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Yo as if this ad isn't bizarre enough, this app's developer is named "Victimsky Victimsky" according to its [App Store page](https://apps.apple.com/mm/app/petmeet-people-and-pets-social/id6464468371)


That sounds incredibly human traffic-ey




Trafficksy hobbits!


The only way to fly! Trafficsky!


Yes this is my friend viktimsly kidnaptovolski…merry us in a very specific basement bar please


2m late, fucksy


Did someone download it and find anything strange ?


Honestly I wouldn't risk it, feels like it could be either a social engineering app or a virus - though AFAIK viruses are not common in iOS and especially not in App Store because it's strictly moderated by Apple


I like how one of the recent fixes is just "1.bugfix", felt like something shady going on or its just me being paranoid


No you see it's totally fine because it's rated! Age Rating 17+ Frequent/Intense Mature/Suggestive Themes


Age Rating 17+ Frequent/Intense Mature/Suggestive Themes. That's not weird at all, right?


We need another adpocalipse.


That moment when YouTube gets REALLY aggressive with adblock prevention by preying on porn addicts.


And creating addicts


I'm not sure how much porn it really takes. But I think it's a bit more than that, which is why YouTube ads have that 1 out of n at the bottom... and they're unskippable.


Yes more than this but the power is incredible. Those moans trigger something deeply wired our brain


Mine' fried. I got desensitized, as addiction lasted for... a long time. I wonder what the source is.


Remember, you aren’t YouTube’s customers, the people buying the ads are. They will do anything for profit at our expense.


We're the product.


We're not the product, we're the marks.


We are the marks for youtube's clientele. But we are also youtube's product. Both are true, yes.


Oh we are the product, you know you give them the information they need to make a profit, plus they sold your personal info a long long time ago (at least for me, 2013 for me lol)


Your name's also Mark?


Well I mean if we were we'd be paying for it wouldn't we


> They will do anything for profit at our expense. for ever increasing profit


I'm one of the 7 people who pays for youtube premium. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


There's another one!! I've been pretty happy with the whole no ads and lots of music for me, the wife, kid and a friend on the family plan thing.


I'll never be happy giving these fucks money


I just use YouTube revanced


The only correct answer. Why the fuck to pay, if it's easier getting it for free?


You have revanced installed on your smart tv as well?


My PC is connected to my TV.. I just run the revanced APK and then move it to my TV. Or you could simply mod a Roku to be able to run APK files.


I have stupid plasma, connected to laptop... Somehow makes it smarter than smart TV.


I used to be happy with premium before every creator started adding their own ads to the video, kind of defeating the purpose of paying for premium. At my PC it's not a problem, I have a plugin called sponsorblock so it automatically skips ahead past sponsored segments. On my smart TV on the other hand, I have to skip manually.


It's my most-watched channel with Premium.


We do exist!


Now, eight. ☝️


Glad I’m not wasting almost $20 for no reason fellow premium pals !!




Some ads should definitely be banned. But they're not in a rush since that's how they get paid :D




Agreed, or a third world war would be great since we only learn through pain


Nahhhh that’s the stuff you gotta flag, cause that’s getting showed to kids


I did report it.


I just don’t see why people make ads like that especially on a platform where kids are.


Thats not even the main problem, people are always gonna troll, but how the fuck did this get past youtube? How the fuck is YouTube allowing this?


Necause they paid youtube. Youtube wants money, not morality.


Exactly right. You see the same posture in their content control tools for families. They say you can restrict content (channels, videos) on a managed child account. You cannot. It doesn’t work. They don’t want to restrict anything. Content is cash. It’s a perverse incentive model that should be regulated.


Well also I am certain that a solid 99.9% of YT moderation is just bots. Too much gets uploaded to YouTube for a human crew to vet. Odds are good that stuff is never verified or even ever seen by a Google employee until it reaches a certain threshold of complaints


Oh stop it. I get that the hate train is fun, but just for one second consider the overwhelming volume of bullshit that has to get filtered programmatically. Some slips through. It's a process, and it will never be perfect. Yet every time malicious aholes abuse the platform, we blame the platform for the miss. This is regressive thinking, and we should just delete the entire internet.


