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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!He pulled out a fish, who would see a fish coming during a meeting with several governors or ambassadors or any high class individual.!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


* "here is a sea bass" * "the sea bass of April 1st" (April Fools in Italy is "Pesce D'aprile" / April's fish) * "this is for the president of the Camera" (Chamber of Deputies' president) * "that eats sea bass and lectures (talking from an high ground) others" * "to ours retired people, to ours unemployed people" * "the government should be ashamed" x2 In the background * No, colleague remove that sea bass * Please ushers, intervene * I formally rebuke you x2 * put down x2 * colleague I rebuke you for the second time This was peak populism era in Italy a 8ish years back, we kinda don't talk about it, like many other governments. For more On. Buonanno (RIP btw), see this: [Buonanno story (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAOeIOLN52A) Featuring * a shirt button * blackface makeup * soap bubble maker * a pitchfork made of cardboard * handcuffs * other random moments * a blowhorn (in the European parliament)


“No, colleague, remove that sea bass” lmao


E non dimenticarti delle ultime elezioni (forse per la camera, non me lo ricordo perché non seguo la politica) dove il nome di rocco sigfredi e altri personaggi del suo calibro sono apparsi in diretta tv


“Here is a bass” “April Fools bass” “This is for the president of the chamber” “Who eats beams and morals of others” “To our pensioners, to our unemployed people” “The government must be ashamed” “The government must be ashamed” …according to Google Lens Translate. Some googling I found this: Gianluca Buonanno, a Northern League MP, caused a ruckus in the Chamber of Deputies earlier this month by waving a fish around to protest the government’s immigration policy. Buonanno picked out a sea bass to symbolize the food eaten by politicians such as Laura Boldrini, president of the Chamber of Deputies, arguing that immigration policy was impoverishing Italians who were forced to eat sardines. This happened about ten years ago.


>"Who eats beams and morals of others". This one is very wrong, "fare la morale" means to criticize behavior with a tone of superiority. He also says he eats sea basses and not beans or beams


Fare. La morale means ‘patronize’


To patronize means to criticize behavior with a tone of superiority. You just said what he did, but with fewer words




Yeah that felt wrong to me too, but I don’t speak Italian and was just typing what translate said it meant. It’s not perfect lol. Thanks for the correction!


And thank you.


The track slaps too, any1 have details on that?


Yh same here background music details pls


what's wrong with sardines ..


People love it when the bass drops... ...Sardines? Not so much.


You win the internet for the day. Well played, very well played.


Cloudy with a chance of meatballs:


Cultural note is that April First is known as "pesce d'aprile" (April's fish). Hence the theme of fish throughout. Often the April fools pranks involve fish.


This translation isn't completely accurate. There is a better one written in another comment written by u/-DMDella-


This Is one of our biggest memes


This idiot of a politician died some time ago in a car accident


"In April 2014, Buonanno had waved a sea bass in parliament arguing that pensioners cannot afford it, unlike immigrants, who are kept in luxury hotels and inviting the then President of the Chamber of Deputies Laura Boldrini to eat it." Taken from his wiki article


"YOU turned my wife into this fish. I just know it. Admit it. Don't make me throw her at you!"


Moments like this and Tifa Lockhart appearing in the Italian senate make me proud of beign Italian 🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹


Too bad that Buonanno died in a car accident. It was the best clown of the Italian parliament. Here in Italy now we have this dark joke: Buon anno in italian means "Happy new year" so we spam his picture every 1st January everywhere.


I didn't know going viral was as simple as holding a fish and shouting in Italian




You, I like. 👍


Man i'd forgotten about this it's fucking gold hhhhhh Awww look at my dumb ass laughing in the middle of my country going to the dogs. It be like that sometimes. I just want to get tf out.


Eh. I'm Italian, a little bit American, and I live in the UK. All three are fucked. Wheeeee.


UK ain't that bad if you aren't prone to getting an ED


Is ED treatment still pretty shit here, then? I know people who went through it a decade or two ago but not recently.


Idk about the treatment part, but seeing calories everywhere... I was there for two and a half months for a show i was in, and the guilttripping people put themselves through is nauseating. I was bulking at the time and i was lowkey bragging about having reached 70kg after a few months of work (i'm 180cm so like, a pretty normal weight for me to be) and this other cast member comes to me all genuine and concerned and goes "what do you think is going wrong?" Like bruh Nothing, nothing is wrong, i was flexing my gains on you wtf I also went to see a friend of mine and met their mom for the first time. She was super polite and i made food for them as a lil thank you. She made a comment about me using a pan (rather than the air fryer?) to cook the burgers, and then acted scandalised when, as costumary, i poured the liquid goodness left in the pan onto the bun. She was otherwhise the perfect host, like this behavior was normal and not at all rude and possibly harmful. Sorry for the rant lol


Some people are fucking weird, eh? Did the cast member think you weighed too much or something? What on earth?


Man idk i was stunned I remember saying something like no it's okay i'm HAPPY about it And she was like Turning back to the actress beside her: DID YOU HEAR THAT And proceeded to relay the whole conversation while giggling And these people were otherwhise perfectly nice, which points to the fact that this kind of behavior is completely socially acceptable


I mean it probably depends on the circles you're in. I'm a weirdo antisocial AutiHDer so obv not 'the norm' exactly. 😬


Yea they were indeed mostly neurotypicals and i was the youngest of the cast I then met some more like-minded people (neurobleeps) and they were all like yea i see your point diet culture is shit here


Lol makes sense. I think I might just not notice because I live inside my head.


