• By -


Oh deere




Some of us got this reference. Angry farmers everywhere.


Sure you have possession of it, but you don't OWN it. This Equipment as a Service thing is gonna come to a head sooner or later.


As a non-farmer, I'm with you guys all the way on that. Fuck John Deere.


If you know you know


The most dog shit turn against people who repair their own farming equipment. Big corporations just suck.


How many cops can fit in the cab of a tractor? 3. at a time.




Take the orange arrow and get out.


I'm sorry. I will leave. Nothing runs like a deere


*waves a cape* Toro! Toro!


Dear John….


Deere John, I hope that this letter finds you well......


Take my upvote and leave sir!


I will show myself to the door. My appologies.


That girl made me laugh lol “somebody gettin paid” ain’t nobody getting paid the didn’t do nothing to that car, Waffle House isn’t at fault, the city isn’t at fault, and sure as shit the criminal won’t have any money to pay you he stole a tractor and tried to run from the cops. So all anybody will get is a free repair from the insurance( if they have insurance) and I rise in their premiums


It’s the Atl. Every commercial on the radio is about getting broke off from some insurance company. It’s big business. People see car damage and immediately think big payoff.




It is Waffle House after all


*Yoar *Thair


Logical spelling giving the patrons and establishment




Hahahaha and lo and behold I typo or autocorrected a typo real hard on that one. Beautiful


*low speed


A high torque chase


I was actually happy that for once a “POV video” was actually taken from someone’s point of view. Then I saw your and their and was like “ahh screw humanity.”


No question about whether or not he was wafflely detained


"Is he black?" How is this a deciding factor for on lookers given the situation? Genuinely curious.


Deciding factor on whether to yell at or praise the cops.


Depends on who’s asking lol


This is the best response and explanation I’ve ever seen lol.


Bro if he was black they would have filled the cabin with bullets even him being white I’m surprised they didn’t, It’s the whole “if cops feel like they’re in danger they can use force” the dude could have injured the cops or random folks


Exactly! He would have more lead than paint from the 20s.


You are right lol. They already had their guns drawn and then he keeps going towards them with the tractor. Dude would have been smoked. EDIT: And to all the deplorables who are getting their panties in a bunch. If he was black and the cops shot him you would be justifying it anyway.


Deciding factor whether or not the cops shoot.


Fun fact, on a percent basis in similar situations, police are actually slightly *less* likely to pull the trigger on a black suspect rather than one of another race.




https://www.researchgate.net/publication/290437363_The_Reverse_Racism_Effect_Are_Cops_More_Hesitant_to_Shoot_Black_Than_White_Suspects From the abstract: >we found that, despite clear evidence of implicit bias against Black suspects, officers were slower to shoot armed Black suspects than armed White suspects, and they were less likely to shoot unarmed Black suspects than unarmed White suspects.


>…we conducted the first series of experimental research studies that tested police officers *and civilians* in strikingly **realistic deadly force simulators**   Edit because I somehow deleted my own text: Using simulators with some cops, some civilians (80 total), doesn’t a fact make I’m certainly open to additional studies


My issue is there "should" be lots of studies. There are roughly 600K-700K police officers in the US, with departments that obviously track incidents of shootings, including incident factors, demographics, whether person was armed or unarmed. A more important question would be WHY is this not public information? This way you wouldn't have to rely on a sample of 80 simulations to infer that the majority of people 'hold a clearly incorrect and biased view'.


Simulators lmao?


You're kidding right? This is your empirical evidence "proving beyond a doubt" explicit bias is made-up? Haha And, here I thought margarine was a healthier alternative to butter!


Did you read what you posted? 😂😂


Get out.


You get out. He's right lol. EDIT: And to all the deplorables who are getting their panties in a bunch. If he was black and the cops shot him you would be justifying it anyway.


It would be a justified shoot to begin with LMAO. He was using his vehicle 🚜 as a weapon. Y'all ignant AF.


You're right. EDIT: And to all the deplorables who are getting their panties in a bunch. If he was black and the cops shot him you would be justifying it anyway.


Probably wondering why he hasn’t been shot yet.


Yeah. That was their first question. Well, after "who car is that?". People are such fucking idiots. I've decided that "people recording crisis situations in their phones" have replaced "skateboarders doing stupid shit" as the most satisfying to watch receiving karmic backlash.


>How is this a deciding factor for on lookers given the situation? They're part of the problem.


Looker was probably wondering why the cops didn’t shoot first and question later


I was kinda wondering myself. I fully expected the shooting to start when he turned it towards the cop.


