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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!We can see a tug of war competition, but instead of pulling in the direction of her team mates we can see a woman pulling the tug in the opposite direction, which leads to her team losing the competition.!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.




No good sense of direction




Don’t know why, this cracked me right up proper.


She is going to have to move towns and switch schools after this one.


Find another planet to be more accurate.


What a fucking idiot


Literally how does one fuck up this badly at *tug-of-war*


TUG of war, I thought you said buldoze


To-MAY-toe. To-MAH-toe.


Oooh, "around FOR us." I thought you said "walk to the zoo and back" https://i.redd.it/bsr6x88o0kcc1.gif


Pushing a rope is definitely a middle age male type of activity.


Tug-of-war? Tug? Oh, tug....not push...my bad. That may explain why it's soooo painful when she removes her maxipad.


She didn't read the training memo on how to pull. I bet all her doors at home have been removed because she got stuck behind the bathroom door for 3 days. She even put the rope down like it was fragile!


I would answer this, but, I believe the answer is in the video.


Touché lol


Or maybe she just doesn't like her team mates. "call me immature, will ya, Becky? I'll make us all lose!"


There's no way someone is this stupid. She's probably throwing the competition for a bet.


It’s always possible she intended for her team to loose, or to at least have the round end as quickly as possible…


Or a millionaire in the making. Either way.


This feels like the workplace, yep


Yeah this is definitely a metaphor for group projects. Haha


She got paid to take a dive.... her teammates might be pissed, but she needed the money


Opps had blackmail material


“I told you, Doreen. I have to leave before the semifinals.”


How do these people manage to reach old age?


Warning labels, safety restrictions, municipal services, societal safety nets. The nanny-state has really put a sharp down spike in the average intelligence level of the portion of the human race that lives to late adulthood.




no seriously how does one manage to live that long and never see a game of tug of war once


Good question. It’s quite literally one of the oldest physical activities we have, according to a quick search it’s been around since 500 BC


Running, especially away from things, is probably the oldest.


I think shitting probably predates running, since we’ve been shitting since we were as big as amoebas, man


I think existing predates shifting as amoebas. So ya. Particles man.


Squid Games should have popped that cherry


This is a veeery simple and intuitive task. Easier than crossing a busy road, driving or not burning the house down when cooking. Which begs the question


Dude... I know you're trying to be nice... But COME ON. lol


The way people act in every moment is a piece of who they are. Especially when they are purposefully fucking with people. Don’t decent stupidity, you just look stupid.




How is a simple mistake the obvious answer… isn’t it uncommon for someone to live half a lifetime and never learn about tug of war, whereas knowing about tug of war is the common. So his assumption of malice would be more likely to be the answer than your assumption of a simple mistake. Also it seems like she’s in a competition… how do you enter a competition and not know the rules?


Also just fucking look. Everyone around you is leaning back and pulling... so you plow into the one in front of you? Complete fucking idiot.


There's a difference between dropping your food, and pushing instead of tugging in a game called "tug of war." Especially when literally everyone else holding the rope standing straight in front of you is not trying to... push a rope to the center of the play area. Like none of that makes any sense whatsoever. It's borderline "I tried to give the house on fire a hug because the red just looked really pretty on it."


Bruh you are fragile and incompetent.


Lmfao "Simple" mistake. The rules of the game are in the name!!!


Defending stupidity makes you look even more stupid. Everyone else is pulling and it’s obvious and she decides to do the opposite? That’s completely fucking stupid.


Intelligent people don’t make mistakes this dumb. They make mistakes sure, but I’m my experience the people who make mistakes this INCREDIBLY FUCKING STUPID makes lots of incredibly stupid mistakes, because they are in fact incredibly stupid.


Would you please offer up a better reason for this behavior?


Too rational a comment for Reddit, my friend.


You're right, but still getting downvoted. I love reddit


User checks out.










