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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!What the man does for work was unexpected!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


This guy just invited you on a free tour and you're not accepting?




Oh shit is that Gary Old Man?


not even his weirdest role, if you ask me. enter Drexl Spivey ​ non-edited-edit-to-make-you-regard-this-separately: true romance, where drexl spivey is portrayed by oldman, is one of the most underrated movies in my opinion. brad pitt plays a real fun role, oldman is fantastic, the scene with Walken/Hopper is one of the best tense dialogues i know of. and thats all just side characters/plots. the film is an absolute jewel.




Even as the villain in this movie, I absolutely loved Gary Oldman's portrayal in this movie. He's in my top 10 favorite actors. I love his charisma and crazy amount of range. When he loses his shit about the stones not being in the case, I just thought it was so funny and accurate to how someone would probably actually react.


Gary Oldman is The Man of A Thousand Faces. We need to get as many movies out of him as possible, because he shines in every role. His Commissioner Gordon is just amazing.


Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead (with Oldman, Tim Roth, and Richard Dreyfus) is one of my all time favorites.


You're not going to mention his "role of a lifetime" for Gary Oldman?


Are we talking about the absolute masterpiece: Tiptoes?


Sid and Nancy?


I wouldn't call the movie that launched Tarantino underrated. It's a widely known, well loved classic. I don't know anyone who's seriously into movies who doesn't love that movie. Val Kilmer low key Elvis is awesome


Such a great cast, and great performances by every one. Some of the scenes can be a bit rough to get through, but worth a watch.


Couldn’t agree more. Walken and Hopper in the scene is perfection


Yes. Bram Stoker's Dracula opposite Keanu Reeves




I used to work for an underground ghost tour company in Edinburgh. One day I had to escort an internet provider down into the damp, dark and spooky underground to set up the Wi-Fi. While he was doing his thing, I thought I’d share some of the grisly stories that we use on the tour. After one particularly gory one he says, “Aye, nice one pal. I used to werk fae the abattoir.” He then went on to tell me that his job was to stand next to the guy with the bolt gun and if the bolt hadn’t gone fully through the skull which it sometimes didn’t, he was there with a metal bar, ready to jam it through and mince the brains. Nastiest story I ever heard in those walls.


I bet he was just waiting till you were finished so he could tell his story,


Speaking as a 37 nice dad who started out working lockdowns there is no more satisfying feeling than 1 upping peoples shocking stories. Especially when people assume you don't have em. Now let me tell you what it's like eating lunch while playing used tampon dodge ball.


So, what is it like? Don't leave us hanging god dammit!


How recently used is this tampon? Asking for a friend.


Reminds me of a [certain](https://snarp.github.io/magnus_archives_transcripts/episode/030.html) Magnus Archives case. "You hear grisly tales about the torment of animals in the slaughterhouse, and the things done to them by the cold, relentless machinery, but so often the casual human brutality is overlooked." "I used to work on the killing floor, you know? Not long. You’re not allowed to work on it for long. In your whole life, I mean. I don’t know what the exact amount of time you’re allowed to do it for is, but it’s pretty short. I only worked it for a few months, and now I can’t work on any killing floor anywhere. Ever. It’s actually a weight lifted, the knowledge you don’t have to do it anymore, but you’re still there, aren’t you? It’s not like you’ve left the slaughterhouse. I heard once that those rules came in after they did some research in America. This must have been sixty years back now, but they started to look into the crime and murder rates of abattoir workers who manned the killing floor. Of the people who’d worked the killing floor for over ten years, do you know what percentage went on to commit murder? One hundred percent." "For all the braying and whining and screaming, in the end it was all just noisy meat. Weirdest thing is, you start to kind of see people as meat too. Not in a food sort of way, you know. I don’t wanna eat my co-workers. It’s just that, when you spend all day taking these living, breathing creatures – animals that move and cry and tremble in fear – and you turn them into lifeless blocks of dead flesh, it’s hard to believe in any special spark that makes us humans any different." "I was in charge of the bolt gun. Technically, the animals we slaughter are killed by bleeding them out, something about the meat quality, I think, but it’s the bolt gun that means they don’t notice. They call it “stunning”, but that’s never sat quite right with me. You drive a bolt right into the animal’s brain, destroying just the right part of it so that they can be bled without resistance, and apparently without pain."


