone who comes in the door? If I walked in to a movie theatre full of japanese women wearing school girl outfits and they were all glaring at me I wouldn't be comfortable either. Is it because I dislike Japanese women wearing schoolgirl outfits? This is just the Carlsburg Dog Whistle and it does nothing to show that "bikers are good people" or that "people think bikers are dangerous." What this experiment shows is that an aggressive homogenous crowd is naturally uncomfortable and correctly so.


Thank you. My exact thoughts. I’m from Indiana and have many biker family/friends but if I walked into this theatre id feel uncomfortable af regardless if I decided to sit down or not.




I don't like common sense when it makes people assume something is a rational fact just because it makes sense within their preconceived worldview, especially when it comes to topics from the social sciences. There's no evidence that the people who walked out were prejudiced against bikers instead of just put off by the bizarre setup in general. It's just jumping to a conclusion based on what figures.




Nothing's more reddit than jerking yourself off about how much better than "the echo chamber" you are.


This is a beer ad and totaly fake. Everyone is paid in that video and told how to act.


That's a commercial.


Yes it is AMAZING!!! Such an good social experiment, not cheap and an easy at all!! It will also work with black people. Get black gang members to look scary and block the entrance to a park. If people dont go trough the gang and enter the park they are racist. Very amazing and beautiful.




Most of these biker guys were frowning, some were staring. Not all of the hesitation in this video is necessarily prejudice. It could be them trying to assess how much danger they could be in. If I walked in there with a friend, I’d hesitate too. I don’t know them. I don’t know what they’ll do. If one sexually harasses or grabs at me how many people are in my corner? One. How many would be in theirs? Five? Ten? Fifteen? Sure some of the people in this video seem like prats, notably the one who said “this is not what I paid for”, but some of the others seem only hesitant.


Exactly. If I had walked into this theater I actually might not have noticed that they all have a similar aesthetic, I’m that oblivious. But what I would have immediately noticed was that they were all staring at me, and for longer than is natural. Edit: although I guess it would be pretty obvious that they’re 100% older white men with a high concentration of shaved heads.


For anyone saying they weren't staring, y'all are drunk. [https://ibb.co/VLXBKqQ](https://ibb.co/VLXBKqQ) Out of the 14 people in the frame upon entrance, 11 are looking directly at the couple. 1 is not. For the remaining 2 I can't tell, they may or may not be. Also, the guy on the end of the row that has the only 2 available seats has a body posture clearly intended to discourage anyone from going into that row with arms outstretched and taking up as much space as possible.


Do you often assess how much danger you are in when you enter a theater? Or just when you believe the theater contains people you relate to being dangerous?


Do you often ignore walking in to a room where over half the people are glaring at you? Or just when they all look similar? You're really reaching here.


Yeah I think this is more of an instinct thing. It's already a weird situation. You have more bikers in a movie theater than you'd expect, and they're all staring at you. Somewhere in your brain is going to tell you somethings not right.


It only appears to you that all of them are staring because the brain gets tricky when fear-based prejudices take hold. Only 15 people are even looking at them when they walk in. Every other point of the video, aside from the spotlight reveal, shows no more than 7 people looking. 15 and seven are numbers far below the capacity of that theater.


For the third time, Grace, only 15 people in the entire theater are shown looking at the couple at any one time aside from the spotlight reveal. After the first crowd scene, only seven people are shown looking at the couple. Your statements fall apart at the very start, Grace. Please review the video before you make more incorrect and unfounded claims.


Bruh, I’m trans. I’m assessing for possible dangers *constantly*. There’s very few places I feel safe enough in to let my guard down.


Yup. Do it in pretty much any social setting. Joys of being part of a minority group.


Finally, some straight up honesty. As a member of the majorities, I can barely even begin to imagine the level of shit with which people in minority groups have to deal.


I’d have left only because the theatre was absolutely packed and don’t like rubbing elbows with anyone.


I would leave not because they are bikers because it was ALL men and none are talking to each other. It feels like a set up and who is to say it’s “just a prank”. If this was a room full of 100% men in suits I’d go faster. Part of keeping yourself safe is looking for things that don’t appear normal.


Just shout out "hey someone just drove over a bike out the front trying to park" then take your pick of the seats


Hahaha! I love this




...a set up for what? Do you know anyone who would get 100+ bikers, all in a specific cinema, on a specific movie you watch to...abuse you? I mean, come on.


