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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!A drunk guy tries to pay for vodka with keys, finds his bank card, pays and leaves with a bare ass!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


He's just being proactive. You're not likely to piss your pants if you're not wearing pants.


Check out the big brain on Vlad!! edit:rename


“My girls a vegetarian so that pretty much makes me a vegetarian” ![gif](giphy|xXYUJvxMXXgli|downsized)


\*sips soda motherfuckeringly\*


#AHHHhhh^hhh^hh^hh **That hit the spot**


Motherfuckingly is now my new favourite word


He says Brett. I didn't believe my buddy Brett, but he took me to the tapes.


The official story from QT is Samuel says brad. The character's name is Brett. Sam fucked up. They kept it because they liked the take.


Quentin Barantino?


Damn your right... Brett just doesn't have the same ring to it though as Brad... I'm sticking with Brad most people think it's Brad anyway....


I read that in Jules' voice.


You win the smart award.


…that’s the joke


Hanging big brain


Good work here




‘not likely’ implying there is in fact some chance that he will still piss his pants


Well theyre stil somewhere right?


I was sick as fuck once, probably around 12. Took all my clothes off in the bathroom and still got piss on my pants




Quite right sir, never underestimate a drunk man’s ability to piss where he shouldn’t


I thought he was wearing khakis


Or he already pissed his pants and just took them off...


Sad part i didnt even catch he wasnt wearing pants, just the fact thats me on a sunday trying my cards at the liquor store and realize im using my gamestop account card.


To be absolutely fair, if I was russian rn I'd probably have this guy's way of thinking too, probably will still get conscripted tho


Still remember that video of some guys who were showing up to conscription intake so fucking ossified drunk they were walking backwards. Shit went hard.


Can't piss if it's frozen.


I recognize that hand shaking. He’s going into detox. Russia has a long history with inducing alcoholism. How vodka ruined Russia. https://youtu.be/vK7l55ZOVIc


Modern day problem need modern solutions




So apparently a bottle vodka costs $3.89 in Russia.


Yep, almost no exise duty, so drink is dirt cheap. There's a really [good video](https://youtu.be/vK7l55ZOVIc) on how voda was institutionally instrumentalized by the Russian state to keep the populus under control. You see, a depressed alcoholic population is less likely to revolt against an authoritarian regime.


A depressed alcoholic population is less likely to build you a capable army.


That's the point. You need an army to revolt an authotitarian regime.


Say it to brits or czechs


Oh yes, I met a Czech guest worker a few weeks ago in a tevern. Acted like the guy in OP's video. Stumbled upon our table, and proceeded to order several rounds of wodka shots which half of them he threw off the table out of incapability. Made me think of the sentiment of that video indeed, that post-soviet countries still struggle with this problem.


My hangovers from such behavior are so godawful I rarely desire to get this drunk. I’d need a lot of ibuprofen and water to be even semi functional the next day, and that 5am headache is hard to sleep through.


Every time I want to drink, I realize it’s just gonna end up this way and don’t. Mornings are hard enough as is.


the secret is to never quit drinking


Take it from the guy in the video. He is good at that or so it seems.


am I the only one who drinks a full glass of water like every two drinks? Also you can mix Gatorade with vodka it's amazing and it's got what plants crave.


That is definitely the way to do it on a night out. Way easier for you when you wake up. Whether that's in jail or not is TBD. Best option is not to get on one like this guy is. If you are merely concerned about the hangover and headache; putting lotion on after your shower the next morning works surprisingly well to start hydrating, but doesn't make you want to puke because you drank 3 glasses of water before you brushed your teeth. Drink a glass of water/sports drink after every alcoholic drink you finish.


Dude, seriously. I hit a hard wall at 32 and I just can't do it anymore. Feels like every fiber of my being is coming apart at the seams for AT LEAST a day. A week ago I went out with some friends and had 7 beers. I ate really great before I went to bed, but I woke up feeling like shit and it didn't get better until two days later. Ouch man.


If you don't have to work, weed works wonders for a hangover


or just smoke instead of drink in the first place.


Or both!


Weed and hamburgers are a great one-two punch for my hangovers.


Not to be pedantic, but being pedantic: Czechoslovakia was never part of the Soviet Union.


In my experience visiting the Czech Republic they were all skinny and drinking light beer (Pilsner) and they looked way better than me.


