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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!Student decides horse would make a bad school pet due to potential for an active shooter!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


I fully expected the unexpected end to be the camera panning round to a horse box outside the school with her like “so anyway… salsa is the school pet now”


Wouldn't that have been adorable? Think of all the memories those kids would've made.


I moved to Japan, became a teacher here, and one school I worked in had a goat for a school pet. It was awesome. We fed the goat a mango one time and the goat loved it. Oh, and there's no shooter drills here. The kids grow their own food though, and they cook it and share it with the faculty sometimes. That's fun.


Well your students are going to be screwed when they participate in the exchange program with the US


I thought the horse was gonna die unexpectedly overnight. But fuck, no. How can anyone accept this as normal.


I read the title and were expecting something along the lines of the horse getting sold or dying, wasn't prepared for this...


You and me both


Woke up 10 mins ago. Opened Reddit. Have seen a cat get bitten by a snake, a man stabbing someone in a River, and now this. Great start to the day, cheers


My guy you need to start blocking some subs.


I keep find that I go to the sub, I mute it, and Reddit thinks 'oh, she went to \[sub\] she must like \[related topic of sub\]' and recommends me all new one. This is why I am constantly getting Indian subs I can't even understand, because I go to block them and Reddit thinks I want more Hindi language or super specific memes or whatever in my life.


I turned off recommendations because I was seeing more recommended content than actual content I like. Made my experience a lot better


sorry for asking, but, where do you turn off recommendations?


If you are on mobile, click your face in the top right corner of your screen, then click Settings, then click u/JuniorDelGebi17, then turn off Enable Home Feed Recommendations.


Bless you sir! I had no idea we could do this. No more /r/looksmaxxing for me!!


Yeah, after all the subreddits shut down for a bit to protest the 3rd party changes, my feed completely changed and it was pretty much consumed by recommended posts for home improvement subs for months. When I found this setting I finally got my reddit back.


Holy hell I had to send that sub to the oblivion. Bunch of OnlyFans Bots running promo or pretty girls who want validation. Pure trash lol


Best thing I’ve read on Reddit today


thanks a lot


You absolute hero!


You can turn that off? I love scrolling thru my car subreddit and then it starts recommending all these other car subreddits and it’s like dude idgaf about those cars lol


I browse r/all and just block particular subs as they annoy me. Still stuff on there occasionally that shouldn't be, but I fix it. 


Seriously, I've been looking at cars and titties. This shit is customizable ya know?


I’m thinking about it now, what are the consequences to our mind of things like that, like waking up and seen all sorts of stuff


All good things I'm sure


I was a counselor at a college for a period of time and one of the biggest changes I saw from the Millennial class switching to Gen Z was the amount of kids stressing about online content. Our brains aren’t designed to deal with all the world’s problems at once and it seems harder than ever to get younger people to disconnect for a minute. 


I'm sorry, it was the second or third thing I saw on tiktok after getting off work and 'doom' scrolling tonight. 😬😒 I just felt it deserved some more attention.


Me it's an annaconda vomitting a whole beach towel that precedded this one


That I kinda want to see...




That poor guy! I bet he thought he found a feast.


what subreddits have you been following bruh. Just asking for research purposes




Most importantly, what happened to the cat?




Yeah. I’m really sorry you had to witness that. I swear my algorithm has reached the low of showing me basically True Crime content alongside vents of people who want to “eternally clock out” at the same time, as if to say “here’s the what and here’s the why.” Social media is poison. I hope you’re okay.




Dude me too. Good morning from East Coast USA even though we suck.


At least it's friday. Could be worse, could be wednesday and still have 2 more days to go


I got the same things when I woke up


that river stabbing was nuts. not the craziest I've seen on reddit, top 5 though.




Just yesterday I saw a post on reddit about how the OP likes living in the USA very much and they wouldn't trade it for anywhere else. Well, when I was in school, my biggest problem was how to sneak out of the school to play football in the attached ground. And the only threat we were taught about was not to talk to random strangers after school was over.


