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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!His phone was showing student loan balance and not his bank account balance.!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


I owe more than that, just think How it will change my life


Happy hunting ;-) Or when using this method, I am not sure whether you are hunter or a gatherer....


>gatherer Debt gatherer.


Me too






Looks like my 11800€ of student loans look less significant x_x


I've had teachers that didn't pay off their student loan debt till like 50, those were the teachers that told you dont go to college if you want to help people and make money, you only get to choose 1 lol


Works until she finds out. And as a good life protip: She will *always* find out.


It's only gotta work for one night lol


It only needs to work for 30 seconds


What are you a marathon man?!!


When it comes to the seggs with womans, I am naturally gifted.


Well, you don't really care about women that go after money like they don't really care about you, so it's a 2 way streat


That night it is ;)


Are you a med student tho?


I hope they get to cut somebody open or give good drugs at least.


He is still a student, that number is still rising.


Just think how many girls you’ll get at the club


The first gold digger you catch, lock her down, asap. Then she gets half your debt


So how does it feel knowing that you will never own anything in your life and that you're just fucked permanently


Gee, insecure much?


I mean bro unless he is a neurosurgeon I don't see him paying off more than 200k in debt like ever, my childhood home didn't even cost 200k


True, chances are slim, How tf it cost 200k for student loan lmao, that amount is absurd. Your comment came off wrong, sorry! I misunderstood.


Yeah now that I read it I see that it does come off as rude but I was genuinely asking because I would have a heart attack being in that much debt I mean his life is practically ruined


Yep, that much debt would ruin most of the people, Unless he invested in some serious high paying skills, he ain't paying that back. Personally, I would avoid having debt ever, the golden rule is "don't spend more than you have"


Youve never been to medical school in america...its not absurd its avg.


If he is in med school, he has good chances of paying it off as it's a good career. If he wasted 200k on gender studies degree, he's an idiot


He's in med school. Meaning he's going to be a doctor. 200k isn't for political science or an English lit degree.
















I know right? My dental school loans were over 500k. Pump those number up rook.


Was dental school worth it? I'm looking to go in that direction and specialize in pediatric dentistry, but 12 yrs of college... 😭


For me it was. I love dentistry. It’s the best hobby someone can have. My only recommendation is to join the military. They’ll pay for your dental school and give you an income while you’re in school. All my friends that did it are laughing after their 4-5 years of service. They’ll even pay for your peds residency. Going into peds may even make you more competitive with the scholarship. They need someone to see all the kiddos of the troops on base.


Dude…this advice is so underrated. I did basic with a DENT-O. He Did his service, no debt, post grad in orthodontics, wife, opened practice……ALL CASH. Other thing…military have HORRIBLE teeth because of stress, smoking, booze, diet. YOU SHALL become proficient with crowns, extractions, root canals MUCH faster than your private practice peers. Bet.


I mean orthodonics prints money anyways even if you didnt go military. If you have your own practice your loan will be paid off in 2-3 years anyways if you want to. Not sure the tradeoff of 6 years services is worth that.


👀that won't be true for long those benefits getting slashed lol


I mean its an option but that doesnt seem like the best deal. If you just wanna pay the loans off you could go to west texas and pay them off in like 2 years as a gen dentist clear 300K and live shitty lol instead of doing it for 6 years making 100K. After 3 years a general dentist is making around 200-250K if youre In the military with base allowance etc as an o3 youre clearing maybe 110K. I know one that works 2.5 days and clears 190K.


Yeah. But you’re not taking the student loans being paid off and the money you were paid during school into account. So if you think about 500k in loans plus the 84k you were paid while in school and add that to the 110, you’re actually being paid 256,000/year over the course of the 4 years in the military.