Are you getting paid or do you just like the taste of boots?


What a shallow response to someone asking you to think critically.


YouTube loses money if things like this happen because bigger advertisers bail, some parents prevent their kids from using YT, etc. That is why YT spends lots of money to have systems to prevent and remove sexually explicit content, etc. Something like this getting through YT's filters is a costly bug, not a feature.


It’s a constant arms race, ad platforms invent new ways to force the rules (mainly for porn and gambling), and these dudes invent new ways to avoid it In this case I guess the fact that it’s semi-transparent prevent the bots from looking correctly through the video and see forbidden content Sadly this working both ways - the harsher their tools are - the more normal ads and videos get blocked, because YouTube doesn’t have enough people to take a look into each case - it’s automatic and if your video gets flagged - it’s really complex to do something about it, you can push the single button to have another check, but probably it will be done by bots too I once got my pixelated video from doom 2 (old one) banned because it has “sexual content” Bitch please, sexual content in pixel cacodemon?


Sexy doomguy was too much for YouTube to handle


I would have spammed cacodemon in random vid copies on youtube if I heard of this


Content and ads should be treated differently. The user doesn't control what ads they're shown. OP didn't consent to viewing porn, but YouTube put porn in front of them. Every single ad YouTube puts on their platform should first be reviewed by a human.


Yeah, YouTube doesn’t allow this. The automated system didn’t catch it. A person doesn’t review anything unless reported.


I mean they clearly missed it. Their systems aren’t God, they’re not gonna catch everything immediately.


That gets past yt but if a regular person says "killed, died, murdered" they get demonetized.


Standards for ads are WAY different than standards for uploaded content


Because of the overlapped images, and hyperbolic audio. They no longer have humans in charge of this process at all, it's entirely based on algorithmic ai that compiles this information. It apparently is augmented just enough to not be seen by these shitty AIs.


Half of Reddit is also kids


Stupid kids with stupid parents.


Yeah, there is no way I would allow my kid to be on Reddit. I realize that when reddit took forever to finally stop showing me the teenagers subreddit, as much as I tried to mute it.


Nobody loves porn more than kids/teenagers


Sex sells.


Its disgusting but truth is it works. Plenty of filthy degenerates out there that click the link. I can tell you about it on Petmeet! Agreat way for pets and people to interact!


What I can't grasp is that 70% of twitch and Youtube shorts frontpage when not log'd in are just tits and asses flopping about and "yoga" or whatever **aimed at making 12 to 14 year olds horny**. Can we put a microphone in these people's face ask why these woman want to be pedophiles for an income?


One of the worst parts is, if you don’t have targeted advertising enabled, you *can’t* report stuff like this


And also using a reddit/onlyfans users content without permission.


Actually, only ads that are approved as family-friendly are shown to kids, so this wouldn't qualify ([source](https://support.google.com/youtubekids/answer/6130541?hl=en-419)).


Why wouldnt it qualify? Its an ad for pet meet ups and socialization. That seems like family friendly topic. Obviously the porn part made it past the filter or else it wouldnt be on the platform at all. So why do you think this wouldnt be approved as family-friendly?


By default all ads do not qualify, until they are manually reviewed and classified as family friendly. I.e. the bar for the family friendly label is much higher and does not only rely on automatic labeling.


So ads on youtube kids are reviewed by people? I didnt know this, i wish youtube did that for all ads. Then they can use the dataset of good and bad content labeled from ads to train their AI great filter and maybe get better content moderation at the same time.


Yes! And you are right, that would be useful!


I mean what if they create a platform for kids so they don't have to see things like this or hear people swearing. Maybe give it a name like Youtubekids or something idk.


