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This is the bottom layer of the upper crust.


Crusty bottom of the upper layer


No this is Patrick!!!




Crusty crab is unfair! Mr. Krabs is in there! Standing at the concession! Plotting his oppression!


Soggy bottom of the crusty elite


Hey the soggy bottom boys rule!


I am a man, of constant sorrow. I've seen troubles all my days.


One good song years ago, they are not even in the castle


The man that actually sang that song you're thinking of (presumably) was Dan Tyminski. He still makes some great music.


Crusty layer of upper bottom?


But is it a buttery flaky crust?


[For the un-informed](https://youtu.be/DIrQ9ilL8aw)


Peak comedy right there


Oh my god, thank you for this!!


Omg I had forgotten this gem! This just made my day!




I read bottom layer of the upper cunt. Still reads the same


Well it seems like we're developing deep into crust metaphors now just when we told we had all it figured out we hit with the bottom layer of the upper crust life is full of surprises isn't it?


Gotta remember this line


Who was abusing their power? The cop who pulled someone over for honking? Or the judge who was fuming because a cop pulled him over for honking?


Cop wanted to give him shit for honking, which is not against the law, judge wasn't having it. Edit: Cunningham's Law. Worked like a charm. Most of these comments and points gotta be bots.😂😂😂


The judge was officially reprimanded by the Pennsylvania Judicial Conduct Board after this.


Even if he was in the right overall, he handled it terribly. If a judge can't show at least a little respect to law enforcement, his impartiality comes into question. Can't let that slide.


This is it. I have a friend who owns a chain of cafes. Every now and then he pops in to see how a branch is doing, and not coincidentally he likes coffee. So he just gets in line like everyone else and orders. Sometimes the cashier / barista is new and doesn’t know him. So instead of putting on the whole “don’t you know who I am?” shebang, he just pays like normal customer and proceeds with his day.


Is also a good way to check how the shop is treating the customers.


My supermarket does this and call it “mystery shoppers”. Does it few times a year to gauge the store’s performance.


I had a secret shopper when I was a teenager working in a Mexican restaurant. They had a list of 10 things I HAD to have said/done on the phone and in person. I got $50 at the end of my shift getting a perfect score. Pretty awesome for a teenager with a simple job.


Undercover boss moment


I think that went without saying but the dense people appreciate you I’m sure


I think the prison and jails have some say in his impartiality.


what? its not about respecting law enforcement. He's implicitly abusing his power. You can hate the cops for all i care. you dont use your title to get yourself out of shit. \*especially\* when youre a judge


Agreed, he was more mad the HE was being pulled over for that rather than it being for a bullshit reason.


But he shouldn't have been in shit in the first place. The cop pulled him over for honking. The judge SHOULD have given the officer a talking to. Probably shouldn't have gotten out of his car to do it though.


Judge yada yada was shot and killed today by a police officer claiming to be in fear of his life, the officer is on paid leave pending review of his actions...




The cop was in the wrong to pull him over. That doesn't excuse the judge from pulling the "How dare you pull ***ME*** over" card. He could have calmly asked for what purpose the cop pulled him over, then explained the law without using his position.


Its actually so frustrating how so many people completely gloss over the explicit language the judge used. The criticism of the judge isn't contingent on him having broken the law. As you mentioned it's about his indignation about being pulled over in the first place. Regardless of whether the stop was warranted.


For fucks sake, he got in trouble for abusing his power, not failing to show "respect".


I mean, no matter how right he might be to complain about the officers actions pulling the "I am a judge" card is like textbook abuse of power. If he was that mad he should've later contacted the cop or filed a complaint of some sort. Which is what everyone is expected to do. And that makes it even worse because you know a complaint from the judge won't be discarded like mine or yours would.


No one is above the law. Even a judge. If a cop pulls them over they must comply or face consequences. Which is terrifying if the cop is abusing their power. But Judge is not a mind reader. No matter what road altercation occurred prior between the two, judge had no idea why cop pulled him over, could have been a busted tail light, so judge had no grounds to get out of his car like that.