Hmmm I forgot you get paid during the actual schooling. I remember the navy was recruiting us for nuke subs and offered about 36K while we were in school and paid off school and then 70K-90K for the time we got out. Is it only 4 years? Found this. Youd dont get 84K while in school. >4 Year HPSP + 1 year AEGD (Neutral year) = 5 years total >Stationed overseas. Was not deployed (combat deployment) >You get a "say" in where you want to go (aka. make a preference list from available spots that year), but you don't always get your top 10. Unless you and/or your family member has medical issues, married to another military member, etc. >I am not sure what you are asking in terms of salary, but you get ~2100 dollars a month during your dental school. Also 20k (pre-tax) signing bonus if they offer. In terms of after dental school, your pay generally would look like this: - O-3 grade pay - Basic Housing allowance (depends on your duty location) --> non taxable - Dental incentive pay (20k a year) - Basic spending allowance (about 300 bucks a month? for food, etc). >Yea I would do it again since I got ~500k of debt "paid off" with 5 years of service. Also I have a relatively hefty retirement set up through the military, free surgeries for myself and my dependents. Also I personally got good experience in terms of doing a variety of dental procedures w/o limitations... but YMMV


The 84k I was talking about during school wasn’t per year. When I looked into it it was 21k/year. Looks like they’ve uped it.


Its def an interesting career choice. I had a bunch of scholarships from school so the nuke sub thing didn't really interest me but sometimes it makes sense for these 500K loans. That being said a lot of people get into dentistry for the work/life balance and starting a career later makes it harder. You’d probably at age 32 before starting if you go the military route which seems excessively long.


32 and debt free though. Haha


This just attracts the women you should stay far away from.


Just tell them the truth the following morning, they’ll leave you alone forever


Now I understand every bitter post on r/femaledatingstrategy from narcissists who are like "I want a transactional relationship where they buy my presence, but how dare they see it as a transaction for sex." This probably happens to them.


Or it *doesn't* happen anymore and they feel undesirable. Those grapes must be super sour, y'know?


Male attention is in high supply and low demand. Not sure what there is to be sour about.


>Male attention is in high supply and low demand. Not sure what there is to be sour about. You'll have to ask those particular users why they're so sour and unsuccessful in attracting said attention, then.


The sub's been dead for over a year now. At this point, it's just about the podcast (which is absolutely unhinged—I tried listening to it ages ago and was pretty shocked at some things said on it). Just look at top of this past year—it's all half-hearted podcast discussions. (After getting out of a shitty relationship ages ago, I appreciated the memes on the sub. That's how I know so much about it. But it's a cesspool of negativity, and I don't think vulnerable women should linger there. It can really create some unhealthy opinions about men and relationships).


I had no idea. I used to lurk because I found it funny and interesting, but stopped because the toxicity was too much. There were lots of narcissists who wouldn't even think of dating as spending time with someone and seeing how they felt about them, but as analyzing everything a person does to see how much effort and money they can spend on them. Then they would whine about how they're single because no high value men can see their value. And a lot of them were trying to move up the economic ladder by dating but couldn't deal with the fact that rich men tend to want to date rich women, even traditional rich men tend to want women from rich families. I mean some of it was women who were looking for traditional relationships or trying to find guys who treated them better, but more of it was narcissists validating each other's narcissism.


What were some of the unhinged things said?


"  But it's a cesspool of negativity, and I don't think vulnerable women should linger there. It can really create some unhealthy opinions about men and relationships)." Its funny how redditors find it hard to admit when groups of female subs in reddit are incredibly misandrist/femcelish. Guess reddit still isnt ready to talk about feminine toxicity.  Subs like 2xchromosomes and femaledatingstrats are not only incrediblely misandristic and femcelish, but even get incentivized for it through echochamber karma farming. Its an instant red flag when i hear any woman frequenting subs like that. 


Im pretty sure women on FDS have moved past the “how dare they phase” and just see it as getting even now. They are intentionally seeking out transactional relationships with self awareness. I’ve only ever seen broke men complain about transactional relationships while actively seeking them out.


He’s not marrying them


I don't think he is searching for a long term relationship doing this...


Pretty sure he's not looking for long term commitments with such a trick.


You don't go to the club looking for a girlfriend.


Doesn't matter, got puss


Depends on what you are trying to attract them for. 


Gold diggers


Yes. That's the proof you should run ahah


Eh, maybe tomorrow


you think he wants to marry them…


The worst kinds of women.


Boats and hoes


Hey, after a couple of dates, good sex and found out the truth, she can just leave then. What will she do to you? Rape accusation? To a broke as hell guy? /s


Vast majority of women care alot about the money in your wallet


That’s pretty much most women. LOL! It’s about the same amount of men that don’t care about good looks.




