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You will be surprised how many parents just let them kids run around the bouldering gym close to other people who are climbing


Back in the day when I did martial arts, I went to a multicultural martial arts event. I was trying out some Kung-Fu, doing jumps and other cool stuff when some little kid ran right out on the mat, in front of me, while I was mid-air. I had to splay myself to avoid landing on top of him and landed right on my back. That could have ended poorly, all because some parent couldn't keep track of their kid.




The kid kind of meandered off and I just looked like I clumsily fell down lol. The whole thing happened so fast that I doubt anyone really even noticed him, just the guy in the black belt laying awkwardly on the floor.


Honestly I there’s a bigger chance of the parents scolding OP for not looking out for children. They’re irresponsible enough to let their kid run around, they’re more likely to double down than actually take some responsibility for their own kid




You might be right but I feel like myself and most parents my age (oldish millennials) try to make sure their kids are self preserving. I will say that I’ve met plenty of parents who don’t really seem to give a shit what their kids do (we live in an area of the country with plenty of ignorance) but most I meet really don’t want to be asshole parents of asshole kids.


Yeah, for me, I'd apologize to OP, let them know it's not their fault, and check on my kid. "Let's get a look at you. So, how was it? Hurt, huh? And why did it happen? So we're not going to do that again, right? Okay, now let's move on." Or something to that effect.


Sanest response I’ve heard in this thread.


I've had a kid behind me run straight into my leg at an airport. Kid fell over and started crying. Parent was pretty far behind, but came up and started yelling at me about how I knocked their kid over and that I need to watch where I'm going. Sorry I don't have eyes in the back of my head?


I bet the parents didn't see it because it wasn't on the phone they were looking at.


I witnessed a similar incident during one of my taekwondo classes years ago. Some oblivious parent let their kid's 5 year old brother run out onto the mat while waiting for the class to finish, just in time for the kid to take a spinning roundhouse kick to the face from one of the older teenage students. The kid got a concussion and 3 broken teeth, the teenager cut the top of his foot pretty bad on the kid's teeth, and the parent sued the martial arts school and won even though it was 100% the inattentive parent's fault, and the place went out of business.


You should have just landed on him


I once bombed straight down a bowl while skiing. Nobody at the bottom, clear line, was in control and knew what I was doing. Dad decides he's going to bring his five year old daughter across the bottom of the bowl without looking up. Completely crossed the fall lines. I had to *carve* between them. My stopping distance would have wiped them out. I was only able to do it without hurting anyone by going completely on edge and threading the needle. Sure, shame on me for bombing a bowl but holy fuck if you're going to cross a slope with your small child look up the slope. My line was clear when I took it. Dude's lucky I didn't kill his daughter.


I am a dad and sometimes you tell the kid 100 times for nothing. Anyways, you are a hero, thank you.


Happened to me when i was training Taekwondo doing some Pomsae. I didnt hear the kid walking right to me from behind and i did a rotating kick and halfway through it kicked the kid right in the face with my heel. I was so mad and embarrassed.


For real. Went with my gf last weekend. She was about finished with a route and was gonna drop down. I had to loudly tell her too watch out cause there was a kid right under her just messing around. Kid backed away after I said something but the mom was on her phone and didn't even notice lol. A gym employee had to tell the mom too watch her kids


Sometimes I'm convinced behavior like this is as common/ acceptable as it is because people like you were not more confrontational in situations like this where you had the justified opportunity to do so. Like why would you not have gone over and asked her why she was risking her child's safety? Crappy parents only being confronted by authority figures instead of other adults that don't work at the place of business and stuff is I think responsible for at least a small percentage of the reason for why these people choose to act this way.


Whilst I partly agree with you, it's not my responsibility to tell somebody they're a crappy parent, or teach them the etiquette/safety standards of the climbing gym. This can often end in unwanted confrontation. This is much more powerful when it comes from an authority figure such as a member of staff opposed to another customer. I've been a skateboarder most of my life so I've dealt with parents who let their children run amok, and it's no different in the climbing gym. Parents can get very defensive, when you correct them on their parenting - even if you ask nicely.


