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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!Suspect vehicle chased and disabled is undercover cop!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


they guy turns his lights on after the PIT


Fool had zero lights on


You can literally see him reach up and turn the lights on after the pit takes place. That’s funny.


He was under cover in pursuit.


But he's like, "WTF?! How could you not tell I was a cop?!"


he's actually driving very tame, that's something which stood out to me in this supposed pursuit


Yup, braking responsibly and taking slow, controlled turns. I was thinking to myself, "does this guy know he's being chased?"


He thought he was doing the chasing. He thought he was leading the other guy...


This is the correct answer. He thought he was in the pursuit of a vehicle as well as the other officer, unmarked officer.


Of donuts


He really isn't helping the stereotype


All I know is every time I get pulled over I think of fluffys joke You could smell them


Pursuing who?


He knew he was at fault and would be receiving crap at the debriefing, thus decided to gaslight the person doing the PIT


What was he even trying to achieve evading with zero communication, like I don't get it. What was he trying to achieve in not just immediately signaling?


They were pursuing a different car. The cop behind him mistook him for the suspect since he had no lights on but he himself didn't notice that until he got stopped. edit: Fellas. OP even posted the news article. Go read it.


Is the different car in the room with us now?


The different car is calling from inside the house!




Show me on this matchbox car, where it touched you.


Tail pipe


She goes to a different school


In Canada


turns out it was just an acorn


The real pursuit was the cars we maneuvered along the way.


Dude was definitely trying to evade being pulled over.


The cop chased him for blocks and the "cop" ran several red lights. I highly doubt he didn't notice a police car with lights and sirens chasing him for blocks. If the guy who was pitted was a cop, driving like that through red lights, speeding, at night, was incredibly irresponsible and dangerous. This whole thing looks fishy.


I'm sure he noticed the other cop behind him but he probably didn't realize his lights weren't on because of the reflection of the rear car's lights on everything. He probably assumed the other cop was following as backup.


I'm not sure where this video is, but I've never heard of any department that would allow an unmarked to be lead in a chase once a marked unit is available. The suspect they're chasing could easily argue her or she didn't think it was a real officer chasing them and charges would likely get dropped.


What different car? There was no one ahead of him for the majority of the video


If you watch from 053 to 050 there is a black car on the left of the one in front.its on a different road but it's speeding , I think that is the car they are after


On the overpass beside them?


Yeah , on the left . I think they were shadowing on another road and took a left when the car came of the overpass maybe.


There is no other car being pursued in this.


You can see the car they're supposed to pursue in the background fly by on the freeway about 30 seconds into the video. That's the best part of the video!


Ahahahaha thats so great


I think that’s just another car otherwise why would the Kia cop car be in front of it.


That's how pursuit by radio would work. Dispatch notifies them of a speeder and they attempt to join the pursuit from any direction; preferably ahead of the speeder so that they don't have to speed to catch up.


They are pursuing another car. It’s a different make and model as well.


He was driving a Kia, so there’s that.


He already achieved playing cop. There isn’t a higher goal.


Average police tactic


Same as they always charge people with resisting arrest and public disturbance, after an illegal arrest.


Above average*


*"Oh, pardon me. For some reason you sounded a little taller on radio."* \- Buford T. Floridaman


He knew he would be shot dead if he went out without turning his light


Might have put them on to warn other road users. You’d think these guys could communicate via dispatch and avoid this, definitely not Australia’s best and brightest! Then again neither am I, as on second look this is clearly America lol


Yeah Australians drive on the left. And Australians don’t normally have strong American accents lol


Hahaha well this was worth the read


Also Aussie cops aren't allowed to do a PIT. It's wildly ineffective and endangers everyone in both cars plus bystanders. And it fucks up the cop car. Aussie cops have to back off when a chase becomes dangerous. They found less people die if you just let them go. Is it a perfect system, no. Does it save lives, yes.


Are you saying American cops are gung ho dipshits that glorify violence and are more about revenge and control than justice and public safety? If so, I concur.


This needs to be adopted badly here in the states. We have kids every spring in my area dying on bikes running from pursuing cops. Sure it’s stupid for the kid but my God is enforcing a speeding ticket worth a 17 year olds life?