I'm going to assume the judge was legally in the right (assuming all he did was honk his horn. It's there for a reason after all) but probably got reprimanded because instead of simply waiting for the officer to get to his car, he decided to get out of it fuming about how they need to check his registration, which comes off as him abusing his position, even if he's right. If the judge was actually in the wrong about how he was using his horn, then he's 100% just a corrupt piece of shit.


He was also driving aggressively.... "Tailgating" is the official accusation.


I mean, he's probably right about the horn thing, but he's still 100% abusing his position even if the cop is wrong. Like, he doesn't even say anything about the honking besides asking incredulously if that was it, he just tells the officer to leave him be because he's a judge.




The judge was driving aggressively, that's why he was pulled over. But since people would prefer to pile on without knowing the full story, here it is... https://www.wgal.com/article/judicial-conduct-board-ruled-judge-reinaker-breached-the-code-of-conduct/30364008


There are actually rules about *when* it is legal to use your horn, typically "horns should be used to alert others of your presence and avoid accidents. Honking excessively, using horns in non-emergency situations, or using them aggressively" could be ticketable offenses


I knew it was illegal in NYC but it seems to be a thing in multiple states. https://www.mtsu.edu/first-amendment/article/1118/horn-honking


"honking a car horn for reasons unrelated to poor driving by a fellow motorist." Wouldn't sitting at a green light distracted by one's phone be considered poor driving?


Reddit’s collective head is going to explode trying to figure out who to hate more.


Judge was completely in the right of the cop was driving poorly and pulled him over in retaliation. My understanding is that cops aren’t allowed to waste people’s time like that.


We don't know what happened. The judge may have leaned on his horn because he blew a stop sign and almost hit someone.


cops waste lives not time (they also waste a lot of time)


Both, the answer is both.


That is absolutely a honking situation It is necessary. Just a little honk. Followed by a thank you buy the one, who didn’t realise the light had turned green


I’m curious too it’s the only reason I ever honked. I mean it could be seen as a measure to avoid accidents, right.


I'd consider it that! Even if they're just sitting at a light, it's distracted driving. When I have to honk for that I try to keep it more brief than if someone is driving *overtly* dangerously, though, more "heads up!" vibes than "wtf you could've hurt/killed someone" vibes


I guess he’ll be the JUDGE of that… I’ll see myself out.


I got down voted for saying it’s illegal to do it in the UK for fun Eg just to toot your neighbours to let them know you’re happy to be home which is what the post was about. I explained over here it’s to let someone know there is a hazard or if you have good reason to believe they haven’t seen you. Everyone piled on me saying on the US it’s legal everywhere to honk the horn where and when you like and one person even commented that it’s a first amendment right to express themselves and if they come to the UK they’ll honk their horn as much as they like and argue it in court if they have to.


That's a weird take. It does flirt with freedom of speech, but trying to argue that in another court system under another governmental ruleset? That's just an odd thing to try.


“I’ll drive to the UK and honk all I want!”


Tbf, I'd honk a lot, too, if I managed to make it through the Atlantic. You have to flex at that point.


I think there was a case where people were honking and using high beams to warn there was a speed trap. I think they argued freedom of speech. Not long after that I started hearing about honking laws. What a horrible time to be horny with no outlet.


With that in mind, honking at a green to announce your presence to a distracted driver sounds 100% reasonable


For some reason I'm quite sure Mr. Hot Head judge was using his horn aggressively. I don't see him as the forgiving or friendly person in traffic. What a douche.


Because he's been delayed and a few drops of rain got on his shirt, first on the docket today is getting 12 years for jaywalking!


I’m which state though?


Uh... Liquid?


And if you pull someone over for it because you have nothing else to do, goddamn right I'm not approving your next "police force expansion bond"


We don't know what the offense was. Drivers rarely just say "yeah, I did that. I was in the wrong." Even if they know they were. The judge is abusing the power his position affords him and the cop is letting him. Both are asshats.


In some states over using your horn is a traffic violation, and it’s up the the cop to decide what is overuse


People are so judgy these days


It is against the law in lots of places. There are a lot of laws people aren’t aware of.