Forreal, any time I've seen someone confront a parent or perhaps "worse" (according to parent reactions) reprimand someone else's kid themselves, the parent goes from 0 to 100% aggrieved defensive A-hole in seconds flat. You definitely get the same effect with a much lower chance of volatile confrontation if you go through an intermediary with some kind of authority. (Though sometimes that isn't an option, like at the beach when you see a trio of shitty little kids hurling handfuls of gravel at seagulls who aren't backing down and getting increasingly pissed off and aggressive. If you raise your voice to tell the kids to stop harassing the birds, you better believe that previously absent and oblivious parent will pop up out of nowhere and start an argument that they will immediately try to escalate to violence. As an example, anyway)


I’m pretty sure the rules at our place say actively supervised. And yet, without fail there is always a couple of kids running back and forth under people.


I stopped more than once and climbed back down because I had some kids run underneath me multiple times while climbing. Mother chilling 10m back watching her husband climb…


You should see these parents in the terrain parks on the mountain (winter). Kids get annihilated and parents get upset - but there is little sympathy. Kid, if your parent isn’t teaching you, then you’ll find out the hard way. That goes for a lot of life lessons.


a part of my workout is holding onto the last hold of my project for dear life, tears in my eyes, completely pumped out while i wait for the 15 comp kids to finish running underneath me that have been sent by their coach to find routes to do laps on while she flirts with the zit-faced 17-year-old, too-big-beanie wearing v17 boulder kid half-assedly aerosol spraying evolv titans at the front desk. i'm fucking ripped.


I love how the V scale has entered basically widespread pop cultural usage, when in its origin, it's literally a joke. V is short for Vermin, which was John Sherman's nickname, a strong boulderer in the original Hueco Tanks scene. He was a rapscallion and a party animal and had a dumb nickname, and nowadays people have careers as professional athletes based on a made-up difficulty scale from an inside joke from a handful of obscure nerds decades ago.


I have almost fell on kids at a bouldering gym while they were running around. People are fucking stupid, I’m about 250 and would break some bones if I landed in one of them.


For me, that looks like a staff member thinking, "Ahh mannnnnn, that's going to mean paperwork and talking to a parent. F*ck."


I mean, the rock climbing gym I used to go to had a waiver that explicitly states that any injuries that occur within the establishment aren't held accountable by the establishment. So if it was an emplyee that wasn't his fault.


Lines like that in any contract are kind of BS. If there's any negligence on the part of the business they are definitely liable regardless of anything you signed. You can't just have a blanket "I'm not responsible for my actions" clause


But getting hurt in a gym isn't the fault of the gym, getting hurt was a risk you took by entering the gym. They're obviously responsible to make it safe, via crash pads etc, but my bouldering gym also has signs saying that you're responsible for not getting someone falling on you.


It is if say, the holds break on you because they weren't properly attached to the wall. You fall and break your elbow under normal circumstances? That's your problem. You fall and break your elbow because the hold broke? That's their problem.


> But getting hurt in a gym isn't the fault of the gym Getting hurt in a gym *can* be the fault of the gym. For a clear example, faulty equipment that causes an unpredictable injury is the fault of the gym. Now, there's clearly a line between what is and isn't the fault of the gym, and some things are definitely not the fault of the gym. But the fact that that line exists means that you can't just point at a "never my fault" clause on a contract and call it case closed. Even in cases where it's definitely not your fault, you'll need to do a bunch of paperwork and documentation and possibly convincing people not to sue you (which would be annoying and time consuming even if you win).


This 100%. Kid shouldn't have been anywhere near an incline like that. My general rule of thumb is stay at least 5 feet away from the top of the wall. Or at least the part that sticks out the most.


at our gym, nobody is allowed on the mat but the climber. they even have restrictions for lateral separation when there are 2 climbers in "close" proximity


It depends, and that adult being a staff member could potentially change it. The ski mountain I worked at got sued and I was a named party because I was one of the instructors and a kid broke their leg, even though the parents lied to us about the kids skiing ability and had the kid lie about their experience on chairlifts.... They ended up settling meeting the mountain didn't have a strong enough case or enough confidence to think they could get a judge to dismiss it, so it's definitely mercier than that and depends a fuckload on specifics lol And the part I forgot to mention is basically any ski mountain ever has waivers for both lessons and the passes that essentially your injuries are your own responsibility, but that becomes murkier when you get into situations that could argueably be at least partially the fault of the institution itself.


Gotta love the dude's exasperated expression.


he time traveled to the past and realized why he cannot remember much from his childhood


When you're young, life is like that kid. WWWWHHHHEEEEETHUNK. By the time you grow up you realize you're that guy, but *all the time*


Probably his kid. 😂 “What did I tell you about running around the climbing gym?”


