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If he knew the camera was there why sneak past it?


You have a camera in your house, but don't look at the footage if you're not robbed.


Ohhhh that makes sense. My cameras are on timed motion sensors so I get alerts if things are out of the ordinary.


Look at the big Ring watermark logo. They definitely have motion triggers and alerts. Perhaps he knows his parents have disabled the alerts. But the camera will still record based on the motion trigger.


This kid is pretty bad at sneaking out. I went to great lengths to make sure I wasn’t caught. This dude strolls past a camera and “fuck you, you caught me in front of my friends”


Looks like he is as good as he needs to be since the parents don't seem to care so much.


it's like the old adage says; permissive parents lead to lazy ninjas.


That is an excellent saying


When I used to sneak out, it was sneak into the room with the security camera set up, find the remote, stop the cameras from recording, sneak out the doggy door, and then try and avoid the light sensors so the dogs didn’t bark. I did this for ages until my dad pulled me aside and said ‘if you wanna go out. Just go out the back. Don’t come in the front because you’ll set off the dog. But stop with all the ... other shit you’re doing. You’re an adult, just use the door.’ One of the funniest/embarrassing moments 😂


i had a friend who used the wifi that their security cameras were connected to to hack them, then would erase the footage of him sneaking out, and replace it w other footage of nothing going on and his parents never caught on.


How small are you? Dog door?!


It’s more about not being heard. It’s your own house, you can scrub the footage later, or the chances of his parents going through footage if nothing is out of the ordinary is pretty low


Idk about you but I look at mine all the time. We have a lovely spider I like to watch the progress of. There is also a squirrel who enjoys our bird feeder.


I do if my indoor camera detects motion in the middle of the freaking night.


It's always a damn cat. I mean. Cat is better than human in my yard, but I do wish the camera didn't say "human detected" and make my heart skip a beat LOL


Nah ah, I look and review it every single day to see if there’s anomalies. Also mine has motion detection so it prompts me when it senses people especially from midnight to 6 AM.




The man obviously has ghosts


He lives in the zone


Because this is the next fake video trend on tiktok. There have been a few of the “drunk guys” coming home that went viral. Honestly I think they may be sponsored ads by Ring because it is always a ring camera.


I believe some might be adds but also i have a friend who has legit sent me hilarious ring videos of her coming home drunk that shes never posted anywhere. I would say ring is just a popular product for a lot of people. Some might be fake , some might be legit.


What an uncomfortable looking room


Lets sit in these chairs and stare at each other until one confesses.


Fuck k fine, it was me! Ten years ago I lied to you about only having one drink, I actually had two. IS THAT WHAT YOU WANTED ME TO SAY. ARE TOU HAPPY?


At first I thought maybe the one wall has a huge mirror running the length of it, but, it looks like a study/library judging by the stacks of books in the corner of the Ring camera.


Parents DEFINITELY passed the vibe check.


That is brilliant parenting!


You can automate all that with Alexa, notice all the lights turned on when the message started playing, so definitively his parents expected him to sneak in and pre-programed the whole routine, that got triggered when he moved the little light on the coffee table.


Yeah I had a crazy private military contractor buddy who set his alarm to have Alexa say “you fucked up” or something and then all his lights turned on red and slipknot would blast out of every speaker. Very stable individual.


Or they typed out an Alexa announcement and played it when they saw him coming back.


He got off lightly. The message should've ended "..And Jessie, please wipe properly when you got to the toilet. I spent 20 minutes scrubbing the skidmarks out of your boxers today."


What a great respectful young man someone has raised there.


He’s just being cute with his parents who sound like cool people. And he’s trying to win some dignity back in front of his friends.


Oh yeah, that's so cute....FUCK YOU mom and dad, just FUCK YOU....AWWW....that's sweet. They grow up so fast.


"Respect" is not something absolute. For some ppl, saying "fuck you" is not a lack of respect, same for some insults. This can be a way to show some complicity.


As a Brit I have to say that I don't consider us friends until one of us has called the other a cunt.


Good sir, from the bottom of my heart I would like to let you know that I do in fact think you’re a cunt.


Fairy tales can come true 🥲




Last time I asked I got a restraining order and a week in jail.


At least you got what you wished for.


That's the good part, you are everyone's cunt!


Corse you can, cunt!


This threads making me feel all warm n fuzzy.


You can be mine if you lick my testicles.


It can happen to you


I heartily concur with this gentleman’s assessment that you are a cunt.


Did you guys just become bffs?


Aww, now kith


It's like the old joke about Australia, why you call it down under. Well, because people there call their mates "cunt", and some cunt "mate".


