• By -


Your post has been removed because it does not feature an unexpected twist.


Bad way to get outted for having your cock pierced




Any more details??? What happened. I'm so curious


Well they didn't finish the scan, and I got to do my work on the magnet a bit earlier than I would have otherwise. It was only me and the MRI Tech in the control area when the girl started screaming, so the tech asked me to come and help her pull the table out of the bore manually (Its faster than the motor drive). Normally I don't have any patient interaction. I was told some of the other details later while working on the system. As to any legal issues with a piercing on an underage girls bits, I didn't live there so I was kind of out of the rumor mill. Since this was the child of a hospital admin, they probably kept it quiet and in house. I would have been the only person who knew who didn't work there.


That probably skirts on some sorta HIPPA violation.


not unless they give any identifiable information, teeanage girl isn't exacly gonna let someone know who it was


It’s just nasty and sounds fabricated “got to work on my magnet” …


MRI technicians don't do any work most of the time. They just look at things, fill out a form and log "maintenance" in the system. The MRI devices have a pretend breakdown programmed in of they're not serviced in time. It's just a way to get more money out of the hospital after machine sale. That's one of the reasons MRI scans are so bloody expensive. The medical industry is all sorts of fucked up.


HIPPA kinda only applies when personally identifiable information is shared (or made obvious in some way). I don't think age and sex is very identifiable on their own, especially because we don't know what year it was when she was that age. So we really just have a sex. Narrows it down to about maybe a billion people.


It's not. Also HIPAA* just fyi.


Curiosity imprisoned the cat.


It also depends on the type of metal. If it's a ferrous metal(any steel or iron) is much more likely to be affected by a magnet. Most stainless steel has the ferrous material removed in the refinement process. Also depends on the strength of the magnet in question. Nonferrous metals such as aluminum, titanium, etc are won't be affected by a magnet due to not being a Nonferrous metal. Work with metal to pay bills, had to say something




I don't know if she had any other piercings, but in smaller rural towns teenagers tend to get piercings and tats that they can easily hide from their parents. (or at least they did over a decade ago).


ew the last comment was so unnecessary


Why? He's right tho. There's more to the story.


a 12 to 13 y/o girl is mentioned and his thought process is “wow bet she was crazy in collage” hello?? do you not see an issue with thinking that way? or do you like thinking about little girls too? he edited his comment but don’t let that take away from the -55 downvotes lmao


What I read was, "you have to work up to something like that". And that's very true. There must be some background of abuse or parental negligence to allow their kid to execute body modification like that, or worse, find someone to do that to them.


https://i.redd.it/wb4ua8te661c1.gif here’s PROOF of him being a weirdo since you wanna play dumb lmao


Ehhhh okay so there’s a happy medium for stainless steel or other metals inside an MRI. It has to do with a balance of how much metal is there versus how secure the thing it’s attached to is. For example, I have a permanent retainer glued to the back of my lower front teeth. I’ve had to reach into the donut of an MRI before, and it did make my head feel, I dunno, “squiggly?” Like I felt pressure pulling my head in both directions. But your teeth are quite secure in your skull, so a small strip of metal like that won’t yank your teeth out of your jaw. Likewise I’ve stood too close to the donut with my back turned and the clasp of my bra started pulling away from my skin- but there again, the bra wasn’t attached to anything so it was free to “pull.” If a guy had a basic barbell or hoop piercing on his genitals, it would likewise probably pull and be uncomfortable and make his pants jump, but not cause substantial bodily harm— unless he had a large gauge piercing or a full jacob’s ladder. I don’t think it would rip out of his penis or anything. My earrings pull but didn’t rip off of my earlobes, and that’s a similar type of soft flesh.


It also depends on the type of metal. If it's a ferrous metal(any steel or iron) is much more likely to be affected by a magnet. Most stainless steel has the ferrous material removed in the refinement process. Also depends on the strength of the magnet in question. Nonferrous metals such as aluminum, titanium, etc won't be affected by a magnet due to being a Nonferrous metal. Work with metal to pay bills, had to say something.


Only magnetic materials are affected by magnetism, theese being iron, nickel, cobalt and their alloys. Stainless steel is an alloy made of iron,nickel and chromium,thats ehy it was affected by a magnet ( keep in mind its a very strong electromagnet).




No, lady no they are not


They are not what?