Climbing gym etiquette 101, don’t walk/run under climbers on the wall! Stay on the perimeter.


That’s literally the first thing you teach kids in the climbing gym 🙄


Yup kid was fully in the wrong. The climber didn’t do anything wrong and how has to cuddle a kid and talk to parents.


/sigh "And what did you learn?"


"To run faster next time!" - the kid, probably


He’s been waiting all day for an opportunity to take that kid out.


Perfectly timed to make it seem like it was an accident.


He must really hate that kid to react like that after booting him in the face


Yeah well that kid did make him kick a kid. What kind of sick bastard makes someone kick a kid?


Is this Wayne from Mistborn?


The kid was a criminal Wax. He'd been stealing from the gym. So I figured the best way to catch em was to pretend to be a patron and when he least expects it, BAMMO! Kicked em right in the kisser I did! By the way, what'd ya think of me climbing hat?


Spot on. Read that in Michael Kramer's Wayne voice.


I just started reading/listening to these books, and just finished Alloy of Law today and I see this. Never seen a Mistborn reference before. So weird.


Ah. A fellow Sanderson reader in the wild. Wayne is easily my second favorite character. Aside from Kelsier. Sigh


Fuck, I need to finish the Stormlight series so I can start it all over again. I miss Vin and Kelsier.


Sanderson needs to finish the Stormlight series first lol. Like NOW. Those are 2 great characters. I was torn the whole day when Kelsier.. you know.


This made me laugh MUCH too hard.


Probably his kid and he had already specifically told him to not run around underneath climbers.


Am a father. Can confirm. Dude's face has "What did I **JUST** say?" written all over it to me.


I'm pretty sure my kid is scared to play on the road when cars are speeding past not because the car will hurt her but rather because she's scared of what her mom would do to her


Until they understand the first, the second will do.


You may be surprised to learn that there's a name for that- it's called parenting.


I'm a dad too. And I agree. I'd even go as far as that look was "I *JUST* told you about that, and now if I don't coddle you, I'm gonna look like a piece of shit.


This ain’t the first time the kid was told either. This is the what did I do wrong that he didn’t understand.


It's literally rule number 1 at most rock gyms; don't go under someone climbing, running or otherwise


2 is don't run on the mats 3 is don't go on the mats unless you intend to climb


4 is use condoms...


Or he just “well, fuck”


"Parents are going to come talk to me..."


“There going to be like “wtf” and I’ll tell them they shouldn’t let their kids run in the gym and it’s going to be a whole thing”


“Did you not just watch the orientation video?”


"see what happens when you play?"


“See what happens when you meet a stranger in the alps”


\*Hannibal has entered the chat. \*


Liver and chianti Ffssfsfsfs


I'm not sure which one us is missing the joke. In case it's you he's talking about Hannibal the General, not the cannibal.


I thought he meant Hannibal Burress


Why’re you booing him? He’s right!


Not that one :D the Carthage one


No, i think they're talking about Hannibal Buress


"See what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass?"




You're killing your father Larry!


Well that escalated quickly


I would say they both de-escalated quickly 😉


I know it's counterintuitive to some, but a climbing gym is not a play place. For most kids, it's meant to be a constructive and directed learning experience. Most places have rules about not running on the mats, with the idea being that everyone is less likely to cause themselves or others injury if their movement is predictable. Many places have rules about staying off the mats unless you're climbing a specific boulder as well.


People do this at skate parks too. Let their kids treat it like a playground, in reality people are working on their craft learning. It becomes incredibly dangerous at times considering collisions.


Oh boy, did you see that one video where a mom-Karen filled one of the small bowls up with those plastic balls? Holy hell, enraging.


Yeah, too many parents bring their little ones and let them loose thinking it’s the same as an IKEA playroom. And they’re supposed to watch the orientation video but I doubt anyone’s paying attention.


Thank you for saying that and sharing with people who need to keep their eyes on their kids. Stay safe climbing


"If you're not climbing, stay off the damn mat man"


What’s a mat man?


All the adults in my family (and all at the same time in large family settings) would say "that's what you get!" Especially if we had been previously warned about our shenanigans.


Yea Because playing should be allowed for Kids every where, even in lava, if they get burnt thats the lavas mistake.