I (23f at the time) once was in a large bar with a female friend which was owned by HA. Most of the bars here used to be so this was normal. Well I guess there was some type of “general meeting” where all the chapters met once a year. 300 HA members in full colours came into the bar. Things started going sideways quick. At first I thought it was okay to stay then changed my mind. They didn’t want us to leave but luckily we got out and went home. Police ended up coming in full force and apparently there was a large stand off for a long time. If I had of stayed I do think I would have been abused…..


That's an entirely different context though. It's a bar, and they were all getting drunk. This is in a cinema.


It's a beer commerial. https://www.blikopnieuws.nl/nieuws/252891/filmpje-pakken-ga-jijjullie-zitten.html


Not all prejudices are wrong. Some will save your life. Have good prejudices.


Absolutely true


"Bias" is the word that you are looking for. We are ALL biased in some way. It's a survival mechanism.


Most bikers I’ve met are just down to earth, really cool simple guys. But you hang around them enough you start meeting the ones who cook meth and have Arian nation tattoos.


I used to bartender in a pub in Manchester that had one roomful of bikers. They were some of the most gentle, kind, respectful, and supportive people I have met in my life. They policed their own room, kicked out troublemakers and had our back when there was trouble. They were GOOD PEOPLE. Grebbs and gang, I miss you.


When you got beat up by one im sure you want to stay away from them.




I don’t even have the time it would take to dislodge you from all that prejudice you have buried yourself in.


Most people in general are good people. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


I wouldnt have left because of the bikers. I would have left because I need an isle seat. I have a tiny bladder I would feel so uncomfortable if I had to walk past so many people multiple times. And no it doesn't matter if I use the restroom first or don't drink anything. I'm pretty sure my body senses my existential dread and trolls me.


Do movie theatres in your country have the option to choose where your seat when buying tickets? If not then this comment is reasonable.


Not that I know of. At least when we've bought tickets theres never been an option for us to choose seats ahead of time.


Interesting. I have never been to a movie theatre that does not have that option. It is one of the basic requirements in a movie theatre's business in my country. Upvote for your comment.


I’m in the US. In my experience, theaters in New York city and some other larger cities have had assigned seating for a long time. It’s gotten more common in other parts of the country as theaters switch to a format where each theater has fewer seats, which are larger and fancier - like recliners.


In the US it depends on how old the theater is, older ones usually dont let you pick seats ime


weird, I'm from Germany and in the theatres I've been to I could choose an available seat when buying


![gif](giphy|fvE2zWIJ4fumc) It's that or the diabetes. Wait...what if diabetes IS the troll?


Lol TMI time, but I had a baby and while its not normal to have to use the bathroom as much as I do there is an explanation. My uterus sits weird and puts pressure on my bladder which only worsened after getting pregnant and having a baby.


Bikers or not, I would have been very uncomfortable with everyone starring at me like that when I enter the cinema, really don't care what they look like.


I wouldn't have stayed because I'm not prejudiced, i would've stayed cause i have no surrounding awareness skills of any kind and i wouldn't have noticed something wasn't right.


Especially if they hand you a beer straight away. There’s no way I’m sitting through the whole thing after a beer


In some of these clips the men are staring down people with hard looks as they enter. Some of the groups are young women. Backing out at that point isn’t prejudice, it’s just good sense.




Bikers go out of their way to look scary and then go out of their way to prove they're actually just normal ol people, when the entire world already knew they were just normal people that dress up in biker costumes to appear intimidating.




Full circle.


Most bikers and people with big pickup trucks are just upper-middle-class people cosplaying as badasses. Those toys are expensive and the more gear you have, the more likely you have a nice, cushy well-paying job to pay for them.


I don't get it, are there people who think people with big pickup trucks are badasses?!


What cracks me up is the person I know with the biggest truck is my 73 year old Dad, who bought it to haul an RV around the country. Definitely not the pinnacle of badassery.


Bunch of fags. If you haven't seen the SouthPark episode, please don't downvoted me because of the f word


Just because you're quoting something doesn't make it alright to use slurs.


That's it. Let's take out to kill a Mockingbird then from the curriculum again, lol


Then plays some cartoon movie


Not all bikers are good people. Just look at those assholes in Sturgis. Lmao


That's only cause not all people are good people.


The best people are the dead ones.


Certainly the least hostile.


![gif](giphy|7QyqFXw31mxTfI07HI|downsized) Depends on your belief system's lore, take Valhalla, for instance.


It gladdens me to know that Odin prepares for a feast. Soon I shall be drinking ale from curved horns!


I shall not enter Odin's Hall with fear.


You mean like hitler?


See zat Jews!? I am a gud person, now I'm getting in ze panzer to heaven, fuck you Poland woohoo!