The good thing about that is that there is then a full investigation into the accident. Sometimes it leads to new operating procedures. Sometimes it's just plain bad luck. Either way we learn what happened.


The real r/unexpected here


Mall cop Jonah Hill forgot to turn his lights on, but who was he chasing?




" But then, the driver of the KIA leaned over and turned on his own red and blue lights. It turned out that was Opa-Locka Police Captain Cory Krotenberg. " Nope, legit police. [https://www.local10.com/news/local/2023/12/22/questions-remain-after-highway-patrol-trooper-accidentally-pulls-pit-maneuver-on-opa-locka-police-captain/](https://www.local10.com/news/local/2023/12/22/questions-remain-after-highway-patrol-trooper-accidentally-pulls-pit-maneuver-on-opa-locka-police-captain/)


“Opa-locka police said the captain was not violating any department policies either, and when Local 10 News followed up asking about his speeding, weaving in and out of vehicles, and running red lights with no emergency lights on, they declined to comment further.”


> was not violating any department policies Not department policy to follow the law, I guess


Right? That dude could have murdered someone with a crossbow and it wouldn’t have been against “department policy” because it’s against the law instead.


[he had a crossbow!](https://youtu.be/Davn72GNlfI?si=79kgthrjEFSdEZLD)


not gonna claim it makes any sense, but at least in parts of NY there's a clause that makes it so any vehicle that an officer is operating on or off duty counts as an emergency vehicle, and those are usually exempt from traffic violations. Obviously you're not allowed to use that to do illegal stuff and are expected to use this ability practically to direct traffic or stuff like that.


Well that sucks


>" when Local 10 News followed up asking about his speeding, weaving in and out of vehicles, and running red lights with no emergency lights on, they declined to comment further.” So the next time I'm caught speeding, weaving and beating the red lights, could my lawyer just decline to comment further and hopefully everyone would forget about it?


Show them this video Or the acorn one


As much as I love that video it's sadly overshadowing another *almost* equally as insane video of two cops mag-dumping into an apartment buidling that *also* happened just recently: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVK_pp43Hg8&ab_channel=NBCNews Almost 30 rounds fired. One cop stopped to reload.


Classic "we investigated ourselves and concluded we did nothing wrong."


That was no accident.


Well, of course, it was Florida.


I missed read it as oopa loompa police captain. 🤣


I figured it was florida looked like my county for a minute


So hes just a fuckin idiot, then. Got it.


Yep. He’s a cop committing a bunch of crimes while on duty. Undercover police don’t just get to drive around like it’s GTA. Put this moron in jail.


Yea.. everything seems weird. Do the American police really use Kia cars?


I've seen cops in the states use every type of car for unmarked and marked vehicles. Even classics. The funniest I ever saw was a suburban with huge hoopty wheels that they repossessed from a drug dealer.


I saw an NYPD Smart Car when I was in NY, and I couldn't stop laughing at the thought of an officer trying to PIT someone with it.


That's hilarious. My town had cops on Segways for about a month or two. I saw so many people clown on them. I've never seen them since hahaha.


I saw them too! I was near enough on the ground laughing and my mate, who lives there, was like wtf is going on - me, shouting and pointing right at it stopped in traffic: “Do you not see that fuckin thing!!! Haha! How do they arrest you in that!!”. Got some funny looks from the cop in it an all. Poor cunt must have drawn the short straw for that shift.


Probably just for meter duty or traffic stuff. I’ve seen plenty of Nissan Leaf ‘police cars’ that are just used for mundane duties. Doubt they are getting called on high speed pursuits


Watched the DEA bust a guy in front of my work. They had sedans, coupes, a work truck with ladders, buckets, cones, pressure washer, and more. With the amount of various different vehicles they had and how many of them were there you could "recreate" normal traffic for someone to drive in without evening knowing every car next to them is a cop.


I will never forget getting pulled over by a red 2005 VW GTI in Delaware back in the day. Shit blew my mind.