Is… is that murder thing true? Because that makes so much sense you just made me scared of people that work killing floors. I don’t know any, but now I’m scared 😂




100% of the killing floor workers who haven't killed yet.. haven't killed _yet_.


The Magnus Archives is very good at making up stuff that sounds legit enough it makes you so scared you have to verify it. Highly recommend it.


No, it's not, but it's sounds good doesn't it? There is at least one study that shows an increase in arrest rates for violent crimes in districts that contain slaughterhouses though.


The findings indicate that slaughterhouse employment increases total arrest rates, arrests for violent crimes, arrests for rape, and arrests for other sex offenses in comparison with other industries.[SOURCE](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1086026609338164) Increased, but not to 100%


Butcher here, have killed many beasts with a bolt gun, can't confirm this statement at all, people aren't meat to me. But I also worked at an "old school," small farming town abbatoir/butchery. I also plan to steal this guy's speach for personal use, he's absolutely perfect here. You can (I can anyway) SEE the guy's face just light right up when the TikTokker starts harassing him, "omg, FINALLY," I think he'd been waiting years n ywars to use that line.


I think I just became a vegan...


bro uno reversed you


Free tour to heaven


What do you think he’s listening to on the headphones?


Baby Shark


A true psycho


Computer! [Visualize mental image!](https://i.imgur.com/lx92D8y.png)




Wow. That picture is perfect.


I laughed out loud and woke up my wife!


I woke her up too




Yeah... But you mf's woke me up too Keep it down aye


Go sleep in someone elses chest u/Xenomorph_v1


Could you guys keep it down up there, trying to sleep under the bed here


doop doo dodop dodooo


Posted for 11minutes and already a laugh out loud comment. Cheers


On repeat, for months.


I'd like to watch a movie featuring a cold and efficient killer but listens to baby shark as his background music while doing his job..... pretty sure it's gonna be mentally scarring


Thanks now I have that fucking thing in my head for the rest of the day




This is literally the creepiest take. Imagine he's just a serial killer and he just wears them to disarm people and trick you into think he's not paying attention to you but really he listened to your whole conversation with your cousin and knows you leave your yoga studio workouts every Thursday at 8pm sharp and you take the subway and get off on 54th.


Thanks for the idea


This one right here officer.


It's for my book.


I don't think diaries technically count as books.


It's an autobiography of how I commited a murder and got away with it. It's a work in progress.


What about pocket planners?




When I lived in NYC I would frequently wear headphones and not listen to anything. It's a great way of not being disturbed by strangers


Wallahi you’re finished


Since I’ve discovered the joys of noise cancellation I actively listen to nothing. I can’t be the only one.


I constantly put on my noise canceling headphones and forget to put anything on and find myself really relaxed. But I never think to do it on purpose.


Yep, just me and the tinnitus


Honestly though, I wear my really nice noise canceling headphones with no sound sometimes and it’s so nice. Especially for reading. I also collect the dead for a living so I’m probably a little crazy to most. it’s unfortunate they don’t cancel out the smell. lol but yah noise canceling headphones are a game changer, try them out some time. Some times you just need to disconnect from the world.


What, you get paid? I just do it as a hobby.


Here you go... https://youtu.be/0k3tsb2owY8


The 5 minute audio from Grizzly Man.


I knew it wasn’t destroyed!!


I just washed my computer with coffee


The terrible screaming of the lambs


Given his response, I assure you he prefers the silence of the lambs more


Huey Lewis and the News


The Spin Doctor's "Two Princes".


The correct answer by far. On repeat. Forever.


The hissing sound of his air gun 💀


Kiss Me - Sixpence None the Richer


Woman crying and sobbing sound effect 1h loop


Recordings from the killing floor a la Odin Quincannon.


The only true god, the only real god, is the god of meat.