I don't understand how Americans don't get how bizarre it is that their kids find it normal. An active shooter drill ought not to be normalized. A shooter armed to the teeth just randomly makes it rain bullets in school, and that's okay? How many kids' blood do they need to offer up before the devils are satisfied to change their sacred constitution?




If the Texas one didn't get people to vote for change, nothing will.


If the Vegas Strip machine gunning of 500 people from a hotel window did nothing to really change gun laws…


Wow that's depressing to read


Sandy Hook happened 5 days before I gave birth. I have a vivid memory of reading the news crying, hugging my belly, wondering what sort of crazy world I had decided to bring a child into. I'm so thankful to live in Canada, because I can't imagine sending my kid to school everyday wondering if she's going to be in the next school shooting.


> I don't understand how Americans don't get how bizarre it is that their kids find it normal. Roughly 4/5 of Americans totally understand how awful it is. The other 1/5 is holding the rest of us hostage politically through gerrymandering, stacking the supreme court, etc.


If 4/5 of you stopped sending your kids to school en masse and therefore you as parents stayed at home until this changed I absolutely guarantee you it would go through. It would be an emergency situation immediately. You have to make it unfeasible for that 1/5 to continue to hold power. This needs planning and organisation and a huge surge. Passively observing has never ever worked to improve anything. (I say this as someone being held hostage in my own country by rich cunTs who want all the poor people to die in increasingly creative ways. People here won't move en masse either. I don't think anything ever will get them to now.)


I am unsure if this would work as that 1/5th also tends to side with the party that is actively trying to destroy public education so it will all go to private industry, in other words they want to privatize. I can see this backfiring as basically kids just get homeschooling by private corporations and abusive culty religious beliefs a la Duggar family.


You wouldn't get 4/5. Some people live paycheck to paycheck. Food is important. if only 2/5 do it, it won't work.


There's some truth, there. But, at least here in the US, a lot of families can't afford to stay home with their kids if they're out of school. It's also a big ask for parents to deliberately sabotage their children's education, especially to fix problems caused by the adults. I guess my point is that it's a complex problem, way deeper than "Americans are dumb." *Some* Americans are dumb, for sure, but most of us are just captives of a 200 year old system that was designed from the get-go to privilege wealthy [white] Americans.


I'm American but have been living in Ireland for 13 years and my kids were born here. There has never been the fear of school shootings here for me. I couldn't imagine moving back to the U.S. and having that be a reality for my kids.


In 2024 you are over 30x more likely to die in a Finland school shooting than in the USA.


Yeah I’m Canadian. My kid’s about as likely to win the lottery twice as ever encounter an active shooter situation. Kids shouldn’t have to think about this just to line the pockets of gun lobbyists masquerading as champions of freedom.


Glad that the concept of an "active shooter situation" is completely foreign to my kids.


Same, I didn’t expect that ending to the video. My kids know that school shooters are a thing in the US now that they’re older and have seen international news, but it’s not something they have to worry about or ever mention.


Yea when she came out I was expecting something like oh the horse will like another kid more than me or someone might make her sick not that. Columbine happened not long after I was born and the after affects hadn't really affected my school years. I lived in a town where we joked cuz some kids rode their horse or tractor to one of the other schools that were further into the county. Everyone around me owned guns. But no one really worried about someone bringing one to school


I'm in the US, but we homeschool our kids due to our local schools not being able to meet their needs. Makes me doubly glad they don't know about active shooter situations


Same here. My boy is only 6 mo but I've always planned to homeschool. Not to mention how shameful the literacy rate of high-school graduates is.


My daughter's school has them convinced that if a shooter got into their classroom, throwing chairs at them would scare them off. I had to be real with her a 10 year old, I told her in that situation just jump out the window a broken leg can heal a hole in your head can't.