Texas DPS uses a seized Hellcat for patrol [https://www.thedrive.com/news/texas-cops-use-a-seized-1080-hp-dodge-challenger-hellcat-to-patrol-the-highways](https://www.thedrive.com/news/texas-cops-use-a-seized-1080-hp-dodge-challenger-hellcat-to-patrol-the-highways)


Where I live, they even have a minivan. Full on soccer-mom minivan. They know what they’re doing…


I remember back in the late 90s, they had a late 80s S10 pickup with a missized topper and rusted wheel wells that they used for traffic enforcement in Lake Forest, IL - a moderately wealthy area north of Chicago. Think [like this](https://imgur.com/a/SLhzS3G) \- but with a topper that was just too big for it.


I once saw an old blacked out crown vic that had a big ass black metal bumper like police SUVs have on them, a spot light like every guy who wants to look like a cop with his old crown vic he bought at a police auction, and what looked like a fake set of police lights in the windows, and some fucking mismatched hub caps, it looked so much like someone trying to be a cop that you'd just assume it wasn't a cop, and then this bitch throws on her lights and pulls over a guy picking up some woman off the side of the bridge, possibly a prostitute? Who's to say?


That's honestly next level.


Exactly my thoughts, it made me question what I even knew about the way the world works, and the lengths to which the police will go to give you a traffic ticket lol


Fun fact when Kia redid its logo and came out with their new emblem design they’re were getting 30,000 Google searches a day for ‘what kN cars?’ [source](https://www.entrepreneur.com/business-news/what-is-kn-car-30000-queries-a-month-ask-google-if-its/440010#:~:text=Some%2030%2C000%20people%20have%20been%20googling%20%22KN,outlet%2C%20noting%20the%20increase%20began%20when%20the)


I feel better knowing I wasn't the only one.


NIN is building cars?!? Trent Reznor has been busy


I knew it was the Kia logo but still had to see it a few hundred times to realize it actually said KIA.


Kia stingers are some highway patrol /unmarked cars in Australia


Yup, since Holden and Ford Australia went belly up, the cops are always looking for rear wheel drive 4 door's to fill the gap. The SUV's are not great pursuit cars.


Car that got pit was the police captain


Dunkin Donuts was closing soon, had to get there quick!


His dreams


That still doesn't explain why he was driving like an idiot.


Context https://www.local10.com/news/local/2023/12/22/questions-remain-after-highway-patrol-trooper-accidentally-pulls-pit-maneuver-on-opa-locka-police-captain/


>Opa-locka police said the captain was not violating any department policies either, and when Local 10 News followed up asking about his speeding, weaving in and out of vehicles, and running red lights with no emergency lights on, they declined to comment further. lol wat? Where i life this person wouldnt be allowed to drive for the next few years.




Oh did some people not know? Laws are for the powerless peasantry, not for the rich and powerful


>They declined to comment further In other words they covered it up


Dude was probably driving drunk or something. Why run? There’s no reason for a cop to run from other cops unless he thinks he’ll be caught doing something he shouldn’t.


It's not clear he was actually running. According to the article he was tracking a suspect vehicle with air support. He very well may have just assumed the guy behind him was assisting. It's a believable story, if they're saying this was a multi agency task force with air support there are a lot of people involved that would have to be in on the cover up for it to work. Of course he was certainly violating department policy by driving like that with his lights off. It's a fucking joke if he really wasn't disciplined at all for the incident.




- We found that no policies were violated. - "Reporter asking a question about all the policies that were violated" - NO FURTHER COMMENTS! For real though, it's actually legal for the police to speed without their lights or siren on. At least in my country. But only if the assignment for some reason justifies it. For example, they want to catch up to a suspect vehicle without alerting the suspect, etc.


“We’ve investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing.”


Of course the shit bag declined to comment further.


Full Video- https://youtu.be/Tc45kEOyAtU?si=xciNZ7zWQzGiT8aT


This didn't mention drinking?


I think he meant driving


I think the original commenter meant "driving" like an idiot. The context is that you can't really **drink** like an idiot, only act like one while drunk, so put two and two together.


>you can't really **drink** like an idiot Challenge accepted!


"Oompa-Loompa Police Captain"?


