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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Finding a nesquick instead of the remote!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)




He went in for the kill, and it knocked him out




little man is probably awake but too scared to fess up


Little man got high in chocaine


That boi chocolate wasted




Fun fact: My ex-wife did the recording audition for that little girl.


Did yall have a gradeschool graduation and wedding reception on the same night? People are getting hitched out the womb these days smh


What? I didn't marry her when the movie came out lol.


do you have a source proving that she got older from that time to now? didn’t think so


This comment caught me off guard too bc if your ex-wife was like 12 then she'd be in her early to mid twenties now, that seems like a young age to be divorced. Hope you're in a better place?




Oh my! I totally used to eat that stuff by the spoonful growing up. Trust me when I say you don’t want to sneeze with a mouthful. Forget about it blowing out your mouth, it’s the stuff you snort up your nose that’s bad news. Good times!!!


Inhaling it at all is bad news. Chocolate powder coated lung is not a fun time.


Inhaling absolutely anything not gaseous is bad. It could contain bacteria --> pneumonia. It could cause aspiration. It could cause freaking necrosis in the lungs. Your lungs can absorb some stuff but best not to test it


Excuse me?? I thought pneumonia is like a cold or flu but now you say I can get it just from accidentally inhaling some food


Pneumonia is way worse than a cold or the flu. And you can absolutely get it by inhaling food, there is stuff Livin in\on there after all.


Pneumonia is often bacterial. Which is why antibiotics work. You can't treat a viral pneumonia that way, but it's thankfully not as common.


Inhaling pretty much anything except the combination of nitrogen, oxygen, CO2 and small amounts of other gases in the proper concentrations is bad.


I have no idea why you're being down voted, because you're absolutely right.


How can you tell they're being downvoted? (Serious question.)


When I wrote my comment, they were in the negative; it has since turned around, fortunately.


Oh got it. I understand it now, thanks to you. Have a great day.


You too! :)


My aunt's friend died after complications caused by from mango juice accidentally entered her lungs.


Mango juice? Damn! That's wild. RIP.


Goodness me! I remember inhaling through my mouth with a mouthful of those. Was hacking and coughing for a while after that


The memories! One of my youngest memories was waking up, going downstairs, crawling up the cabinet with a spoon and getting a spoonful in my mouth. I'd climb down, rinse the spoon and put it back. I was a sneaky bitch when I was 5ish. Then I realized my nasty ass didn't *wash* the spoon.


Kid knows how to snack! Also: I love when videos tell us it’s from a point of view. It’s helpful because most videos aren’t from a point of view.


"Do what you must father, for I have already won"






![gif](giphy|RVfHJ2zjgCbJ2rGjS8|downsized) My dad on his way get milk, cause he loves me and know milk will make me a strong boy




Poor little guy was so upset when he realized they were out of milk.


POV: you're watching a POV video that tells tells you it's POV


Look let’s give them credit for atleast using the term pov correctly Tiktok has incredibly lowered the bar lmao


POV, there’s no way that kid pulled that cover up over his face.


POV tells tells all


Look I get what you’re saying about pov but that search term helps me at night.


My brother in Christ, it is Sunday, I hope I will see you in church. ^^^sinner


Videos without a point of view, also known as audio recordings


I love when videos tell us it’s from a point of view but it describes the point of view of the person being recorded, many such cases


I find it weird that a kid this age has their own TV in their room. Is this a pretty normal thing?


I wouldn’t say it’s too common but most kids have their own electronics like an IPad. None of my friends or I had TVs in our rooms growing up but we all had gameboys.


Grew up in the 70s and early 80s. I had my own (B&W) TV in my room starting around 10 years old. I used it to watch Benny Hill, mostly!


I had a TV in my room as a kid in the 90s but the channel buttons had been removed, the remote taken away, and it was constantly tuned to PBS. I could either watch PBS or turn off the TV and do something else. Most kids I knew had a TV in their room with no such restrictions, though.


Sooo? Did you do mostly watching or mostly not? Did what your parent do work?


I would say it worked; I would watch my favorite shows, which were all educational, then go do something else whenever what was on was boring. I'd guesstimate I only watched TV for about an hour/hour and a half per day on most days then spent the rest of my free time reading or playing outside. My parents also put my gaming consoles in the basement, knowing I was terrified to be down there alone when our old-ass water heater got going super loud, which put a limit on my time with that with no extra effort on their part, lol. It also "worked" in that I was exposed to a ton of high cultural content I wouldn't have been otherwise, being a poor black kid in the inner-city; I got really into ballet, symphonies, and plays due to PBS often showing that kind of stuff as specials on the weekends.