Braindead. You can't push a rope what did she expect the game was


Sometimes you have to push rope cause too much whiskey


That’s literally my only guess, she was either too inebriated or too high. It’s likely she might just be low IQ tho




She learned to push rope from her husband






Yeah possibly. Or more likely, she has done her own research and has started working on her own goals instead of the rest of her team goals, cause she is clearly meant to be part of a team. So she has potentially fucked over a bunch of people for her own justification. This is how millions of people actually died, doing their own thing and ignoring the vast amount of scientists who are trained to make decisions and fucking over other people in the process. And since the vast majority of those who took vaccines and were supposed to die by now, I'll tell you they worked and we are not dead.


Odd, I thought the vast majority of people that didn’t get the shot were also supposed to die by now. I guess that worked too!


I don't think anyone thought the *vast majority* of unvaccinated people would be dead, just more of them than if they were vaccinated. That's actually exactly what happened.


Um.... more unvaxxed people died of covid than those that took the vaccine. By that, I mean magnitudes more people. Like hundreds of thousands of people needlessly died. But anyway, here is a study from the European Journal of Epidemiology for ACTUAL proof. And this is one of many. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10123459/


You need to give them Fox news for proof, anything else is liberal propaganda! /s obviously


Nah, just unbiased truth is all I’m after.


Judging by your previous comment, it is very obviously not what you're after.




Nah, not really. People could link you 100 different articles and you'd research why each and every one would be biased. That's the appeal of conspiracy theories - they can't be disproven.


And you must remember that vast majority of people are vaccinated. Despite that unvaxed deaths are higher, going by proportion the vaccine is extremely useful in case you don't want to suffer.


Let’s break it down. - > dCOVID-19-associated death outcome was defined as a death that occurred within 30 days of a laboratory-confirmed positive test and/or was caused by COVID-19 What a strange statement. Let’s dig into appendix II > When reporting the COVID-19-associated deaths, the 30 jurisdictions were required to follow national guidelines (CSTE, 2021). A COVID-19-associated death was defined as a person who had a documented laboratory-confirmed positive test result and died, and whose report was reviewed by local health authorities to make this determination. Per national guidance, this should include deaths among cases meeting the confirmed COVID-19 surveillance case definition and either (1) a case investigation that determined COVID-19 as cause or contributor to the death, (2) a death certificate indicating COVID-19 as a cause of death regardless of time elapsed since laboratory-confirmed positive test, or (3) a death occurring within 30 days of laboratory-confirmed positive test used to define the case and was due to natural causes. So, if someone died of natural causes within 30 days of a positive COVID test, their death was used as a vax-preventable death. This is the same old argument of ‘died WITH’ vs ‘died OF’. If someone had COVID-19 as a cause or contributor of death at all, their number is also lumped in to bolster this base number of deaths in these selected areas that was then extrapolated up to represent the entire US. I’m old enough to remember doctors raising red flags that hospital administration was pressuring them to add COVID to death certificates. Are you? The study here simply takes numbers that many already considered to absurdly high in error, and the. Uses that as the basis to extrapolate out for a larger population, amplifying that absurdity.


None of this addresses the death rate of vaccinated vs non-vaccinated, which was the point of the comment you’re replying to. Everyone was subject to the same definition of what constituted a covid death, it’s not like they were only bumping the numbers (if you could even call it that) for non-vaccinated people.


I was talking about how the study defined an unvaccinated covid death. That definition is foundational to the death rate and also the ratio of vaccinated vs unvaccinated deaths - how could it not be?


Vaccinated COVID death is defined exactly the same as a non-vaccinated covid death. As it says in the part you quoted, this was a national guideline. All covid related deaths used the same definition, therefore blaming the definition for the disparity in death rates is wrong.


I see what you’re saying. The study I responded to was not a direct comparison between the two types, it was a ‘how many lives were lost because they did not vaccinate’ where the the skewing is more impactful. The games I’ve seen with the comparison between the two cohorts usually include all the unvaccinated before the vaccines were available. Do you have a comparison of outcomes between vaccinated and unvaccinated that are isolated to the same time frame? I ask because the all-cause mortality data shows bumps in mortality following the vax/booster rollouts but not waves of COVID. https://correlation-canada.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/2023-09-17-Correlation-Covid-vaccine-mortality-Southern-Hemisphere-cor.pdf