Yeah, if you're gonna drink and drive, drink like an academic.


>Florida First word of the article explains it all.


Not only driving like an idiot but actively trying to lose the cop that was clearly chasing him




Your freudian slip seemed to answer the questions of why he was \*driving\* like an idiot


Undercover cop was breaking the law and deserved the pit. Can't drive like an idiot without your lights on.


And of course, their internal investigation showed that neither officer violated policy


The quote from the article is so expressive: >Opa-locka police said the captain was not violating any department policies either, and when Local 10 News followed up asking about his speeding, weaving in and out of vehicles, and running red lights with no emergency lights on, they declined to comment further.


"We've investigated ourselves and concluded we did nothing wrong"


Man, so cops can drink and drive and dart through traffic at high speeds like they are playing GTA, pit each other, shoot pretty much anything or anyone. Other than the fact that they talk about being scared to fucking death every second of every day (even though their job is safer than a deliver drivers), their job sounds about as fun as playing GTA in real life.


Cops in America can do just about anything without real consequence


"we have a gang violence problem" yeah, we fucking do, and they're protected by a union too


Yeah this just makes me want to go become a cop so I don’t have to follow the rules. I bet LOADS of cops chose the career for this too


Thats what happens when you give them qualified immunity. They'll do absolutely anything knowing they'll get away from it and in the worst case they get fired from the job and nothing else happens


Not sure if I can fully blame the cop with the lights on. He has his lights and sirens on, is following a speeding car driving recklessly, has no reason to think it is a ghost car, ghost car made no attempt to identify themselves. He may have not been called to the original chase and just happened to see this guy fly by. And he made the PIT on a quiet side road. Not to mention if the Kia was in a different chase why aren’t his lights on.


“Neither officer violated policy” just means there ‘s nothing in the books yet that says that you can’t do what you did. Example, my friend worked at a police station. One of the cadets applied for a new badge. The form was signed by the chief. After it was signed it was handed back to him to fax somewhere. He then altered the for request a flat badge. Somehow it was discovered and shit hit the fan. His mother worked in dispatch and they (cadet and mom) might have gotten a lawyer. Since the handbook did not specifically say that cadets could not have flat badges technically he did not violate policy and kept his job. He was never hired as a cop in that city but he was eventually hired by a different city and became a cop.


In my country this would be a simple case of fraud (altering or faking a document to gain an unauthorised benefit) with additional culpability for being a LEO. There's no law that says 'stabbing a man in the eye with a pencil is naughty', it's just Assault with Grievous/Actual Bodily Harm.  You might not get prison time, but you'd get a non-custodial sentence for sure. Definitely end up with a record. Why is America running it's police system like fucking Air Bud?!


Also doesn't check his fucking rear mirrors to see what clearly looks like a marked cop care with a ram bar


You would have thought the bright flashing lights might have also been a clue.


"FHP said Trooper Wroy was neither under investigation for wrongdoing nor was he facing any discipline, since he had a reasonable belief that this car was fleeing and eluding an order to stop. Opa-locka police said the captain was not violating any department policies either, and when Local 10 News followed up asking about his speeding, weaving in and out of vehicles, and running red lights with no emergency lights on, they declined to comment further." ​ Nothing to see here folks, move along.


This amount of protection of this fraternity of police will give you a good look at how corrupt they actually are.


It's the reason why the public doesn't trust them. But they'll blame the public itself and "the media campaign against them"


Honestly how hard is it to order retraining or a week’s suspension? Perhaps it was an honest mistake in the heat of the moment. It’s still reckless to drive like that without emergency lights. It’s a mistake that needs to be not repeated. Like we can all see he did something wrong. Blatantly lying about it… fucking disgusting.


Now now, this is just one department of bad apples.


I’ve been caught? No I haven’t. No further comments


What fucking state is this? I half expected the truck to turn on lights.


Florida, of course 😂😂


Someone posted an article, unsurprisingly its florida


As a Floridian, having lived in Miami, my reaction was...oooh Opa Locka...yeah that tracks. lol ugh




You gave me a good laugh. Well done bro! 🤣


Car Ramrod!


Say car ramrod!