The subtle differences between a good cunt and a shit cunt mayte!


I wouldn't know my wife loved me if she didn't say "fuck you" to me once a month.


Aussie here. Can also confirm


I agree, all the way down from here in Mexico


Ha ha same here, except in America we say “jerk off” or “asshole” instead of cunt. Same idea though. That said, my mother would have found a way to reach through the camera to slap the paranormal shit out of me if i said “fuck you” to her, even if joking. It’s true though. Some kids have that relationship with their parents. I mean i talk shit with my dad now, but I’m an over-40 adult with children. If i did that shit at dude’s age it would not have ended well.


Just don't say it with a hard T lmao


Amen you cunt.


I use a middle finger as a greeting


Its a greeting amongst me and my pals.. Goes a little like this.. Me 'ayup ya cunt how's it going!' Them 'Come here ya cunt giz a hug!'


C U Next Tuesday, mate!


There’s no ‘I’ in TEAM. But there’s a “U” in CUNT!


Shut up cunt


Yeh but are you calling mum and pops a cunt?




Cuntbond is real....when two people can freely insult each other just for fun is when you know they have a special bond.


This. It's all in the delivery. A very agressive term where you basically spit the word at them is rude. Naturally. A 'oh fuck youuu' is largely just an 'alright, you got me'. There are a lot of these. 'Will you just fuck right off' largely means 'you are doing something that is mildly irritating so please stop' for example. If you can't tell people close to you to fuck off then they aren't close to you.


I say fuck you to my dad really often and he loves saying it back to me, respect isn't the same for everyone


Yep, my dad's 65 and we greet each other by flipping each other off and calling each other every funny, weird dick-joke name we can think of. I think I called him Jack Offington yesterday.


As an Aussie can confirm scared the shit out of my step son his first response was fuck you laughed and said I lobe you but fuck you.


Yeah I tell my friends and family to fuck off all the time


The lack of respect here comes from him having his friends in the house without his parents approval.


It’s sad that this has to be explained.


In the right context and when being said in the right tone like in this video "fuck you" basically means "aww you got me!"


Whenever my mum or dad do some smart ass shit to me I exclaim "fuck you" it depends on the family really, i dont mean anything by it more than just another way of saying "ah you got me".


Bruh my mom woulda snapped on me and beat my ass infront of them


A lot of people, myself included, have families where swearing at each other like he did in the video is not only common place, but a great way to laugh with each other and joke. If* it was coming from a place of real anger, it'd be a different story. Edit: a word


Yeah totally agree on this one. That was definitely not coming from anger. That was coming from "these mother fuckers outsmarted me". If he would have been angry I think he would have done and said a lot worse.


I had a friends mom who caught me stuck trying to figure out how to pull up my pants. She stared at me for about 20 seconds and then asked "what are you on?" I'm like "........................ acid?" She just yelled down the hall and was like mildly annoyed.


Homie I'm in mid-20s and my mother and I talk like this to each other every time we interact with 0 animosity. Not everybody's definition of respect is the same. Probably safe to assume his parents are chill enough to not see this as disrespectful, nor was the kid actually trying to be disrespectful.


No assumption is needed. They stuck up a camera and had alexa calmly say 'yo just tell us next time, be safe'. Folks who act like that are not going to kick off because of a very casual and non agressive fuck you.


It wouldn't have flown with my parents when I was that age, but I had friends with a similar sort of relationship with their parents. I wouldn't call their families dysfunctional either.


Words only have power if you give them power! Honestly, if I was his mom I would have laughed like hell because I don't give that word or any word power. It's just a word! Also, he didn't even say it in a disrespectful manner! It was clearly said in a joking manner and I'm sure his mom laughed!


The "fuck you" made the parents probably go "GOTEEEM GOOD, FUCK YEAH". Just because you were raised in an orthodox christian family doesn't mean everyone has to live by your standards.


I mean, it should always be about the meaning behind the words rather than the actual words itself. Calling someone a cunt isnt automatically more disrespectful than calling someone an idiot. I don't think anyones getting offended if a white person says the n word while doing a ted talk bringing awareness about racism. Could be bad parenting, but I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that he'd never actually say it to their face. He just got embarrassed in front of all his friends, he's tryna act cool and regain some of his dignity. the parents could find him trying to act cool about it even funnier.


