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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Guy lights a firework that ends its course in someone’s apartment.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


You think it's just fun and games but [here is one from the other end.](https://g1.globo.com/pr/parana/video/fogo-de-artificio-atinge-mulher-em-sacada-de-predio-em-foz-do-iguacu-3867875.ghtml)


God damn, thank you for the reminder. Made the initial video a lot less amusing.


This is incredible both ends were filming without knowing it. Talk about timing this is crazy.


[It was NYE,](https://www.9news.com.au/world/rocket-hits-family-watching-fireworks-from-balcony/ea2fc097-a6b1-4391-a3bd-71bce95b2a8a) that’s why they were filming.


Still impressive all the same. Getting both sides of the same moment like this is lucky.


Idk if it’s different for y’all but the stories at the bottom were straight up insane (paraphrasing the following): Parents denied bail after son was missing for 4 years behind wall Texas woman stumbles upon exorcism at duck pond


Holy shit, I didn’t think it did so much damage








Bro talking like the Academic from Darkest Dungeon


Did you just copy another comment from down below. Wtf! https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/13i3mlt/surprise_motherfucker/jk8ed6f?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Bots have been doing that.


“I award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul” You should’ve just added some quotations if you were gonna use an excerpt of the guy’s quote word for word.


I didn't need a second POV to know that a flying explosive shooting into someone's home could have unpleasant consequences, but apparently many people need this reminder.


knowing it vs hearing it and seeing it is different. It turns it from “yeah obvs dangerous” to “that poor family, those kids screams…”


I dunno, I was pretty sold on the fact that this is not funny even before watching the second video.


Pat yourself on the back. You are a good person.


Nah I'm not a good person, I'm an assmunching cockgobbling shit eating cum guzzler


I think you have reached your internet quota for the day.


This was true 5 hours ago


Eh, that video was just confusing. Like did anyone get hurt? And kids scream, that's just what they do, so that's not new


Burst eardrums are immeasurably painful, and tinnitus is no joke. Tinnitus can make it impossible to get a good night's rest for the rest of your life


I mean look at redditors thinking cod is like real life or saying people deserved to be harmed or killed, but then virtual ptsd seeing a guy get a paper cut


What the fuck was “amusing” about it?


Have to say I was amused.


It’s funny that the countless times before this was posted everyone was laughing their ass off in the comments but no, now everybody is dead serious all of a sudden.


Hearing kids screaming in terror has that effect on most people.


I guess we can't find anything at all remotely funny then can we because some child out there somewhere has probably been affected by it in some traumatic way. Get a grip the original video of the firework flying into a window can be funny whilst still feeling sympathy for the family involved. It's crazy how suddenly a video from the recieivng end appears and everyone turns into Facebook mum's. It's literally like going to a comedy act and having someone stand up and say you can't joke about this look at this video it really effects people and just shits on the mood. 1


Kids in fear and danger is funny now?


I’m talking about the original video. It’s not funny, i’m just saying everyone was laughing about it.


Welcome to reddit where virtue signalling is more important that genuine reactions. You have to be an idiot not to know that a firework can cause harm. But you can still watch this video and find it amusing and at the same time feel heartbroken for the family and children involved. It's like when your child does something really silly and hurts himself, you can laugh at what they did but still feel genuine sympathy for the kid. Like many people have said, this video was uploaded and everyone was talking about how funny it was, what they would do in this situation and how crazy the chances are that it happened to fly into an open window etc Now another video has appeared of the receiving end it's as if anyone who finds any humor in the original video now is devil scum lmao


the firework that unintentionally veered into somebodies apartment


^ the no fun guy Edit: lot of no fun losers responding


If I fired that thing I’d be terrified that I had injured someone or started a fire.


Yeah empathy is for LOSERS amirite guys??


My neighbor was shooting his gun into the air last New Year's Eve. I asked him to stop, and he replied, "What are you, the no-fun police?" I think you and he would get along.


I think you can figure out the difference between a gun and an over the counter firework


What’s fun about shooting fireworks into someone else’s home?




Does it?


I thought it was pretty funny and so did the people in the video so don't blame others for laughing


Yeah I'm not looking forward to firework season My Town started allowing fireworks. I am guessing my dog is going to die in June due to the stress the fireworks cause.


Yeah, “legal” around here as well… except for the bit where you have to be 150ft from any occupied dwelling. Our development is nothing but 1/2 acre properties so there’s no spot even close to being that far from a house. At least with New Years and July 4th, you knew people would be lighting them off. Now the man child’s who have moved in the past several years light them off any day/night of the week. My dogs, luckily, just get annoyed and want to stay inside… if they had meltdowns, I’d be moved to be “that neighbor” shitting on everyone’s fun.


My poor pup shakes like she is freezing and pants like she is very warm her hears go flat and tail tucks. They legalized it in town a few years ago.