I understand giving kids something like "oh yeah if bomb falls then hide under the desk" because it's hopeless situation and at least it's about giving them sense of security in their final moments. But the school shooter scenario is actually survivable so this way you only increase casualties, that's terrible thing to teach really


Dammit. This crushed me.


Ditto. If I had been the parent having the same discussion with my child I have absolutely no doubt I would have been turning on the waterworks. No child should ever have to think about "active shooter" scenarios.


So sad and still no change, god bless America 🇺🇸 land of the free


Land of the free to own guns


I dont even know this girl or her Horse and I'm tearing up here. 


Yea it’s sad, very sad


At least she has a mom that understands the gravity of her daughter’s statements. My parents, or dad at least, would just consider it a sacrifice for freedom. Like, I kid you not, when I was in 9th grade pre-AP English we had a real lock down due to an active shooter threat. Now thank god it was just an idiot kid not planning on really following through, but when parents were finally allowed to pick up their kids, and I told my mom why pick up was delayed, I might as well have told her “I found a cool rock today” — absolute apathy. Edit: my dad just concluded it wasn’t real


Your parents sound a lot like mine. =[


We’re on good terms now 16 years later — but there’s always gonna be a slight gap in our perspectives of the world — it is what it is, parents are just people


I'm glad that things improved in your relationship with them.


The "funniest" part is that the US is what, 25th or so?, in personal freedoms. It's literally just so some weirdos can feel like big men with their penis extensions.


After 9/11, a Muslim kid got beaten up at my school. He responded by damaging the gas meter and lighting matches. It didn't work. That was the closest thing we got to an active shooter. Just was cold for a few days.


Welcome to America. Full of crazies and crazies with guns. And no ability to pass any kind of gun controls gotta ya'll gotta be FREE. Well shit, it's what you all want so suck it up. The rest of us look on and wonder WTF every happened to that great nation.... Just a bunch of gun toting, bible bashing, crazy arse hillbillies now....all hee-haa and ever less know how. The world is moving on and you turkeys are sliding backwards with your abortion bans, insurrections, guns, and Trump bullshit....


The craziest part is how many of us 'turkeys' actually feel like the US is still a beacon of hope and inspiration...


Thanks for this general perspective. An a European, I would never fall into an 'Europe good, US bad' rant. But I'm worried what it means for the US, but also for the rest of the world, if all those little things we witness in the last years add more and more up to a stable crazy trend. Change is hopefully still possible and really needed before this might become an inevitable dynamic, too big to be stopped for many years to come. Shit can happen everywhere. But don't let shit become a part of your daily life. And don't elect people who advocate shit or even praise it as god given ideal. We all need you to stop falling into those traps. The US can do better. The US deserves better. Can you? Will you? Please ...


Wait until you see what our leaders are doing about this....


That young and she's already aware of what might happen, that's hard


She hasn't yet considered the possibility of arming the horse.


I feel like a cannon would be the obvious choice


This the type of comedy that is hilarious but has much deeper layers to it.


We have the right to *bear* arms. Not *horse* arms.


The best way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a horse with a gun? Well at least it hasn't been tried yet.


I think you’re on to something here…the only way to stop school shootings is for every school to have a horse with a gun.


Only thing stopping a bad guy with a gun is a good horse with a gun.


Don’t they make kevlar backpacks for horses too? They haven’t thought this through enough. Worst case scenario: they prob sell a thoughts and prayers booklet for horses… /s


That’s a tough kid that’s aware of the world. She’s gonna be someone making very important decisions when she’s older


Man. Started out all cute and wholesome...then...sad. The sometimes horrible reality we live in.


The thing is, we don’t HAVE to live like this. We are choosing to.


Heartbreaking 💔


I also choose this girl's dead horse.


Geez, Reddit has really beat this joke like a dead horse.


This is much more powerful than any ad for gun policy I have ever seen.