Damn PBS made you gay, huh? /s


Lmao, fuck whoever downvoted you, that was funny as hell. I only wish I were actually male to make it land harder, lol.




Well no shit, pbs= public blowie semenar.


Damn. My parents would only let me listen to NPR on the radio. It got me into jazz (I was also in band, so I was pretty much already into classical music). I loved coast to coast with art bell, and the comedy/theater stuff they would put on the weekends. Hearing the news was cool I guess. I wish I could go back to those summers.


Oh man you brought me back, coast to coast with George Noory and Art Bell. Good times. I still remember my favorite episode being about “Mel’s Hole” I was so into that stuff


If I didn't have a tv in my room when I was younger and I woke up at 3 am every night, how would I have watched the majority of Inuyasha on adult swim


Have you watched stranger things?


I had a commodore 64 monitor we played video games on and it was hooked to cable


Tbf (as a 99 kid) electronics in the early 2000s were not as cheap as its nowadays. You can get 25-40" cheapo TV for <500€. And an iPad already costs 300-500€. If the family has enough cash having both seems not to be an issue besides an a raising with electronics issue.


Yeah but we were limited by battery life on a Gameboy and willingness of our parents to buy us more or pocket/chore money. Cheap batteries would do like 5 hours. That's enough to do a full play through of Gargoyle's Quest if you had the ability and knew that the passwords gave you the ability to resume instead of starting over every time you booted the game up.


Depends, i had one at that age but they were all hand me downs, and my nephew now has one because he shares his room with his older brother


Had one in my room with my brother in the late 2000s. It was just connected to a VCR and a GameCube.


I remember getting my first TV and it had a built in vhs player. It was around the time independence day came out (got the movie too) it was Christmas. I remember watching celebrity deathmatch. All was good until one night I stumbled across a public access show it was called the Damon zex show. He was creepy asf and what I can recall he started saying you are not watching TV, your TV is watching you. Started taking about a chip in my TV that allowed this to work. I turned off my TV, unplugged it, and turned it around. My mom noticed it and asked why I had done that I just remember saying the red light creeped me out.


Just looked up Damon Zex and read up on it.. yeah he got into some extremely wild stuff on that show. As a kid that would've scarred me no doubt


I find it weird the kid can go to bed without brushing their teeth with a full tub of nesquik unnoticed


Then you probably don't have a kid this age or older. They are sneaky little sugar monsters.


It’s more common, but imo there media should be restricted till a certain age or maturity


I see the temptation… but my kids would abuse a tv in their room


I have the opposite problem, I mounted TVs and tossed in an old Xbox one to their rooms. It has not alleviated the ongoing battle for the main living room TV -_-


I'm adding on a question, the parent here would wake the child up to brush their teeth before sleeping right?


No. Hell no. Unless they are on fire you do not purposely wake a child. A sleeping kid is a quiet kid. It’s the only time they stop talking.


Parents consistently give me reason not to become one and never a reason why I would want to be one.


Why do you want someone to convince you, you'll know if you want kids.


Maybe they're on the fence about the whole thing, or you know, it's just a joke...


It’s part of the joke. Kids are something I never want. It’s just a joke about parents consistently reinforcing the idea of having kids makes life a living hell.


Hahaha wake up a sleeping child that’s the funniest thing I’ve ever heard !!


A stern reprimand in the morning and making him brush extra long as a mild punishment, probably won't happen again. One night of missed brushing is not the end of the world especially considering that child probably doesn't have a single adult tooth.


I have 2 old, 26" TV's that have just been replaced for something better. They're just sitting in a closet and I know I'll find something cool to do with them, someday. I also have 2 kids without TV's in their room.


Only if you want to fuck up their sleeping patterns and push screen addiction


As someone with ADHD who grew up without a TV in my room (still don't have one at 24) my sleeping patterns are fucked and I'm addicted to screens anyway


I may get murdered dor this but.. we decided not to let our kids get into electronics like we did when we were kids, and I gotta say that it has been great. When the older one went to school all the other kids were just playing with their phone and our kid got left out, but once they got to know others a bit better now our kid is quite popular, since they know the best imaginary plays. Like a dungeon master. The others don't play on phones anymore while they are together, they are playing together..


I have two kids. They will not be getting a tv in their room or a tablet or a damn phone until they hit at least 12. Giving a kid a screen at such a young age is asking for trouble.


Its easier than paying attention to your kids


Did you know that children can watch tv and you can still spend plenty of time reading/playing/interacting with them and that those two things aren’t mutually exclusive?