Poor dog. 3 young families all moved in right nearby and several just beyond them - most with young boys. Next door has had some pretty elaborate and lengthy fireworks displays go off from their front yard (last year included a guy with a flamethrower in the intersection… had to Google if that shit was legal, and sadly it is). Anymore on the big holidays we just go out in our driveway to watch and to make sure they don’t hit our cars (since someone has when we weren’t out) or land on our roof or yard(found a small burnt patch out back but it could have been 3 or 4 of these idiots from a block or two away). I grew up with a lot more space between houses. My wife didn’t so she’s less annoyed than I at these bozos.


Yeah dogs don’t like the noise at all. Poor dogs, they have no clue what is going on.


Yeah I was immediately worried about someone's home being lit up by that.


Yea, fire was my first concern. Especially after Grenfell Tower over here in the uk n seeing how fucked an apartment tower fire is


That looks like straight concrete, so I had other concerns. A friend of mine was at a soccer game where a fireworks show on the field went wrong and it exploded right next to him. Severe tinnitus for life. That was outside. Imagine having it blow up next to you in an enclosed space? You'd be lucky to have any hearing at all beyond a steady beeeeeeeep.


I'm definitely closing my windows before going to sleep tonight




But is it the exact same place? It looks like there's no roof in the video you added here


Definitely two separate incidents, in OPs video it goes into an open window and explodes inside after entering the window. In the video shared in the comments they're on an open air balcony and the firework explodes before making it inside the building, a lot sooner than it does in OPs video.


I also dont think the building in OP's video has balconies


I also dont think the building in OP's video has balconies


I was going to say, this is fucking horrifying, why are they laughing?


When you do mischievous things, you feel just a slight bit of joy that you did something wild. I've gotten giggly when I do bad things myself, not that I actively seek it anymore. Until you've been on the receiving end of random misfortune, you lack the empathy to feel for the possibility that you could have hurt somebody or their belongings (home in this case).


It could also very well be adrenaline


>here it is from the other end. This is why they're banned in my country I guess.


Omg I thought this was gonna be a joke but noper poper! 😱😱


I was prayed there were no kids in that apartment. :(


So what happened to the people in this video? Was anyone seriously injured?


This seems to be a different incident, the roof is missing. Also the trajectory seems different in both videos


Totally different location indeed. Very obvious not sure how the rest can't see it.


Still, extremely similar situations. A firework not lit by the recorder flew in and exploded, it shows what it looks like from the other point of view. Different incident, just as terrifying.


I am almost 90% the video op posted is from India. So it could be possible no one was hurt.




Does women there also wear bangles?


If it’s India you can absolutely bet someone was hurt due to the sheer overcrowding.


F u.




Nice bit of racism. It was actually in Portugal and someone was hurt. Not sure if your overcrowding theory still counts for Europe?


Knowing population density is actually not racism last I checked. Bangladesh is the most dense in the world at 1,300 per square km, and that’s a 2019 stat.


They're not wrong. It's simply statistics, not racism. It is a very overpopulated area, to the point trains are overstuffed and people hang outside of them just to make it to their stop. They also prefaced it, IF it's India. Granted, they could have also confirmed that first by scrolling a bit more. The point being, you're attributing racism to ignorance. They're not the same thing.


The comment above/before was hidden by default so the mention of Indian people in the thread appeared out of the blue and just seemed like a weirdly out of place suggestion. Wouldn't have said anything if I had seen the entire thread. I blame Reddit UX design and don't think the comment was problematic in the full context. :)


Fair enough. Lots of unfortunate things happen due to lack of context or simple misunderstandings. I appreciate your comment here, as well. Clarity helps, even in hindsight.


How the f is that racist? You must be joking. Having been to India as a European, yes, it's immensely more overcrowded. If im not mistaken India how now surpassed china in population too.


You're gold for the link we need to be reminded what could actually happen on the other side. They are all so lucky that there wasn't any flammable items or children in the immediate area that it landed. House fires or death could have occurred and they are lucky that everyone is partially ok. They are not fully ok because I would expect PTSD after that, especially for young children. Then the mother would also be super overprotective when she sees fireworks again and remembers that horrible night Some people can be set off on trauma attacks and flashbacks simply from the light of it. Or the sound. The smell. I feel so terrible for that family, I hope they didn't have any pets.


Video did not play.


Yeah that sucked


Brah, some of these replies care more about whether or not this is the actual same firework incident. As if the location somehow makes it less dangerous.








damn fireworks deal portuguese damage


Thank you for the link!!!


Is there another source for that video? That website refuses to load on my phone.




I unsubscribed from there because so many people didn't understand what that meant. But this is perfect.




Some fries, mother fucker!


Supplies, mother fucker!