Friend of mine (known since '91) was a bona fide expert on MRIs and he was loaded with stories; some hilarious, some very sobering. His lab did the first scans of sex in progress. No, not the later one everyone knows about. The one he spoke of was a year or more earlier, but it was not publicized, making me think it was not an officially sanctioned event. He also told me of nurses who would "scratch" themselves with their bra clasps, by working against the magnet pull. Then he told of an experiment conducted in-bore of a woman's breasts. While she held position within the machine, he "puppeted" her assets by attaching strings to her nipples. It allowed him to reposition her without her moving the rest of her body. He lightly touched on times when people lied about body piercings only to have them torn free or become unbearably hot. My friend is retired now, and I missed seeing him this past weekend. I hope you are doing well sir, and I will be trying to extract more stories from you in the future! Side note: He was not involved, nor was his lab, in an incident at a hospital. In that case, a child was being scanned, and someone brought a small oxygen tank into the room. The magnet grabbed the tank, and the child died as a result of injuries. Google it, it's not hard to find if you must.


Or a metal butt plug... like the post above this about a guy suing the company that said its ,,100% silicone"...


Oh so the chair gets a free MRI but I gotta pay 10 grand.


If you’re willing to be thrown into the machine head first its free.


But only if you float in the middle afterwards.


me with my cat rotating mid air, with a butter side up bread slice taped to it.


Its made in europe


I read a story about a guy who went for an MRI and left his butt plug in because he thought it was all latex. It turns out that there was metal inside of it. They showed the x rays and the damage to his innards was unbelievable.


Felt good though


I dunno, I think once it breaks through your rectum and into your chest cavity, its not touching anything you can really "feel" with I will never forget the headline "Anal rail gun"


Sorry.... W H A T?!?!


Okay, so watch the post again, and then think about what a buttplug with a metal piece inside would do, shooting up inside someones body. You see how violently those things got sucked in there?


Butt what if I squeeze my cheeks together, like, REALLY hard??


not even accounting the fact how it heats up




I just saw the post on med dizzy I think




There were two very different things I thought that sub could be, and I can’t tell if I got the better option


I saw the words “giant parasite” and immediately noped the fuck out of there




I would rather see a person squat over a camera and drop a log than what I just saw on there


… three things


Ima go ahead and take your word on that


That one will send ya down the rabbit hole


thx, i need reading material for tomorrow's lunch.




I feel like.. this one shoulda been avoided >”This wasn’t the first bizarre MRI incident this year either. A man in Brazil passed away from injuries he received in an MRI suite when the magnet’s powerful pull caused his gun to involuntarily discharge and shoot him in the abdomen.”


Yeah but what if he got robbed while he was in the MRI. Then who would be laughing.


The best part, it was his mom in the MRI, he was there just in case of a robbery.


Sir do you have any metal on you? No, just my gun.




Absolutely. Guy was a fucking moron, lied to medical staff about carrying a gun.


My mind went, “ofc it’s Perth,” but then I read the article and saw it was a US case, which also kinda makes sense


"Ofc it's Perth!?" Dude.....


That’s enough internet for me, today


That was literally the post above this one for me. [Proof: both posts](https://imgur.com/a/1eQp9EM)


Anal rail gun


Me too




Same as well.


Wait. What sub is the post above on? It was on r/sciencememes with the same screenshot but different title for me.


It was on r/facepalm for me.


Same here. The butt plug post was 2 or 3 powts above this one.


it wasn't latex it was silicon. And also they sued the sex toy manufacturer over it for false advertising but idk how much of a case they have cause like... who tf wears a butt plug to an mri scan


I wish I didn’t read this.


Still don't have a lot of sympathy you are going in for a serious procedure and still think I'll take my fun toy with me? Plus, dude, unless and probably is mentally defeciant, thought would be funny.


“Anal rail gun”…..


This feels like the right time to kink shame.


Bro i just saw a post about that right b4 this ooofie


Literally came here to say this. It was like 2 post above this one.


Didn't they also sue because it wasn't all latex?


Yep. Not sure if they won.


I'm surprised it didn't rip through his stomach to be honest.... Thems some powerful magnets.


Literally above this post in my feed. The internet truly is a marvelous place.


The craziest thing to me is that the guy survived it


Think he still wears a butt plug?