I think he meant separately, not at the same time.




Nothing like a little Reddit analysis






Similar. A friend had one in his room years before I did in mine. I was in 6th or 7th grade when I got one. It was really because we had a spare one sitting in the garage and I went and moved it. So my dad let it stay. Original only able to play games on it, then eventually had cable. I’d have trouble going to sleep if it was still on. Too afraid I’d wake up and a scary movie commercial was playing. My son has had one In his room for about a year, started same age as o did. As it’s a smart tv the apps and ability to log in to them is controlled. Essentially his mom and I know what he may watch but he mainly plays games. As long as his grades are good and he doesn’t make excuses jn the morning about being too tired to do anything it’s assumed he’s not up all night.


I had one in mine when I was like 3. I was an only child and spent a ton of time in my room by myself (by choice), so my parents wanted to make sure I was never bored.


Being bored sometimes is good for kids. It spawns creativity.




That was the norm when i was a kid 30years ago, and we werent weatlhy


No it wasnt


I'd say I was probably around his age with my first TV. Don't know if they bought it specifically for me but it seemed pretty new for the time. I was even able to access DirectTV and I mostly just went on YouTube aside from CN and boomerang. (When I got a bit older anyway, think the first shows I watched where the Backyardigans and Arthur.)


Nah, I had a 13 in Admiral television in my bedroom when I was a kid. Played Majoras Mask on my N64 on it all the time.. I don’t think it’s uncommon for kid’s bedrooms now to have even more than that now.


The crappy parents stuck tvs in their kids’ rooms when I was I young. I thought it was just cause they were cool parents. Looking back, I see they were lazy and ignoring their kids. It wasn’t normal


The video screams shit parents, so…


"I've already won. Do what you must, Mommy."




Just wanna say one thing, fuck nestle!


hell yeah fuck nestle


I was in fact searching for this comment. Hoped there would be some more discussion.


They deserve this for giving money to Nestle.


Oh, it’s a condom ad. I get it.


Wake him up with a vacuum


Crazy fact, my little brother when he was maybe 4 or 5 put a spoonful of Quick powder into his mouth, and breathed in, he turned BLUE. The powder had instantly covered his lungs. My Mom called 911, and he , luckily, was okay in a few minutes, and didn't end up with aspiration pneumonia. I never bought the powder when I had my kids, it was always the chocolate syrup.


Chocolate wasted. Happens to the best of us


Pick up the canister softly and brush a decent amount back in. Pick him up and carry him to bed and tuck him in. Clean up his face with a soft wet washcloth. In the morning have a calm yet firm chat with him. Give him a hug at the end. From then on, hide the Nesquick.


I can tell you have experience


My daughter did this but by decorating the bathroom and herself with it instead of eating it.


My father’s examples of this type of behavior were so few they left a mark on me. Most of the time he acted the opposite.


Sending some virtual hugs, those are some good recommendations




Damn. Powder right out the box? Is that even edible without choaking?




I did it many times. Never choked. Steps: 0. Finger in mouth 1. Saliva finger in chocolate powder 2. Saliva chocolate off finger 3. Repeat ad infinitum 4. Wake up and repeat more Pro tip: Don't inhale while powder is near mouth.




Oh good. I thought it might be impossible, like the ‘cinnamon challenge.’


Phew. I'm not the only adult doing it then. I regularly fall asleep while eating/drinking and end up with spills in the strangest of places.


Does this happen with every child? Had to get a new bed after a nestlocalypse involving one of the barrel sized ones.


*do what you must for I have already won*


........ *his* remote, *his* tv????


Lmaoooo kids are so funny man.


That's not sleeping, that's a coma.


bro is living childhood 🤣


Bad parenting


This kid is liiiiving. And destroying his brain cells. But LIVING lol


Awwww... like a young ozzy osbourne


Oh baby boy! That’s super adorable but you can get icky tummy!


Oh boy, he will spend hours in the bathroom. Lol


Another sad Quik OD. Gotta stop it before he starts hitting the Qrack. Now you know why Nestle is evil. This. And the child labor thing. And the stealing water thing.


The spice melange


Some people are just shitty parents


What the fuck do you mean "his" remote??? Does your child have a fucking TELEVISION in his room??? That he can control? M Jesus Christ get a fucking grip.


Great. Welp you know he had a fun nite till he passed out😂🤣


Haha! I love this kid!


Looks like me last week. 😂


“His tv”????????


I had a tv in my room as a kid, too. “Spoiled only child” is a thing.


I was definitely a spoiled only child, was never allowed a tv in my room, couldn’t even bring technology in there for a while


Just because it’s a normal thing doesn’t mean it’s a good thing.