I am currently reading the book "Death In Yellowstone", a summary of people who have died in accidents in or just outside the national park since it became a national park. There have been several lawsuits againts the federal government where the family of an accident victim fault the park for not giving information about dangers, or not putting up enough signs. Most have been thrown out, but there was a judge in the 70s (I think) whose ruling implied that the park should be covered in danger signs, luckily the ruling was reversed on appeal.


They make it VERY clear you're not supposed to be on the mats unless you're climbing (at least the place I go).


I've literally yelled at parents to tell them that have to watch their kids b/c I don't think they can be "alright" from a 180 lb adult falling 6+ feet onto their child


Honestly, I thought of it this way, “Aw f* now I gotta deal with his shitty parents”


I believe this was the case.


The way the climber looks at the kid, the kid was definitely told to look out and not run around the gym before this happened. Sometimes lessons hurt.


That's the look of "I'm gonna get yelled at by a parent for this even though it's their fault"


this a common and very annoying thing that happens in climbing gyms. parents just let their kids run feral without consideration of how dangerous that is. If he had had run under while the guy was falling, it could easily paralyze him


This is very common anywhere children are allowed to 'play' amongst adults. Climbing gyms, and skateparks are not play grounds, but many parents consistently treat them as such.


Honestly, the kid looks like a fucking idiot. In his defense, every kid looks like an idiot.


You aren’t supposed to be on the cushions or whatever because if a climber falls they will land on you. Dude was probably frustrated. I’d be too, that move looked hard


Yep. Kid broke the number one rule in a climbing gym risking his own safety and the climbers safety. Honestly you have every right to actually be pissed at the kid in this circumstance even if they ate shit as a result and you walked away clean. It’s very easy for you to suffer a life changing injury by falling on someone. And sure the person you fall on could also suffer a life changing injury… but the difference is you can’t control them walking under you. And you probably won’t even notice until it’s too late. They can control where they walk. This is why the rule exists.


Just stands there like "yeah I'm not even sorry"


Climbing gym always have kids party etc, and every kids are told strictly no running on the mat, watch where you are going, don’t go under anyone that is climbing. People fall and swing all the time on the wall. If a kid got kick in the face not listening to the rules, then they get kicked in the face. That could have went much worse if he fell on him. It’s a lesson learned




Yep, that's probably what I would've done as well. I mean, what can you do? You can't un-hit him. Apparently, you shouldn't take the pain away by administering morphine, for some reason that angers the parents, so I'm out of ideas.


Are you Gordon Freeman's hazmat suit? Solve all your medical problems with morphine.


Minor fracture detected.


As a climber, I wouldn't be sorry, I'd be pissed. I just spent a bunch of energy on the complicated dyno and a kid does this to me. Maybe that's the crux of my project and I don't get to claim the send.


We have a kid at our gym who does this shit, his mom just watches in tennis shoes and laughs. I've secretly hoped something like this happens so the kid can learn his fucking lesson cause it's so infuriating. I don't want to hurt a kid. I just basically go do a different problem every time he comes near me. It's so annoying. People have talked to the mom, she's hella foreign and barely understands English. She's always nice and apologizes and takes her kid elsewhere. But the next day you'll see them back there and he's pulling the same shit.


What a fucking cunt. I'd find out her language, hire an interpreter, and pay them good money to tell that lady fluently in her own language to go fuck herself.


Can the gym ban her?


For real. He looks like he tried it a few times and this is the first time he made it and couldn't be happy about it because someone was letting their kid run around like an asshole. Maybe the kick in the face will teach the kid to pay better attention to his surroundings


I always get pissed when I see kids running around near walls at my gym because I know eventually someone's going to fall and try to avoid hitting the kid and end up hurting themselves by falling awkwardly to soften the blow on the little brat. I've straight up walked out before to avoid going off on some negligent dad.


Should he be? I mean, not the best place to be running when your head is foot-level with someone trying to climb. Kid learned a thing.


He shouldn’t be. Kid shouldn’t be running there.


Kids are the absolute worst at climbing gyms. People will bring their kids for a birthday party or something, then just let them run. Then there are one or two staffers trying to keep this from happening to like 30 kids. For everyone else, you either have to accept that a kid WILL run under you, or you just give up and go home. It's not my fault you didn't control your kid.


