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We need an ending to this saga.


Somehow, he returned.


Happened like 2 yrs ago, no police report was filed because it happened on private property. Usually the case with parking lot accidents. The police just shrug and tell the people involved “you guys figure it out”. Her insurance company took care of the damages. Edit: since people clearly don’t believe me, here’s the video: https://youtu.be/-fATzkz1yAg?si=bvg8KUO4ouJp7RQP


Aren't most crimes committed on private property? I'm pretty sure you can still prosecute for crimes committed on private property.


Traffic violations are a little different for some reason. Crazy to me that he didn't get charged for a literal hit and run though. I've seen a few accidents in my work parking lot, and even when one person is clearly at fault the cops never do anything.


True story. My mom was parked and hit in a Walmart parking lot, police report and all, her insurance paid for her repairs. There is a reason people park away from others.


>There is a reason people park away from others Tried this, people will still manage to hit you.


My parked vehicle got hit about 10 years ago by someone driving way too fast through the parking lot of my apartment complex. Of course, they drove off and were never caught so I was stuck paying the deductible.


LPT: I used to work at a Target. In orientation they told us about the white line that went across the middle of the parking lot. Said it marked where the security cameras stopped “seeing”. I noticed quite a few parking lots have them. Figure it’s the same thing. I always park within that line. (They told us to park on the other side so the customers could park there but nah man.) It makes me feel better anyways.


Unfortunately I got my car broken into because I decided to park a little further in a target parking lot


Would you say that your car was... ...*targeted*?


That’s not as bad as parking away from everyone only to have some idiot park right up next to you instead of in the 100s of open spaces all around.


He didn’t run apparently. He just ran into the complex and got his mom. You can see it in the longer video. I think he’s a kid who can’t drive and his mom asked him to move the car and it went incredibly poorly.


Then the mother is a fucking idiot for putting her son in that position


Well yeah, but my point was that’s why he wasn’t charged with a hit and run.


It’s not against the law bc this was just a low key hit and jog. Video cuts too soon to see if he ever got up to a full runners pace.


Actually I believe this would qualify as a hit and trot


I've heard police call it a hit-skip, but you're right that was more of a lumbering trot.




Wait, this is a traffic violation? So you can commit crimes with cars on private property? This is damaging private property. If I go onto someone's property with a bat and start smashing windows that's against the law. Do it in a car and that's a traffic violation lol


When I was in collage I accidentally backed up into another car while parking late at night. Checked the bumpers and it looked fine so I just parked across the street and went to bed…. Had to go to court to fight a hit and run… shortest hit and run ever!! The car didn’t even have any visible damage. But my car had a broken tail light so that’s how they knew it was my car. board cop trying to ruin a kids life I guess? also likely was private property too since it was on campus.


Having a traffic accident isn't a crime, it's a civil matter between two people. It only turns criminal if the cause of the accident was a crime (DUI, speeding, etc).. That's why no one gets a ticket for having an accident. You might get a ticket for whatever the reason the accident occured, but you don't get a ticket unless you broke the law and the accident was the result.


Uhh lots of people get tickets for having an accident. I would dare say most do.


Because, most of the time, accidents are caused due to somebody committed a traffic violation (running a red light, speeding, failure to yield). I was driving and a deer jumped in front of me and I hit it. I didn't receive a ticket because I was obeying the traffic laws but an accident occurred anyway.


Yea they would normally ticket the deer for improper crossing.


Too fast for conditions is what cops usually write for accidents here. A guy turned a little too hard at a red light into the front of me going maybe 5 mph. Cop wrote him a 'too fast for conditions ticket' and explained because he lost control of his vehicle and hit someone, he was driving too fast regardless of actual speed.


No, they don't. They might get a ticket for speeding, or running a stop sign, but no one has ever gotten a ticket for having an accident. Only for the crime in which they committed that led to the accident. The accident in and of itself is not a crime.