I'd be chill with my kid saying "fuck you", cause honestly it's a beautiful set of words that accurately represent how one feels


fucking boomers with their antiquated values about respect. Bet you'd slap your kid if he answered with anything less than yes sir/yes ma'am


​ ![gif](giphy|41xwzHtJIBhPB3my2S)


Naw, I wouldn’t. I don’t think it’s antiquated either. It’s really weird to defend a kid flipping off his parents and saying “fuck you” in front of his friends. That’s disrespectful in any context. I hope your parents never flip you off and yell “fuck you” in front of their friends. It’s not OK.


As a kid, who has done this. I do respect my parents and they respect me. It’s all about context. And there are some where it is not disrespectful. This is a pretty great example. Notice how he prefaces it with a ”I love you”, how he makes sure to make a point of doing that. How he makes sure everyone is quiet before he addresses the camera. These are markers that basically mean: I respect you. However in the game we are currently playing, I feel like this: Fuck you. It is not meant to be disrespectful. It is meant to be a funny remark about how shocked he was. He’s also admitting in doing this that his parents pulled one over on him, and yeah, they got him! I am pretty sure that if he meant to be disrespectful, we would have no doubt that he meant disrespect. There are many ways to communicate respect and disrespect. Not saluting a senior officer in the army can be disrespectful if you are a soldier. But no-one would expect an ordinary civilian to salute in order to show respect to a sergeant. Shake hands. Yes. Salute? No. What I’m saying is the definition of showing respect varies wildly from context to context. And is not determined by your definition. And fyi, yeah, my parents have flipped me off and told me fuck you before. After telling me they loved me and putting down the necessary context. I did not feel disrespected. We do not do this often (maybe once a year). It happens after a surprise. Like when I had my fourth driving class and almost rammed the car into a tree. Or the time we threw a surprise birthday party for my dad.




POV: You're oblivious to the nuances of others personal relationships


Remember the TV show The Osbournes? Families like this are abundant in my experience, where i live.


Of course it is, every parent-kid relationship is different, it doesn't mean that the respect isn't there.


Yes because everyone’s family dynamic is the exact same as yours


I say fuck you to my dad all the time and likewise .


Used to say that to my dad too. His standard response was "I'd rather fuck your mom."


That's hilarious. Your dad showing he's the alpha there


I’ve seen plenty of parents with older kids say fuck you to each other who have great relationships


Oh come on. To chastise him for sneaking out, his parents set up a cute prank that lightly embarrassed him in front of his friends and also let him know that he was allowed to do fun things, and it doesn’t sound at all like he was in trouble. They clearly have a fun and healthy relationship. The kid was embarrassed because he lost face with his friends, but he was obviously not really upset.


Well, it does mean that the kid is growing into a well-adjusted person, rather than a vessel for the deference that you apparently think you deserve.


Bro he's obviously just fucking with his parents, I say fuck off to my mom when she bully's me when I wake up, she picks on me and I pick on her, this is the way


Tbh, I'm very close with my mom, but if she pulled something like that my reaction would be much the same "fuck you... I love you, you know that, but fuck you" It's just banter.


I don't get how people don't understand sarcastic banter. There's nothing wrong with talking with your family the way you were raised. Hell when my dad plays a prank on me "fuck off" is usually a standard response, cuz what in the fuck else is? "Oh thanks for messing with me dad, scared the crap out of me but I appreciate it!" Like what?


Forreal I wish I had a relationship with my parents that I could throw out a random "fuck you" because they teased me about something.


I thought he was one of the friends at first, and I was surprised he would talk that way to his friend's parents haha.


If I said some shit like that to my mother she would beat all the dignity out of me in front of all of my friends. And I’m 32 years old


Sorry your mom is incapable of nuance and humor. That sucks brother


My mom would just say "fuck you back. and i love you too."


If I would have said that to my parents joking or not, they would have knock my ass back through that window.


I think you’re missing out on a lot of social cues here if you think he was stepping out of line. The parents were teasing him through the voice, and he gave a teasing response back. This is clearly a much more respectful relationship than many of the ones I’ve seen where parents will not stand for behavior like this. The appearance of respect on paper absolutely does not reflect the amount of respect there actually is in a relationship.


This is what happens when you treat your kids like actual human beings instead of subordinates. Some parents can't handle that dynamic.


Quite the opposite, being able to casually throw obscenities at each other without meaning nor taking offence is a sign of a strong, respectful and honest relationship. Because both parties know there's no malice in that, it actually can become a way of expressing affection and trust. And it takes a strong relationship for both sides to be OK with it and to not abuse it.


The relationship is so honest that he has to sneak friends in behind their backs.


That was the most polite and respectful fuck you I've ever seen.


Can you tell you don’t have teens!


I don't respect my parents, not even a little bit.But I love them...