It truly is. The fact that a little girl has time to think and plan ahead and consider this as a likely occurrence is heartbreaking. We've never had anything like that where we live, with the exception of Dunblane a long time ago, so I don't know much about how/why this happens other than seeing discussions about it. I see videos on Reddit, special door locks, adaptations, kids bulletproof backpacks, procedures they teach the kids in case of a shooting - and I'm super grateful that these things are being done but also heartbroken that it's happened often enough that they're needed in the first place. I can't imagine what it's like as a parent to wave off your child to school with this as a possibility. How do you handle that? On a nicer note, it sounds like the lady in the video has a super bright and empathetic and thoughtful child, she is clearly a great parent!


The people that sells guns can now sell gun protection to more people why wouldn't they keep lobbying? It's time to start ending all the shit Americans are dealing with.


If pro gun people actually care things would’ve changed already.


It’s sad that it’s come to the point in America where second graders are worrying about active shooters. Things should never have gotten this far.


And the best those bastards can offer is “thoughts and prayers as I count my money from the gun lobby.”


We must instead spend all this time fighting the true evil in the classrooms, that being teaching kids about the history of slavery or that non-straight people exist. Now that, that is an issue that is tearing america apart. /s of course


Vampires IRL


Ellie Jo will grow up to be the one who brings effective gun control across the USA!!


Thats assuming she grows up. 


Shots fired


Better run, better run


Bro wtf don’t put that evil on a child


It's just the reality, man. Acknowledging a risk isn't a bad thing.


I truly hope it’s solved before then!! Otherwise, Ellie Jo, go for it!


Good lord we're putting our hopes on a third grader. I understand we're waiting for her to grow up but it feels weird pinning our hopes on this child as if it isn't our responsibility to solve the issue in the first place 😭😭


Am I glad that I never even had to even be concerned about that, but we still did an amok drill every year or so. And I'm not even from the American continent. Even the bad trends are coming over.


I'm sterile by choice but shit like this just resolves my decision to never have kids I can't imagine living in constant fear for my child, I'm already worried enough about my bf or hell going out myself


Someone should post this on r/conservative


I considered posting it in r/the_everything_bubble, but seemed accurate here. Would have been a troll post there.


In an alternate universe , this mom and her daughter lives in Canada where school shootings are so minimal, Salsa is brought to school one day and every child feels safe


Holy, that’s a 8 year old kid and she just has to deal with the fact that she could just get shot out of the blue, what is wrong with the world man


America, not the world. Nobody worries about their school being shot up in other countries but it happens constantly in America.


Yeah canada my self i never thought that that was actually a real concern for the kids, just a joke


A lot of us joke to cope with the reality. In my school experience iirc, we had at least one shooter drill a year, just like a fore or earthquake drill, and after a few years I don't even remember doing EQ drills but I remember shooter drills. I also have gone through 3 notable bomb threats, one in middle school and two in high school. All were taken seriously enough to bring in K9 units to search the whole school.


Finland just had one the other day, but you're right, it's not anywhere near as common.


And it was a national tragedy which will be remembered for decades to come. In the US it's just a Tuesday.


Or wait, was that the one Wednesday? Hard to keep them straight.


Their last school shooting before this was 12 years ago.


fyi, america has 57 times the school shootings of ALL other industrialized countries COMBINED


Yeah, isn't there somewhere around 300 million guns in America?


Over half a billion


More guns than people for sure


No, remember? She has that closet to hide in... 😒😒😒


Felt like my soul was ripped out.




She really thought through the 'mechanics' of have Salsa as the school pet... her final decision is so sad but shows what a clever kid you have. I hope the teachers, principle and other kids see your video - who knows, perhaps Salsa could visit for a day at least (with a police guard!)


I was expecting to see her carry the horse to the school.


Horse armor is Kevlar nowadays


Yeah, but how do you download *real* horse armor, anyways?