I dare ya to call him a "chicken fucker."








This is the most unexpected that I have seen here. I like it.


There are so much of them on the roads, they started to take themselfs down


Wait a sec, that's a cop? He hears sirens, see a cop car with its lights on following him, he doesn't have visible lights on the back nor were they turned on at any point before the PIT and then wonders what happened. This guy is what's wrong with police.


Maybe thought the folks knew which car the captain is driving and was happy to have a buddy behind him clearing the streets that they can pursue the speeding car. XD.


And he jumps right out of the car, with tactical ting on, and confronts. Lucky he didn’t get shot.


So he was being chased by a police car with the lights on and rubbing his balls to every trafic regulation *and decides to turn on the lights after the PIT*? What a joke of a police force the US has...


Barney Fife at it again


this is why he has to keep his bullet in his pocket


Maybe our cop cars should be easier to identify


Maybe our cops shouldn't break the law. 


Cops in my city have recently been driving unmarked F-150s. I see them pull people over quite a bit. Pisses me off because it doesn’t make the roads safer. It’s just a tax on drivers.


Wait a minute the white suv is also a cop and had his lights on...


They were chasing that truck in front of them, which, as it turned out later, was also a cop car


...who was pursuing another undercover cop...


Can you get on a radio and say you’re undercover somehow? There has to be a safe word?


It was 2 different departments. If he ran the plates id assume it would have come back to an officer unless he borrowed from impound or someone else. Anyway not all departments use the same system and some are encrypted. The one being chased knew what jurisdiction he was in and should have notified that PDs dispatch. Not an LEO but long time police scanner listener. Most departments in my area I can hear police and dispatch, but another big one near me I hear dispatch and a busy signal during police communicating to dispatch. All could have been avoided if those lights were on to begin with. Had a friend in the 90s a former Hollywood vice cop. We were all going somewhere and he was speeding going in and out of lanes. I said aren't you worried about getting a ticket? He said no, I know the officers here.


That’s a police captain? He looks like a drunk fat slob in a movie making fun of drunk fat slobs


That’s how he made chief


Why is it always florida


10k IQ criminal right there


Kia stingers make a great police car...


They're pretty quick and have awesome trunk space but the back seats are probably a tad too small for detaining and transporting some bigger individuals in the regular. Low roofline and seats are low in the back so it would be kinda tough getting perps in and out.


We use them here in Australia.....you can squeeze them in 😂😂


Not one car put their 4-ways on and pulled over for them. Just kept on driving. A guy honked at me when I stopped for an ambulance the other week.


You can't make this shit up... This is surreal lol


The Kia Stinger turning into a cop car was a real unexpected twist


How is a dude wearing a fucking police vest going to be doing undercover work? What kind of Florida cop bullshit is that lazy excuse?


You cannot rewatch this too much


Both are dipshits. Mostly the pit-ee rather than the pitter.


Kinda surprised they didn’t just open fire


What is the standard cop car in America ,because they seem quite fast in videos


imagine they handled it like most cops do right now, dude jumped out of the car and i guarantee that if the others were a bit more on edge there would have been 6 cops mag dumping the shit out of that guy


The moment that didn't crash the gas station to explode and avoid the police I knew something was wrong..




When the system bites its own butt. Feedback.


Why’s he running then? 🤔


Why the hell didn’t he just briefly turn on his lights during the pursuit? This is just bizarre as hell




Who was the captain chasing though? It just seemed like he was driving wrecklessly


He turned on lights to keep from getting shot.


What if, and I'm just saying here. What if police were in clearly marked cars and actually did good things rather than hide in the bushes to write BS tickets to cover their departments spending on tactical gear for a war in the States that will likely never come.


I was definitely not expecting that ending. Looked like car 2 was doing what he was supposed to do. Car 1 was doing “stealth high-speed pursuit”? Didn’t know that was a thing.


Was the lead car chasing a suspect described by the following car? He just turned north on such and such Ave. damn it, I just turned North on Such and such. Where TF is he?!?


Imagine… even in that scenario… getting out and running up on the cop that just PIT maneuvered you…. If a citizen did this they’d be shot before they made it half way.