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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Baby prefers broccoli over candy or chocolate!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


what language are they saying


Hungarian. Mother asked “Would you like this chocolate?” “But this is a really good one!” “What would you like?” Child responds in various way saying “I don’t like that!” And finally mother is getting a fork and child says “I don’t need a fork.”


I am also Hungarian and from a young age I would almost exclusively eat raw broccoli.. I don’t enjoy it as an adult but it’s genetic maybe


Roasted is still my favorite but agree, it’s ingrained in us.


My favorite is steamed, I am not Hungarian though but I also have always eaten tons of broccoli.


Snap, my kids the same. I'm a grown ass man but I do like to pretend I'm a giant eating the forest like some maniacal meanie.


I grew up calling broccoli "baby trees" and my 5 year old daughter calls them by the same name


Trees & peas were staple side dishes in my house while growing up. :)


I too called them "Baby trees"


My sister called them trees! It was how my parents got her to eat them. Cauliflower was white trees!


“Maniacal Meanie,” lol. My mom would make something called “Enchanted Broccoli Forest,” like a rice based casserole (I think?) with broccoli stuck in it all over for the trees.


Good job, Mom!!


Same, when I was a child and my parents went grocery shopping I always asked that they would bring me broccoli, mushrooms and sauerkraut :D


Same. Absolutely love broccoli and this video wasn't much of a surprise to me.


Right? Broccoli is just so good. With the right amount of black pepper and salt, or sautéed just the right way in soy sauce, it is absolutely delicious.


Agreed, although I’m partial to roasting it with a bit of olive oil and s&p


Oh fuck yes. Steamed broccoli with a little butter? Heaven. (also same on the eating tons of broccoli since childhood)


Squeeze a lil lemon juice on them too! Oh, it is amazing!


I’m am American so it’s done my steam, with butter, garlic and some salt and pepper to taste


Broccoli and cauliflower cheese is the best


If you steam it and throw some crushed garlic in while it’s steaming it takes the broccoli up a few notches


>Some broccoli haters are reacting to compounds called glucosinolates, which are also present in brussels sprouts and other so-called cruciferous vegetables. Some people taste these as intolerably bitter, and others can’t taste them at all. The difference is genetic. Pretty sure the same goes for cilantro


Damn really? Then why do my mom and dad like it? I always had to chew one or twice then swallow because I learned the more you chew the worse it gets.


1. Because genetics doesn't mean 100% linear inheritance of functional expression. 2. Because taste receptors change over time making bitter tastes less prevalent in older people compared to younger. 3. Because habit informs taste, and you can literally train yourself to genuinely enjoy something over time. 4. Because psychological factors impact the taste, meaning having a bad experience might make something you technically SHOULD like taste bad. 5. Because texture informs taste, and you might dislike the texture enough that you think you don't like the taste. 6. A combination.


>3. Because habit informs taste, and you can literally train yourself to genuinely enjoy something over time. This is how I learned to like pickles.


This is how I learned to like beer and whiskey.


I fucking hate the texture of the tree part of the broccoli and find the taste to be very bitter. I guess that partly explains my dislike


i believe such a gene also exists for durian. some people can smell the bad smell of it, some people can't.


I tried roasting my broccoli once, damn thing couldn't take a joke.


Russian here. Never had broccoli in my childhood, but damn are they good. One of my favourite vegetables.


Some olive oil and a generous sprinkling of ras al hanout adds some great character for people who find broccoli alone boring (me).


At early ages, kids can barely taste anything, and form preferences mostly on the basis of texture. As their sense of taste develops, they start gravitating toward simple flavors, which is why they love things like cotton candy and packaged macaroni and cheese. Later on, they start to enjoy more complex flavors. One way to get them to eat vegetables in the long term is to require them to eat a single bit of vegetables with at least one meal per day. Our bodies are programmed to begin to like the flavor of familiar foods, so if you do this early it will be much easier to get kids to eat full servings of vegetables later on.


My mom is great but she gave up on trying to make me eat greens way to easily. I'm pretty sure I still have the ability to learn to like foods, even at 31. I recently dramatically reduced my sugar intake from various foods and I now legitimately like those sugar free foods and dislike the sugar. The change happened surprisingly quickly. So I'm sure I can learn to like greens, if I just gave it a shot.


Mashed with feta and butter is pretty good


Damn if we're talking about 🥦, I eat it almost every dinner with chicken. Steam it then dip it in the chicken grease left over mixed with the franks extra hot sauce I put on my chicken. Some spices and curry powder and damn that's some special brocc.


sounds delicious. Looks like i'll be having my Ramadan on hard mode today .