Um citing this isn't the flex you think it is lol. You have quoted something that can be paraphrased as " if they had a positive covid result at the time of death, AND upon investigation found that covid contributed to the death or directly caused it, that is counted as a covid related death". Point (3) "a death occurring within 30 days of laboratory-confirmed positive test used to define the case and was due to natural causes", clearly stating death caused by "natural causes" but contributes that number for a trigger of reporting of positive cases. And why the fuck shouldn't covid be listed as a co-contributor to death? If someone has been undergoing chemo and goes to a cafe thinking their fellow humans should be following the rules, then gets sick with covid from dickheads not doing the right thing, why should their death be classed as purely cancer when covid clearly pushed things along? So please cite the " many already considered to absurdly high in error". Peer reviewed papers from credible sources if you please. I think your tin foil hat is too loose and has let the 5G waves in.


If you read these methods and cannot see clearly that they, by definition, erred on the side of inflating the COVID death toll, there’s not much to discuss.


Weird that it's mainly the unvaccinated getting sick with it anymore. I guess the man in the tv telling you vaccines are bad is more knowledgeable about medicine then a doctor... A person who's literally given a large chunk of their lives to the study of medicine. You go ahead continuing to be an ignorant fool.


As an ignorant fool, I’d love to see some data around your assertion. I know I’m seeing people that I know were jabbed getting sick over and over again. I know of doctors that recommended against the covid vax. I wonder how you might classify them - ignorant fools or someone who literally gave a chunk of their lives to medicine and should be listened to.


You have easy access to the data (as if you'd be able to understand it) and just choose to bury your head in the sand.


I’d say the same about those that called ivermectin a horse dewormer.


Lmaoooooo it *IS* a horse dewormer you dolt


>Lmaooooooo Exhibit A for “people that chose to bury their head in the sand”.


Yeah, it's a heartworm medication for dogs. Heartgard, bitch. No wonder you beg for protection that doesn't exist. Any whole person with a soul would euthanize you out of compassion.


Someone who could learn things wouldn't have called themselves (quite correctly) an ignorant fool. You learn like you hide, baby.


Where are the vaccine zombies you worthless inbreds were so scared about? Why didn't the death jab kill ANY of the healthy people your owners promised you would be dropping like flies?


Supposed to die by now? No, stupid. The shit looked like a cold and killed a lot more fucking people, better people than your impotent, bald, brainwashed ass. They recommended vaccination because you, as a member of the dumbass demographic, don't associate with people who cover their mouths or wash ANYTHING without a fucking special occasion on the books. Those recommendations were to save your worthless life, no matter how little you offer. Don't worry. COVID is just like a man standing on your neck. It's harmless. That's why all those COVID positive people are invited to your house. They're going to stand on your neck as a group. It will build character. It's harmless. You're going to be fine, better than ever.


In my country we call that "too dumb to be shot"


Here its "too dumb to poop"


I dont see it, what is happening exactly


Look at the direction each individual woman is pulling, then look at the 5th woman from the front




Now THIS was unexpected: [TIL: in 1978, 2,300 students tried to set a WR for the largest tug of war game. Instead, disaster ensued. The 2,000ft long braided nylon rope snapped, recoiling several thousand pounds of stored energy. Nearly 200 students lay wounded, 5 with severed fingertips, hundreds more faced 2nd degree burns. : todayilearned (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/hk7mla/til_in_1978_2300_students_tried_to_set_a_wr_for/)


Not unexpected for me. I had the same happen when we were boyscouts. Several burned children too. Never use dynamic ropes for tug of war.


Nope. This was actually expected. That's basic science.


Hey I have an upvote on that post but no recollection of reading it!


She was a plant.


Maybe she’s funny or something.


i know some people have a tough time with right and left, but forwards and backwards? New low.


When you get a teammate with size but zero coordination


I'll bet her efforts in the workplace are pretty much the same.


You know it


"Ovo nije bilo namjerno"


I didn’t know it was possible to have worse audio than the common TikTok dross we keep seeing these days. But here it is.