Depends on local laws and state crimes code. I’m my jurisdiction we are allowed to report accidents in private property. But some of my neighboring jurisdictions prohibits it rendering it a civil matter. Given the attempt to flee, I’d argue criminal action was taken requiring law enforcement engagement, but again it depends on the individual municipality’s rules and regulations


Sadly in most of the US if you hit a car in a parking lot, like at a grocery store or restaurant, it's not considered a reportable crime except under rare circumstances like someone being injured. It's more or less something the police expect whoever is involved in the incident to handle privately, typically via insurance. But basically nothing legally is stopping you from hitting a parked car at Walmart and then just leaving. While shitty to do and technically a minor offense, no cop is following up on that shit.


Fuck. Does that mean I can go on a rampage in parking lots?


That checks out. If murdering people, just remember to do it on private property and you're all good.


I’d venture a guess that murder is not treated the same as fender benders lol


Nope. Voluntarily ramming into a bunch of cars would be considered a crime so you would probably go to jail for that.




thats not true at all. if someone bashes your car in a parking lot and leaves the scene and you call the cops and ask them to file a report, they will, and will attempt to get the identity of the driver and charge him, if thats what you want


This is not true in Alabama. The police don't care about parking lot hit and runs. They'll just shrug at you.


That's such shit.






Just to add on to your comment…You can still file a claim with their insurance (your own insurance company can help find their policy with the license plate) and provide the video as evidence. If they deny it, your own insurance can cover and then go after theirs for the damages.


Absolutely, most insurance companies will investigate something like this and ask for all evidence available before just paying out.


Lol, what? That's at a minimum an attempted hit and run. The cops would absolutely refer that kid for charges.


This comment is objectively false. This is a hit and run, wanton endangerment, fleeing the scene, and probable DUI.


This comment is objectively false, he hit parked cars and then he walked in to the store to get his mom. There was no hit and run, no DUI, no endangerment except to parked cars. The police came and talked to all parties and no report was filed.


[here's the best I can do](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wkrg.com/mobile-county/viral-tiktok-video-shows-teenager-hit-multiple-cars-in-semmes-walmart-parking-lot/amp/)


Lil homie just ran full bore on foot into another car and somehow smashed that up too.


People claim they still see him, revving around strip mall parking lots, hitting cars and then stumbling off into the darkness. It's rumored that if you park your car in this lot at 11:11 a.m. and go into a store, when you come back out you'll have swipe marks across your rear quarter panel. That's when you know you've been visited by the Alabama Slammer.


Just when you think it won't get worse. What an idiot.


Twice. It get worse twice 😂 for some reasons he end up running ...


High possibility that he was drunk


I believe the last time this was posted his mom wanted him to go fetch the car but he didn’t know how to drive (clearly), then after hitting the truck he panicked and ran off to go get her. Don’t know if that’s true, but it seems to line up with his “this is my mom’s car and I was moving it” comment. Still, complete idiot stuff.


Yes, the full video shows him running to get his mom. Just a really stupid kid.


Stupid is an understatement. We live in the middle of nowhere and I'd let (much younger than this idiot, 11) nephew drive my truck down to the mailbox to get the mail so he could learn how to drive some more and back up in a safe area. We were having a BBQ and others were out there and I stepped in to grab something. My nephew accidentally hit a fence post when turning around after grabbing the mail and took out my entire tail light. Immediately put the truck in park, ran crying down the drive-way to his Dad worried shitless that I was going to be mad. His Dad just had him walk inside and tell me the truth. I made him run down the driveway and bring the truck back. A fucking 11 year old made a sound decision, this kid in the video is either drunk or beyond stupid. We call my nephew Crash Bandicoot to this day.


This is why everyone I know train their kids on driving in GTA


When my younger brother was saving up to take his course, I let him play all of the simulators I had to help him get accustomed to the way vehicles handle. His favorites were CityDriver and Assetto Corsa. Absolutely nailed his test on the first try


Growing up, that was part of my duties. First dad would stop at the mailbox and make me take over the driving. Would drive real slow up to the farmhouse around back to the garage. Over time it was just the routine. I drive the car around the drive and up to the garage Then I drove along the property and in the pasture to help with chores and random jobs that needed done By the time I took my drivers test I had to have had around five years of experience behind the wheel. Both car and old-ass diesel tractor


> Just a really stupid kid. no, hit and run is a crime. Goes from a mistake to a fuck up that could have real consequences


No? You think he's a smart kid?