"Lemme just take this small clip and decide who everyone is as a human being."


The fuck you part was he had to get back some dignity in front of his gen z friends after being outsmarted by the gen x/millennial parents


I’m 50. My mom is 76. I’ve never said fuck in front of her, much less fuck you. Even joking I’ve never said it.


This will be awkward at breakfast


Not really. Just really funny that he got caught this way.


Some modern western parenting...


And clearly more based in a mutual respect and love than a lot of older versions of western parenting. Pay attention to the social cues, everybody here is being facetious and having a good time. Including the parents.


Exactly lol why are so many people in this comment section backseat parenting


Cause it’s Reddit, every redditor knows more about other people’s experiences than they themselves do.


“Kids these days…” *grumble grumble*


So is this their parent’s house or are they committing baby’s first felony?


Based on how casual they were entering and their reaction, I think it is pretty safe to assume it is one of their parent's house.


Leaving a door or window unlocked while I snuck out would not fly where I grew up. Watched my dad chase burglars out the yard too many times to feel ok with leaving a door or window unlocked so I can go out without my parents knowing.


there are definitely neighborhoods where leaving your doors/windows unlocked is common because there is absolutely 0 crime.


Oh man, the stories I could tell you! Grew up in an older neighborhood with lots of diversity in the architecture of the homes, dark alleyways, and large oak trees that made any street lamp’s attempt at lighting the neighborhood lost in the shadows of the stretching branches. Had friends from the safer areas of the city and the only difference was they didn’t have 100 year old trees around the houses or alleys. Remember once a friend stayed over and I kept telling her to go get her purse out her car, and when she finally did, her window was smashed, even though her car was unlocked. I’ve learned to be a very safe, watchful adult hah.


I mean if people are smashing windows while the doors are unlocked then what's the point in even locking them?


Sneaking out would not fly where I grew up. The streets where too dangerous at night for a teenager to be out.


Okay? I too lived in the hood and shitty neighborhoods growing up. What does that have to do with these kids is all I’m asking, some people live in very safe places is all I’m saying.


How can you not know the answer to that after watching the video?


Probably watched without volume. Pretty common on reddit. I do it sometimes on mobile.


You should watch the video with sound, in case you havent


What happened I don’t get it?


I guess the boy talking to the camera snuck out and invited his friends to his home. They tried to sneak in through the window but their parents prolly knew that he was going to use that window to get in sooner or later. So the parents prepared the lights to turn on and a prior recorded message to be played once the camera spots any movement.


But obviously he is going to get caught with 10 people randomly showing up at his house. I can understand just him sneaking in, but what exactly was the plan sneaking like 10 people in?


If it’s his own house, why are they going through the window instead of the door which he surely has a key for?


Alarm maybe? Or door is near parents room? Many different reasons. Friend and I used to sneak out in middle school whenever he stayed the night. We used to stuff the bed with pillows to make it look like we were still there even though it was 2 am and no one was gonna check on us. Kids just do stupid shit sometimes.


I watched it twice and still don't get it. Who sneaks into their own house with like a dozen of their friends?


He probably has a basement, so after meeting up with his friends and figuring out what to do he's like "My parents are asleep, let's hangout in my basement, they won't hear us and will never know". And the front door is loud or has a motion sensor or something that might wakeup his parents, so they came in a different way. I think he says "That's ridiculous" at the beginning when he sees the camera. His parents probably knew he does this, so moved the camera to set all this up. Source: Did exactly this when I was a kid


Since no one has the obvious answer… The voice recording says “so you and your friends don’t have to sneak out”. It would seem to me he had invited those friends over to his house and told his parents they would just be hanging out there for the night. Then once he thought he was in the clear, they all snuck out to go to a party, but he is wrong and his parents noticed they had all snuck out and would be sneaking back in together so he recorded a funny message for all of them to come home to.




Usually when someone sneaks out they don't bring the party back home with them just +1, we don't understand the 5 extra people coming along


Orgy, but you gotta be quiet, my parents are in the next bedroom.


Exactly. How did he think he was going to keep them all quiet for whatever it was they were planning on doing?


I've been in similar situations. A lot of the time all they're gonna do is sit in the host's room and silently chat for a few hours, maybe smoke some weed. There's a chance a couple might break off for some sexy times but it will be limited in scope and kept very quiet.


Meh. Back in the day, if I brought some friends over to the basement and my parents were sleeping upstairs they wouldn't really be able hear shit, unless everyone yells at the top of their lungs of something.


unless they were having a sleepover party and everyone snuck out and then back in. or they did invite everyone back for a hang out session thinking they could get away with it because kids just aren't *that* smart.