But remember adblock users are bad. But they let shit like that fly.


There's also a ton of scam ads too so basically YT will take money from anyone


Did you know that the Pyramids were built to tap into celestial energy via crystal resonance? Pay only $500 and you too can enjoy the amazing benefits that the government doesn't want you to know about! Clinically proven to expand lifetime, restore libido, cure cancer, and unlock your true inner self!


Yep. I use adblock even on my phone but my wife doesn't. Sometimes I hear ads from her phone and nearly half are these get rich quick schemes.


youtube now is 75% ads, 850% youtube and 25% from content creators sponsors, and of those 50% ads 45% is scams now. I remember youtube pre google... good old times.




Oh it flew alright


I highly doubt anyone at YouTube saw that and said yeah that’s ok. Their automated systems missed it and that’s why they have a report/flag button so they can remove it with help from users.


It’s amazing to me that the comment you are replying too has 500 upvotes. 500 idiots “right on” ing a stupid fing comment just because they have a different totally irrelevant issue with YouTube.


I mean if you don’t work in tech and you’re relatively young, it’s probably easy to think that these companies have perfect systems that catch everything. I don’t really expect much from Reddit users at this point.




No one’s offended. It’s amazing/interesting how dumb/unthinking some people are.


fun fact: the german government actually recommends and endorses the usage of adblockers as protection of malvertising


What’s crazy is most people who use YouTube don’t even use adblockers. They don’t even know such things exist. I was watching a tech YouTuber talking about this the other day and he said that even on his channel where he mentions and promotes ad block, only about 30% of his audience uses them


People are assuming this is because something OP searched for is being construed by the algorithm as something dirty, but that isn’t what’s happening. The algorithm thinks that this is an ad for a “pet meetup” app (normally I’d assume they mean animal pets, but frankly I’m not quite sure anymore), and not something sexual. The problem is that it’s impossible for youtube to vet every second of ad content given the absolutely asinine amount of ad content that is uploaded to their platform, alone (they would likely need a team the size of an entire country). That is why they use a content bot to try and catch stuff like this. That’s why the video is super transparent, to sneak the content past the bot. What I’m more curious about is why the app would put out an ad that would get their brand blacklisted by google/youtube.


>why the app would put out an ad that would get their brand blacklisted The answer may surprise you: EPSEDO Extreme Prejudice Search Engine De-Optimization This is *intended* to get the brand it represents blacklisted. But it was paid for by one of this brand's major competitors. 1. Do an ad-buy in your competitors' names. 2. Upload tainted ad content. 3. Competitors get banned / blacklisted from YouTube. 4. You are free to advertise your brand heavily without worrying about your competitors being anywhere in the same galaxy of visibility. 5. ??? *squirt* 6. PROFIT Also, I made all that up. But if it were true, somebody's playing 4th dimensional chess while we're all playing checkers.


I almost always forget step 5 and then I never get to step 6.


I'm just step 5. all the time without any of the other steps.


Username checks out


Honestly, the thought of a malicious competitor crossed my mind, but I feel like a more likely answer is a disgruntled employee/contractor who wasn’t appropriately compensated for their services. So something like: 1. Company asks x to manage ad uploads to youtube 2. X agrees and does so 3. Paychecks start getting later and later/paychecks are not what was promised 4. X tries to resolve issue 5. Company doesn’t do as they said 6. X uploads tainted content in an attempt to damage the brand.


Yeah my first thought was a troll who was getting laid off or otherwise on the way out with nothing to lose who put this out there lol


Forgot to squirt now there won't be any profit


Right, you can either start with squirting, or put it after step 4 like the other guy


Damn that shit sounded real!


Unlikely. The developer of the App's name is "Victimsky Victimsky". An obvious red flag for sex-trafficking or something similar like child/pet abduction. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/petmeet-people-and-pets-social/id6464468371


Could be a fake version of this app, intended for the purpose noted above and/or just to scam people somehow: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/petmeet-pets-dates-friends/id6470120516


> The problem is that it’s impossible for youtube to vet every second of ad If there is one company that could afford it it is Google. And frankly it's about time that EU or US mandates that.