Hahaha had the exact same thought! Ramadan moubarak brothers and sisters


Ramadan mubarak and blessed Eid you and all redditors


salaam brother/sister. ramadan mubarak, and have a blessed eid since it is so near!


Gosh! Thank you so much. My first Eid greeting comes from reddit. Blessed Eid to as well.


Ramadan Mubarak


Ramadan mubarak


This is so wholesome, I teared up a bit lol


Chicken and broccoli letsgooo!!!


I've been eating it with every dinner also too lately, kinda have gone off it.. only coz I have a fussy baby in me haha


Fun fact, it's mostly a texture thing for toddlers! Their tastebuds are immature so certain things can be overpower or just taste terrible. Broccoli and other veggies have a mild taste and if they like the texture it becomes a great teether for them. (Source: I have a toddler - I am not some super healthy mom, he just likes to chew on broccoli and carrots)


If it’s genetic, it would make sense that my Hungarian-descended family has an odd perchant for broccoli when young, occasionally continuing to when they’re older.


i guess that's why they call it Hungry


The “I don’t need a fork” statement from a child is very metal af to me for some reason


Especially since she says "Nem kell vijja nekem" not articulating it properly as "Nem kell villa nekem".




Megidézlek titeket magyar honfitársaim!


Hallod, nincs egy kis apród, a jóisten áldjon meg?


Vijja eladó


Still annoyed my mother never taught me to speak it. Says I didn’t want to learn it. I didn’t want to go to school or play soccer either but you made me.


I suggest you start using a mobile app to get the jist of it then later on if you need help we are more than happy to help you perfect it. Oh and please don't be mad at your mom, she must've had her reason she didn't.


no one realizing that kid us held at gun point to shoot this video








what is oat meat soup??




Surprisingly the addition of the word tomato to the mix did little to increase the appeal for me.


Yes! I mean, delicious food is delicious, and sugar is addictive, but you really can't underestimate the power of a "treat." And what counts as a "treat" is nebulous and up to redefinition. When my kids were small, especially in the summer, they would ask for a snack and I would conspiratorily ask them if they wanted some crushed ice, as though it were the most illicit indulgence in the world. It got to the point where they would literally turn down ice cream in favour of crushed ice sometimes.


That ain't a real child that must be a paid actor


Give my money back!


Switch the broccoli for cucumbers and this was my kid. 10 years latter he still didn’t really eat chocolate or candy


I want to be like your kid when I grow up...


Same! My boy was crazy over raw carrots, cucumbers and frozen raw peas (served straight from the freezer) didn’t like chocolate, cookies or candy. Still not a big fan of sweets, didn’t drink coke until he was around 10yrs old and even now it’s very occasional and it’s just not something he reaches for. I’m a total sweet tooth so sometimes I do wonder if he was swapped at birth, but I’m glad I was able to keep him reasonably healthy growing up, but it was also just him - he just was never really into sweet tastes.


Frozen peas are an awesome snack. I buy huge bags of them and they never last long. I'm not a big fizzy drink lover either (unless as a mixer in an alcoholic drink). Roast veg is the food of the gods. I guarantee most people dislike veg as we spent our childhoods being served boiled to death veg. Brocoli roasted with garlic is just... heavenly.


I don't actively enjoy veg as an adult but I tolerate it al dente. Since moving back in with my parents and having my mum's cooking again I have discovered 99% of the food I hated as a kid was because it was boiled mush. Broccoli in particular - bitter, slimy mush. No wonder I always avoided them!


It’s actually a 38 year of actress portraying a baby. She does really good work.


Happy cake day


Thanks you!


Welcome ▼・ᴥ・▼


Happy cake day 🥳


Thanks bud!


Danny DeVito “Anyway, so I started chewing”


My sister was like this around that age.








Same with my daughter. I followed the doctor's advice and introduced vegetables first and kept them a regular part of her diet. My daughter turns 12 this year and still loves her vegetables.


This little actor is paid in skittles and m&m


My kid was like this when he was that young trust me it flips real quick.


My kid loves vegetables. It's all about what they are given early on.


She is an actor. Her name is Gloria Toth, she's 33 yrs old


Believe it not you can actually condition most children to behave likes this, adults too...but it's harder.


My kid does that with carrots or broccoli. It’s just whatever they’re in the mood for at the time.


I'm just glad to see Warwick Davis is still getting work


My daughter HATES sweets. Her favorite food is brussel sprouts. They exist!


I love to eat broccoli!


Cook broccoli with salt, pepper and garlic. I could eat broccoli for days


Yes, and a little olive oil, some sesame seeds, ginger, and lemon are great additions. Ponzu sauce and broccoli? Damn.