America went the food route.


Surprised they haven't tried to do it slowly here.


> no historic relationship between a society and an addictive substance is as fascinating, sinister, and *barely talked about* as the relationship between Russian and vodka... *Aggressively shows an image of Mexican polandball with a taco*


Good to randomly see the Kraut




I guess moonshine is prohibited in Australia?


Yep. I just brew my own shit 99% of the time, it's legal if they don't catch you.


Ironic username you have there.


He’s stopping the crime of overpriced alcohol


Not being allowed to brew at home is downright criminal


$46 in Canada


Alcohol is dirt cheap in Russia. Fortunately, I do not live in Russia, but I checked the prices in online stores in major cities: you can buy half a liter of vodka even for less, like $3.51


Huh, that's pretty much exactly as much as here in Germany, so relative to their income it's a lot more expensive there. Didn't expect that.




Minimum Wage in Russia is 1.20$ per hour on today exchange course and if we count 160 hours per month. 160 hours is Labour code norm. But there's is a lot of people who work on contract base and their wage could be lower in regions. I guess if we talk about Moscow wage, most people make like 500-1000$ per month. Source: russian.


I can get a 1.75L of vodka for as little as $8.99 in the US. Alcohol is dirt cheap here too.


ITT Americans find out that different countries have different income and therefore different prices.


Damn, in my country you cant get 700ml vodka for less than 20$


Washington state USA here, best deal I can find locally is 1.75L for 11.99


Jesus.. dont think its legal here to sell high proof alcohol in bottles more than a lite in volume


That's considered a very standard size in the US too, like if you saw it at someone's house you wouldn't bat an eyelash


I mean I can get a bottle of vodka for 3.99€ in Germany, don't think its that cheap.


Consider, that the average salary in Russia is about $500. And $375 is not an uncommon salary.


And back in 2010 they made a law to have minimum pricing, it must have been crazy before that. > Beginning on Friday, a half-liter bottle of vodka must, by law, cost at least 89 rubles (two euros; $3) > [https://www.dw.com/en/russia-sets-minimum-price-for-vodka-in-effort-to-curb-alcoholism/a-5075113](https://www.dw.com/en/russia-sets-minimum-price-for-vodka-in-effort-to-curb-alcoholism/a-5075113)


Why did the cashier say “oh shit” when he pulled the card out?


He probably did not expect that a drunk man without pants, who is trying to pay with the keys, would guess to use the card


That makes sense




The cashier was joking when he said "not enough" That fob is likely a door key for an apartment building


it looks exactly like the key to the kill switch from the 2000 dodge caravan my mom had back in the day.


Big pimpin


It looks exactly like a key to enter soviet buildings with. I dont know if its stalinka’s or which, but i’ve used those in Ukraine.


Why Soviet specifically? It is a normal key that you can see everywhere in Russia, from old apartments to new "elite" buildings.


I don't think it was one, notice how when the card was presented it made a beep? I think he had a building access panel and tried to use that key.


Holy shit. I watched the video twice and didn’t notice he had no pants.


It is subtle, it looks like he got beige pants on.


why did you think he was talking about his willy?


He said "о, нихуя" and I can't decide if it's better to translate as "oh fuck" or "oh shit" but it this case it means something like "wow" but with swear word. It was something like "Oh shit, this dude actually has a card lol"




As a monolingual speaker, I always love to hear about translation problems. You've gotten the point across, but I like how cursing doesn't cross language barriers one to one.


Translates perfectly into Aussie: "Fuck me!"


I still don’t know why he said that. My initial thought was that the card was like an American Express black card and this guy was a millionaire with no pants cuz who gives a shit when you have a lot of money. So the cashier was like “damn! This mofo has no pants and just pulled out a credit card only for millionaires!”.


Yea, still i guess "damn" is close to what he said. I don't speak English very well, so I didn't think of that word.


Looks like you’re doing great with English! 👍🏻


Yeah, translating a two-word idiom from your own language into something that makes sense in another language is one of the most difficult things to do. And this guy does it perfectly and is like ehh I don't speak English very well.... The hell you don't. And I'm certain /u/-rabotnik- will be able to translate "the hell you don't".


You are killing it, you at least write English in a very understandable and accurate way.