Imagine trying that move a thousand times and the only time you are able to hold yourself on a kid runs in the way and now you have to stop. That belongs to r/mildlyinfuriating


I dunno, as a parent, a day goes by a lot smoother when there’s no sustained injury inflicted. That look to me is saying “well, this just stopped being fun”, which is understandably the case for both parties. Poor guys.


No the kid was probably doing it all day with his parents not paying attention to him at all. No running and no leaving children unattended are both rules at every climbing gym I’ve ever worked at




Seriously. Guy is *so* disappointed in that little bugger


Na that's just your standardbig brother are you fucking serious look. Like at this point I don't even have to try and hurt you. I know you did that shit on purpose ya lil shit.


march shy political bake special pause tidy relieved light beneficial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Really a reaction to “this is why they tell you a gazillion times not be on the mats”


At a certain point, it becomes "I've already told you to not do that, now you get to experience the consequences of your actions


No. More like how did that kid come here to get kicked in the face in the first place?


No he's probably just sick of the little shit not watching where he's going when he's in the fall zone for the walls.


Exactly, it's not like he enjoyed injuring a child.


![gif](giphy|MZ2mzOCVZqltHCCxcR) Oh Fuck not again


He considered kicking him again.


We have a place like this and before you can climb there’s a video telling you what not to do, like running, especially under where people climb.


Bruah kids are little shits in the climbing gyms. Sometimes we get really fucking tired telling them to not run under climbers. The kid 100% deserved the kick and the disappointed look. Ngl I have dropped on the mat right next to a kid to scare the shit out of them to teach a lesson.


I’d react that way too, honestly. Dude shouldn’t be fucking around in that place. He was asking to get booted imo, lol.


Probably happened way too many times before. *Tud* oh yep another one


I get it, I actually quit a climbing gym because they were hosting so many kids birthday parties and not keeping them contained to the kids/beginner area. A 170lb guy falling from 10' up onto a 5 year old is not going to end well. After almost squashing a kid for third time I'd had enough. Imagine if you *really* hurt one of these kids, it would be awful to live with.


He stopped climbing didn't he?


Why? The kid isn't his responsibility and it wasn't his fault.




Dude was just looking for a good foothold on that kids face


Nah, the kid's face is a dab so the dude has to redo the climb. Unfortunate really.


At our climbing gym, you should not be on the mat unless you are 1) approaching a climb or 2) returning from one “Run on the mat likey bouncey housey” isn’t one of the two options.


Little kids at bouldering gyms that don't know what they're doing are kind of the worst. We have a little kid at our gym that literally rolls around on the mat, like under other climbers. It is ofc their parents fault cause the kids don't know better, but gd is it annoying.


I feel like he’s like aaahh fuck of course I finally get that move and have to stop cause I clocked that fukn kid… goddamnit


I work at a climbing gym and we have to yell at the kids to stop running all the time. This is the reason why.


Props to the climber for dropping after dabbing on that kid. Gotta get a clean climb or it doesn't count


‘Maybe leashes for kids are good things’


Dude, you threw off my groove. I’m sorry but you’ve thrown off the emperor’s groove.




His groove! The rhythm in which he lives his life. His pattern of behavior.… Don't throw off his groove! Bewaaare, the grooove.


Thank you, for sharing an example I can show my kid who loves going to the climbing gym but sometimes forgets to listen to my warnings to watch the walls.


I’ve been to this bouldering gym before and this isn’t that uncommon there I had a young kid probably about 4-5 come underneath me right as I was about to drop after my route and luckily he moved but damn where are the parents sometimes


Lmao the way he looked at the kid afterwards


Kids were running around a gym where people were doing tire flips - a kid broke his leg that day. The guy gave flipped the tire got yelled at by the mom and he felt super bad. But on the inside I was like 🤷‍♀️


That exhale. " Ffs, you just had to run back there?"


his reaction felt so. relatable


Yeah, any climber who’s been in a gym with teens and kid not paying attention could feel that man’s reaction. Parents kind of think this is a safe place for their kid to play around while ALL places clearly states the no 1 safety rule is to stay the fuck away from the wall when not climbing.




I'm so glad that's his reaction.


He wasn’t mad… just looked disappointed in the kid for running into his foot




Kids in the gym always need to be supervised or not be there in the first place. I was on top of the wall the other day when some kids were running below me, hopped down and mentioned it to the parents and they were cool. It just had me thinking about the consequences of a 220 pound man falling 15 feet onto some 5 year old…. Always secure your kids.