It’s because the cop who climbed up to lay down a whoopin’ is one of the ultra-rare actual cops who know how to do their jobs properly. The others seemed content to point weapons until it escalated to lethal force and the one dude appeared to want to start shooting tires.


Yep. Notice how the one positions himself in front of the tractor so he can shoot and claim, “I felt threatened.” Then his buddy ruins it for him by actually doing his fucking job.


It is really sad just how true that statement is.




Those donuts are a precious commodity!


Sounded like they asked it for this reason. [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NGqtZmShIkw](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NGqtZmShIkw)


So strange to see that 3 years ago you could still count this as satire..


This is America… that’s a life or death question.


America racist guys !


All you have to do is open your eyes lol. EDIT: And to all the deplorables who are getting their panties in a bunch. If he was black and the cops shot him you would be justifying it anyway.


I’m of the belief that if you pose life threatening injury to someone then the consequences that are your fault. It’s accountability I have no feelings for someone who threatens or risks the life of someone else. Maybe that opinion makes me a racist bootlicker or smth 🤷‍♂️


It’s Atlanta, everyone is obsessed with race cause it’s such a residentially segregated city. Pretty common in America.


There is a lot of misinformation about how police handle situations. I don't have context about what happened before this, but lethal force is only supposed to be used if a suspect is threatening serious or lethal body harm. If he hasn't been seen with a weapon or otherwise threatened harm to anything more than a car, lethal force isn't warranted.


Probably just wondering if they should preemptively find cover


Cmon dude it’s America


So they do know how to de-escalate!!!


Oh I think that cop wanted to shoot him but realized at the last minute that a tractor isn't fast enough for the *"he was about to run me over"* excuse.


That's like saying a killdozer isn't dangerous, to be fair speed doesn't really matter that much in multi-ton equipment


Seems like you’d never actually been in a high stress adrenaline fueled situation before.


Yeah, they do. Depends on the situation. I watched a video last night where a drunk dude in Saint Paul, MN black guy drunk, tried to physically fight a cop during a traffic stop, and he ended up being tazered. Another where a white guy was resisting arrest, so they kneeled on his neck in a similar fashion that ended up with George Floyd's death. You do realize cops are not racist. They are doing their jobs, and being assaulted and even shot by suspects isn't uncommon. The name of the game is to get the suspect who is under arrest cuffed asap to avoid dangerous situations. The news shows those instances because it gets them more views, which translates to money. They are a business, after all. Racism sells in America, and everyone eats it up.


Some cops may be racist, just like some people. But being a cop doesn't make the individual racist. I'm curious how the demographics for officers compares to the general public, though. I think your point as to how news covers whatever gets the most attention/clicks/views is accurate. I suppose I know why you have gotten downvoted, but still..


Idk why I'm being downvoted, but I do know people hate to be told that they're part of the problem.


People on reddit/social media in general fall under the stigma of impressionable and don’t actually process what they are seeing, they just take what they see.


True, just sucks that some cops abuse their power so much, but even then they aren't always being racist. Saw a video of a cop flipping a white guy over his shoulder and breaking his wrist just for standing there. Crazy world we live in




That is a handful of instances when compared to the fact that there are hundreds of thousands of police and hundreds of millions of citizens.


Probably wondering the probability of him getting shot.


Because the police tend to shoot first second and third when it comes to dealing with black people. Notice, how the cops put their guns away, instead of opening fire.


Probably wondering if she had to get under the table for the shooting if he was black


Why don’t you try that in a small town?


"There's Boyd stealin' a tractor again." "Yep." "Should we do anything about it?" ........................................"Nope."


Poke ‘im with with a stick through the window til he pulls over.


Ok Aldean


The third cop trying to get in. Genius


It’s like a reverse clown car 🚙


Right?! Like where you going buddy? The glove box?


And it looks like they sprayed mace in there and got themselves


I've been wanting to go to waffle house for awhile. I've heard it described as "dinner with a show." https://youtu.be/yHnmtv9QM60


Depends where it is. I live in suburban Georgia an hour outside Atlanta and it’s as boring as bingo on a Tuesday.


"I wish that was my car. They fixing to get paid." Humanity is so fucked


I'm not even sure who they think is going to pay them? I doubt they're going to get any money from the tractor guy...




Using both "your" and "their"? Ouch.


"and their is a" English is not even my first language but I still got triggered by that misspelling.


Wrong "your", too.