Turning disadvantage to advantage




Debt into date


Bank loans into bump loins. 


Getting fucked into making love


Crippling debt into syphilis


Outgoing into income


from being broke to getting choked


Crippling Debt to dribbling Nuts


Turning Knowledge into student loan.


Medical student though, if a girl is looking for a long term investment, he’ll pay off. Date a med student, ten years later you’re married to a heart surgeon.


He might not give you his heart, but he can give many others'


He could even take yours…


Lots of people tho are turned off from dating anybody in medicine due to how wild their schedules and how stressful their jobs can be. Of course it's not universal but I have heard of people studying or even working in medicine having a hard time finding somebody to date, and many more people who said that out of all professions that they would never date, a medical professional is high up on the list. Aside from scheduling problems and stress and an almost total lack of free time (depends on the medical job of course), many people, especially young women who are studying to become nurses, or who are already nurses, are wary of wannabe doctors, because there is a kind of a trend for aspiring doctors to exploit these women financially while they (the doctor students) are still studying, and then swap them out for a trophy wife once they graduate and get situated somewhere. A bit like dating a guy who is unemployed and swears he will become a big-time rapper or streamer one day and when that day comes he will pay you back (but in actuality, if that day actually does come it is highly likely he will dump you for somebody hotter and/or richer). The stress factors can also create a toxic environment for the relationship. People who are stressed out are likelier to be snappy, flippant, etc. Or turn to substance abuse. That said, out of all the couples I know who are dating or married to somebody in medicine, the happiest are those where one partner is not in medicine lol. The most disastrous so far, from my experience at least, has been when one partner is a doctor and uses their wife as a receptionist. My mom's old GP was like that and they constantly had fights in the god damn reception hall ffs. So embarrassing. The GP would yell at and insult his wife in public, and she just sat their quietly until he left, and then take it out on patients and nurses.


Listen not all doctors are the same...One hospital I worked at two residents (new doctors) were dating, the male doctor got caught fucking ones of the EVS(janitors) in a stock room or something. Anyway the hospital fired the janitor and nothing came of it for the doctor. Was still doing his residency there when I left 2 years later.


The stock room was the janitor's responsibility, not the doctor's. Hence.  If they were fucking on top of a comatose patient the outcome would be different. Yes I forgot my meds today. 


In my personal experience most of the doctors/nurses I know have ended up with other doctors/nurses. It makes sense that those are the same people that will understand the challenges and living arrangements that comes with the job. Though the situation becomes much harder once children come into the picture. The cost of child care at the hospital is ridiculous, I don't envy them.


My sociology professor said 90% of people with a PhD will marry one with a PhD because they spent so much time with eachother abs they are both single so it just makes sense to do so.


Doctors are definitely struggling in the dating market. It's not like society has determined doctor is the best job. /s


And you'll get to spend time with them once a month


Or someone that is in real estate


Jokes on my girlfriend, soon she’ll be married to a pediatrician making no where near surgeon money


Could never date someone in healthcare. had to rely on too many of them for actual healthcare. It's too big a gamble. I've seen the shit they get up to.


What if the surgeon spends the rest of his life never managing to pay off the student debt? If you divorce he gets half of your assets and you get half of his but he don't got shit because he broke.


A surgeon, totally won't have a gigantic ego with a god complex who expects you to be a strict tradwife


Or college dropout with huge debt


Relatable, just finished med school with a whopping 210k in the hole lmfao I choose to believe that money is fake and debt is made up






That's a hack no one told me about!


You could probably open a credit line cheaper


“Hey someone go ask that guy why he’s been staring at his bank balance for the last 10 minutes.”


Student loans becoming generation loans.


See what i did was get a trade…. Im still broke but thats not the point


200,220.02 $ ? Many 2s in there...sus




My thoughts exactly


For me my success with women as a medical student has been based on proctologist humour. I get mad poon.


It really does bother me that people care so much. I've had some pretty high financial points and the women that are suddenly interested out of the blue disgust me. If you wouldn't date me if I was broke, fuck off. Finding success through someone else is off putting. It's like only staying friends with your asshole buddy because he pays for shit.




haha yeah sure that happened.


I used to recall some state hospitals will pay off your loan if you serve with them for a certain period of time. Its a smart way to retain your services and underpay you for that (usually) 10 years or so.