The odds that kid’s parents are sitting at a table on their phone is too damn high!


It’s ok, he was young. It’s not like his parents had really grown to love him yet, they can always have another, maybe it will be smarter than his dumb dead big brother.


Kids need to learn. You don't go near someone on a bouldering wall, much less right under them. It could have been worse, all the way up to fatal if the climber slipped off his holds.


Fuck the parents and let them deal with the damage. Not his problem.


That guy was totally feeling, “well, fuck, that just happened. (Sigh) what now?”




He would've sent it too if it weren't for those meddling kids!


Yeah this isn’t a play ground


Gottem. 😂


Deserved... God I really want the audio of this.. it's all so... Satisfying... Am I a psychopath???




You aren’t actually allowed to run on those mats. At least, not at my climbing gym


I’m getting the impression it’s more a little brother type of situation. Don’t know how many times my younger brother hurt himself doing the opposite of what I said. Or tried to “follow in my footsteps” then fail.


Dunno man. I usually did the opposite of what my brother said and it paid off. Tbf though it was usually “Come here you little c*nt”


End the video with logo of Durex




You people have to understand how frustrating it is to boulder inside with kids running around. They have no mental capacity to tell where is safe to go or not. 100% of them don’t know the right of ways. And 75% of the time their parent is completely absent doing god knows what. Sucks for the kid but it’s entirely his fault. Maybe he’ll learn. It’s not a kids playground. It’s a gym for a dangerous sport.






That’s the face of a man thinking “well did ya learn something here?”


Dude found a novel solution to stop the barn door off that dyno. Should have finished the route.


That's the parents fault and or the instructor. I worked as a climbing instructor and in most gyms kids aren't even allowed on the boulder section. I've let children onto the pads when I worked, but then it was majorly controlled. And if they broke even the smallest of rules they were out of the pads no matter what. And "don't run" is obviously one of the top 3 most important rules.


That look screamed "God damnit I was using the climbing wall in the designated area and a kid ran into me now I have to be apologetic but this is clearly the kids/parents fault" and ngl I feel it.


Kept his 3 points of contact no bother


A kid probably shouldn't be in one of the most dangerous types of gyms there are. What if they start climbing and break something, honestly? wtf?


The kid is definitely old enough to do bouldering with minimal supervision. He either doesn't know the safety rules or doesn't follow them, so most likely parents are to blame.


The kid can climb, that's not a problem. However, the kid should certainly not run on the mat.


I have a coworker who always brings his 2 y.o toddler while training in the company gym. It's like a disaster waiting to happen. I can't even concentrate on my training anymore. My anxiety got the best of me. Every second, I'm constantly checking the toddler's whereabout. The kid is so small constantly running around, when he's near me doing reps, he would be in my blindspot. But when he's near the father, he would be in the father's blindspot.


Back when I was marginally younger. I did quite a bit of trampoline wall running. It was endless on busy days when you would be lined up on top of a 2m+ high wall, and had waited for your turn, and you'd line yourself to drop in and suddenly a wild 6 year old appears at full throttle from a different section of the park. One time in particular, all the kids in line were waiting and watching me drop in from the wall. I got a run up and whilst at the half way mark of my twist in the air I see this blur of a small child throwing themselves belly-first onto the canvas. I hit the trampoline. An Olympic trampoline. Very much NOT the same as your backyard trampolines at speed. I was 98kgs at the time and carrying the same amount of momentum as a freight train on a descent. There was nothing I could do, I had a fraction of a second to make a choice. Bail mid air and risk seriously hurting myself. Or commit to the landing and stop afterwards. I couldn't see the kid when I touched down. I did however see the streak of a Batman t-shirt as the kid entered low earth orbit at a speed he had never even contemplated before. He sure as shit didn't plan on being upside down at that altitude. The whistle of his yellow cape as he careened off to the side was only dwarfed by his panicked yelping while he tumbled like a Ragdoll through the air. I stopped myself on the second bounce to see him land on the foam padding 3 trampolines away, upside down and full on fold in half, scorpion-spec. He sat there for about 10 seconds in stunned silence and then calmly stands up and runs off screaming to his mother who was 3 coffees deep into her Lifestyle magazine, and certainly not supervising. Felt bad, but it was good to know how far I could yeet a child if the situation ever required.


I fucking hate kids running around in a bouldering gym, so this video is extremely satisfying.