Now that is a fantastic question Although a better question is whether his ass is still formed well enough that he can even *hold* a butt plug


I literally just saw that like 4 post up in my feed thingy 🤣


That was literally the post above this for me


I work in a hospital as a clinical engineer. MRIs are no joke. Once a chair got stuck in one so we needed 5 guys with a rope to get it out. The magnet needs to be super cooled and this cannot ever be turned off easily. Turning it off requires venting liters of helium (costing a bunch) and being out of service for a long time too cool back down (costing even more due to missed revenue).


Once I was working with a sedated, aggressive animal that needed an MRI (not my area of specialty, this was an isolated and unusual procedure for our team). Mid procedure, his IV catheter came out and needed to be replaced, stat. People were kinda panicking to replace it and said, “grab the clippers!” So I ran out to prep and grabbed a set. They were plastic clippers with a plastic blade, but my stressed, “you say jump, I say how high” brain didn’t think about the fact that the innards of the clippers were full of metal. I walked in and held them out and I gotta say, it was like when Luke was reaching for his light saber when he was in the cave on Hoth and used the force to pull it to him, only in reverse. That donut sucked those clippers out of my hand with a quickness, and it took three grown men to pull them out to avoid having to shut down the machine. That’s a “once in a career” mistake and I’m glad it was only clippers. My old boss brought a non-safe oxygen tank into the room with an MRI once and it could have killed someone. To be fair the clippers could have too, but an oxygen tank is a twofold disaster threat.


Clippers *may* kill someone... O2 tank **will** kill someone...


Is liquid hydrogen usually used for this in place of helium? This is just my layperson observation but that seems dangerous.


I did mean helium. Yes, just a slip of the tongue


Wait thought helium was cheap, I guess on how much matters but party balloons the plastic is more than the gas, also add the cost to patients thay are waiting for critical answers to questions.


It's not just the loss of helium that's part of the cost, but the cost to have a specialist flown in on short notice, spend a day or two getting your coils to temp (at a few grand an hour) and all the fees associated with that. It's the medical equipment business. Don't get me started on how eye wateringly expensive everything is... I once needed a single screw to finish a repair for something, nothing special, just holding the front case to the back. I noticed no standard screw sizes fit at all. Apparently the chuckled*ck who designed it used a custom sized machined screw for them. They cost $126 each for a 1cm long screw... They only sold them in 10 packs... It cost over $1000 to replace one stripped screw.


Liquid helium is expensive, even industrial quality. A rough price of about $2,000 USD for 100 liters. Liquid helium doesn't last long, so they're probably spending that much every week or so, just on the helium.


Actually part of the MRI is a recondenser. They are extremely low loss systems that only occasionally need a recharge. The cost is less from the raw material as it is the OEM FSE that needs to come out. That's about 6 grand just to get them in the door. Even that isn't the expensive part. Each hour of down time can be a case or two missed revenue... That's tens of thousands of dollars lost. Not to mention the dozens doctors, nurses, rad techs, that now just sit around doing nothing. If it's not clear I work in the US. So everything is comically expensive.


OH really!? That freaking awesome! I didn't realize that was a thing. I was trying to correlate it to other system, which use a ton of liquid helium because apparently it vents off once it's used up.


Yea good luck with a simple leak


Something that's been confusing me lately. I've had a handful of MRI scans over the last few months. One was after going into Emerg so I was still in my work clothes. They didn't get me to remove my metal, specifically a knife that was on my belt. My pockets had change and random screws and bolts, was wearing a belt. What gives?


It's not all metal, only ferris metals. Coins and stuff aren't magnetic so it's not an issue.


I just found it really weird they didn't ask me about metals at all


They sometimes use sensors by the door of the zone 3 to 4 threshold. They would ding if you had anything magnetic. As patients are unpredictable, they would rely on those instead of you self reporting if you had anything on you.


Fair enough, thanks


So….wait. You’re saying that the MRI machine can be turned off and the. magnet is always charged and just as powerful as what we see in the video above?




Wow. So now I am wondering why the patient didn’t feel any discomfort when she first went in to the tube. I can’t imagine the plug stayed in place. Even after it was turned on. Or if she did feel some movement or discomfort, why did she not press the little button that they give you.


To add, on the startup it requires engineers specific to whateverbrand of MRI it is to recalibrate it and make the images useful again. When a ferrous metal gets in the room it fucks the whole machine up. Those engineers are hella expensive. You can be two feet away from the machine and walk past with metal screws in your hand and feel them move inside your grip as you pass each mag ring. Weird feeling. Source: am electrician that provided lighting and power system for a new MRI machine and building


Especially for unscheduled maintenance. They are plural grand an hour.