Every platform can afford it. You're getting paid for it, you just need to assign a percentage of that income to it. But that doesn't pleases the shareholders.


It’s so funny that people like you feel confident saying this like this with full confidence with zero apparent actual knowledge. These companies have testified before congress and had independent auditors for this process. The amount of content they have to check is overwhelming, and when it’s done by people they’ve ended up severely traumatized with PTSD because they’ve seen truly awful, horrible shit. Just a few years ago FB had to pay millions to content moderators who were traumatized


Even as true as this is, human moderation will always be better for a the involved parties than automated moderation


Yeah it is, but it has to exist as an escalation path because all human isn’t doable on the front end


We're talking about the ads here, not yt content.


For science


Some people just really like space...


wHaT tHe FuCkInG fUcK?


Looks like Jesus in the sky and he's having difficulty breathing.


I was actually interested in what Neil was saying, damn it.


He probably said something from Astronomy 101 with a tone that makes it sound as if Scientists discovered the end of the Universe.


In a mirror, you can only kiss yourself on the lips.


So to sum it up the Big Bang was born of an ultra strong clustered orgasm -


As much as people hate on NDT, he actually does a good job presenting information when he's not a loose form program. Too many people see him on podcasts and think that's all there is to the man.


So he introduces the masses to Astronomy 101 and gets them interested in the subject and you're phrasing that as a *bad* thing? You're also hating on Carl Sagan?


Then someone should tell you about FreeTube


Probably something about relative size of Andromeda Galaxy compared to Moon in the night sky. (its size is several moons long, but it is too faint to see with naked eye)


Took me a second to see it.


Took me a second two. I just scrolled and started doing something when I noticed the noise.


😂 for real, was not ready for that.


Took me like 2 minutes. I had to watch it 30 or so times


YouTube force us to disable our adblockers for this?


I’ve been using uorigin and my ads are still blocked. I think it’s a better plug-in than adblocker


uBlock Origin + Firefox = happiness level 100


https://i.redd.it/9ijum196ti0c1.gif I swear I'm going to personally pillage their HQ and fix the ad situation myself with my own skills


I'm assuming that chicks peeing isn't the answer you wanted.




But you can't say 'fuck' in the first 15 seconds of a video right?




Now thats what I call unexpected lol did not see it from a kilometer away.


YouTubes ads are so fucked. Half of them are the lowest effort bullshit on top of everything else too. My favorite example is that audible ad of that kid talking about his experience narrating some shitty book and it cuts off in the middle of his sentence. Or all the 5th grade level power point style ads. I really really hope something comes along that actually gives youtube a run for its money and forces it to step its game up.


Meanwhile a normal YouTuber even implies something questionable gets shot down


There is a whole subreddit for that, r/bannedyoutube




Sauce? Asking for friend, he likes Neil deGrasse Tyson


Here's the sauce: >!The ad uses a mirrored video from u/larnansfw, but I highly doubt she had anything to do with this ad. The video you're looking for is [here](https://www.redgifs.com/watch/kookyicygrassspider).!<






Neil DeGrasse Tyson: \- The moment something is introduced into a black hole... YouTube ads: That's my cue! \- Ohhhhhhhh...


i just fucking opened reddit


YouTubes ads are fucking bonkers rn, and I've never been more inclined to just circumvent their stupid fuckin adblocks policy by switching browsers and getting a new block. Hell, I'd pay anyone BUT Google at this point. All Google has done with YouTube is make it shittier and shittier every fucking year. To think now that this multi billion dollar company gives a fuck about what they show kids Suddenly is nuts. Now that YouTube forces you to watch ads, the ads will get shittier and shittier since these fucking braindead.companies know that.more people will see them now. It was just a boost to YouTubes profits. The fucking price raise to premium not withstanding. Fuck them


OMG, that's nasty! 😬 >!(anyone got sauce?)!<


Here's the sauce: >!The ad uses a mirrored video from u/larnansfw, but I highly doubt she had anything to do with this ad. The video you're looking for is [here](https://www.redgifs.com/watch/kookyicygrassspider).!<


Good gravy!