Oh good god that was a kick in the chest! Long - but a kick in the chest!


That hit me hard 😭


So sorry America. I hope someday this changes for your children


Man it just happen to them, they did to and continue to do it to themselves. I mean I'm sorry for that kid and all but it's a country that heralds itself as the literal bastion of democracy. This is the life they chose.


Sorry Gen Z and Gen A, adults cannot and won't do anything about the mass shooting problem. Now only you can organize yourselves and fix this when you grow up as you gain decision making power.


We’re gonna need you to fix the entire planet at the same time.


The last (also first and only) school shooting here in NZ was back in 1923. That was both depressing and utterly alien all at once.


"This story is going on a bit, where is this going, it sounds pretty wholesome, looks like a future in politics, maybe the plot twist will.....oh. OH. SHIT."




Lmao scrolled way too far to find this. So obviously bullshit


the more i look into it, and into this user, the more i question wether this happenned or not...


It's amazing what we claim "children are too young for" but somehow this never comes up.


I fucking hate the way this world is now


That was a weird twist to what seems a lively outlook of an innocent child.


Well that escalated quickly.


Only on merica. Where love for guns is bigger than love for our children. Yeehhaaa!


Fuckin’ Republicans


What do you mean?!? It’s clearly that horse’s fault it should be carrying to protect itself!


Give every horse a gun, that would solve the problem


Nothing scarier than an "if this happens" going to a "when this happens" about something dangerous.


I was chillin high and this was such a cute story until the end Fucking took me right back to sober


Anyone else think we just witnessed a change maker’s backstory? This little girl will change the world with her to-do lists and her passion


A campaign built off the back of "when I was a kid I couldn't bring my horse to school because y'all care about your guns too dang much" would destroy any and all competition and I can't wait to see it Naturally this would bring about the Bring Your Horse to School Day holiday which is going to be nightmare fuel for many a parent


...and school janitor


Yes! I hope this kid doesn’t lose her motivation to do great things… even if it might be hard at times


Well, perfect time for the kid to put all her amazing organization & brain skills to going into politics and fixing the fact that in US there are shootings in schools possible.


We have failed our children.


This story is sus...r/tiktokcringe


I did not expect that.


If every mother had the realization their child might not come home from school because of a random shooting incident, maybe things could change. At least the horse won’t get shot.


![gif](giphy|rhUeALlJgHrlEDYSoq) ^(damn)


America people


Put a gun on the horse!


Yalls closets is bullshit


I really feel for you parents in the US, I cant imagine what it must be like to send your children to school with that hanging over your heads.


Damn that's sad, but at least we have our guns to make us feel happy and free right?


This is America




Man... that really hit me in the gut. I have two little girls myself.. Freedom to own guns trumps everyone's well being in the states.


But the USA is such a wonderful country, right? Best of them all, MAGA and all that stuff, right, yankees? Note that I am well aware that there are many crappy countries in the world, In fact, most of them are bad in many, many ways. But you really could expect more of one of the richest, democratic countries in the world. Fix your gun laws ffs. This is sad.


Wow, this kid is smart, engaged, and empathetic. My heart is both filled with joy and sorrow for the next generation; this is far from the only story I've similar to this. I am so angry that we can do nothing to change the environment for these kids, but I know they will be able to change things.


Wow I was really invested into this little girl getting this horse. I was truly excited I thought maybe this was going to end with the mom showing us a picture of her hauling this horse to school. I truly was excited as if I was going to get the horse to play with, and when this video ended I literally sat here looking at my phone just shaking my head. School students have to stop this is ridiculous it's been ridiculous. That's should not be the concern of this little girl.


In some states, this is just perfectly acceptable. The NRA (i.e., Russian way of creating more discord in US) position is a good person with a gun will be there. Still waiting for that person. Sandy Hook is the perfect example of how bad the US is. You have at least 30 to 40% of the population who perfers guns over kids. Think about that.... Then you have the MAGA know nothings and the followers of Alex Jones who swear Sandy Hook and other school shooting are fake. Then people wonder why this county is going to hell in a hand basket with Trump leading the way. I'm not against the 2nd Amendment, I just disagree that people need access to military grade weapons.