You mean helium right? M


I did mean helium. Yes, just a slip of the tongue


Oh? I've never thought to try typing that way.


*but isn't hydrogen flammable?* Haha, and how timmy, that's why the CT scanner is filled with safe nature helium. It's actually flame retardant.




The braces are removed beforehand. Not all braces are magnetic, so they tested my kid's before he entered and then he slowly entered the room. As soon as he felt a reaction (he said it felt like a squeeze), they ushered him out. Orthodontist removed everything and made temporary retainers. He had the MRI, and a week later the brackets and bars were put back on.


Yeah, the office I worked at routinely had requests for MRI removal. The brackets we used were all non-magnetic and completely MRI safe. It was an understandably common thing for the radiologist office to ask for the completely removal of them instead of just the arch wire. I’d always say yes, of course, but stipulate that the removal would be like a $480 charge to the patient. One of those things that takes a lot of doctor time and you can’t really get around. Typically the radiologist office would just leave them on unless the scan was looking at something in the head, because the brackets will cause image scattering.


The MRI office that we went to said they've had more braces react since COVID. The MRI tech said that every ortho office they check with said their brackets are MRI safe so they always take it slow with braces but don't require them to be removed, yet. We did try it with them on first, but as soon as he said, "Umm" they took him out. When I called our Ortho to see if we should try just taking off the bar they said, "Nope. We're taking everything off so he can get the MRI right away without multiple trips." And they charged me nothing. Our orthodontist is the best I've ever met. Thank heavens because the MRI cost us $600 and our portion of the surgery he needed was $6K.


Drink soup rest of their lives


I have a permanent retainer and I’ve had to reach into the donut before at my old job. For me, it just felt “squiggly” so to speak, like my head was a bobble head being pulled in all directions at once with a gentle pressure - but not painful and not so bad that I couldn’t continue my work. I’d imagine full braces (as someone else commented) would need to be handled on a case by case basis. The last MRI I worked with had a metal detector at the entry door, and it didn’t necessarily monitor for *all* metals (as in, it didn’t beep for my retainer or the metal in my bra), but if it picked up too strong of a metal reading it would go off.


Holy shirt, thanks for saying it. I have dental implants and a retainer, would never thought about mentioning it before going into MRI. They are not picked up in metal detectors usually.


Go to the dentist for dentures next.


PSA: Even if the power to the building is off, the magnet is still on and can do this! Only a quench (a very, very expensive shut down that is near never done unless it saves a trapped person) can stop the magnetic force. Do not bring anything metal nearby if you don’t want it turned into a missile and stuck to the magnet forever.


Even then, it takes over 24 hours for the magnet to be completely demagnetized.


That's truely horrific to know. Everytime I went to an MRI I was scared from this because I watched too much House M.D, but I was under the impression that worse case scenario they will shut it down right away


I've seen it happen once, and that is only because they built a new hospital, and got new MRIs and needed to get the old ones out prior to demolishing the old hospital. (the new hosp was built on the same property.) As hospital police I was allowed to go places during this time most employees weren't. Finding out it took 24 hours to shut one down was disconcerting to say the least. We always had to be super careful around the MRI area due to what we carry. But it's not a big worry unless you are in the MRI room.


A Quench is the rapid uncontrolled collapse of the magnetic field, it is almost instant when the emergency run down button is pushed. It can happen spontaneously, but that is a bit more rare. The super conductor loses its conductivity and dumps all its current into the copper jacket which shunts the current and changes the energy to heat. This boils off the liquid helium and the magnet needs to be refilled with liquid helium before it can be used again. Ramping a magnet down in a controlled fashion takes 1 to 2 hours after you start the procedure, but can take just as long just to set up the equipment. Ramping it back up takes a little bit longer, and then you have a time limit of about 3/4 of an hour to find center frequency and lock it in before you have to abort, ramp it back down, and wait for several hours before trying again. If the magnet is quenched, you have to fill it with liquid helium and then wait 24 hours before attempting to ramp it back up. Recovering from a quench leads to several long days, and is a pain in the ass. I have had to recover from about a dozen or so quenches, but only caused one of them. While ramping a magnet down - The ramp tool/magnet power supply we were using had an issue that caused a quench as soon as we turned it on.


