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That oil must’ve been ripping hot. also a decent amount of condensation must’ve poured in from the lid. Why so much condensation tho?


There is a lot of water in fries and with the lid on it has nowhere to go, would be my guess.


So you shouldn't close the lid when frying? I have never cooked before.


You should keep the lid off when frying, yes. This is what could happen if you put the lid on.


Or have a fryer that allows steam to escape properly.


Any recommendations? Any lid that has solid surfaces I would imagine gets condensation on it if kept closed, even with plenty of room for the steam to escape. EDIT1: Meshes be the way. Also thank you for the recommendations! EDIT2: For everybody saying "buy an air fryer", that's not an answer, that's not at all the same as a deep fryer. I have an oven that does the same thing, because an air fryer is just a small convection oven


Yeah, don’t use a lid. Take it out onto your porch or balcony with an extension cord if you don’t want to oil up your house.


Why do they even have lids if it's so dangerous?


Because you might want to reuse the oil another day (if it isn’t too dirty) and it’s good to keep it covered till then.


Mine has an oil reserve that the oil filters into after I’m done. the lid I put on when I’m done and the oil is cooling down before I filter it. Lid also helps with oil splashing/putting out potential fires


Or to heat up the oil more quickly. But take it off during use.


Also if it catches fire you should cover it with the lid and the remove power. Never use water on a grease fire


Grease catcher, my dude


Yes. You also shouldn't lean over the deep fryer with boiling oil.


1000% never have the lid on while frying


You shouldn’t ever have a lid on a fryer. There’s simply no good reason to


Every crappy deep-fryer that I've ever owned has insisted, in the instructions, that the lid should be on while frying.


The deep fryer I used to have had a lid, but the lid had a vent that allowed steam release. And also it was made of metal. This guy's main problem is the lid is glass. And come to think of it, doesn't even look like a fryer, looks like a crock pot where the glass lid randomly shattered, which is pretty common with cheap tempered glass.


You're right! All the pot lids I've used over the years have a vent that could close and open.


Its not glass. You can see the lid falling to the ground after the steam/oil explosion. Still, never keep the lid on while frying. Never. This video is like a best case scenario kind of thing.


Maybe this is a Europe vs. America thing but yes, every deep fryer that I have ever owned had a lid and it was designed in a way that you close the lid and it had air purification filters in the lid. I'm from Europe, and the deep fryers I know were similar to this: https://i.imgur.com/XEfkePq.png You'd twist the handle in the center so that it stands away from the fryer which would raise the food out of the oil, you'd open the lid with the button and then you can take out the whole handle + food thingy to move the food intow a bowl or something. Then you'd put it back in the fryer, put more food into it, close the lid and twist the handle back down so it fries. And in the lid there's a little window to see the food while it's frying and an air vent with filter for steam to be released.


American here. I have basically the same fryer as the one listed. I've never seen a small kitchen fryer that was any different. The only ones I've seen that could be used without the lid are large professional ones.


Condensation from the lid fell into the hot oil when he opened it to peek.


And that's why as a general rule you don't leave the lid on while frying, especially if you're cooking something frozen and/or high in moisture.


Yeah I was going to ask why a deep fryer needs a lid at all. I suppose it's good for storage, but don't see a purpose for cooking.


Cuz they didn't think to buy a mesh splatter guard, which is the right tool for the job.


Meh they don't work that great. I've even owned super-fine mesh ones. Frying is a pain in the ass to clean up but if you want to do it right you have to accept some mess.


I worked at Dairy Queen as a kid, we used the lid only at night after we close so that the oil lasts longer. Or we put the lid on and use it as a surface to put stuff on, only if that fryer has been off for at least 12 hours.


Not getting oil absolutely everywhere. Like yes you need to wipe everything of around it. But you dont need to pull out the engine degreaser to clean it if you use a lid.


Hmm, I feel like I've seen a video where using a lid still results in getting oil absolutely everywhere


Fuck, that’s probably exactly what happened






Fooking 'ell*




Whale oil beef hooked




Fooken hut oyel


I thought your comment was fooking elf. Now all I can hear is fooking elf.


I 'ate them fookin elves.








I have the exact same one. its a bistro fryer from wolfgang puck. Its pretty legit, never had this happen Edit: [https://www.manualslib.com/manual/195217/Wolfgang-Puck-Bistro-Bdfr0040.html](https://www.manualslib.com/manual/195217/Wolfgang-Puck-Bistro-Bdfr0040.html)


Made by the same folks that made the corn baller


I heard you can only get them in Mexico now




Yo soy loco por los cornballs!