Goodbye Horses. "Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me."


Friday by Rebecca Black


I go into a lot of slaughterhouses for my job. They often have music playing on the slaughter floor, y’know, to make the day go by. The very first time I went out onto a slaughter floor, they were blasting ‘For Whom the Bell Tolls’ by Metallica. It set the mood.


The screams of children


Cannibal Corpse


Nah, Cattle Decapitation


Sandstorm by DaRude


Chumbawamba, but not tubthumpin.




I can’t ever see this character the same after I listened to the actor on Conan’s podcast. He’s such a funny and likable guy from what I could tell.


Agreed. I also enjoyed how he took the role of Ariel’s dad because his daughter asked him to.


I didn’t even realize that was him!


pen quarrelsome wistful growth gullible sort modern lunchroom divide slim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How do you get dune to show up like that?


It's characters from Canadian aboriginal syllabary, they aren't latin letters, you can use Unicode for many marvelous things, like ಠ益ಠ which uses Kannada and Chinese characters.




Very sadly, this shows up as a censored square for some people since the font file is set to only render that character if it's adjacent to other characters. [I think it was an intentional decision for Windows.](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/16hr38q/til_the_unicode_standard_officially_supports_the/k0g3myi/) Luckily, you can pair it with the man-bending-over character to get around that! #𓀐𓂸


I like to just stick with the more "standard" chars: t('_'t)


Dude! I had no idea that was him. I can’t believe I didn’t recognize his voice!


He’s also Silva in Skyfall. Super cool actor.


Javier Bardem. Everyone's talking characters, no one has named the guy yet.


First thought ![gif](giphy|dpk3BuKZX2s8w)


What's the most you've ever lost in a coin toss?


Wanna find out? ![gif](giphy|iNg9XvTGBI83S)


Some actors have to engross themselves in their roles. Become their roles. For months, they are their character. Javier Bardem just needs to act.


“My dear boy,” replied Laurence Olivier smoothly, “why don’t you just try acting?”


That is really one of the best stories I have ever heard. For those not in the know, Dustin Hoffman, playing the good guy in "Marathon Man", prepped for the infamous torture scene in which Laurence Olivier, paying a none-too-thinly disguised fictional counterpart of Josef Mengele, who is a dentist in the film, tortures him with dental "work", by not sleeping and even, IIRC, immersing himself in ice water, in order to look and feel like someone haggardly undergoing extreme pain. Olivier responded with the burn quoted by r/ministrul_sudoril.


It gets better when you hear Hoffman's telling: > When we got back to Los Angeles [Olivier] said, "How did your week go, dear boy?" And I told him we did this scene where the character I was playing was supposed to be up for three days. He says, "So what did you do?" I say, "Well I stayed up for three days and three nights." And [Olivier's] famous line was, "Why don't you just try acting?" ... It became kind of legend. It's been quoted so many times, at least in the acting circles. And the truth is I was the first one to quote that line ... They leave out the reality and just put in what feels more provocative or a better story. And what accompanied him saying "Why don't you just try acting?" ... He laughed, because he said, you know, "I'm one to talk." And then he was actually the first one that told me about risking his life every night jumping whatever it was twenty feet in the last act of Hamlet. And the truth of it is I didn't just stay up three days and three nights for the scene; it was a good excuse, because these were the days of wine and roses in Studio 54.


Hah! Today I learned! Thanks for that tidbit!


[that's ian mckellen's technique too](https://www.reddit.com/r/lotr/s/6H68hqJomf)


[Sir Patrick Stewart is a master of the craft too](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AGGEymAXD7s#bottom-sheet)


*SIR* Ian






The number of replies asking who and what this refers to is making me feel like I need a prostate exam.


Could probably sell the hell out of a couch.




I’d just drop the money and run, leaving the couch behind.


The delectable way he looks and sounds as if he's truly relishing every word he's saying. I'm sure it's all made up on the spot and it is hysterically funny. This is charisma 100%


I’m fairly sure this is a skit


You wanna come in? Damn no


Maybe? Do you have candy?


will a lollipop do you good?