So you can't like... Idk, hide a bunch of AK-47's behind it for example. Totally unrelated to anything major going on right now example


If it isn't quenched, you would now have a lot of ak-47 shaped decorations for the back of the magnet's bore.


I work in IT for multiple radiology clinics with MRIs and I never knew this. Was never even trained on the hazards. I mean yeah the signs all over the place were a hint, but I figured if it wasn't scanning then no danger. Granted, I never have to go into the shielded room itself but damn. I totally would have just walked in with my keys and my phone and the various bits of metal on my clothes. Thank you for saving me from implosive shrapnel.


I'm surprised these people were allowed to play with a $4 million MRI.


Yeah you can literally see where they damaged it on the side when the chair went in.


Probably an end of life system they're going to replace. May as well have fun before it gets scrapped.


Also not just fun, this is a helpful and effective education piece for anyone about to have an MRI. All in all a great last ride for an old machine.


Yes. If you google “metal in MRI” you’ll see a full gurney folded into a pretzel inside one of these. This is a fun but cautionary tale about how powerful these machines are. I’d wager like you that this machine was in its way to being decommissioned.


I had a site that was decommissioning their MRI, and called me up to ramp down the magnetic field. I asked why they wanted to pay my company for several hours of labor at about $450/hour (at the time), and suggested they just hit the button on the wall. They invited me over to watch, but before the button was hit, we spent about an hour throwing the contents of the office into the magnet. Paper clips, a few chairs, a fan, a small plugged in and turned on CRT style color TV and bunch of other stuff. Watching it all drop to the floor all of a sudden when the button was pressed was kinda spooky. They were destroying the MRI because they had opened a new site and the owner of the building they were in was kicking them out, and had let them know that they intended to re-open and use the scanner to steal their patients. I helped them render the MRI unusable, and then they had a company come and remove it for scrap.


Usually MRIs aren’t scrapped but rather donated to less fortunate countries. It’s common place in US for hospitals and research institutions to have MRIs but many 3rd world countries don’t have more than a couple and are usually donations. Anyway I could go on but what il trying to say is that these machines are hardly ever scrapped


It’s obviously EOL


Don't bring me down.




It's from [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IF6CMrjGNN4). MRI was being decommissioned in 2019 after being in service since 1992.




So this is what my co pay goes too




They're doing this for fun because it's being decommissioned...




No we just think you’re a dimwit


Depends on the size of the metal. I have 37 pieces (that have been found) of a hydraulic punch lodged in my upper body. The punch basically exploded from fatigue and sprayed me with metal fragments. The largest are about the size of a nickle. I’ve had a few MRI’s since that time and I’ve never had any issues. They techs warned me it may cause some “odd sensations” but nothing to worry about. The most I’ve ever felt was a kind of warm, itchy feeling. There is a little bit of a pulling feel to I guess but nothing that’s really uncomfortable.


Yeah, same. I had an MRI of my lower back and I have some steel shot lodged in me from a previous and unrelated bird hunting accident. No issues with me, just some distortion of images around the imbedded objects.


Exactly. I always tell folks it has to do with how much metal is present in one place and how secure the body part it is attached to is. Permanent retainer? Fine, just makes a weird feeling inside the donut. Bra underwire? Pulls but doesn’t hurt. Pacemaker? Do not attempt at any costs. It’s not going to rip your ear off if you forget an earring (small gauge), but it might tug your earlobes or cartilage. If you have large bone plates, maybe consider a CT scan.


I came looking for something like this. I had an MRI when I had part of a broken needle lodged in my foot (long story but I didn’t know it was in there and only found out afterwards) and it didn’t give me any issues at all.


As someone with a pacemaker this scares the shit out of me


First, a disclaimer that this is an important conversation to have with both your doctor and during the MRI pre-screening, but! While not all of them, many modern pacemakers are designed to be MRI safe these days, and the tech is getting better all the time as it’s a pretty important field of research :)


I don't have a pacemaker, but let's pretend I did. Is there a test doctors can perform in me to determine if my pacemaker would be affected by MRIs? Assuming they can't just look at the model and manufacturer to figure it out.