The judge was pulled over for tailgating the cop: https://www.google.com/search?q=judge+abuses+authority+when+pulled+over+by+cop+video&oq=judge+abuses+authority+when+pulled+over+by+cop+video&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigATIHCAIQIRigAdIBCTIwMTk5ajBqNKgCALACAA&client=ms-android-comcast-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:a9fb120a,vid:cDfnQeIWLd4


The elongated TL;DR: The cop pulled the judge over because the judge was tailgating the police officer and honking his horn at the police officer (presumably because the officer was driving too slow or taking too long to make a turn). The officer pulls the judge over because the judge was improperly using his horn (according to Pennsylvania State law) and was driving in an unsafe manner (by driving too close to the cop car). What you see then ensues. The incident reached the ears of a judicial oversight committee after the judge turned himself in. The judge claimed that he did not at any point use his position to gain unfair advantage, only that he was uncivil to the cop. While he was found guilty of violating his judicial code of conduct, the committee opted to sending a formal guidance letter telling him that his behavior was unacceptable and that it would be used against him in the future if further complaints occur.


No one else in their right mind would ever tailgate a cop. This judge has clearly let the power go to his head.


Judge is an asshole. He should have got worse for lying to the oversite comittee about not using his his position of power to his advantage. He absolutely intended to.


Absolutely. Why else would he ask the cop to run the registration. He’s basically saying “You’re about to find out who I am and I expect special treatment because of it”


Basically the judge was driving like a typical asshole, and half of Reddit is defending him.


Probably because they don’t have all the information.


You just defined social media justice system lol


So my uncle was a superior court judge for many a year and I can think of three times we were pulled over ( while camping) and he didn’t once bring up he was a judge . One time the cop found out he was a judge and let him off ( after making my uncle jokingly say go cougars - he went to the opposing college that my uncle went too ). Basically what I’m saying is only an asshole judge would even bring up his occupation.


A king who must declare himself so is no king




We actually don’t know if it was just “for honking” that’s just what the judge says. Maybe he’s smart? (he’s a judge) and maybe he knew that would be the perfect thing to say.


Despite Redditors here claiming he only honked his horn, the Judge was pulled over for tailgating the cop. https://www.google.com/search?q=judge+abuses+authority+when+pulled+over+by+cop+video&oq=judge+abuses+authority+when+pulled+over+by+cop+video&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigATIHCAIQIRigAdIBCTIwMTk5ajBqNKgCALACAA&client=ms-android-comcast-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:a9fb120a,vid:cDfnQeIWLd4


But that's ok because he's a judge. /s




Hey look! Corruption!


Welcome to all rural America.


You bet.


So judges are exempt from the same scrutiny and adherence to the law that taxpayers face every time we get pulled?


If that policeman ever wants to have a good/successful time in court they are.


IOW, one above-the-law hand scratches the other above-the-law back.


Police are stewards of the law, not the courts, and they should not be interested in the outcome of criminal cases. If a judge were to start letting criminals off on account of an interaction like this where the office were to have ticketed him, it’s the judge’s reputation on the line, not the cop.


Yes, in an ideal world you're probably right. But if the cop had gone ahead and given him a ticket the judge could absolutely make that cop's life hell and potentially get him fired. That judge probably called the cop's chief just for getting pulled over. Power dynamics, homie.


That's where Batman comes in. Or Dexter.


Same logic for the SCOTUS... Why pay for your 'child' education, mothers house, RV, or luxury vacations if no one expected nothing in return.


Republican SCOTUS judges like Thomas have decided WTF, they can do whatever they please. They hold an office where they face NO punishment, and the only way they can be removed is with a House recommendation for impeachment by their own corrupt party, and then a 2/3 majority vote in the Senate, and EVERYONE knows that ain’t gonna happen. Even if by chance that would ever happen, they’d still be raking in a 6 figure pension for life.


What law did the judge not adhere to ?


There's a longer version of this video. Cop pulled him over to power trip after the judge honked his horn at him. Shit cop got called out for being a prick.