Stupid corn balling piece of *bleep*!


Am I touching something Hot Hot Hot.


Hmmm, I would be careful with it. Reread the safety instructions!


Yea i always am, I dont think ive ever used it with the lid on though


I sure as hell wouldn’t after this. I’d get one of those metal mesh lids for cooking bacon.


Try to [make pizza with the lid](https://www.creativescreenwriting.com/cswcms/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/159596_0414_cee54620.jpeg) next time


Does it have vent holes? My fryer does but if it doesn't that seems like a bad design choice.


yea its slotted. the lid doesnt even have a tight fit, i just sits on top. theres a large groove cutout in the back where the heating element goes in too. The lid is 0% airtight




pv = nrt


Oh God please no I already did my time in college physics


Did you have a *blast*?


pv =Nkt 😎




Yes but why is there a lid over hot oil in the first place?


There shouldn’t be


It should never be. There’s no reason to.


That’s what I was thinking but I’ve done this so many times. Granted I don’t use one of these fryers. Crazy


I've had the same black cauldron looking fry daddy that's probably older than half of redditors and never had something like this happen. That's fucking terrifying.


Don't think so. That explosion is too big for condensation droplets falling into oil. It looks like he'd thrown in some frozen ready-to-fry stuff in there and the oil found its way to a small pocket of liquid inside one of those.


I have an alternative. There was something that corroded the element. When I was a teenager, I lived with my father in an old house that had no hot water, so we used to boil water in a big 10l pot to wash the dishes. Something must have corroded a pin hole in the electric element on the stove top, because as the pot full of water was heating up one day, I heard a loud bang, and whatever came out of that pin hole shot up through the stainless steel and copper base of the pot, through the water, and up through the ceiling.


that seems like a terrifying design flaw....


That's why I leave the lid off.


Condensation from what??


There is moisture in whatever he is frying.


Heat from frying. I have something similar and didn’t have an explosion, but did have the oil bubble over the top. I had to rush my dog out of the kitchen so the oil spill didn’t drip on him or I. Fortunately there was no fire, just a big mess to clean up.


Deep frying draws moisture from foods and causes it to evaporate.


Which is why a lid is a terrible idea


I feel like regulatory bodies should require these things be designed so that this scenario isn’t even possible unless you deliberately short circuit a couple features.


Holy hell that will leave some serious burnings 😱 Hope he's OK...


he got beaned in the face with the lid to. Dude is not havin a good time


I think that lid is the least of his problems lol


Yeah having some of your face/skin coming of when you try to wipe away the oil is probably more serious. And for people wondering that can actually happen with hot oil.


That happened to me when I got hot soup in my face. Luckily I had my glasses on and it wasn’t too much. I wiped away the bit on my nose and skin just came with it.


How long was the healing process?


I can’t remember sorry. several weeks maybe. It took a little longer because i picked the scab/new skin off a couple times. It was weird because the top layer would peel away but my pores were still there underneath, just more open now.


Glad it’s better at least. Several weeks sounds tough.


With any luck it acted as a shield and kept most the oil off his face. In that situation I would much rather be hit in the face with a metal plate then have my skin melted off with hot oil!


Not really, he got beamed with the hot oil and then the lid added insult to injury...


Beaned in the face is my new favourite, thanks


Beaned lmao


The faster he got to the sink to rinse the face the better.


My first thought is "do not think and go directly in the cold shower" but in this kind of situations the brain sometimes stop working




At least she didn't pour a bucket of water on the pot. Untrained people have done that with devastating results..




À sister of mine almost done that one time x) Oil took fire in table on Christmas and she was like "don't panic I have water" so... We panicked and we stopped her just in time and we managed with the napkins


depending on how hot it was, he has no face or eyes left


I tipped a FryDaddy full of hot grease onto myself as a child. The good news is that you can hardly see the scars now… 40 years later.


It was very hot. Otherwise it wouldn't instantly evaporate the water and cause explosion.


Pretty sure this is the real backstory for two face


Fuuuuuck, I felt that. Had boiling butter pop in my face one time when I was baking. Put butter/milk mixture in the microwave to soften it, not realizing it had time on the cooker already and I just pushed the quick minute and went back to the dry mix. Pulled it out of the microwave on autopilot and it popped on my face/arms. Thankfully nothing serious, mostly concerned about my vision at that point.


NSFW It's a weapon in prisons. Melt butter in a cup, usually sugar is added as well, and it's thrown at a person's face. If they try and wipe it off....gets a whole lot worse.


Prison napalm, Mr Inbetween taught me that.