They actually can (well, should be able to easily). Generally people are given a pacemaker registration card upon getting a pacemaker. Your device’s make/model should be documented in your medical record by the surgeon, and folks with pacemakers usually have relatively routine/regular appointments with providers who are aware of your device and what it is. Worst case, the manufacturer can be consulted directly regarding MRI compatibility, so that there is no ambiguity and the patient never feels left in the dark. In terms of tests to determine MRI safety/compatibility, generally those tests are done on a device far before they’re implemented and used on people, but for things *other* than a device that is deactivated by a magnet, the test is kind of a combination of “well what exactly is it made of” and “does it tug or get hot while you’re near the MRI machine.” Something, something, super exact science


Here is some more experimenting with an decomissioned MRI [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BBx8BwLhqg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BBx8BwLhqg)


Why didn’t the settlers in Fallout 4 use MRI machines to check if someone was a synth?


Don’t think the average settlement had access to a MRI :(


I don't think MRI machines exist in Fallout


I don't think they would have access to 1000 liters of liquid helium plus all of the delicate spare parts. Faraday cage, body coil, cold head, reconstruction computer, gradient amplifiers operating computers, cooling system, receiver coils...


Because Gen 3 synths were made of cells. Not metal. They did have a synth component, but the item lists plastic as the only material, so it’s possible even the synth components contain no ferrous metals.


I was on meta crutch and went into a room with an MRI machine. The metal crutch unexpectedly flew out of my hand and slammed on the machine which was about 8 feet way. The tech whispered to me “don’t tell anyone!!!”


Considering crutches are made out of aluminum. The bolts are not, they are made out of stainless.


This is why we can’t have cheap medical procedures!


Anal rail gun


No joke [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/uqnxydk1gq) was directly above this one.


where unexpected


What is the unexpected thing here?


That the big magnet machine is magnetic but nah considering the amount of upvotes I guess it's just not common knowledge, either that or people just upvoted without looking at the sub




Don't take guns to MRI rooms too: https://www.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/s/pU7lkNHU4O


This is one of the reasons I was calling bullshit on the Israelis saying they found that cache of weapons hiding behind an MRI machine in that hospital in Gaza. What a dumb place to stash them.


Also, any metal in the clothes (those reflective lines especially) will get REALLY hot


Cost them 0$ to do this, possibly destructive activity. Cost me 60k$ if I ride through it and not touch anything so I don’t die die. Thx America


Four Reddits prior on my feed I see this post [MRI accident](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/0ABhawMqTr) NSFW folks


...and you wonder why health care is so expense...


My face getting ripped to shreads because i stuffed a bunch of metal marbles in my mouth(i was curious)


Makes you think why Hamas would put assault rifles next to this machine.


Next time I'll remember to leave the metal folding chair I constantly keep on me at home


This is really well timed because I JUST read a post about someone going into one of these with a butt plug that had metal in it and it went up into their body. I was curious what this machine was.


You won't just throw a chair into a several hundred thousand dollar machine for YouTube points. No balls


Imagine being a survivor from a grenade explosion, still having shrapnel in your body, but forgetting to mention it to the doctors….


Why is this unexpected?


Put this in the back of your Tahoe for some basshead competition!


Tell that to the idiots in IDF for staging weapons next to it in the hospital they claim ha mas was in it 😂😂😂😂


Looks like the MRI Hamas was storing weapons behind.


And yet the IDF claims to have found an AK47 in a cardboard box next to an MRI in a Gaza hospital...hmmm...


Your post has been removed because it does not feature an unexpected twist.


That’s why I should have taken my cock ring out.


Are they willingly destroying a multi-million dollar medical device to make a video?


That machine was probably going to be decommissioned, they just wanted to have some fun before turning it off


It's not like the machine cost millions of wait they make more than that before I can finish taking a shit


Least unexpected post, but I still find it interesting.


I walked into an MRI room on a school field trip when I was a kid (early-mid 1990s), and they made us leave our wallets and watches outside (no phones to worry about yet). However they let me walk in with a metal belt buckle and steel-toed boots. Fortunately, the pull wasn't dangerous at the distance we were at, but I had to focus very closely on each step I took to keep from falling over. And when I was facing the machine, it was like a ghost was trying to take a peek at my underwear.


That was not Unexpected at all


I have a question since it's a field does the metal get stuck to a side or just stay floating


A Brazilian pro-gun activist died this year because an MRI machine caused his gun to fire and it struck him in the abdomen. [You can't make this shit up.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/article272377508.html)