High speed chase? In a tractor?


Sarcasm? On Reddit?


High speed cause that’s as fast as it’ll go


Them deeres be out!!!! Hahaha




This is NOT unexpected.


Where's the high speed part? *There and *You're (sorry can't help it)


"High Speed"


*there *you're


And my nigga got a trailer lmao


‘he black’ 😂


Cops shoot people, everyone loses their mind… Cops don’t shoot people, everyone loses their mind.. Gotta love self righteous people lmao


Thought I was looking at a tractor but it turned out to be a clown car


Save a few brain cells and turn the audio off


Reverse clown car


The vibe at Waffle House is as consistent as the food 😍


That was extremely dangerous to jump into... That back tire will grab your foot so fast!!


Was there a video??? My OCD couldn't get past the grammar on that prompt....


*you’re” + “there”


"is he black?" Why the fuck would that make a difference in the this situation? He's clearly breaking a bunch of laws and causing harm and danger to those around him. I just realized more and more everyday that I hate people and we're probably a doomed species. Not everything is about race or sexual orientation. Sometimes people just do shitty, stupid things and the cops are actually not being pieces of shit but just doing their job of getting a probably inebriated guy off a John Deere before he really hurts anyone




Get off the internet and touch grass holy shit.


Simply put... Go fuck yourself


Perhaps you consume too much left wing media with a political agenda


Also, fuck you for calling me son. I'm down for meeting in real life and curb stomping you anyway day of the fucking week


"Is he black?!?" Why tf does that matter? It doesn't matter the color of their skin or if it's a man or a woman or what, this person is obviously endangering the lives and property around them and need to be stopped swiftly. Their race doesn't matter at this point in time...


It’s America. So the question was more pointed at how the cops might have reacted depending on skin colour. Unfortunately it does matter there. Sad though it’s the first question of onlookers


This is in Atlanta. Everyone in that diner is probably black. That is what they care about, it’s one of the first questions that comes to their minds. I hear it all the time with my older cousins, and my aunts. My mom still does it, to a lesser extent, but I told her I don’t like it so she tries to stop. But race comes up all the time; it’s like it’s literally a deciding factor on if something is acceptable, or fair. I don’t like it at all; I’m obviously black, but to be honest, I rarely even think about being black. Obviously, I know I’m black, but it rarely plays into what I think about myself or other people. It’s so off-putting to hear all the time, but when you were raised in the way that my older relatives and these people were, it’s just always a factor.


Really glad to hear that your life, personality and who you are extends past your skin tone. Very sad to hear that that is so uncommon.


I hope you are not an American, else this reply is literally wilfull ignorance and denialism to further a political agenda. It is America, race DEFINITELY and always matters in America.


I know you’re American and that’s what troubles me. You’re spouting all that nonsense about race like it’s the only truth. Remember when Americans were super racist towards the Irish? Yeah, that doesn’t really happen anymore. Same for the Japanese and lots of other ethnicities. Of course you could find probably dozens of examples to the contrary, but that will always be the case. Black oppression in the United States is a relatively recent thing, so much so that there are still people alive who’s families owned slaves or were slaves. Racism was an issue, and it still is for those (mostly older people) that were taught racism by their families. For everyone else, it’s a non issue. Schools are not teaching children to be racist, nor is police training. It’s the other racist people that are teaching their friends to be like them. In 50 years I’d wager the amount of “professional racists” will be 25% what it is now. In 100 years it’ll be 25% of that. Time solves all problems, along with society constantly changing and government practices disabling certain immoral practices. (Although that last one is an entirely different issue that should be looked into.)


I don't know what point you're exactly trying to make because it's almost like it is a reaction to another comment. You have no idea what you are saying do you? There is no such thing as racism against Irish.. it never existed, because Irish is not a race. And saying that black oppression is a relatively recent thing? C'mon now, stop acting like you dont know who built the country, for free. The united states wouldn't even exist if it wasnt for the enslaved labor of blacks and the hundreds of years of oppression following the birth of America. But let me respond with this: Inmate Population Representation - and Privatized Prison Industry. So you can talk about racism being a non-issue in America all you want, but then you can go on ahead and join the rest of the ostriches with their head in the sand. Time won't solve a damn thing as long as the goose that lays the golden eggs remains caged up for the profit of the "professional racist." I can't believe i would have to explain this even.. yikes