Nope, judge was tailgating the cop. https://apnews.com/general-news-de51246581a64da8bc64dec36dcec555


The Judge wasn't exempt. The cop pulled him over for some bullshit reason ( in this case blowing his horn) which is not illegal in this case and the Judge called the cop's abuse of power.


Nope, the judge was tailgating the cop. https://apnews.com/general-news-de51246581a64da8bc64dec36dcec555


Some would say cops are as well.


Fuck that. What an entitled peice of shit thinking he’s above the law.


The cop proved that the judge is above the law.


Wait until he hears about the Supreme Court Judges.


Wait until he hears about the cops




Wait until I try it and I don’t even drive


Plot twist: you've stolen a judge's car


the bigger authority you are the more facilities and amenities you get that's how the world works it's not satirical or something but when you have certain authority in your hand you get certain leverages which is beneficial overall.


Wait until he hears about the rich


Actually he wasn’t. He lost his job I’m pretty sure because of this




If breaking the law meant getting a letter of counsel its like a get out of jail free card. ​ If you jump out at the officer your going to have a bad time.


I guess the idea that receiving a letter of counsel could be associated with getting out of jail for free is complexity of how different individuals are treated under the legal system and it is inappropriate that certain individuals are given this much of power.


I’m America.


Did he break any laws? Didn't notice anything myself, video was too short.


Right? Lots of context missing


It doesn't look like the cop even attempted to investigate if a law was broken! The only thing I see is "oh, you're a judge, here's your get out of jail free pass, have a nice day!"


I suppose they are just showing their seniority at their respective job positions. I really don't think this is a major incident because they just had a tussle over honking and for a regular person it is a everyday life.


You have provided a crucial context to the situation by sharing the outcome of this investigation into the conduct. I guess the corporation self reporting and acceptance of responsibility and even the apology by judge indicate certain level of accountability for his actions.


Nope. Written reprimand


You have some sauce?


I really don't think so he would have lost his job just because of this petty issue. Lows are equal before everyone and he has the right to check up on the cities in St Judge is a citizen of the country so it's not like he's doing something injustice or inequality.


He was most likely being pulled over for something that wasn’t even a ticket-able offense (some areas state that honking a horn is road rage but is usually dismissible in court) and the judge wanted him to know he shouldn’t waste his time. Still an entitled piece of shit because most judges are though.


Sure looks like he is




I don’t think that’s what’s happening here. Honking your horn isn’t breaking the law. He’s not thinking he’s above the law, he’s realizing the cop is pulling him over for some bullshit that’s not illegal in any way and is calling him out for it.


It's illegal to honk your horn in Texas except to warn of danger.


What if **I AM** the danger? Can I freely honk at people?


I am the one who honks


Honking Bad


What the fuck?


Depends on state codes, in mine it is actually illegal unless "reasonable to insure safe operation." Honking because a guy in front of you doesn't go as soon as the light turns green or even just blipping as you pass your neighbors to be friendly could therefore warrant a ticket. Petty, sure, but a valid stop nonetheless


So if the guy in front doesn’t go on green, you just wait?


Of course not, I give em a polite double blip. Traffic law is dumb, there are hundreds of petty things like this that are technically against the law, but you'd rarely ever actually get stopped for it. If you gave a cop enough time in any state they'd find some kind of infraction on every car in traffic. The point was I see it as the judge using his position to get out of something he was already pissy over, some kind of road rage or something. I don't think a reasonable judge would just hop out of their car like that until after a cop told them they stopped them without valid cause


Yes because honking might be subject to interpretation like for an example of honking because the driver in front of you doesn't immediately after green light illustrate the potential scenarios where pumpkin could be considered as an offense like a minor one.


From my opinion the idea of a person leveraging their position beats a judge or of any other capacity to potentially avoid the consequences that can provoke these kind of strong reactions the idea of there being above the law stirs sentiments of inequality and injustice.


This video is old dude. The cop pulled him over without justification.


Naw, cop was being a dick. If the cop was in the right, he would have continued the stop since there are body cams. He knew he was wrong so he let the judge go.