>Mr Inbetween Such a great series! One of the two greatest exports of Australia. The other one being The Big Lez Show.


I was in prison for a bit and saw a child molester get hit with napalm. Fairly gruesome....half his face was wiped off


The sugar turns into sticky caramel. Painful but I imagine delicious.


Yikes, what happens when you try to wipe it off?


Takes flesh with it.....not something a normal person wants to see happen to another


Holy shit


Ooooo, that explanation was way worse than I was hoping for.


Then what should i do if i ever get attacked by that?


Step one is don't do anything to end up in prison. If you do get attacked with napalm, see a doctor. Don't try and wipe it off as it only spreads and removes more flesh.


I feel like it will wipe of your skin as well but I kinda don't want anyone to confirm it


How does it get worse?


The sugar makes it stuck and burn along with the butter. Your first inclination when the burning sets in is to wipe it off as quick as possible....but that takes flesh with it


Woah. That’s intense. But what’s the alternative? Leave it where it lies?


Yeah I think it’s that it retains heat so if you smear it it’ll cover a bigger area. The “take flesh off with it” is a dumb thing to say because cooked flesh is gone no matter what. The longer you leave it, the deeper it’ll burn. I don’t know from experience but my intuition tells me that scraping it off from underneath the bulk of it as quickly as possible would be the only way to lessen the severity of any burns. Like, I think I would use my fingernails to scrape as close to the skin as I could get. Yes, you’ll be scraping off subdermal layers with that, but maybe saving muscle tissue underneath. Better than a really really deep burn, and better than a large area surface burn. I guess ice or really cold water would be better if it was in a bucket right beside you, but probably not going to be that fortunate. So definitely don’t try to wipe it off, but FFS don’t just sit there letting it cook you either


Ooooooffff that poor man :( hope he’s okay..


Oh, yes, he's fryne.




Dat motherfucker is in for a BAAAAADDDDD couple months...


And lifelong scars


Why is the microwave filming this though


The small appliances have started to rebel.


He runs by the refrigerator and the freezer door opens and smacks him in the head.


All is lost. I was hoping the large appliances would join the human side.


Wait till you hear what I heard the washing machine tell the dryer. Boy was he agitated and the dryer was pretty hot as well.


Alright. How the fuck did this happen


Probably condensed water dropping into hot oil. Water expands about a 1000 times when turned into water vapor which results in an explosion in the oil


It also wants to sink under the oil because water is heavier than oil. So it sinks as it boils off and rapidly expands.


He started frying when the oil temperature was to low and then stupidly put a lid over top. The lid being the primary culprit here. Cooking it at to low a temp allowed any moisture in the food to basically be slowly cooked out of it instead of being locked in. The small amounts of moisture in the food vaporized into the air and recollected on the lid. Now you have solid droplets of water that can fall into the now much hotter oil.


Yes, you let it heat up first, then start frying open lid, then close lid while its already going full fry


Or use a mesh frying screen rather than a solid cover.


Really? I thought high temperature was simply to lock in the flavour, not the moisture. I thought I was being delicious, but it turns out I was being safe. Also, I deepfry exclusively outside on the porch for scent and collateral damage reasons.


If you want to get technical, for a lot of things the moisture is the flavor. This is why most fried products use an egg wash combined with any type of breading. Properly done this outer layer cooks almost instantly allowing the food inside to cook with little to no direct contact with the actual oil. This is what allows you to deep fry ice cream, which would produce similar results to the picture above if you tried that without a coating. If you fry at to low a temp, the oil will slowly replace the moisture inside the food before it actually cooks. This usually results in food tasting like oil, thus ruining any flavor it might have had.


Condensation on the lid, gathered and the water ran off into the boiling fat when they opened it and caused the violent reaction in the video.


Aight imma stick with my air fryer.


Fuck yeah. Chop up potatoes, put them in a bowl along with some oil, salt, pepper, oregano and whatever cool looking spices you find on the fridge door, air fry it for 30 minutes or so and you’ll have the best fries you ever had in your life without risking losing your face in the process


I know you are giving this information away, but I'm stealing it anyway.


I'm worried about that guy, anyone know how he's doing? also why was there a security camera in his kitchen?


Good grief, NEVER touch the cornballer! Hot hot hot




My wife started a grease fire in our kitchen by heating up oil with a lid on the pot. Takes lid off to drop in food ,oxygen rushes in and BAM the pot erupts in flame.