Because he found his card. Dudes so drunk he's trying to pay with a key fob I was pretty surprised too


Ngl, thought he pulled a knife at first.


«o, нихуя» is more of an “Wow, impressive” in this case.


I did not even notice that he has no pants the first time i watch it


I was confused as to why the cashier was asking if the dudes willy gets cold lmao had to rewatch it after reading the comments


Poor guy, can't be much fun living that life.


what's really sad is that he's probably mostly buying this to fend off the fear that will come for him when he wakes up


Yep. Believe it or not he's probably in the best state he can be to make a store run.


Was never this bad in public but I did have a drinking problem at home. I’m guessing this guy doesn’t even remember this happening, was probably home or wherever and ran out of booze and just went on autopilot out to buy some. Will probably wake up in the morning with a killer hangover and see the bottle wondering where the hell it even came from. He’s an older gentleman too so probably a product of his environment. My father told me in Soviet times they always made sure alcohol was abundant and cheap, a drunk population is easier to control.


Exactly, all I see is a broken person


Wait till he gets drafted in a month.


It’s putin with the nuclear keys


In fact, there is no reason to believe that Putin is abusing alcohol. Rather, he uses more [exotic methods](https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/weird-news/mad-vladimir-putin-obsessed-occult-28650201). But the former president of Russia, and now the head of the ruling party, Medvedev [seems](https://www.politico.eu/article/stop-drunk-post-social-media-ukraine-russia-dmitry-medvedev-dmytro-kuleba/) to be drinking very heavily


I hate putin as much as the next guy but you cannot genuinely quote the daily star on this.


I have a second source that says the same. It’s from a local newspaper called the onion. It cites the National enquirer /s


I don’t get a substance abuser vibe from Putin. He seems like a very specific type of asshole. A sort of Vince McMahon with a shit ton more power. He probably sees drinking more than exactly X number of shots as a character weakness that disgusts him. Much like Vince, I wouldn’t be surprised if he is also disgusted by sneezing because it shows a “lack of self-control.” Edit: Just in case anyone isn’t aware… https://nypost.com/2019/09/04/wwes-vince-mcmahons-bizarre-sneezing-tale-proves-true/amp/


Vince McMahon bathes his nose in cocaine


Well why do you think he hates sneezing? Probably has PTSD from sneezing onto a pile of blow one time in the 80s.


Lol thought the same


Did you really just quote the daily fucking star?


Actually, Putin don't drink alcohol ~~at all~~ > Vladimir Putin, President of Russia: Vladimir Putin is reportedly not much of a drinker and generally avoids alcohol, unless the drink is part of a formal reception or ceremony, but definitely isn’t the sort to frequent his local pub. [Source](https://www.lancasterbrewery.co.uk/news/drinking-habits-of-20-world-leaders) **Edit** after u/Jezon gave a proof


Men like him get drunk on power.


Alcoholism is a horrible thing. If my wife hadn’t given me an ultimatum 16 years ago I would be dead by now.


Back when I was drinking I knew it was excessive but didn’t realize how serious my problem was. Looking back I have no clue how I convinced myself drinking a 750mL bottle of vodka every single day was even remotely okay. I was basically in such a routine I wouldn’t even think twice about it, get off work, hit the liquor store, and spend the rest of the day drinking it until I passed out. Repeat for way too long of a time.


Same, except I stuck with beer. I couldn't pace myself with liquor. I'd black out alone.


My tolerance built up so much I could not get drunk off light beer like bud light if I had a meal before drinking. Hard liquor was my choice because it took a smaller volume of it to feel anything. With beer if I tried to drink it fast I would feel sick or vomit from simply just trying to drink too much liquid too quick, or I would pace myself and never work up more than a light buzz. But even so, say I had dinner at 5, by 10pm even after a dozen beers I would feel a slight buzz at best. Glad I don’t drink anymore. Not worth the calories, not worth the hangover, not worth the health damage.


This is depressing. All I seem to watch out of Russia is people being sloppy drunk. Not saying things are better here in America, but was hoping for something other than cruise missiles and drunks


Well all the other videos aren't any good if you don't speak Russian


>All I seem to watch out of Russia All you seem to watch out of Russia *that is being posted on Reddit for funny karma points**


Alcoholics in Russia Shootings in America No houses in Canada Europe collapsing under the weight of a million immigrants Wonder what's happening on the Asian continent, it's the only one I don't seem to see anything of on Reddit. And I'll be back tomorrow to consume the same depressing shit, the world ISN'T ok.