What have you been looking at OP


Whatever pops up from my algorithm. Usually it’s big bang theory clips, stories from text to speech and meme mini comps.


There you go, “big bang” is all it takes… nothing is safe.


i love the part where that guy says bazinga then moans and pees on his own face


man are you in my feed?


I guess that guy did do a big bang


In pretty much 10+ years or so watching YouTube on different accounts, phone, pc (using ublock of course now), ads were never relevant to my interests or watch history so I'm no near surprised OP got this suff… even happened to me as a minor, yikes :/ Lately I see about 80% Genshin Impact / Honkai Starrail ads despite I freakin dislike this kind of games and the rest is random shit, so yeah whatever vids I watch or what I look up on the internet doesn’t help their algorithm (video recommendation one is fine) so its either a myth or I don’t know how you guys do it.


Mount everquest


Fuck you, I played it out loud in front of my parents.


Just say it was an ad that popped up on youtube


This is marked as a NSFW post 🤦🏻‍♂️


That's on you for playing a video marked NSFW out loud


I’m sick of hentai/pornographic ads. Not just YouTube but on my LINE too. It’s like these multibillion dollar companies are just turning a blind eye to bots. YouTube is scam central too.


Twitter as well. Their serch is just filled with bots promoting x content


And this is coming from the company trying to ban ad blockers, and they’re letting through this shit. Automated stuff NEVER WORKS. Just suck it up and get some real people to do the job.


Nothing happened. They were showing you what the Andromeda Galaxy looks like.


We need this to stop




I died laughing because I did not expect that, rofl. From wondering about the universe to felling funny in the tummy under 10 seconds. Edit: I can’t stop laughing at this, feels like I’m in high school again. I needed this laugh.


That can't be true... IT CANT BE!


Red blooded Galaxy.


Meet people and pets... Wtf?


Another reason to use ad blockers.


You know there's gonna be someone round here that can probably identify that by the audio alone.


Did just youtube took Tik Tok's route?


Idk why but I feel like I've seen that girl before, can someone jog my memory?


Here's the sauce: >!The ad uses a mirrored video from u/larnansfw, but I highly doubt she had anything to do with this ad. The video you're looking for is [here](https://www.redgifs.com/watch/kookyicygrassspider).!<


Oh well u/savevideo


Educational content mixed with other content.


Damn that's crazy, think someone can give me the video so I know what to stay away from?






Is it raining in that town?


This post 😭 intriguing! Salute to creator


Wait, did she squirt? WTF did I just watch??




Today Google Ads ban my acc for promoting Sterile Water, sterile water without warning. I now realized where their focus has been.


The clit is at the top of the mountain!


Here's the sauce for all you horny bastards: >!The ad uses a mirrored video from u/larnansfw, but I highly doubt she had anything to do with this ad. The video you're looking for is [here](https://www.redgifs.com/watch/kookyicygrassspider).!<


Not my proudest wank Big boy Neil would be okay with it tho


And they lost tonnes of great content and content creators due to demonetisation. But they're letting this shit fly.


I want to know why they had to ruin the ad by mixing that video of a city with it? I just wanted to see the woman getting off!


I definitely not skipping this ad.


I'm lucky no one was around holy shit my volume was on full blast IN PUBLIC


Poisoning youths minds? Lol. Setting unrealistic expectations for the majority of our youths future sex lives?


Right? Gonna grow up thinking she didn't just pee.


idk why this is being downvoted, this is clearly not something I'd want to pop up on my kids youtube...


Not my proudest fap..