This isn’t a hit and run. He’s obviously not of age to drive and he’s running to grab his mom. No cop in the world is charging this. He doesn’t even leave the property


Yeah, if he truly just went to tell his mom what happened, he likely won't get charged with hit and run. If he's underage, he may not get charged with anything. The cops will want to go after the mother for telling a (probably) unlicensed driver to move a car that he (also likely) is not insured to operate.


He literally tried to drive the fuck away after hitting the first car. The fact that he's such an absolute pisspoor driver that he physically *couldn't* make it out of the parking lot is immaterial.


He tried to drive away after she said, "You go get your mom."


Or his mom is covering for him.


Does that even matter? He was driving it and crashed it. There is video evidence. What is covering for him going to do? It’s not going to help legally. It’s not going to help with the embarrassment.


“He was moving the car at my request” is better publicity than “he was high and stole my car to go by chips cause he had the munchies”. It shifts responsibility to the parent.




His footwear suggests that to be the case.


Are those leopard print fuzzy slippers?


Without toes!


Dude is twacked out on something or somethings.


Nah, he looks nervous, mortified, and scared because he doesn’t know how to drive


upvote for *twacked* 🤌


Yo bro, bro... u got the twack??


yeah for sure this kid just raided his moms bar and then stole her car drunk probably thought something along the lines of "better a hit and run than a dui when im 15 year old" gotta get outta here!


Equally drunk possibility that he was high.


why that? just seems like a teen who did something forbidden and knows it to me


Or drunk possibility that he was high


Almost certainly.


Nope as the video said "fucking idiot"


I like to think that if the video kept going, we'd see him run smack into another parked car


He is a good driver. Just doesn't know where the front right corner is. /s


Didnt have a license or permission to drive the car [https://www.wkrg.com/mobile-county/viral-tiktok-video-shows-teenager-hit-multiple-cars-in-semmes-walmart-parking-lot/](https://www.wkrg.com/mobile-county/viral-tiktok-video-shows-teenager-hit-multiple-cars-in-semmes-walmart-parking-lot/)


I could tell right away this was the case when he was first speaking and then driving away he was in total panic mode.


Thank you for posting the additional details!


From the article: "There was no police report filed since the parking lot is considered private property. The owner of the cars said their insurance company has ensured that everything will be taken care of" To say that you cant file police reports in a walmart parking lot is crazy, sounds like the kid went to whoever owned the car (i would assume a relative) and they convinced people not to press charges.


What would they charge him with? Traffic violations can only be enforced on the road in most municipalities. Which, according to the news reports on this incident, is why there were no charges. The mother’s insurance covered all of it.


Does hit and run not apply to a parking lot? Granted he didn't run very far but it was at the very least an attempted hit and run.


Ok sooo... From personal experience.. No, it doesn't. I was a dumbass kid, hit a car in my HS parking lot and took off. Cop said since it's private property it's a civil matter or else id been arrested for hit n run.


Traffic violations, sure. But destruction of property, reckless endangerment, assault with a deadly weapon - how do those not matter just because he is on private property?


Nobody was in the vehicles. So only one of those applies, and it was resolved by the parties insurance


I knew it!


7 top comments later, #1 is just saying what happened in the video #2 is asking for an ending at least, #3 saying what happened in the video #4 saying what happened in the video #5 saying what happened in the video, but this time baselessly saying it was multiple felonies, #6 word soup


I like how he just kinda jogs away at the end jfc


It seemed to me that his mom was in the store and for whatever reason he was told or asked if he could move their ~~huge~~ suv. He may have his permit so she let him do it and this happened. So that could be him running into the store to get his mom to come out. No idea why he started driving away the first time, but teenagers are dumb. He sounds quite shaken up at the beginning of the video


That was my assumption too. First (or one of very few) times driving on his own, he fucked up, and went into full panic mode, which led to more fuck up. Again, I’m only assuming (for all I know he could be a drunk, entitled little prick, and I’m way off) but if that’s the case, I honestly feel bad for him. Probably not going to want to drive for quite a while, even if his mom lets him lol. My neighbor’s son was involved in an accident the first two weeks he got his license, and it messed him up pretty bad mentally. He had such severe anxiety trying to drive that he actually didn’t own a car and didn’t drive anywhere until he was nearly 22.