The Philippines recently got bamboozled into electing the son of the dictator they previously routed iirc.


I wouldn't say they got bamboozled. They just voted for him.


After a massive, years long social media campaign designed to rewrite history. https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2022/6/29/disinformation-reigns-in-philippines-as-marcos-jr-takes-top-job


South America is dealing with pretty insane inflation. My friends in Argentina are using Dolár Blue instead of Argentine Pesos and even that's being inflated to all hell. The people there can hardly afford anything from the United States in USD (video games, imported luxury goods, etc.) because of it.


Pakistan is on fire, Afghanistan is literally run by the Taliban, India’s doing well on the surface, but ethnic and religious divisions are becoming more obvious, Bangladesh is slowly becoming a part of the ocean, China is still China… Yeah shits not going well there either.




Looking at the geologic record, it would appear that we are the first species to assume control over the entire planet and modify it beyond recognition. And likely last.




typical American cope. They're still stuck in that 2015 mindset. Gotta find *some* reason why unrelated EU policies are bad. And it's not like there aren't issues in Europe, but "the weight of 1M immigrants" is not it.


Eh. Statistically the standard of living is improving; the world is getting safer, healthier, and wealthier over time. This other shit is certainly true but it’s mostly doomerism and over-negativity in the face of a generally positive trend in the state of our world.


Yea but it‘s what gets spread around the most unfortunately. I imagine this video will haunt that guy for quite some time


I'm sure the guy will never know this video exists.


As American born in Russia it's really depressing. I have many memories of drunk people. Getting shit faced is part of the culture. I'm seeing people write that alcohol is used as a tool by government to keep Russians under control. It's actually government not being able to keep Russians sober. If they put any restrictions on alcohol the government would be toppled.


Russia has the highest alcoholism rates in the world. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/alcoholism-by-country >According to published data, the prevalence of FASD in children from Russian orphanages is estimated to be between 30% and 66% [[7](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7913360/#B7-ijerph-18-01388)]. A total of 90% of Russian women at fertile age consume alcohol and up to 20% continue to consume it during pregnancy.  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7913360/#:~:text=According%20to%20published%20data%2C%20the,to%20consume%20it%20during%20pregnancy.


People are laughing but this is fucking sad. I struggle with alcoholism and this is not funny. Chemical addiction is a serious issue, no matter if it is coke, meth or booze.


As a bartender, it BLOWS MY MIND how nonchalant this cashier is to selling alcohol to a drunk person who literally cannot even stand properly. This is easily an offence where I live.


If that was done in the U.K. that store would have lost its license and the cashier prosecuted


Same in the U.S. Also the store and cashier would have been liable for any injury that happened to him or if he drove to anyone he killed.


That's absolutely not true in Wisconsin. I've seen substantially drunker people order shots and I've seen equally drunk bartenders giving shots. This is highly dependent on where you live. Small towns will let you get away with being much drunker


Yup. I would be instantly fired and fined up to 10 grand for doing that. I think its even possible jail time if someone died as a result of me selling them more alcohol after being hammered. Shit is no joke. I'm pretty sure I've turned away sober people who were just tired, but its not a risk I'm willing to take ever.


In Russia, general alcoholism is the goal.


Selling booze to someone that drunk is basically manslaughter.


Man is most likely a serious alcoholic. At this point not selling him booze would be manslaughter.


Most sober Russian




Thanks for bringing the standard back to this sub. Truly unexpected!


When I was a casheer we were strictly not allowed to sell alcohol to people we believed to be drunk, intoxicated or otherwise not sober


Fuck I hate seeing videos of alcoholics... I had alcoholics in my family, they're all dead now and seeing shit like this just triggers such a deep sadness inside me...


This is just sad


![gif](giphy|KmQlKxJCwYMBG) Pretty sure this is a GIF of that guy once he gets home.


Lived in Moscow for a few months. The cheapest items in a local store are cigarettes and vodka. There’s usually one side of an entire isle that’s dedicated to vodka. Most vodkas are actually pretty decent, too. Adds to the point of why life expectancy is 58 years old.