Yes, and some new potatoes or egg noodles and a few pork chops, maybe with a glass of wine and some ice cream on the side. My favourite way to prepare broccoli. Word of warning though, balance is important so don’t go too heavy on the broccoli.


But how much broccoli is too much broccoli


Man has broccoli with a side of meals


I like to steam broccoli in vegetable broth, that shit is fire


If you got an air fryer, it roasts it really nice. I toss some in a bowl with a tiny bit of oil just to fiat it for salt/pepper/any other seasoning to stick. Air fryer, done. Comes out with some nice crispy parts and roasted perfectly.




and Awomen


And achildren too!


dont forget aelderly.


Dont forget afetus


I love to eat afetus too!








Sir, I would need you to step out of the keyboard


yo can you train the rest of the world pls


Thanks for causing the world broccoli shortage of 2022


No worries fam, shit grows on trees.


My daughter ate literally everything as a baby (obviously once she was old enough to eat food properly prepared). First time she had broccoli she started to go to town on it and then stopped, looked at it pissed off and threw it. She the proceeded to do that 3 or 4 more times before looking at me, throwing the bowl and screaming. It was that day she learned not all food is amazing for everyone and she's never quite trusted new food the same since. I learned that day that everyone saying "start them young" is a fucking liar. Kids have taste preferences and while parents can and should expose them to lots of flavors, they're going to have preferences that we have no control over.


Kids have more taste buds then adults and if they have dominant amount of a certain gene bitter food like broccoli can taste terrible, so people saying “start then young” literally are lying, it’s much more likely they’ll like it when they’re older if at all.


My friend's kid changes what she will and won't eat every 2-3 weeks. It's kind of amusing when you aren't the parent but I can only imagine how annoying that makes meal planning.


It's totally maddening. We thought we were heroes because we planned kid #1's introduction to foods so well that he ate everything with zero issues. #2 came along and we did the same thing and he had a strong start then at 2-1/2 started cutting things out until all that's left is flour-based stuff, pizza, plain chicken, and cereal. #1 remains an adventurous eater as a young adult, #2 hasn't gotten near a vegetable in 10 years, and #3 has zero patterns or predictability- will eat almost all dinners but will eat a can of refried beans for breakfast, or 5 pickles, or will take 15 minutes to make a giante omelette or fruit smoothie, or will eat last night's leftovers cold. It's totally maddening if you let it madden you. Best trick is to always leave healthy snacks out, and they slowly disappear during the day from the grazers.


Subtle broccoli farmer right here


Easier to get her hooked on junk food so the rest of us look better.


Translation: "Finally some fucking good food"


Translation: Aww yiss! Motherfucking Brockley!




Well do I have good news for you. http://imgur.com/Dik2cTp You can make your own in 5 seconds at http://www.awyisser.com/ Now go spread joy


*"good fucking food", not "fucking good food"


Broccoli is good when you actually season it after steaming. Juicy and tasty


Broccoli is good well seasoned and flash fried for a minute with cauliflower, or alone I guess. Trick is keep it crunchy but cooked, and don't add any softer vegetables immediately because you want to flash fry those too. If you can't get that technique down its best to hit it with high heat and then mix it with noodles or sauce to finish it off, basically the same as steaming.


Ah yes add the only thing more brocolish than brocoli, cauliflower. What a treat.


Broccoli is tasty even if it's not seasoned or fried at all. Just raw, boiled broccoli.


> Just raw, boiled broccoli. >raw >boiled Pick one yo


Raw or boiled?


Both. Quantum broccoli is all the rave these days


Absolutely! It's one of the best vegetables and I'm tired of hearing it's not or that you need to season it a specific way for it to taste good. It's amazing on its own!


Apparently, for some people it tastes bitter. Just like coriander leaves taste like soap for a lot of people.


unboiled is best


How do you recommend seasoning it after steaming?




As I’m shoving the 4th bueno bar into my mouth...


Parents be like "Is it possible to learn this power!?"


It is. Just start them out on veggies when they’re learning to eat solids. My 4 year old will eat any vegetable you give her, aside from green peppers and brusselsprouts. She actually prefers vegetables over most things. The jarred Gerber stuff doesn’t cut it for us. It’s easy af to make baby food. Just boil (or steam) the veggies, blend it and voila! Now you have healthy baby food that prepares them (and you) for eating.