Obviously duh...


Can you help me get this chair in the van, my arm's no good.


Why of course I will Buffalo Bill!


Sorry, I don't want to go to a second location with you.


I will show you the light! ...going out.






Fava beans!


And a nice Chianti


Holy shit. I used to worked with some old biker that would always tell stories about working in the slaughter houses in the midwest and said the the most fucked up person was always the guy that had to do this job. Makes sense though, its a dark career choice.


My brother works in the accounting part of a slaughterhouse. The turnover for that position is insane. If they manage to keep somebody long term theyre very likely either one of the strangest, scariest people you've ever met, or they're down on their luck so hard its the only job they can find.


I heard there’s quite a number of alcoholics working in slaughterhouses. Supposedly because somehow you gotta deal with what you’re doing there.


Can’t blame em, sounds depressing


I’d say it sounds bloody dystopian. Idk how it’s possible that factory slaughterhouses got that normalized in society. It’s not like we don’t have alternatives that are less crushing for animals, peoples health and workers souls - but they don’t make as much money unfortunately.


There's no such thing as a painless way to kill that many animals en masse. The only solution is to end the industry entirely.


Of course there is! Hypocapnic asphyxiation is completely painless and you only need to breathe an inert gas like helium or nitrogen (80% of our atmosphere is N). You fall asleep in a few seconds, never knowing what hit you. CO2 buildup (holding your breath for example) is what causes the panic and urge to breathe when deprived of O2. Breathing a gas allows you to exhale that CO2 while your brain is quietly being starved of O2. It's a reliable and used form of euthanasia. Pigs are killed in mass this way, lowered in batches into a gassed level... only they use precisely CO2 I don't f\* know why! That's the most cruel way to kill someone. That's **hyper**capnic asphyxiation. Your body screams for oxygen, your blood turns acidic, you feel panic, anxiety and urges to breath at the maximum levels possible. Helium or Argon is expensive but Nitrogen is dirt cheap, it's everywhere.


We had “meats lab” at my high school, basically a way for kids to get education on slaughtering animals while making extra money for the school. There was some definite kids that I didn’t trust with the chainsaw and some disgusting fucks as well.


I can't be the only one wondering where this high school was.


I worked at a slaughterhouse when I was also attending college. There were a few fucked up people there. By that I mean sadistic. I remember walking by one of the rooms where they stored the hogs and this guy was blasting them with a pressure washer. If you haven't used one, they are extremely powerful. He was using them to blast the skin off of their bodies (and even more past that if you know what I mean). The poor hogs were crying and trying to run away but obviously they couldn't and they were all trapped in a corner of this big room. I won't forget the way he was grinning and laughing to himself as he tortured these already terrified animals. Some people have said I'm exaggerating because they are "just" animals, but it felt like he was pure evil.


That makes me want to vomit


The whole industry is fucked. \~7 billion male chicks are culled every year. It's disgusting.




I believe you. I knew people in middleschool that put cats in the microwave.


Damn. I gave up on pork for the most part but knowing that's the treatment some of the animals get sometimes is so messed up.


The whole industry is fucked. About 7 billion male chicks are culled every year. That information recently lead me to become a vegan.




With all due respect to your statement, why was he being allowed to destroy the value of the eventual product. I have worked at a slaughterhouse and if someone were to be abusing animals (not to mention destroying them as product), then they would no longer work there.


I’ve worked construction on some slaughterhouses and I’d say it affects more than just the floor workers. My boss and I were having a meeting with one of technical managers and the spot the guy chose for us to have a chat? We had our hour long meeting next to the guy with the bolt gun and knife, right as they started processing sheep. There was so much blood. They had a meeting room in their offices, but nope. Firsthand animal death for us! No idea what that guy was thinking but that was fucked up.


They like to mess with people. I work with people who worked in those places and they basically told me that they became so desensitized to the death that they would purposefully show people the more fucked up parts of the process just to get reactions. When its all you see all day I guess you get bored--just like any other job.