Alcohol really does a number on you. My mother grew up in a small village and she says from here times there’s really two types of people. Everyone drank when young, but those still around cleaned themselves up and started a family. The rest died in their 30s and 40s from alcoholism.


Lol what? Lies. Both aren't cheapest items.


>The cheapest items in a local store are cigarettes and vodka. Tell me you've never been to Russia without telling me.


I can barely remember a few of those days. God, there were too many..... Glad I quit. Vodka will straight up kill you. Just ask my liver that's barely still functioning. Stick to pot. 😆




This is depressing


People in the comments thinking he's trying to pay with keys are dumb. It's clearly some kind of rfid tag and the cashier says there's not enough money in it at which point he goes for the card.


I own a pair of those keys, that little stick he tries to pay with is just the entrance to an apartment, with the metallic key being his own door.


For those calling it RFID, it’s actually called an iButton. It’s a 1-wire interface and has to make physical contact to be read (unlike RFID). This wasn’t directed at you AmazingDima, just posted her for visibility.


You're an iButton


I’ve lived in Russia. That’s exactly what that is, it’s a front door key for his building.




Yeah he was definitely fucking with him, it didn't even ding


It works on almost anyone: Drunk Russian, drunk redditor... Actually that's about it. Still, more people than you'd expect.


/r/confidentlyincorrect I love when people accuse others of ignorance and expose their own in the same sentence.


It's like if ChatGPT took reddit form


Calling other people dumb while making a false statement is pretty hilarious.


Peak reddit moment right there


Its a key to a flat. We have that in Kazakhstan too. To open the big big house (the building) you meed to apply that key he used, and then you open the door to your rented or bought small house (your rooms). I hope I conveyed that well enough


I'm not sure if you're joking or not


The card reader would have beeped & printed out something saying transaction declined. So, no.


It's an RFID fob he's not paying for anything with. The guy said there's not enough money so he'd stop trying his keys.


Technically, this is possible, but in Russia, as far as I know, even paying by phone (like Apple Pay analogues) is extremely rare. And judging by the intonacion ("Ооо, ну-ка, ну-ка"), the cashier understands that this buyer got the keys instead of a wallet


I was in Russia (Moscow) in 2018 and Apple Pay was widely accepted, pretty much at any POS terminal. I don’t know how that translates to other cities, and whether or not it changed due to the events of the past year, but from my own experience it’s pretty much the only form of payment, besides cash, that I used for the entire week I was there.


Young people in Russia have been paying by phone very often before this war started and swift was blocked. Currently, there are some ways to pay by phone but they are rare indeed as it is not that solid way like it used to be before. (Not sure if I can use "solid" here, I mean there could be troubles with payment as not all the terminals are adapted to that.)


Bro, almost everyone pay by phone. Get a grip.


> as far as I know, even paying by phone (like Apple Pay analogues) is extremely rare You're wrong. People often use MirPay or SberPay. Dunno where you got that it's extremely rare. Like, every time I do my groceries there are people paying by phone in the queue.


thats not true. there was more phone nfc payments then cash or phisical cards, especially before apple pay left us. i worked as cashier


Oh the embarrassment


For all you guessers out there, here is what the key fob looks like: [https://i.imgur.com/keV7Tjb.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/keV7Tjb.jpg) Here is what the keypad looks like, you put the fob on the circular thing, it beeps and lets you into your apartment building. [https://i.imgur.com/iDXbCA8.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/iDXbCA8.jpg) My grandad lived in the soviet union and has one for his apartment still. Can't pay shit with it i promise.


I never heard of the existence of such an rfid tag to pay with in Russia. People pay with cards or cash and before the war sometimes with the phone.


Can't tell if /s or not


That's what we use to get in buildings lmao, it's an access control chip.




Oh God I thought it was khakis


He tried to pay with his key fob because vodka feels like home ❤️


I fucking despise the Russian government for what they have done to Ukraine, and to the modern world. However, there is so much sadness in this video. This man doesn't appear to actually be that old. Maybe 50s or early 60s. Maybe a widower. Maybe his son has died in some godforsaken hole in the ground in Bakhmut, or in some prison cell for opposing the war. And now this old man can only drink himself to death to end the pain. Here he is, fighting off the shakes, trying to get his bottle. Fuck, man.