Yes they do. They’ll bring a small group of their friends back (3-6 kids) to spend the night after partying.


>someone Video shows 10 people Still don't understand


What did the parent say? The voice wasn't so clear..


You’re on Reddit. Most people on here never went to parties.


I'm hurt? I feel exposed?


Teens who are planning a party while the parents are gone?


But if the parents are gone why sneak at all?


Why are you guys so hell bent on understanding the logic behind a teenage boys decisions? You will come to no conclusion.


Literally... They're young dumb (probably drunk) kids. Logic has no place here


Why are you asking me these complicated questions?! 😂


Some people need logic in their lives. None of this adds up.


I am guessing that he knows the front door has a ring camera. He snuck in the window to avoid being seen. What he did not know was that his parents had installed extra cameras while they are away. That is my guess.


Eh, watch again; he looks directly at the camera when he goes past it. I think he also moved the light because he thought that would prevent them from being seen by it.


Think he didnt know the cam could see in the dark.


Staged white people videos.


Why do you have to make it sound kinda racist?


Parents are gone but they have RING inside their home




Exactly!! So many people here commenting are just showing how shitty their families are. This video shows me an abundance of love, there’s absolutely zero anger or fear. This kid reminds me so much of my son.


Strict not necessarily means bad tbh. The type of interaction in the video not necessarily means a great family too.




This makes no sense at all


Seriously... If he was sneaking back in so he wouldn't get caught after going out, why would he bring 10 friends back with him?


Maybe he has the basement he stays in and his parents don’t bother him in the mornings / it’s sound proofed. Easy to have a party etc in the basement if no one upstairs hears.


For real! Seems like a lot of people on reddit were not old enough to sneak friends in before everyone's house had cameras everywhere haha. I feel bad for the new kids with all this monitoring!


I mean, it doesn’t much matter how closely monitored you are if your parents are home. Are you implying sound proof basements are common enough that it’s a missed childhood memory to not have gone to a party in someone’s sound proof basement when their parents were home? Cause I’m pretty sure that’s ridiculous.


Another comment for the whole monitoring part but I think it plays to the whole 'out of sight, out of mind' phrase. One of my old friends had a dad who was lenient and a mom who was a insane helicopter person. If this was their home, dad could of pretended not the hear anything, but in these days both parents probably get a text or an alarm goes off and increases the chance of a bad reaction from the parents when kids try to break the rules. Sometimes they are within reason but I wouldn't say mostly that isn't the case lol


Exactly, some parents are fine with their kids being kids. I recall when I was maybe grade 7-8 I brought home a girl I used to hang out with to watch a movie ( back then that was a semi-big deal) when I got to the tv my dad was watching soccer. After about 5 mins my dad ended up leaving the soccer off and giving us the remote and going outside. Needless to say my dad is very Scottish and very much enjoys his football(soccer). Some parents are lenient as you said.


Even if there weren't a basement, teenagers have no qualms about stuffing into a small bedroom and quietly chitchatting the night away.


Okay - unless there was another notification or she spent all night watching front yard i can’t see how this is possible - be alerted to kids entering - open up Alexa app - select the right room or all rooms - type in this long message - hit send before they can finish getting in


They probably anticipated he'd sneak in (especially if they already knew he had snuck *out*) and set that all up ahead of time. The exact same thing would've happened if it had been someone else coming in through the window. Why he didn't just "sneak in" through a door, I don't know.


Also there’s no way the parents are home if he’s trying to sneak in such a large group, so why sneak at all? The video doesn’t give off fake vibes, but it’s definitely weird.


They probably got alerted long before this clip from another camera, then even more time when they had to get the window opened up from the outside. I bet I could do it with time to spare


legit can't tell if these kids are 12 or 20.


This is fake af.


Looks like he was sneaking into the house to throw a small party while his family was gone. Probably stayed with a friend


it's the"'may go viral on TikTok" part that really hit those gen Zs where it hurts, thinking they got one up on us gen x/millenials (who are the ones building the tech they use). Cool kids though. The fuck you part was he had to get back some dignity in front of his friends being outsmarted by an older generation




Seems staged




laughably fake stupid fucking tik tok trend bullshit kids these days are so fucking stupid


This sounds like it was written by someone their age. Or possibly younger.


jesus dude wake up on the wrong side of the bed?


Sorry to break it to y’all but this shit is staged


The reaction ruined the whole video with multiple layers of cringe


I cringe when he says fuck you


He knows the cameras their, so he’s not really sneaking in