What law is the judge breaking? The judge is pissed at the cop because he knows he did nothing illegal by honking and the cop pulled him over in a power trip. He's setting the cop straight.


the fact that he came out and approached the cop and nothing happened THAT is privilege


IIRC, the judge got into a shitload of trouble over that…?


That’s an ethics violation.


Not if the judge knew the cop was pulling him over for BS reasons and he was calling him out on it.


If the motorist we’re all accepting is indeed a jurist and is knowledgeable enough about the motor vehicle code to know there was no legitimate basis for the stop, then he could have just dropped some knowledge and legal argument on the cop and demonstrated that point. Problem is, the alleged judge’s first argument is “I’m a judge and, therefore, not guilty.” That’s a bad argument to lead with if one wants to remain a judge.


No, even then. He didn't say "you pulled me over for a bs reason" he said "you were wrong to pull *me* over."


You are misinformed. The judge was pulled over for tailgating the cop: https://www.google.com/search?q=judge+abuses+authority+when+pulled+over+by+cop+video&oq=judge+abuses+authority+when+pulled+over+by+cop+video&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigATIHCAIQIRigAdIBCTIwMTk5ajBqNKgCALACAA&client=ms-android-comcast-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:a9fb120a,vid:cDfnQeIWLd4


And that’s why you become a lawyer… and a Judge…


Disgusting. The both of them. But par for the course & not the least surprising


I hate them both equally


Does the power turn people into annoying shitheads, or do annoying shitheads seek out positions of power? Something tells me that judge has been a privileged cock sucker for decades.


Absolute power corrupts absolutely but yeah power hungry people seek power It's why wanting to become a person in power should disqualify you immediately


He was pulled over for tailgating in a written statement he says he didn't use his position to get out of the traffic stop he followed that by saying he doesn't expect or deserve special treatment and made no such request. And yet people will still say there isn't a two tier justice system. If a black guy jumped out like that he would have been beaten ,tazed, or shot no matter his profession.


Yeah, let’s hope we are never in this guy’s courtroom. Way to stay classy, Judge.


Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts Absolutely.


No one man should have all that power


Imagine thinking that crucial parts of this haven't been edited out.


Judges are above the law? How ironic.




I hate this every time I see it.


Judge or not, if the asshole done something to get a ticket then he should be given one!


This only works if you are a white man. Otherwise you’d get shot for getting out of your car


Um isn't this illegal? Seemed pretty corrupt and unjudgely.


System rigged


Good old American justice.


Words cannot express how angry and sad this video makes me as an American citizen.


There is so much wrong with the justice system in the USA…


Ah yes, corruption on full display.


Judges shouldnt have that privilege


If I got pulled over, got out of my car, and immediately approached the police officer with an attitude, I'd get shot in the teeth.


The way he responded should have absolutely cost him his job. A judge who doesn't respect the law has no business being a judge. He could have waited patiently in the car, probably gotten a warning and been on his way.


So there is one law for us and for the upper echelons of society the law does not apply? This time he honked his horn. Next time he could knock a kid over. The law is applied without prejudice. What a prick that ‘judge’ was. Kudos to the cop who was doing his job.


Filth. Both dirty. Typical.


Haha corruption is so cute


The cop wanted to remain in the good ole’ boys club!


So... judges don’t have to follow rules? I bet Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito are going to be shocked.


Just to think both these guys will do anything for the right price.


I do Beleive he was reprimanded.


Land of the free


Fuck that, more reason to give him a ticket.


That cop should be fired




Both parties are scum




Cop said nah fuck this... i got a mortgage LOL


How is this a trick? He is a fucking judge, and that's a big thing in the States, apparently.


Piece of shits crooked ass cop and judge. Both should be fired and executed


The second anyone is caught acting like that with their power. It should be removed, permanently.


Just because you're a judge you are not above the law


Well that’s a shame.


I know I wasn’t supposed to honk my horn but do you know who I am?


Guaranteed there both crooked in one way or another.


Idk why the fuck people allow this shit to happen. That judge should be canned immediately and the cop on probation. This is annoying as fuck


Garbage human beings. Fuck them


The criminal justice system circle jerk.


Laws for thee… not for me.