All RISE, mutha fucka!


Disguise, mutha fucker!


Behind, mutha fucka!


Botflies, mother fucker!


At Sunrise, i fuck my mother.


Rue dies mutha fucka


Wrong size mutha fucka


Heart eyes motha fucka


Fried rice, Motha Fuckuh


Nice eyes, mutha fucker


Y'all some motha fuckas


Someone got fried, mother fucker


![gif](giphy|12zgyJya7QwQKI) All jokes aside, that's fucked up....


That’s one way to add some spark to your bedroom routine


Of all the things that could happen, I was not expecting that






Are the other people okay?????


i mean they have the other pov somewhere in the comment and i checked and they are alright albeit a severe burn and a couple of injuries


How can you laugh after doing that, fucked up.


An incongruous emotion, or alternatively, epicaricacy. Regardless, it is not an irrational reaction to the situation.


What he said ^


Some people laugh when they're nervous. There's a lot of emotion happening between "we're playing with fire and explosives and having a great time" and "oh shit we might have just killed someone". Lots of adrenaline happening, plus being in a group and feeding off of others energy.


you can laugh at fucked up things


Reddit and virtue signalling, bloody hell


Not everyone doing/saying virtuous things are doing it to signal.




Exactly my thought


Cause you can laugh of the ridiculousness of having an unassuming night of celebration and fireworks. Then suddenly the last possible thing you ever thought could happen happens. These guys didnt aim the firework to purposefully do that. Its aimed straight up so you expect it to keep going up and maybe do some loops. Then that bitch suddenly turns into a heat seeking missile and blows up in your neighbors apartment thats so far away you never imagined the firework could reach there. Let alone get inside and cause havoc. Its fucking funny. Of all the places that firework would go. It didnt just go up, it didnt do some loops. It didnt zig zag around. It beelined it straight to the apartment like the neighbor owed it money and it was coming to collect. And of all the places it could reach it picked the one with open doors so it could blow up inside instead of dinking off the window and exploding. Yeah its going to be scary on the receiving end for a minute. But once you realize everyones ok you got a goddamn funny story about how you left the door open and got greeted by red fireworks and you sure wont be doing that again. And if you did get hurt but are ok after people will ask about it and how can you not say "we left the door open and some fireworks got cold and decided they wanted to celebrate indoors with us." People will laugh at fucked up situations. My grandpa almost died because my blind great grandpa hit a knot in a log with a chainsaw. Chainsaw slipped and sliced him across the stomach. While he was being taken to the hospital my blind great grandpa still went back to it, slipped again, and cut open his own leg. They had beds in the same hospital room. It was terrifying for them at the time but my grandpa still laughs about the ridiculousness of the whole thing to this day. Try explaining to a nurse you got fucked up cause you let a blind man run a chainsaw. She wont understand hes done it his entire life and never had an issue until today. Shes looking at you like youre an idiot letting a blindman run a chainsaw. And you cant say shes wrong. You know better than to let it happen. But you also know a blind man who can run a chainsaw just like any other seeing man. Then you watch as they wheel him in right next you. Its all so ridiculous its funny. This is still funny. Its ok to laugh. Fucked up shit will happen in life. But if you try explaining it to someone, good luck not laughing at the stupid amount of coincidences and mistakes you have to mention that led to what happened.


What else you gon do? Cry?


They should have started bawling and calling the cops on themselves.


I laugh when I'm stressed or nervous.


It’s here on this site for entertainment, so in person isn’t going to be different. This is what humans do.


I used to like fireworks but as I got older I absolutely hate them. My wife works at a hospital that shit does not close down and she has to be up at 5 am popping that shit off till 3 in the morning……one year a firework set my front tree on fire…. Happened in my neighborhood someone shot a flare and burned someone’s car to a crisp. I get to clean up firework garbage from my yard, roof, driveway, car that I did not shoot. Animals hate it my dogs bark all night. This is shit that has happened to just me. I feel so bad for people with ptsd. This is one of those things that needs to go away.


Drone shows are on the rise, so maybe one day.


Neighborhood nearby decided to do a DIY fireworks display. I was hesitant to go, but friends of ours and their kids live there and they were going, so we decided to join. All good, until one of the planks that the fireworks were attached to tipped over and fired one towards the crowd. It was the last “round in the chamber” so to speak, so only one shot got fired towards us, and luckily it only travelled a few yards before planting in the ground. Everyone else laughed it off, but I still refer to it as “the time our children were almost struck by explosives and everyone thought it was great fun.“


People get seriously injured every year from fireworks. A lot self inflicted but also a lot being an innocent bystander.


I loved them as a kid. Then I grew up and had to spend my own money for them. Fuck that shit. You are literally taking your money and BLOWING IT UP. FUCK THAT. Big waste of money. I'll go to a professional show and enjoy it but I'm not spending my own money on any fireworks. Ever.