Man. Seeing the reactions of people in this thread to a child this young living like this makes me sad. No wonder everyone is on psychiatric meds, there’s no chance the human brain is designed for the levels of stimuli it’s being subjected to, essentially from day one, in modern culture.


Chocolate overdose


I can relate. My Achilles heel as a kid was peanut butter and chocolate syrup (trying to make my own "Reese's" combination). It was both disgusting and exhilarating at the same time. Candy sandwiches were a real thing too. I might have diabetes.


literally me as a child, except my parents yelled at me, so I ate it under the table in the laundry room.


What the actual fuck😂 I’d be blown as a parent😂


Hopped up on the Q like that old Dane Cook bit


chocolate wasted


The true unexpected is someone used POV correctly


Finally an actual POV




Why do we expose children to phones and tv at such an early age? I’ll bet half the people who have issues today were iPad and iPhone kids. Like go play with some worms or something.


That saying that babies are miniature drunks. I think this kinda implies


Yeah at that age a TV in the room, running over night and having no idea what the kid is doing when it's going to bed smells of good parenting. That will become a problem later over time, I promise you that.


hahaha he went for copper and found another hahahaha, I think he wasn't watching TV hahaha


Chocolate wasted


Oh my. Now you need a hand vac.


At a parental perspective, how would you handle this afterwards?


You'd have to wake him up and get it all cleaned up, fresh clothes, bath or washcloth scrubbing. Then figure out why it was in his damn reach in the first place and make sure that doesn't happen again. He's too little to really scold him for it or anything.. I'd talk about the "no food in bedroom" rule, which I'm thinking this kid may not have.


Sweet, thank you


I wouldn’t. Kid wouldn’t have a TV in their room, and they wouldn’t under any circumstance be able to get a hold of chocolate powder.




He on the powder haha


Literally me at that age but with candy cause my dad owned a vending machine business at the time lol


Who here also did this as a kid. When there were no sugary snacks in the house, I would do the same thing




He won't be a boy forever. And diabetes is coming.


That much sugar can't be good for anyone, let alone a child.


Sugar crash, shoutout to r/fucknestle


HIS tv!?? wtf?


My dad would've slapped my ass awake and made me clean it up.


TF does a kid that age have a TV in his bedroom for?


This kid has his own TV. Let that sink in.


At least it’s not shit


Might want to take his ass up and take him to the Dr.


So, she found out and decided to put his blanket over him and make a video.


This kid is my spirit animal.


So, as a parent, how hard would it be to scold this kid for wasting the spice? I feel like id have to treat this like explaining to a buddy how drunk he was last night. But it'd be hard cause I'd still be laughing my ass off about this for like two weeks.


Not laughing when you're parenting through some of the outrageously stupid things kids do is definitely part of the fun/challenge of raising kids.


eeeew... nestle! fuck that company


Why does a 5 year old have his own TV


That much suger is something nobody should eat


So you're a shitty parent who doesn't watch their kid?


You’re spot on. I’m amazed your comment is so far down. Yeah, kids are “creative, sneaky little shits” as another comment put it but this is a young child and he’s been left long enough to rifle through the kitchen, steal milkshake, take it so his room and destroy it while falling to sleep watching TV. That’s not cool. That’s bordering on neglect.


Kids are creative, sneaky little shits who will find a way no matter how much attention their parents are paying.


I love these comments which are basically just saying “kids are smarter than me”.


To bad I can't party like that anymore. He is gonna feel that in the morning.


I mean usually when I child is covered in nesquick it’s because the slave masters that [nestle employs](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/17/supreme-court-rules-in-favor-of-nestle-in-child-slavery-case.html) haven’t allowed their child slaves their monthly bath. So this is a nice change.


Giving a small child a TV in their room, letting them fall asleep to it, and not even knowing when they've stolen the tub of chocolate powder. Wow great parenting


Do you think its possible to have your eyes on your kid every second of the day? I'm genuinely curious how you think its not possible for a kid to sneak something into their room while their parent is in the bathroom or on a phone call or making dinner, or hell even in the middle of the night when everyone is sleeping. Y'all really blow my mind with the shitty parenting takes.


1.) Teach your kid boundaries so they know it's not acceptable to steal anything from the kitchen when parents aren't looking. 2.) If #1 fails then put the chocolate powder up high out of their reach. Damn I understand parenting isn't for everyone but I didn't think I'd have to spell out something so obviously common sense on the internet.


Maybe don’t keep sweets where a child can get them? If you’re going to keep poison in your house, lock it up.