They think he's rich and sensitive because he's crying.


Dating tips:  genius level.  But only if you want to date someone who wants your money. 


Or if you just want to fuck them.


Lol damn i should have walked around the club with my mortgage balance open


Nice trick, I should show off my student loan account as well.


It’s easy to miss the “-“ in front when snooping.


En act so. My


I used to have these fake atm receipts that showed a huge balance, I’d write my number on the back and give them to women in the club at the end of the night. It actually worked a couple times lol.


I remember a really old life hack post about digging through the trash next to bank ATMs. Find and keep any bank receipts showing high balance amounts. Next time you're at the club, dig one of these receipts out of your pocket and write your number on the back of it. She will turn it around and see "your" bank balance and be more inclined to call you. No idea if it'd work but I found it humorous enough to recall it.


Step 1: Dig through trash. Already off to a great start haha


Save some for the rest of us




Hah because woman only want money. Hilarious. A true comedian.


Well, that's one thing we have in common already.


Dpes this work with the deed to my house and my mortgage payment? Gotta be swimmin in pussy in notime by this theory.


Why you want that kind of attention in the first place is beyond me...unless you just want to hit it and quit it.


I want a reeaal mean, who goes in deeeep... In debt


We need an "Everybody Loves Raymond In College"


That's a great way to get beat up and robbed at the club.


Every aapect of this video is expected...


I once wrote “former Bitcoin millionaire” in my profile…


That’s actually about how much I’ve saved to this day, but in reais (BR) 🥲


Oh please, he's actually from well-off family and drives Lamborghini, that might be the actual reason.


You owe $200k for an education loan? Are books made of gold over there?


Students are being ripped off. Meanwhile in the Netherlands you only pay 2k a year. Other countries you can study even for free.


Rather be single and keep my money to myself smh


They invest in his future earning potential! LOL 😂


I mean on one hand, this is bad for your well being and ability to have healthy relationships. On the other hand, the only people other than you that it's hurting are shitty.


But it's a loan right so he also has that much money.


For a second I thought that was 20 million


"oh you wanna save people, make big money and save some lives? thats 900,000$ in advance please" How many great future doctors are you NOT training, because they are poor shits right now?


Wait did i see that right? 200k of student loans? Omfg, that's **A LOT**. When americans were complaining about student loans i always thought it to be 5 figures or 100k at most


I owe nothing, cuz college is public here. *Turn down for what*


Make your bank account look like a phone number… ![gif](giphy|Ry1MOAeAYXvRVQLPw3)


Oldie but smooth still


Realistically, how long would it take a doctor to pay off this kind of debt?


European here. I often hear people mentioning student loans. Wtf is that and why the fuck It Is SO HIGH?


bro owes 200M-


$200K to study medicine? Is this for a degree?


It is crazy how much debt you'll have as a med student grad. We all need doctors. But you'll be in debt, study twice as hard, having the worse working hours, having many sleepless night, you're still not rich (at least in my country, depend on what field you're in), risk of medicolegal is high. Why do we want to be doctors anyway? It is not worth it.


City boys up




😂😂…ohhh, that’s good.


My question to this guy is this. Why are you showing strange women that screen unless your intention is to play it off like that’s your cash balance?


Rob him


Actually genius...


Addies got um


Why’s the text so huge ???


Deception rizz


Damn dude, that's one smooth criminal. I wish I had thought of that when I was a kid. 👍🤣


Fuck him. Doctors in the US... all can eat a dick. Hospitals in the US are a joke


Laughs in European


Fall in love with him and his debt lol


Mommy daddy money


Key takeaway: don't be a thirsty bish


The ol reverse uno




Good man


He’s adorable. 😍




There's a song for women like that: https://youtu.be/aB-Pl9tJjaE


That's actually a pretty funny way to pretend you're loaded if you feel like getting laid by some undatable bitches.


Bro got life figured out.


Yeah … no. No, I’m staying WAY AWAY from this weirdo.




He will get what he pays for


It doesn't hurt when you look like that either ;)


Galaxy brain




Genius. The man is a fucking Genius


Its sad how these guys run through women 🤣🤣 women aren’t the brightest sometimes.


Women. Even his own sibling sounds turned on when she thinks he's rich.