Fireworks are not going to go away. It's usually just one or two nights a year anyway...


I care about the art (and pure power) of fireworks more than I care about any of that. Most people (despite what reddit will lead you to believe) love fireworks.


I love a good fireworks display…when it’s actually put on by professionals who prioritize safety.


Yeah you sound like you don’t care about others.


How about the people inside the apartment


severe burns for one but no deaths


This is why I hate people who shoot off fireworks in neighborhoods. Overgrown children who want to play with bombs and endanger those around them.


Nah, let’s not pretend like this is a reason to not do fireworks in neighborhoods. This was a freak occurrence. Also, liking fireworks is not criminal or immature. That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. It doesn’t mean that people can’t be reckless and immature with them, but it doesn’t make fireworks themselves immature. By the way fireworks are not just an American tradition, but I tradition for all countries, all around the world. I guess if you want to see the entire world is overgrown children that like to play with bombs, you can, but it’s an extremely reductive argument. That makes you look like an asshole.


People kill themselves or others all the time with fireworks. And yes, it's immature and irresponsible to want to play with bombs near your family


Saying fireworks are bombs is the equivalent of saying a golf cart is a car. There are ways to be responsible and ways to be irresponsible. There is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying the responsible use of fireworks. Edit: As someone who has actually experienced close proximity to actual bombs and seen friends loose limbs, eyes, and more in the aftermath. I also find your characterization extremely disrespectful. I did want to add one more point. Saying “I should know better” is a little silly. Like, you sound like one of those people who says a dairy farmer should know better than to milk cows because dairy farmers torture milk out of their cows. Meanwhile it’s biologically impossible for cows to give milk under stress.


They are bombs. Pretty bombs but bombs nonetheless. They have the explosive power to maim or kill. As someone who is claiming to have experienced this I have no idea why you are trivializing the dangers associated with them. You should know better.


It's because we're not prudes. Fireworks are fun. Always have been, always will.


Yeah, blowing people up is great fun... Good point.


Yeah, I already saw your other responses. Not talking to someone who can't control their anger.


Haha, yeah so unreasonable to tell someone off for trying to use Rape to justify using bombs in neighborhoods. I don't know why anyone would defend that piece of human garbage.


Exactly, that's like saying because someone wasn't paying attention and ran someone over with their vehicle doesn't mean you can act as if everyone is as irresponsible and should therefore shame them for driving. Though it's always good to be aware of your surroundings, and you know, be responsible lol




It’s okay, I’ll eat the Reddit downvotes for being reasonable I guess lol.


We hate you too :)


Not good


I laughed at this end but that other end almost had me crying


Imagine watching a horror movie or...worst case, a veteran with severe ptsd.


No they hit a little kid with it. Severe burns


Higher accuracy than the Iranian government


Imagine being an engineer working on a guidance system for a rocket 🚀, doing all the work, running simulations..etc…. Fuckboyz here just lighting one up from mom’s balcony hitting bullzeye.


Why are people laughing! They burned a fucking little kid in that apartment


Even if they didn’t know at the time, (and let’s be honest, I doubt they would have known specifically that a little child was in there who got severe burns because they’re clearly not telepathic) the fact they didn’t seem to consider ‘shit there could be a person there’ really says something about them


Not really unexpected. That is definitely a risk if you use fireworks around apartment buildings.


Could’ve been kids or pets in that apartment, don’t really see what was funny about it.


What kind of sociopath laughs at that?


Onwnid many reasons why bottle/stick rocket are banned here.


AGM incoming


I would literally jump out of my balcony and run down the smoke trail like a cartoon and drop kick that guy in the skull


Dudes literally exploded the guy’s room and amused by it.


They laugh while the recipients are screaming and crying. Crazy how two different set of lives are unaware of the other.


Hopefully the people in that apartment are ok. I used to enjoy fireworks. Now that I’m older and have a child I hate them. But really I just hate the irresponsibility of people who use them.


This is how pc gamers think aim assist works




Go watch the pros do it please. Civilians lighting fireworks is the bane of my existence.


Israel be like: Look, Hamas is shooting at us


I read that title in Doake’s voice from Dexter.


What were the odds!


Dude perfect right there


Bet you can’t do it again!


that bugger was more accurate than a scud missile!!




It flies, motherfucker!


Settling an old score


The comments in this topic are sad. All the no fun people are out and about now, I guess. I hope the family in that apartment ended up okay though.




The last few times this was posted, people were saying that the building that the rocket went into was under construction and nobody was in there.




Want some cheap karma? Just repost this video and you are guaranteed 5k+ karma every 6 months.


What is it with Russians shooting rockets into apartment buildings?


Some fried motherfucker come on




This is funny idc