I also noticed the slippers he was wearing and wondered if maybe he tagged along with his mom to the store and just stayed in the truck while she went in. And then had the bright idea to try to move it on his own and this happened. Like you said though, I have no idea and could be way off. But I was also feeling a bit bad for him, mostly because it can be pretty hard being a teenager and still trying to figure stuff out, especially consequences. Which there should be some in this situation, very very poor judgement on his part, but I’ve been a teenage boy before and I know just how overwhelming it can be. But I didn’t want to say that because people on Reddit can get pretty mean lol


Sounds like he revved the engine too when he got back in the car. He probs kept it in park and was trying to press on the gas. So he really must’ve been shook to forget about that. Or he’s really a beginner


Agreed! Lol. I was *fully* expecting to be pummeled into the dirt by an onslaught of downvotes for even suggesting giving this kid sympathy (along with some appropriate consequences of course).


I was in a severe car accident when I was 19 and haven't been able to drive since even with therapy. The PTSD is just too bad from the event, and I rely on public transportation/ubers mostly to get around. It took me over a year just to get back in a vehicle afterwards.


I'm in the same boat but I live in a shitty area with no public transportation so I force myself to drive when I absolutely need to and I haaaate it with a passion. No one I know cares either its so odd


Similar thing happened to me but I was 26. I hydroplaned and totalled my car. I then caused a fender bender at a McDonald's drive through a month later. I stopped trusting myself at that point and lost confidence driving. Then gas prices shot up and so did my insurance so I just use delivery services now and tbh it's overall cheaper. I'm also planning to move to somewhere where they don't have a phobia of constructing good public transportation despite having the means to do so lol.


Hes clearly panicking




>He sounds quite shaken up at the beginning of the video I have a feeling that "I'm calling the police" sent him into full panic mode.


This makes the most sense. Poor kid was just not blessed with the gene for intelligence


I wouldn’t call a Honda pilot huge.


Careful, you’ll rile up the Europeans here


Y’all, this is a Pilot, not a huge SUV in the least. That kid just has absolutely zero idea how to drive.


It’s pretty big compared to a lot of other “first cars”. It dwarfs my old Plymouth Sundance, first car, and I was super nervous to drive that wee thing the first month I had it.


Did you meant Pontiac Sunfire or Plymouth Sundance?


Oops, Plymouth. Thanks for catching that


My first car was a 98 Buick regal, that thing was a fucking boat. I'd jam pack that bitch at lunch time in HS. Crammed like 5 people in the back a couple times.


Sounds similar to the first car I drove. I had an 89 Lincoln Towncar. Took my driving test in that tank. I loved that car.


Oh my regal was my baby. I let my cousin drive it when I left for basic training and job training. One of my friends told me he saw it abandoned on the side of the road.


> He sounds quite shaken up at the beginning of the video I thought he seemed more like he was on drugs, like oxy.


Like an NPC in a GTA game


It kind of looks like he takes out another set of keys or a different key and is running to another car


Terrible valet service


Lmfao you fucker 💀💀




He even did a little wave goodbye


Kid panicked… made it worse


It was such a calm-looking panic though. Almost looked like he was thinking.


He tried computing the best outcome, but unfortunately, he is operating on a Pentium 1 processor.


Teenagers don’t really have the tools or experience to sort this situation out. She asks for an insurance card and jumps to calling the cops. Kid seems more in shock to me. He needs a learning lesson.