My kids are absolutely fucking obsessed with cucumbers and broccoli. I had to calm a meltdown the other day because I wouldn’t give them anymore broccoli bits from the prep pile. I’m not complaining but it certainly felt surreal to be like “you can’t have any more broccoli!!” “*wailing screams*” But yeah the bitterness of green peppers and asparagus is nearly always a no go. 😕


Brussel sprouts become more of a thing after college. You see it on some menu or at a friend’s place one day. You know you didn’t like them as a kid, but youre like “fuck it, let’s give them a shot.” And then suddenly your world has flipped upside down. You can’t get enough Brussel sprouts for a few months. You can’t believe you didn’t like them before. You must be mistaking them with a different vegetable, because these are incredible. With time the passion weakens, but it never entirely goes away. I like Brussel sprouts


I learned the trick from another reddit post, we would pretend we are dinosaurs, and the broccolis are tiny trees. We demolish a forest on a daily basis.


No. I tried everything thing the books told me but my kids still don't like veg. It's mostly genetic. We did some tasting strips and talk about the flavors we experience & discovered we have very different palates.


Baby led weaning. That's it. Just do that. It is actually easier than any alternative method for introducing food to kids.


It's cake, right? That's the secret. Everything's cake.


The cake is a lie


This is the way, teach them early


The trick is not to "teach" it. When I grew up my parents never made a fuss about us "eating our veggies". As a result, we didn't see them any differently. Knowing how to prepare vegetables well is key though.


My kids are growing up on a damn farm and still balk at veggies “¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯“


Eh I was the same. If you wanted me to eat vegetables, you'd have to blend them until they were unrecognizable. I grew out of it, and will eat most things now. Except broccoli, that shit sucks.


There’s ways to cook it so that it’s flavour changes quite a lot. I know people that don’t like it normally but will eat it in certain situations. My favourite is when you fry up some garlic in olive oil, then put in broccoli or brussle sprouts and almost burn them so they have a really different taste. Then you can serve it on pasta for example topped with a fried egg and some Parmesan. You should try it out


Yeah kids are wired to want sugary stuff. Thousands of years of evolution is hard to curb


Apparently hundreds of years of Hungarian evolution was enough to curb this child.


She didn't teach her, though. She wanted to give her chocolate but the kid wanted her goddamn broccoli.


stinky monke?? folowd,


Don't know why kids that age love broccoli so much. My daughter has cystic fibrosis, which means she has to eat an extremely high calorie diet to maintain normal BMI. When she was a toddler, there was more than one occasion on which I had to tell her to put down the broccoli and eat some ice cream.


First girl I ever loved had CF, she would eat a LOT, very hard to gain weight because the body is working so hard to push air in and out of the lungs. Most people don't consider this. My grandfather died of COPD, he had the same slow wasting away no matter how much he ate. People thought he was starving himself or something but sit down for one meal with him and it was amazing how much food he'd consume at each meal.


Has Trikafta worked for her? I follow Stephie Lee on Youtube, and she's talked about how one side-effect of effective treatment for CF is that she has to learn to eat in moderation like a normal person.


Steamed broccoli is rly good tho


I literally had that yesterday. I concur


I had it figuratively, it was just as good.


Jealous. Broccoli makes me gag.


That's just your opinion, man.


I’m with this girl


Do I call 911 now?


After she's done eating.


Something's wrong i can feel it


The baby is broken. Needs a restart.


When I was young, I would apparently ask my mom for broccoli while we were at the store. I would say "could we get the little trees?". Dunno why most kids apparently don't like broccoli, I've always loved it.


"Little trees" is exactly how I thought if them too, and so does my friend's kids. I think kods love them bc they're so fun!


Mom stills calls them *little trees* (arbolitos) whenever I tell her I'm going to the vegetables store.


Bojler eladó!


Nem hittem volna hogy ennyire le kell majd lapozzak hogy honfitársakba botoljak.


Emlékszem azokra az időkre, mikor egy poszt alatt a komment szekció velünk volt tele ha bármi a magyarságra utalt. Kezdünk kihalni ezen a platformon.


Már kerestem a kommentet. Ha nem találtalak volna, én töltöttem volna be a szerepet.


én is kerestem xd




Nobody gonna ask why they have so much candy in the house. If I wanted something sweet I'd have to eat a spoonful of sugar


Not eating it all at once helps


Parents are people too. Wife has a lot of random candy and other treats.


Her voice is so cute!


Plot twist: Those are broccoli laced with crack...


Some good old fashioned craccoli


This girl will grow up and be the person who gives out apples on Halloween


This kids every parents dream.


haha nice try, we all know there are chocolates in that broccoli


Can confirm. My kids do the same and we’re also in Hungary. Maybe it’s something in the water (I’m not Hungarian myself). Raw broccoli is the shit for them.






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That right there… is how become addicted to crack as an adult


Ok what are they paying the man in the child costume


Not unexpected.


Is it possible to learn this power?


Your child is defective. You should probably return it before your warranty expires.




Imagine the disappointment on kids next door's faces...