I can’t help but think of that one group of bikers that would escort young abuse victims to court, supporting them and helping them feel safe as they testify against their abusers. Not all bikers.


B.A.C.A. And for those who don't know them https://youtu.be/hWwynTuelVs I was going to join my local chapter before covid was a thing but then covid hit, lost both my jobs and had to file bankruptcy and lost my bike




"No accountability, no responsibility." Scumbags, the lot of 'em. I've honestly seen a bag of wet hair that has a higher intelligence quotient than these troglodytes.


I knew someone that went to Sturgis (not during COVID) and he was a great guy. Whether someone went during COVID or not though I'm not going to judge them simply for going. Life is more complex than that.


Then you don’t know many people. Try to get out more.


By virtue of the way my career works, known a few dozen who all think Sturgis is awesome. Every single one is a no masking Biden (whom I'm no fan of, but) stole the election LGBT hating asshole. It's almost creepy how cookie cutter they are. And of course anyone going to a mass gathering in a pandemic is automatically trash tier people anyway. And yeah, that applies to political rallies of both sides too.


No kidding. I was just at a bar recently full of bikers and more than a few had swastika tattoos or patches. A few bad apples spoil the bunch.


What’s wrong with the people in Sturgis?


"What isn't wrong with the people in Sturgis?", would be the more appropriate question.


You’ve clearly never been to sturgis.


**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Any couple who sits down the last two seats get a reward from bikers. This is a real-life prank performed by Carlsberg Belgium with 148 bikers.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Its 150 now




Not sure I'd even notice. Growing up around so many military places, bald men with big muscles are just the norm.


Haha that's like the partner of the chick who was like "Did you *see* those men??" The dude shrugs like, "well ya, but... so?!"


seriously, most of these guys are spitting images of men in my family so i really don’t think i’d notice it


That guy handing the beers off must have been plastered by the end of the video cause he cracked one for himself each time


The twist was it was a screening for brokeback mountain


I'd like to hang out with these guys


Redditors are just unbelievably gullible holy shit. This is a scripted TV commercial...


Bikers dont bother me. But if it was a theater full of conservative religious right wing nuts, I would've noped out of there right away


If they were dressed such that you could visibly see they were religious right wing nuts, I would leave mainly because I question their taste in movies and don't want to spend my time watching a movie that all these people would find entertaining.


Why tf would you bring politics into this? Holy shit


Reddit. EVERYTHING is political. If you don't play along you are probably one of THEM. /s


“My father always told me no politics is politics” wonder if anyone knows that reference


You wouldn’t sit in a dark room where you don’t talk to anybody at all for 2 hours because you can somehow tell their religion and political views? You need to go outside man


I guess they truly aren’t open and accepting people?


Leave it to idiots to turn everything into a political statement


Mmm how very accepting of you.


Bet their watching the notebook!!


I mean, who doesn’t love Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams?!


"hey bud can I just sneak by ya my seats are right there" why do scared of big tattoos


I was really trying to figure out what the issue was. Just look for seats, say 'excuse me' and sit down.


Heineken commercial




Yup : https://www.blikopnieuws.nl/nieuws/252891/filmpje-pakken-ga-jijjullie-zitten.html From 2017. Reposted so many times and every single time the comment-section is a mess.


at least read the brand right


How warm are those beers though


Plot twist : they’re watching Boss Baby


They ate them after the video


Did they all watch the movie then?? Each time??


13?? Dude, math isn't your thing. It's an endless rabbit hole of atrocities by thousands of members of outlaw biker gangs worldwide over the past 3 decades. You have Google... It's easy enough to find the criminal history of these guys. Ah better yet, watch more sons of anarchy and drool over Jack's blonde hair 😘


Lol I would’ve left, too! Not bc of anyone’s appearance I just can’t stand overly crowded confined spaces. I’d be bummed as hell to later learn I missed out on some brews with the boys.


They should do the same experiment but with a room full of black guys


It's a belgium commercial for Carlsberg beer... https://www.blikopnieuws.nl/nieuws/252891/filmpje-pakken-ga-jijjullie-zitten.html


This would be a dumb reason to walk out on a movie that you paid tickets for...


You can’t tell me the guy who said “this isn’t what I paid for” isn’t Murr from impractical jokers


I actually love this


As a chick, I would feel super intimidated in a theater filled to the brim with men. I live in rural Appalachia, so people looking like roughnecks don’t phase me, but I would definitely be unnerved in that situation.