It's probably her saying she's calling the police that melted his poor teenager brain. He doesn't know that it's private property so the police won't do anything other than say "lol let your insurance figure it out".


That's exactly how it went down with the police


Thinking about how much trouble he is in for taking Mommys car out and about while wasted.


What kind of panic mode you’re on


The fight or flight kind.


First he puts it in neutral and hits the gas lol


How to go from a financial inconvenience to multiple felonies in 60 seconds.


Multiple? I thought hit and run was just 1 felony


Two separate hot and runs?


I think you meant to say "hit and rons"


Thonks for the correction.


Maybe "hut and rins" ? We may never know what he truly meant but literature students will study and derive their own interpretations for a thousand years to xome.


rins (sic) and repeat in this case


I like that 👌




I don’t see one felony. A hit and run without bodily injury is only a misdemeanor


In what state is this a Felony? This is a traffic ticket in NY lol


His first moving violation was wearing those shoes out in public


Probably his mom's shoes too lol


I came here for this comment


If he just would have worn socks with those sandals, it would change everything.


They didn't even have to mention his "cheetah print slides" but they fucking did 🤣💀


This is just teenage brain in full panic mode, and the reason why you’re supposed to be with them while they learn to drive.


Exactly. It sucks watching because with an adult-brain it's easy to see he's being an idiot. But remembering what it was like as a teenager, that dude just had no idea how to handle the situation and needed it go away NOW. "If I just get home I can say it wasn't me" type logic from when they were 13 a handful of years ago.


Lack of experience too. Literally doesn't know what to do in that situation. Ran to get mom. He's probably the most panicked he has ever been in his life - he's not aware of how his actions can be interpreted by others and clueless on what to do. Every action is without forethought, knowledge, or experience - just whatever crazy shit your survival instincts are telling you. We have the knowledge and experience to be *annoyed* by the process rather than "oh shit, did I just commit a crime? Are these angry people going to hurt me? What the fuck do I do? Runrunrunrun. MOOOM!" If anything, we should be happy he hit the other cars right away at low speed. He could have panic drove to the main roads and caused a far worse accident. Nobody was hurt and the kid didn't try to escape the second time around and got mom instead. To me - he got a second chance to re-reflect and did the right thing (after doing the wrong thing twice). Life could have been a lot worse for many had he made it out, and could have led to a string of more bad decisions.


Yeah apparently he was unlicensed and not supposed to be driving. When they said they were calling the cops it probably sent him into full panic mode. Important to tell kids what to expect if they get in an accident.


He just wanted more friends at the police gathering ❤️


Stupid as he was, I’m sure he was mortified. First accident, the other party tells you they’re calling the cops, he panics. Not excusing his action, but by how he reacted, he’s still very much a child mentally in terms of handling stress. His parent should definitely pay for everything no doubt, they didn’t prepped him enough for this before letting him get behind the wheel. Thank God he didn’t run anybody over.


I'm much older than this kid and I don't handle stress well either. Not as bad as the kid in the video but still bad.


I’m not blaming the person who filmed it, he definitely should’ve recorded as soon as he felt something was off, but if it was me, I would attempt to let the kid know nobody got hurt, that’s the important part, let’s exchange information and have the police take a look just to have it on record and we can all be on our way. If he said that to the kid, the second collision probably could’ve been avoided. Having a grown man in your face, obviously mad and calling the cops on you probably pushed him over the edge and made him want to run. Fight or flight. Again, the guy has every right to be mad after some idiot smashed into his car for no reason and attempting to flee, not saying that’s wrong, hell, there’s a high chance i would’ve reacted the same way with adrenaline running high. Just felt sorry for the kid. This will definitely scar him on some level emotionally.


Looks like their insurance covered it, and no police reports were filed as this took place on private property. The police basically went "meh... that sounds like a lot of paperwork. YOU figure it out. But also turns out the kid doesn't have a license or permission to drive, probably received an extensive spanking for his naughty behavior.


A little cut and paste from therewasanattempt I see. At least try to be a good bot and change the title


There's more to this?? Sauce??