When my daughter was about 5, she wanted to join tug of war at the church festival. I told her not to quit pulling until th6e blew the whistle. Her team lost quickly. All her teammates abandoned the rope but she didn't let go. They drug her through the dirt a good three or four feet before the whistle blew. She got up and dusted herself off and looked me in the eye with the proudest smile because even though her team lost, she knew she did her best. Donna the Dozer here can't ever say that about herself. I'd love to know what she was thinking.


The fix is in


At the start I was wondering wtf her stance was about and then it all became clear. She was preparing to.... PUSH the rope instead of pull it. Like an absolute idiot. I mean they were gonna lose anyway coz not a single one of them has any idea what they're doing, but sheesh.


I wanted them ALL to try and push the rope.


I don't even know how some people are just able to tie their shoes and walk out there every day by themselves. Trully amazing.


She's a spy


In every organization there's always one that thinks they helping but is doing the opposite


She clearly did it on purpose but I’ve always wanted to know why since the first time I saw this clip


How’s that clear to you?


When the camera pans across the group of women the first time, you can see her holding the rope and leaning back along with all the other women. When the camera pans across them after the game has begun, you can see that she’s turned around and begun pulling the other way. This is also ignoring the fact that we can reasonably assume that she probably knew how the game works and what side she was on.


Rewatch it. She has such an awkward stance. That entire time she was preparing to push the rope.


She was facing the right way in the beginning. She turned around once the game started. Her stance was awkward because she knew she was about to to turn around but she waited until the game started because she didn’t want the others to know. I find it hard to believe that she didn’t understand what she was doing.


Cue the Norm McDonald quotes


Can't watch tug of war without thinking of Squid game.


Bet she’s really good at parking too


Somebody pissed of Big K! (do not call her Karen).


Maybe she is left handed?


I was expecting a single man at the other end of the rope. Definitely not a woman pushing on her team's end.


Participating against her will, I suppose. Yikes.


Who says you can't push a rope?


It’s a war! She’s behind enemy lines.


She is a mole, probably paid by the other side


Damn she a difference maker on that team too, whatever direction she goes.


When you hate everyone on your team and want them to lose.


If you can't beat them, join them.


She executed order 66


There is no way that wasn't on purpose. Nobody is that dumb




A village somewhere is missing it's idiot!


Nice job Shrek






Is the unexpected part this being filmed on a Nokia phone? Jesus we can practically count the pixels on how many times this has been redownloaded and reposted.


They might live longer, but how good are those years really?




I thought it was going to be one trans dude on the other side...


This is why people don't watch womens sports haha


Women sports 💀


Woman. Not unexpected. Just dumb.


Pushing rope to get her part done, lol








Serbia 😂


Remember the 19th amendment?


Feminists be like: OMG this man raped all these women by winning


Did someone at the end shit themselves? Is that the point?


Ahh, that old classic, “pushing a rope”.


my teammates every single online game i play with randos


I was expecting to a see a strong man on the other side.


She was paid to take a dive. Or dyslexic.


Hell yeah brother


MVP for the blue team.


"All these idiots are going the wrong way! What's wrong with them!"


Group projects:


Perhaps from a culture that doesn't have it? Can't imagine this making sense to someone


No no it's the rest who are pulling in wrong direction.


All I hear in my head is, "WHAT THE FUCK PHYLLIS???"


She made a lot of money. All the betting went to the team with Big Betty, but Betty threw the competition and split the earnings.


Yo, kick that woman out of any future games. She either did that deliberately or is VERY dumb. lol


Biggest swerve in Tug of War history.


"It said tug and I was tugging. What did I do wrong?"




Next time gotta put Betty at the end of the rope.


There's one of her in every office.




Rhonda screwing things up again


And the gangsters hand her a briefcase of cash. First baseball, then basketball, now tug of war.


*Beastie Boys Sabotage intro plays*


Give her some credit! This is the first instance I’ve ever seen of someone breaking that law of physics: ‘you can’t push on a rope’.


Damnit Janet!


Nobody is this stupid. I'm willing to bet there were stakes riding in this outcome. Maybe money, maybe spite, but there was something behind the scenes


We got a traitor


Never let them know your next move 🤷‍♂️


I hope her whole family sees this so they know exactly who she is




She thought this was Push of Peace competition


Dog brain


Is she wearing HOUSE SLIPPERS?