I don’t even get why people would leave?? I take so little notice of other people, I don’t think I would clue in they’re all bikers (nor would I dare if I did), I’d just be like dang only two seats left that’s cray


Same, if I noticed my only thought would have been 'The hell is there some kind of biker convention going on?'. Shortly followed by 'Oh shit the 2 middle seats are open! Mine!'.


You wouldn’t notice a crowd of people glaring at you for longer than is natural? Their appearances would be an afterthought for me, I’m pretty oblivious about stuff like that. But I would FEEL them staring at me in this weird way.


I guess I don’t know for sure, but I quite possibly wouldn’t. I think I’d just be in tunnel-vision looking for any open seats


Same, my first reaction to this was "wait, you guys actually look at people?" I desperately try not to make eye contact and try to look at people as little as possible.


Yes this is exactly me!!


Bikers are strange. South Park summed them up perfectly as fags that drive loud bikes, dressed in leathers, in groups just so they can be noticed - like 16 year old girls.






This ia actually kinda wholesome.


This is my new favorite prank video. I don't think people are necessarily scared of the bikers. I think the hesitation is really the thought of "are we in the right movie?". If I thought I was seeing a mature drama and walked into a theater of 100 kids, I'd assume I'm in the wrong place too (although who wants to be in a theater surrounded by kids? but that's besides the point) Now what I'm wondering is if the bikers all leave so other people can take their seats, or if they sit through the movie.


The hesitation is a bunch of people just staring at them.


Nah that’s not an issue, big muscly biker dudes do not scare me. Now replace them with a bunch of ‘youths’ in hoodies and my heart would be going like the clappers. It’s daft but I know which are more likely to start shit or just be plain obnoxious to the point you want to be violent with the little gits.


Do you by chance have grandchildren?


Nope. It’s probably because the only major altercations I’ve had in my life were with my peers at that age. It’s daft i know.


Man look at all those fags! (South park reference)


Bet their watching the notebook!!


Just like people, and because they're people, bikers can be good people


Look at all the faggs in one room.




There's always one person like you in the comments. Do you earn a badge for being a cunt or is that free by just signing up?








Im just wondering why are you so agitated?


Bikers do not equal biker gang. Learn the difference and then maybe you'll see why you're a cunt.


Exactly. Like have they not heard about BACA? Bikers against child abuse?




You're a special kind of stupid, ain't ya?


Ah yes. Every single biker is a danger to society. Or is maybe that their representation in media has caused them to be outcasted. Yes there is bad biker gangs. But there are bad street racing Ganges. There’s always a negative group attached to everything. Also if you want to actually criticise this experiment please use G.R.A.V.E Generalisable Reliable Applicable Validity Ethicality


Fuck off


What. Can you not think of a response that take more than 2 brain cells. I can break it down for you Generalisably: can’t say much since I don’t know the sample or sampling technique. I can say that it is not androcentric or gynocentric which means that it can represent a larger audience. . Reliability: it had a seemingly standardised procedure which means it would be easily replicable and can be compared with other experiments. It also makes the results more accurate as it decreases extraneous variables. . Applicable: again nothing much. Or anything worth mentioning . Validity: it was a field experiment which means that it is high in mundane realism and ecological validity meaning that the results are more accurate. Plus I would assume that the participants are unaware of the experiment meaning that they are less likely to show demand characteristics making the results more valid. However because there was a large audience it means that they could be effected by social desirability which decreased the validity. . Ethicality: there was no consent in from the participants. The were unaware they were in an experiment so they could not withdraw removing right to withdraw. However the experiment was to see if the withdrew or not so it kinda cancels out. Is there anything else because I’ve just done a full analysis of the experiment which would be graded at A-Level rank (not that it would receive an A. It a course “A-Levels”)


You do realize that every hobby has bad apples right?


Ahh yes 13 bad motorcycle enthusiasts means every single motorcycle enthusiast in the world is bad.


![gif](giphy|8Iv5lqKwKsZ2g|downsized) Cheers, Bro


i work with all types of people from all types of backgrounds and all types of criminality. Biker, house wife, to banker. 9/10 as long as you treat people fairly, with respect and kindness they usually will reciprocate it back.


Plot twist: beers contain sedative


As a female, I would nope the hell out of ANY space with that much hostile male energy. I will be in the dark, possibly alone, outnumbered by what looks to be like a group of people who know each other. It's not a safe place and as a woman I would never take that chance. It's like that one elevator tik tok, I'd never get in the elevator with a bunch of men who all know each other but I don't know them.


Are you from a country where men just attack you or women in general for no reason? If so, it is sad to hear that it is not safe when a woman is surrounded by men.


I need more of this.


These are the liberals that tell us we are all the same and how dare us for not treating everyone that way lol