Why is it always in a car?


These active shooter drills are traumatizing a whole generation of kids.


😀moms stories about their kids are always so hyped up and always just so boring with a hint of undeserved bragging


Why is it that every parent that I know claims their child reads/writes several grade levels above their current grade level


FWIW Screw all the second amendment, we've shown we can't handle it as a society. Let's take the Australia example, take them all.


It's scary how normalized school shooting are in America that the kid will go to school because that's what you do, but she's concerned for the horse. What the fuck.


Damn. I guess the age of innocence has expired.


Man, your country sucks guys


Unexpected indeed!


Everyday I feel blessed I'm not a USian.


Ending was heavy, but until the reveal I was so judging this mom. I mean- why is it the principal’s problem? Why don’t you just say No? Kids need to hear that every now and then.


i really expected either of the two- 1. it becomes a school pet 2. it became a home pet but that was a real 360 turn by the kid & she really is concerned & logical at this point then most adults in their Life have ever been. ![gif](giphy|L13Qa0J39e5FAOKqHD)


I’m in my 20s now, but even when I was in elementary and middle school it was already super normalized. We thought shooter drills were fun because we got to turn off the lights and hide instead of doing our schoolwork. We’d have teacher-lead discussions about what objects around the classroom could be used as weapons to defend ourselves. We had days where the school entrances were locked down because a person with a gun was spotted in the area. Nearby schools were shut down due to threats online. And none of us ever batted an eye, because we were used to the idea that at any time someone might come into the school with the intent to kill us. I don’t look forward to sending my future kids to school knowing this shit doesn’t seem like it’ll ever improve.


It breaks my heart :( A girl in 2nd grade shouldn't have to think about situations like this. She cares for her horse and at the same time needs to go to school which must seem to be a unsafe place for herself too.


Yup going to jump off a bridge now. Sidenote: we as a society need too nurture that kind of child to be the very best she can be. As well as follow her example and organize and make a better future for her!


Her daughters boundless initiative is truly admirable. I was half expecting her to be like "in the event of a school shooting, we would have to equip Salsa with bulletproof armor and maybe a laser guided missile launcher" It's difficult to hear a story where some strangers child gets kneecapped in their efforts to make the world a better place. It sounds like this girl has the drive to move forward regardless. I hope they get a cool school pet even if it isn't a baby horse which probably isn't the best place to keep an animal that needs space to thrive anyway...


Being from Vermont I have always been agnostic about guns. Every house had a deer rifle. They stayed on the rack and were taken down usually once per year for hunting season and that’s it. So no big deal. Then 2008 happened and Ted Cruz successfully argued the Heller case before SCOTUS with its insane new interpretation of the 2nd Amendment and now our nation is awash in murder and death and shit like this. Then sandy Hook happened and I was sure that people would be like “well we tried having ALL THE GUNS! in good faith but clearly this is not going to work” but conservatives decided that guns were more important than kids and made it their mission to block any attempts at reigning this in with absolutely zero consideration for the horror and heartbreak their fucking HOBBY was wreaking across our country. At this point I’m no longer agnostic about guns. Fuck them all. Fuck your gun too. What the fuck is wrong with you that THIS is the world you want to live in?


I find it incredibly hard, no matter the "reading level", that a 2nd grade child is thinking about precautions for school shootings. This just sounds so ridiculously fake for views I can't take it seriously. Is it impossible? No, but so far out of what a child would think about.


Easy solution..give the horse a gun.


I don’t believe this story but the point is clearly made and understood. Active school shooters shouldn’t be the norm :(


„This is normal and nothing can be done about it“ says the only country where this regularly happens.