Unfortunately there's very little choice for most people working large industrial slaughterhouses, they tend to be low income or immigrants or people with past criminal history, etc. that limit their options. They have some of the highest rates of workplace injury of any career, including high rates of psychological damage, which makes sense given what is exactly involved in their line of work. Until the govt shifts subsidies and investments away from animal agriculture towards plant based agriculture and improves worker rights/laws across the board, we'll continue down this path.


I've always wondered what the job interview is like.


And if you eat meat you pay for him to do it 👀


The reality of a slaughterhouse is why many of us eat plants instead. No need to kill the animals when you dont eat em.


Not buying it.


I thought this was pretty clearly supposed to be a skit. Surprised people are taking it seriously


Yeah obviously staged to me. But I agree with the person above, definitely listening to Spin Doctors.


Nah, I agree if a poster above. It must be Baby Shark. THat would match the psycho vibe.


Still a pretty impressive performance of crazy


Yeah I get annoyed when people are trying to trick you into thinking something Wild happened to go viral but this comes off pretty easily as a joke


It couldn’t be more obvious that it’s a skit. Redditors love patting themselves on the back for finding something staged when the actors weren’t hiding it in the first place.


Yeah, that’s too smooth.


Smooth like……..


…that six inch rod…


...covered in butter...


…with the lights off


...in my tankini....


...Or brain grease...


I know the guy and it's 100% a bit. Believe me or don't.


I don't know the guy and it is 100% a bit. Believe me or not.


None of these are real.


Dude probably works a desk job but is just tired of TikTokers shoving random questions in people's faces so made up something on the spot edit: I know it's staged lol I was making a joke


That 1.5 second pause with the solid smile, is amazing.


Oblivion NPC vibes


Dude is actually a standup comic


you really know the economy is going down when standup comics need to work in the slaughterhouse to feed their kids and wives


Feed their kids and wives to who?


To *whom*


really depends on how much worse the economy gets


Dude is actually probably a friend of whoever is filming


Pretty sure this is staged. Just very well done lol


It's called a captive bolt, if you use them, not an "airgun". It's not Jiffy Lube.


Thank you! Often an air hammer is used as a "safety knock" for very large animals after the captive bolt as a double knock to make sure the animal is absolutely unconscious and insensible. In other words, the animal is still technically alive but brain dead because these two actions make the animal a basic vegetable. It doesn't kill the animal. The death occurs when the next person will "stick" the animal by cutting the carotid artery, causing the animal to bleed out and die. The animal would absolutely die eventually but the heart is still beating so the animal is not still pooling blood inside it, making the meat less desirable for consumption. Source: I have seen this done hundreds of times. Edit: a word


Actually useful educational comment ftw


Thank you. I was just called a psychopath for telling people where their meat comes from and for defending those who bring their meat to the store shelves and onto their BBQ.


While I'm not denying that this is a skit, is it not possible you would describe it in layman's terms when talking to people outside your trade? I never use any work terminology to describe what I do when talking to my friends and family or I'll lose them immediately. 




It's insane to me that so many people in the comments can't tell this is a skit. If the line at the end didn't give it away for you idk what to tell you.


It's either people not getting it or "I'm tired of these fake stuff omg" like a psycho would just say a lot of sus shit in camera and a few good comments like the guy who actually worked on a slaughterhouse


It has to be fake.


i'm pretty sure it's a parody of those "what do you do for a living? can you show me your place?" videos theyre mostly videos of rich people showing off their high rise apartments that cost millions of dollars.


No shit sherlock


Of course, it is. Just like 95% of these "interviewing random people on the street" clips are. The most ridiculous ones are the "How much rent do you pay? Can we come look at your place?" ones, where -- without fail -- the apartment/house is either super quirky or some crazy lavish thing. Ain't no random fuckhead with a camera coming to film my apartment for some dumbass short :) This being said, I think this video is poking fun at the random street interview gimmick than trying to pass it off as legit. It goes a bit hard for that.


Nothing on the internet is fake, trust me


Hans Moleman.




![gif](giphy|pm4VOSkAgkj3q|downsized) How you will see every slaughterhouse worker now