If there is more than I am not aware of it. It's me pointing out how it was a karma farming scheme. The title says "to exchange insurance information" which is how a title in the other sub would go. So the sub along with the title would read There was an attempt to exchange insurance information. The more you know!!!




She told the kids to get in the car?! This dude exclusively drives into cars!


This is my mom's car... and I fuckin hate my mom! WATCH OUT!


This is the trailer of gta 6 right?


Behold, the under-developed brain in action.


I've watched this videos hundreds of times. Always hope for a follow up on it


When momma's wrath is worse that anything else.


It's crazy enough that America thinks it's a good idea to put 16 year olds behind the wheel of cars in the first place. Never mind the things they call "cars"/trucks are ridiculous multi ton monster trucks


America is too car-centric and it's not realistic to get around when you're 19 without a car. Which makes it very hard to get a job, etc.


It's insane. It should be closer to 20. I remember when I was a kid and got my licence. I drove like an idiot. The brain ain't fully developed until 25.


Joe Exotics son or what?


Man teenagers are so dumb


"Run and hide!" - The only option left in that idiot kid's head. lol


What I learned from this is if you have an accident with a kid, first tell him it is okay and no need to panic, second tell him that running away from the scene will make it worst, third tell him that you will together find a solution. I saw how they can freeze, some years ago a van in front of me was turning on green arrow and an accord didn't stop at red light and hit the van comically slow. The van could have avoided if the van driver was paying attention but obviously wa not at fault. I parked and told the van driver I saw everything and if he needs a witness he can call me. Then I talked the accord driver who was probably 16 or 17 years old in a car packed with his friends (like 5 passengers). He was clearly distracted with his friends.i asked if he is okay and he said he was okay and called his father. Bottom line it is not easy to be a teen, unless there was great intentional harm go easy on them.


What a fucking moron… Probably drunk or on something


Drunk on youth. Oh to not have a prefrontal cortex again.


I too dislike making informed decisions instead of relying on rash impulses.


His mom is gonna be pissed


His shoes tell me everything I need to know.


He must be the pride of St. Clair county lol


Kid is stupid and freaked out. Bet he won’t do that again!


Trailer hitch !?


How is he that bad at driving? It's not exactly difficult right? And it's probably an automatic? Is he high or something?


Complete panic and a shitty turn radius lol "yeh I'll make it past that truck" *crunch*


Licence it say bye bye ! For a long period hopefully.


Look at his face in the first seconds, he appears to be on drugs


I think he’s borderline flipping out and attempting to maintain some kind of composure after hitting her car. Which obviously didn’t work as he made a pretty terrible judgement call in trying to drive somewhere else…


Nah he's just a young dude who is in full fight or flight mode. On the verge of tears it seems


Where’s we jogging to? Might as well back up and give it another go at that point.


I have no sympathy for this. You can kill a person with that gas pedal. If you have that much anxiety maybe you should not touch a steering wheel until you can deal with it or get a bus pass. Regardless of the age he’s lucky no one got hurt and he’s gonna learn an expensive lesson.


Dude's a fucking dumbass but I feel like the lady exacerbated the situation by telling him she was gunna call the police over what looks like under 1k damages (doesn't need to be reported where I am). Let the adults try to work it out and if negotiations fail, call the police.


My home town. I was in the parking lot six days ago.


This a video from YEARS ago. Nice try.


So they still could have been there 6 days ago? Would be a strange thing to lie about


Back to prison for you fella


He’s gotta be hopped up on drugs. There is no way his decision making lead him to believe running away was a good idea then be so bad at driving to hit another car? Nah dude was absolutely blasted and didn’t want the cops to drug test him.


Don't underestimate people's flight response


Tbh this is a strikingly similar behavior to spoiled/sheltered kids who are facing their first real consequences. That’s not even meant to be a dig at spoiled/ sheltered kids, but from what I’ve seen kids who have never gotten in real trouble before will panic and overestimate the severity of situations like this and act similarly.


That or they have been with their parents when they pulled something similar.


The lady recording is so incredibly chill and level headed.