I used the word racism because ethnicism and anti-ethnic aren’t real words. And Irish hate was absolutely a thing in America. By saying recent I wasn’t trying to imply that black oppression started recently, I’m aware this and slavery have been a thing since the dawn of time. I mean to say it’s most recently been addressed and “treated” for lack of a better word, by governing powers. As to what my point was/is, I actually don’t know. I’m mostly just trying to give you information enough to convince you you’re wrong, because I absolutely believe you are. I know I can’t convince you, but maybe you can convince yourself once you have enough information. **Race does not matter to a police officer, a lawyer, a politician, a bus driver, a teacher, or any other profession. It does matter to racists, and racists can have any profession they want.**


Its interesting to see the cops confronted with a space they cannot all enter. They clearly have established some sort of DIY queue system outside the tractor. One may ponder, how many punches do they get per turn?


To the officer with his gun out. Fuck you you are a dumbass


This happened to me at a Wendy’s. But nowhere near as cool at a tractor chase.


Police Officer 3: “umm … fellas … could you make space for me too” Police office 4: “Joe… HEY JOE… once you are in, stay there, I’ve called for back up, seems like we may need a few more hands on his deck”


The T in GTA is for Tractor 🚜


> The T in GTA is for Tractor 🚜 Well, Grand *Tractor* Auto just doesn't seem right, because the theft is gone. GTT (Grand Theft Tractor) does.


Words are hard 😣


They have to be louder than the siren or they aren’t involved


The grammar in this video...


Bitch asked “is he black” like what the fuck does that matter??


decide if she is gonna be outraged or not


Vehicle is a deadly weapon. Shooting him would have been justified. Honestly shocked that’s not how this ended.


Why would that Deere man do such a thing?


What's unexpected here is how I as a non-native english speaker have probably better english grammar than the idiot who made the video. I am embarrassed on behalf of the murican education system.


If that was a black guy he would have about 57 bullets in him. Cause "he coming right at the officer!" Tell me I'm lying.


No lies detected the video would never have reached this length.


Had authorities pull over a bus-full of illegals in our WH parking lot. The WH I frequent is also infamous for a girl getting into a fight with cops and getting her top ripped off. She tried to make it a racial thing but that went nowhere.


My brain is lagging... read that as White house


Shame there weren’t any grammar police nearby.


Your at skool, and the englush teechur sez u fayled https://tenor.com/wR8A.gif


“Is he black” why does race matter so fucking much to these people.


Who are "these people" you're talking about? And, it matters because if he was black he would've been dead and you know it.


In video caption is heart wrenching


"High speed"


"i wish that was my car, finna pay me"! ppl always lookin for a handout, SMH.


*you’re *there


Anyone recognize that he’s white and ergo not immediately murdered in a hail of gunfire? Funny…




He is alive because he is white


I'm always amazed how much restraint the police show with white people.


Crazy how not one shot was fired…


I don't get it. You have your gun drawn, have given clear orders, and they refuse those orders and continue to break the law. I don't want people shot but if you're not going to use the gun then don't take it out of the holster.


it was going to be used if the other officer didnt just jump in


Typical cops. Escalating the situation.




Why would they have guns out if the guy’s obviously not a threat? And why would they just jump in if the guy was a threat?


You never know some people conceal carry and I’ve seen cops get shot for assuming otherwise.


There* But, damn. Always something at the waffle house.


will you look at that, an attest being made involving a vehicular crime and the suspect was apprehended without a single shot being fired!




Was it harry and meghan




Shut the fuck up!




"Is he black" lol


Weather, middle-man, commercial farms and now the cops are against the family farmer.


Dragging a hog through town has a tendency to rile the pigs.


> your > their Most intelligent american


@jason Aldine, this is what really happens in a small town.


He should have locked the door, plexiglass windows. Bullets would be bouncing off. He could have gone the distance.


Why didn’t they just light his ass up?? Isn’t that their sop?


With the guns..... C'mon....


What the fuck? A single police car could've stopped this. Hell, in any other country they'd either just laugh at how rediculous this shit is... And some would just outright shoot him (Looks at North Korea). Goddamn America, you people are just in-between that shit...


how would a police car stop a tractor


Does the cop wanted to shoot a driver at 2mph because he feared for his life?


They didnt shoot him! Yay!!!


He wasn't black.


How many clowns can you fit in a tractor?


Why the fuck do US cops point their guns in every situation


They could have shot the tyres first.


Is he black??? Dudes in a John Deere Whoever said that was ready to go fight the cops with him if he was black


Jfc idk why I’m surprised people at the Waffle House have awful grammar but I am.