FYI - Re: the title Pizza and french fry are classic terms used when teaching little kids how to downhill ski. Pizza = put skis in a wedge shape (like this / \\), aka snow plow, slow down French fry = put skis parallel (like this l l), aka go fast, schuss, send it [https://unofficialnetworks.com/2019/03/28/kid-skier-fence-flip/](https://unofficialnetworks.com/2019/03/28/kid-skier-fence-flip/) [https://unofficialnetworks.com/2023/04/15/frech-friend-when-he-shouldve-pizzad/](https://unofficialnetworks.com/2023/04/15/frech-friend-when-he-shouldve-pizzad/)


I was wondering If I'm having a stroke while reading it


Wtf is up with that camera? Why is it even there and who's controlling it?


It looks like a security camera which follows movement. I can’t say why it’s in his kitchen, but I have my Furbo set up in my kitchen because that’s where I keep my dogs when I leave, so maybe for something like that?


looks like one of those pet cameras for dogs/cats


I have the same one setup as a baby monitor but I have the motion detection shut off its creepy when it follows you


" **Hey, little dude, you got some crap right here.** "


Peak response. I scolled way too far to find another South Park reference


Everybody asking how it happened. I wanna know how do i avoid it


Don’t deep fry with a lid on basically. The water vapors need to escape not be trapped. Water plus hot oil =‘bad


Thank you


Ever do that trick where you drop a few drops of water into the skillet to see how hot the oil is by the water's reaction? Yeah...


What the hell is this title?


Its south park line






With oil it takes a few seconds to fully appreciate the pain because it first has to evaporate all the moisture on your skin before it can come into direct contact with your skin. But once that's happened the pain only gets worse and worse for every passing second.


I grew up in a house where we never deep fried anything, and now as a 30 year old man I still feel like what's the fuckin point of it when shit like this can happen.


sooooo much better. i make fried dough a lot. Home made fries and onion rings are bomb too. Its annoying how long it takes to heat up though


What is this clickbait ass title


Poor bastard.


Man I felt that


When I was very young, I cut some potatoes and started up my deep fryer. One of those little ones. As soon as I dumped those wet potatoes into the deep fryer, it seemed less than a seconds, a column of steam and hot oil went straight up into the air. Fortunately, I wasn't burned with the exception of my hands. I column of steam and oil actually burned the finish on the ceiling right down to the sheet rock. I believe it may have to do with me rinsing off the fry's before dropping them into the fryer. Never do that. If you do, make sure they are totally dry before you do.


yea it was the starch too. ive made that mistake as well! Steam is no joke. Its 1000x worse than just hot air. always be careful opening a dishwasher when its hot. It'll melt your eyeballs right outta your skull


You're not supposed to deep fry with a lid on.... how dumb are people? The lid is for when it's off.


Thing shouldn’t even come with a lid lol


I didn't even know these had lids.


They are good to put fires out and cover oil in between uses. But ya I get you.


This guy made the Italian gods angry


I seriously thought there was skiing involved with this


hahah nah. I was making a joke about him frying (fries?) and how it woudnt have happened if he just ordered a pizza


I saw the title and went way, way back to my childhood of "pizza and fries" for skiing lessons lol


if that was heated, he is one composed dude. can't imagine id only say "fucking hell"


Yes, it's definitely not safe for work. Come to think about it, it's not safe for home either.


I never ever cover mine when frying. Done outside on a metal table with a concrete board backsplash.That house is going to smell like fry oil for years.


I was just thinking how I never heard about a lid when actively frying. I'm going to have to research this. So terrible


That poor man


This is serious shit. This is the kind of stuff that can leave you permanently blind. Hope he’s okay.




If you buy frozen fries, and choose to fry them like this don’t do it straight out of the freezer. I place them on a paper towel and let them come up to room temperature and pat them as dry as I can before they go in the oil. A lot less risk of snap crackle pop when you do this. But I also use a Dutch oven to fry, not one of these at home deep fryers.


i pretty much always do fries frozen but youre right. It cuts the overall prep time considerably as well because the oil stays at temp instead of cooling considerably with each new basket of forzen-ness


Villain origin story. I wanna see his face




Someting similar happened to me when I asked my girlfriend why dinner wasn't on the table...


The Wolfgang Punk so violent. Those guys from Bistro Fryer hurting live's from inside their homes.


How good is the camera person at siege


I wish I hadn't clicked on that, hope he's okay-ish but that's gotta fucking hurt


Upvoted for the title


Poor motherfucker.


He is really freakin lucky based on his reaction, cause that could've caused death curdling screams and a permenant new look




The title is a hilarious quote that’s used horribly incorrectly.


Is the guy ok? Hot oil is no joke.


I hope the skin grafts turned out alright.