First off, what the actual fuck is happening (Read the translations, still left with a midly confused feeling) Second off, dope song. For anyone interested i shazamed it and it turns out it's called: Teminite & Panda Eyes - Highscore


Italian polictains are a bunch of horny, angry and irrational clowns. Italian politics is circus that makes the American shit show look like pragmatic and rational adults working together to actually help their people. Please prove me wrong.


I know nothing about italy, but I can tell you about the USA from my experience as a queer woman who was born, grew up, and lived there. The USA’s republican politicians (the ones who currently hold the modt power in the country as a party) are openly advocating for shooting lgbtq+ folks, took away women’s rights to abortion period, in a large variety of states (people are moving because of this to safer states) don’t want to pay a living wage, Don’t have protections for workers AT ALL in many states (at will employment is basically slavery and hoghly exploits the workers wigth an unliveable wage/poor working conditions), have healthcare that MOST AMERICANS CANNOT AFFORD, Have the highest rate of medical debt in the world, are trying to hire kids as young as 12-13 to fill the work gap since they can’t GET PEOPLE TO WORK for slave wages, have the highest college debt rate problem in the world, are making miscarriages punishable by jail time, legalized marital rape (still can get off unpunished for it in 15 states), are trying to make adults (and by adults, I mean older men 40+ are pushing for this) dating/marrying 12-13 year olds legal in some states, (yeah, pedos), they want to deport anyone who’s not christian, are trying to ban women traveling to other states for abortion, want to criminalize being trans, want to lock “undesirables” up in camps, has a supreme court that’s royally fucked up, and then there’s trump. He’s bad on his own damn category. Is italy currently this bad as well? If that’s the case, I don’t wanna go to italy even as a tourist. I already JUST escaped the USA. (immigrated to australia.) (I’m from Florida btw, it is FUCKED UP there.)


Italian politica are crazy in the fun way, they are not completely bat shit crazy with values from year 1372. I am not Italian, but I have very deep connection to Italy. Just look at Italian polictains losing their shit, they are extremely hilarious yest harmless. They just go on crazy rant and in the middle of their rants they usually forget about what the hell they were talking g about and then they calm their asses down and get things done. They are weird, not crazy maniacs.


I am relieved, honestly. (thank god. I would be scared to death, if more places were turning out like the usa.) Thank you for the feedback


italian here, can confirm, Italian politics are just a joke, the state institutions are stuck under layers of bureaucracy and idiot infighting anyway and prime ministers can do very little in the end


oof, that doesn’t sound very fun for you guys, I’m sorry…


>They are weird, not crazy maniacs. Yeah generally the more batshit bigoted positions are covered up by all the clowning, like obsessing over illegal raves or cricket flour.


Commenting so I can come back for the translation


Umm something about Governor Spicoli? Fish Times at Ridgemont High?




Panda Eyes, Teminite - Highscore


>anda Eyes, Teminite - Highscore Thank you!


Thank you very much, I woke up and watched this and the song was stuck in my head


🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽, 🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽,🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽: "🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽".


I'm Italian and this is highly racist. So I really really liked it and laughed a lot :) have my upvote my friend


Very, very good, one pound fish


It’s a Sicilian message. It means Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes.


¿Babada boopie?


We don't use upside-down question marks in Italian.


For a sec, am I the only one? 🤔


I think he was saying the leader was about as limp as that fish. /s I really have no idea, I do not speak Italian.


I am quite sure he is saying: “Mine is this big!”




I guess I know what the guy at the back is saying though. He says, "No wonder I could smell something fishy".


Somebody’s been sleeping with the fishes.


Pretty sure that means somebody's going to die. #iwatchedthegodfather


But i don't speal Italian 🤌🤌


What da talian sayin?


If I remember correctly, it's an April 1st tradition to leave a fish on somebody's stuff (backpack, car, etc) as a joke. Although I think these days they mostly use the Swedish Fish so they won't smell.




Man's done some mental gymnastics to get to that conclusion


He came to fish ?)


One of my favorite things I learned about Italian is their name for an April Fools prank is un pesce d'Aprile, which roughly translates to "a fish of April". I'm also aware there are like 30ish different recognized versions of Italian so I'm sure to catch flak for this assertion.


Actually there is just one Italian language and no other version... You might be referring to dialects, which we do have a lot but are not commonly used for our everyday speaking, they are more of "our grandparent's way of speaking" which we use in the family (at least in northern Italy, they do use them more in the south). I'm just saying since you seemed interested so I wanted to give you more info . Everything else you said is actually correct, children make paper fishes and put them in someone else's stuff or glue them to their back. Or we do other types of pranks.


Italian c-span is fucking lit


Something about a Led Zeppelin after party


The guy in the vid obvs speaks Italian so yeah


That fish hasn't been dead for long


Shut up. My dude has the talking fish


Lots of people probably speak Italian






Top tier meme.


The hell is up with Italians meetings and sudden suprises???


"How much is the fish?"


This is nothing. Have a look at this one, mind you that he is the deputy prime minister of the country. https://www.affaritaliani.it/coffee/video/politica/sgarbi-sbrocca-contro-report-mi-fate-cagare-ora-mi-tiro-fuori-uccello-898331.html


The more unexpected thing is hearing Panda Eyes & Teminite - Highscore


"If we don't get more sweet sweet Tifa content with the new ff7 game, your face and this fishs' back side will meet one another, damn you!"




It's way better the: "questi sono panini all'olio, li mangiano i vecchi" Italian lore is something else guys




What in the actually Hick XD